Here's part  two of the story written by one of the members here. The story doesn't reflect what i would really do, but it is just fantasy and it is a fun, wild read. Enjoy


The guest, her bare feet and his balls (part 2)


As I lay there on the floor watching Suzy walk away, her feet slapping on her flip flops with every step I became more aware of the pain in my balls and the laughter of the women who had witnessed my public busting at the knees and feet of Suzy.


One of the women walked up to me and crouched down to my level, “Are you ok? She asked stifling a giggle, Can I get you anything? Ice perhaps? That looked like it really hurt, Suzy is quite well known for bringing a man to his knees, just a shame you didn't know that before you agreed to be kicked in the balls by her” “I didn’t agree” I protested before the woman cut me off. “ Well if you ever fancy trying it again, here is my number...but be warned I play HARD” She smiled handing me her card before turning on her heels and heading back to her friends.


 I could not believe what was happening, had I by chance ended up at some ballbusting BBQ that I did not know about? Was I just target practice for willing women to practice their kicks and knees on? Had my Law of Attraction finally come to fruition in a very exciting, humiliating and painful way? What I did know is that I had another meeting with Suzy to attend and although my balls were sore, bruised and slightly swollen, my cock hardened at the thought of taking Suzy up on her offer, the thought of her strong, high arched feet slamming into my vulnerable and tender balls, her strong legs kneeing my balls flat against my pelvis and her knuckles turning white as she squeezed my nut flesh between her fingers.


I slowly got to my feet, once again hiding the erection that I was sporting in my linen pants. Most people had now moved on from the ballbust show they witnessed and had carried on with their conversations as though nothing had happened, as though this was just a normal activity to see a man rolling on the floor after having his nuts kicked up into his throat by a barefoot woman.


Two of the younger girls, one of which had asked her Mom earlier if Suzy was really going to kick me in my private parts were still laughing like the schoolgirls they were. “Hey mister...enquired the young teen…”How do your balls feel?” They both burst out laughing, “Suzy really taught you a lesson there mister, got you flush in both your balls” said the other. “How about we both try?” asked the first girl, We both take karate, I am a black belt and Sarah is a blue belt, we may both be very young and have small feet but I bet we could make you wish you never had balls when our feet rearrange your nut sack with our karate kicks” “C’mon mister how about it”? She extended her leg into a snap kick position pulled her toes back, exposing the ball of her barefoot and smiled at me….”just one kick….pleeeeease?” As exciting a thought as it was to have my balls kicked by two young very keen barefoot teens, I had to decline. This was something I dreamed of happening while I was in school, but now as I was nearly three times their age, I did not wish to go down that road as tempting as it was, besides my balls were still very sore and I needed to recover before finding Suzy again for round two.


As I regained my composure I decided to head into the house to check on my balls and then find my BBQ ballbuster and her cock hardening feet. I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a drink only to hear a voice behind me ask. “Looking for me?” It was Suzy! Leaning against the doorframe with one ankle crossed behind the other again showing off her arch and sole.


I could not help but look down at her feet as my penis stiffened even more at such a sight. “Hey!” I am up here, I get that you are hypnotised by my feet, but be a Gentleman and look me in the eye when I address you, unless you want to feel what these feet can really do?”


 “I, I…...I ….ummmm, errrr” I spluttered and blushed….sorry I didn’t mean to” “It seems that from what I can see that you are sporting in your pants, that you are very much looking for me and would love to see what these feet of mine can really do….isn’t that right?” Suzy asked, toying with me, purposely pointing and arching her feet, bringing me under her spell and control.


 “Yes please Suzy, I whispered, please show me what your feet can really do” At this point I was like a fly caught in a web, a deer in the headlights, willing to accept whatever this barefoot beauty had in store for me. Like a cat with a mouse, Suzy slowly walked up to me and circled around me as though planning her attack, my cock at this point was at full mast and leaking pre cum at the predicament I once again found myself in. “Well to really appreciate what my feet can do, I think you should take off your pants…..and underwear” Suzy nonchalantly stated. I stood there in my now customary speechless, open mouthed position, both shocked and extremely excited as to what I just heard. “Just do it!” Suzy demanded, if anything it will free that hard cock of yours and give me a far cleaner shot at your balls….so c’mon, hurry up, I haven't got all day, let’s get those nuts kicked and busted”


 Under Suzy’s spell, I started to remove my pants and underwear exposing my very hard cock, shiney and wet at the tip from precum and my clearly bruised and swollen naked balls. “My my it looks like you are very excited indeed to see what my feet can do, even though your balls still look so sore from my last lesson, let’s see if I can give them even more colour and size”


Suzy reached out and took my discoloured balls in her hand and gave them a gentle squeeze, slowly bringing her fingers together so that my nutsack oozed between the gaps in her fingers the harder she squeezed as though testing their firmness and durability I gasped as her grip tightened before she suddenly clenched her teeth and at the same time she clenched her fist around my balls…..causing a shock to flow through my body and attack and heighten every nerve within me, I started to scream but Suzy placed her hand over my mouth to silence me, whispering in my ear to “Take it” “Got you by the balls eh?” Said Suzy between clenched teeth. “Open your fucking eyes and look at me when I’m squeezing you, watch how my tiny hands could squash your balls to mush if I wanted to”


Suzy started to giggle as strange high pitched noises came out of my mouth and yet more pre cum leaked from my cock head. The pain and pleasure was intense in my nutsack and and I really thought my balls were going to pop at any second. I felt myself getting dizzy and losing consciousness, when suddenly Suzy released her tight grip on my screaming softies, dropped to one knee and SPLAT! swung the most perfect and full force uppercut punch dead centre right between the posts flattening my balls hard against my pelvis, the effort Suzy had put into that punch showed both in her expression and her karate style HAAAA! Matched with my ARRRRRRRRGH! Almost as though she was trying to punch my balls right up into my stomach and out of my mouth. Unbelievably two more uppercuts followed, SMACK! BAM! just as hard, just as accurate and just for good measure she threw another uppercut to the tip of my dick followed by a right hook, causing a whole new pain to engulf my senses.


My whole groin was on fire, my balls heavily bruised and swollen, my cock although still hard had a very bruised tip from those no holds barred punches. It was then Suzy stood back up in front of me to look directly into my eyes, a smile on her face, so assured, so sexy, so alluring , once again I was hypnotized by her dominance and beauty.


“You took my handiwork very well there. Good boy, not many would be able to withstand my uppercuts, the Suzy slammers as I call them, how about now we see how well you can take my feet! But as a reward maybe you would like to hold my very worn, very smelly ballet flat over your nose to add to the sensation? To not only feel my barefoot slamming into your exposed, naked vulnerable balls but to sniff deep the scent and aroma, the very essence of the feet, my sweaty feet to be exact that are controlling your manhood and very being...would you like that?”


Not for the first time that day, I was speechless, never had I been in so much pain, yet never had I been so aroused. Hearing these words from Suzy’s mouth, watching her lift her feet up, point and arch them in my direction sometimes dangerously close to my cock and balls, showing me her slightly dirty bare soles as I stood there, burning pain in my groin reminding me what these feet could do. “I think you would like that” Suzy knowingly stated as she slowly brought her warm, heavily scented ballet flat closer to my nose. I could see the dark toe imprints from years of wear as she placed it fully over my nose and mouth, she told me to hold it there and sniff deep. Once the smell hit me and invaded my nostrils, my balls seemed to instantly fill with cum and my cock throb as hard and as big as it have ever done before.


To add to the intense experience Suzy gently started to tap the underside of my balls with her top of her foot, then reared her leg right back, brought it forward with pace and just as it was about to send my balls into orbit it stopped a few centimeters from the target, causing my eyes to widen in shock and Suzy burst into laughter. “Yes you fucking love it, don’t you footboy, time to put you down I think, time to put you to sleep, so keep sniffing and get ready”.


 Suzy flexed her feet one more time, then took a step forward with her left foot and brought her right leg flying towards my balls, a joyous Uhhhh from her lips and BAM! her bare instep sent my naked nuts flying up rather than flattened against my pelvis, Inevitably the cum in my full balls shot out on impact WHAM! the second kick did flatten them, SPLAT! the third kick almost burst them, the sound of barefoot on bare balls echoing throughout the kitchen.


 Relentless assault now as Suzy drove two powerful knees SLAM! BAM! one to the left nut, one to the right nut and a third to both barrels BOOM! holding her knee in and pushing it further into my damaged gonads. I was almost out but Suzy wasn’t finished, holding me up by my hair she threw another full force front kick right into my baby makers OOOOOF! then turned around so that she was facing away from me and delivered a back kick to my balls SPLAAAAT! catching me flush with her bare sole as they nestled in her arch, her toes and heel acting almost a ledge as my balls squashed into her approaching high arch, and then another back kick to my face flattening my nose and lips into her bare sole.


I collapsed to the floor beaten, exhausted and drained of all my load. “Not yet fucker...time to knock you out and SLAM! As Suzy raised her leg high and brought her bare heel and sole down into my balls with a hard stomp, I shot bolt upright only to be met with a barefoot kick to the face her toes pulled back as she kicked me right under the chin with the ball of her foot, delivering on her promise of indeed knocking me out…..I don’t know how long I was out naked on the kitchen floor covered in my own cum, but when I awoke I am sure I could hear giggling and whispering coming from the very next room. What a day this was turning out to be.

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Replies to This Discussion

be fun if the two school girls went in the kitchen  for a drink. saw what suzy  was doing to his balls and she let. the little school girls each get one kick on his balls. lol

If they were college girls maybe :) we do have U Conn and Yale up the road.

Well written story

Yes, but did he get aroused by having his nutts pummeled?? Cuz it's reeeeally unclear :P

I guess only the author knows the answer to why he was aroused.



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