A continuation of Support Group.

A tingle of nerves shot through Dylan as he stared down at the number he’d keyed into his phone. He felt like a schoolboy passing a note to a pretty girl in class as his thumb hovered over the Send button. He’d dialed it up a few times in the past few weeks but never got up the guts to push the call through. He tried to tell himself it was a long shot, that Callie was probably busy or that she might not even remember him (he doubted it) and reminded himself that last minute plans were generally met with failure. Still, it wasn’t often he had a free night, and seeing how his son was spending the night with his buddies, he really should take advantage of it.

Just do it already you big chicken, he chided himself, taking a deep breath. He depressed the Send key and heard the line ring.

“Hello?” The voice was quiet and unsure and for a moment, Dylan thought he had the wrong number.

“Hi, uh, is this Callie?” He stammered.

“Yes it is. May I ask who’s calling?”

“Oh, hi Callie, it’s Dylan…” his pause was met by silence on the other end. “You know, Dylan from the single parents meeting a few weeks ago.”

“Dylan!” Her voice came alive. “Dylan from the meeting, is it? Not the Dylan I kneed in the balls?” Callie’s tone was light and playful. “I suppose it would be weird to introduce yourself in such a way,” she she said after a brief pause.

Dylan offered a weak chuckle, thinking, well she definitely remembers me. “Yeah, well, I guess it’s both Dylans.”

“Huh,” she snorted. “I think it can only be one…and I’d prefer it was the one I kneed. Hee hee,” she giggled. “So, what can I do for you, Dylan?”

He ignored the jab and pressed on. “I thought I’d go out on a limb and see if you were free tonight? I have the night open and thought you might want to grab some dinner with me?” He tried to sound suave, but he sounded like a damn fool in his own ears.

“Wow,” Callie said in half disgust, half amusement. “I don’t hear a peep from you in two weeks and then you just call up and expect me to have dinner at the last moment?” She let the question hang in the air.

“It’s not like that. I haven’t had any time. But you’ve been on my mind every day.”

“Relax, Dylan, I was just teasing. You don’t have to plead your case. A-a-a-nd, it just so happens that I am free tonight and would love to have dinner with you.”

Dylan could almost see Callie’s wide grin and that little twinkle she got in her soft brown eyes as she spoke. If only he could reach out, bottle that twinkle, and save it for a rainy day.

After making plans, Dylan hung up and sunk into the couch, breathing a sigh of relief. His mind kept returning to the vision of Callie’s slender, toned legs buckling his own. When he felt the bulge in his pants he told himself to calm down and went to take a cold shower before dinner.

They had decided on a quiet little pizza parlor not far from Dylan’s place. Since it was so close, Dylan decided to walk. Though he strolled at a leisurely pace, he still arrived before Callie.

 The place was littered with mafia memorabilia and all the tables had red and white checkered table cloths with wine bottles as candle holders. He asked the hostess for a booth toward the back past the small bar that doubled as a cashier’s station. He took the liberty of ordering a bottle of wine as he waited and looked around. There were only a few patrons. Two guys at the bar and a couple at a table near the front window. Dylan was glad for the feeling of privacy this evoked.

When Callie walked in, Dylan shook his head and laughed. He’d told her it was a pretty casual place, but apparently she didn’t listen. She had on a short leather jacket, slightly off-white in color, that made the chestnut hue of her hair gleam richly. Underneath the jacket she wore a form-fitting red blouse with a low scoop neckline that showed off at least 60 percent of her breasts. Her skirt, the same color as her jacket, showed off just as much of her long legs. The three-inch ruby suede heels looked soft and sexy but sounded hard and dangerous as they clacked across the old wooden floor.

He waved her back and stood up to greet her. With a warm smile that tempered his sarcasm he said, “I thought I said it was casual, or are you just trying to make me look bad?” He gestured at his own getup which consisted of khakis and a black v-neck t-shirt that stretched nicely over his lean, toned frame.

As Callie hugged him she remarked, “The way these shoulders and that chest fit into your shirt, I don’t think I could make you look bad.” She ran her hands across his broad chest and laughed girlishly.

“Shall I take your jacket or are you leaving it on?” He asked, half of him worrying about her drawing attention to her full figure and half hoping to see it all for himself.

When she slipped out of it and handed it to him, Dylan nearly dropped it as he took in an eyeful. Her breasts were packed in so tightly they looked ready to burst. It’s not an exaggeration to say that if you could somehow squeeze between them, you might get lost for days, he thought.

If Callie noticed him ogling, she didn’t show it, but she did sit down so hard it made her boobs bounce in a lovely way that made it seem like ages before they settled. “I see you got some wine,” she said, taking the glass in front of her and sipping it. “Mmm, this is pretty good. Is it a blend?”

“It is,” Dylan said, surprised. “You can tell?”

“Believe me, Shug, I’ve had my fair share of wine over the years.” She gave him a wink.

“I’m a whiskey guy myself, but I thought I’d try to be a little classy.”

Callie smiled at his admission. “Well, whiskey can be classy, too. I like it but it can have a detrimental effect.”

“Too strong for you?”  Dylan joked.

“Oh, no, not detrimental to me…” she trailed off and raised her eyebrow.

Dylan didn’t bite on her insinuation, but did guess to himself what she probably meant. Instead, he flashed a grin and then glanced down at his menu. “What about pies? What do you like there?”

“I’m a straight pepperoni gal. That work for you?”

He nodded.

They made a little small talk after ordering the pizza, letting the wine work its way into their bodies. They chatted about being single parents, the kids’ schools, work. Callie went on for a bit about her ex, but didn’t press Dylan for any details on his wife or her passing. No need to get that heavy tonight, especially with what she hoped might be on the docket for later.

After two glasses each, the pizza came, which was good because the alcohol was definitely working its magic. Feeling sufficiently loose, Callie decided to probe the sexual tension she could feel between them.

“I’ve been dying to know how it went for you after I left you in the parking lot.” Her words came out like a purr.

Dylan cocked his head like he didn’t understand.

“Oh, c’mon,” she needled. “Were you able to sleep? Did you get blue balls?” She paused. “Or did you take care of that animal need yourself?”

Dylan put down the slice he was about to eat. “No, I did not ‘take care of myself’ as you so eloquently put it. And I didn’t have blue balls either.”

Unable to restrain herself, Callie blurted, “Purple?” And then laughed at her own joke.

He eyed her sternly. “Actually, yes. I checked the next morning and they were plainly bruised. And very sore,” he added. “Stop smiling like that!” He said sounding cross, before letting a small chuckle escape.

“Aw, Shug,” Callie said in a patronizing tone, “I’m glad you can laugh about it. I truly hope I didn’t get them too hard.”

“I doubt that’s true. But I will say – ,” he started but then stopped. Callie watched him expectantly. “This is really weird to talk about.” He looked around the room, noticing that a group of female twenty-somethings had replaced the two guys at the bar, doubling the number of patrons. “Especially in a public place like this.”

Callie glanced behind her. “I think you’re fine. Nobody’s paying any attention.”

“Honestly, I’ve had a hard time thinking about anything else since the, ah, incident.” Dylan raised his palms upward and shrugged his shoulders. Clearly, this admission elated Callie as he watched her press her palms together excitedly. “I can’t believe how turned on I was. I’ve never felt like that in my life.”

“Um, details?” Callie prodded.

“On the one hand, I really want you to do it again, but on the other hand, it scares me to death,” he said, exasperated.

“Perfectly natural response, in my estimation,” Callie said, reaching across the table and patting his hand. “What was it that you liked?”

Dylan ran a hand through his hair. “I liked the way you looked afterward. It was like you were glowing, just so – happy!”

“I was,” she said with a wistful smile. “So what scares you?”

“The pain!” His reply came in a millisecond. “God, it hurt so bad. You don’t even know. Absolutely piercing. I thought I was going to be sick. The thought of going through that again is terrifying.” He paused to shudder. “But then, the bad pain subsided and there was this little aching left, really quite pleasant. I can only liken it to when your feet hurt after a really long day on them and all you want to do is recline and take the weight off them. And then you do, and though the ache is still there, you feel so light and relaxed and content. The difference, I think, is that with this, I had that same kind of feeling except there was an added psychological bonus.”

“Howso?” Callie asked, her soft brown eyes revealing a genuine curiosity.

“Well, here’s this beautiful woman,” he smiled at her as she gave a ‘who moi?’ gesture. “And she brings me to my knees with a simple, well-placed strike. Rocks my entire world. I’m all at once ashamed that a woman took me down, and exhilarated that she did. I’m embarrassed at my weakness, but smitten by her strength. Is this making any sense?”

Callie studied him for a moment, loving his openness and honesty. “I don’t understand it from personal experience, as I don’t have testicles, but I understand the dichotomy of opposing tensions.”

“So what do you get out of it?” Dylan asked.

“Like you, I love the way a man looks. I love the terror in his eyes as I’m about to kick him and I love the humbleness that comes afterward. The unexpected power shift is elating. Plus, it’s awesome to see a man’s source of strength used against him. Standing over a man who’s holding his hurting balls after you’ve nailed them is unlike any rush I’ve ever experienced. It’s even better when I can do it in public.”

At this, Dylan nearly spit out the wine he’d sipped. “In public?!” He sounded appalled and intrigued. Composing himself, he looked at her intently. “It’s funny you say that. Before I called you today, I had a quick mental image of us meeting and you kneeing me. As I thought about it, I really wanted it to happen. But then I thought I probably couldn’t handle it.”

“What do you mean? You handled it just fine the other day.”

He shook his head. “Not that exactly. I didn’t think I could handle it if anyone saw. I want to be willing, like if you had the urge to kick me, I would take it. Like it’s no big deal. But in reality, I can only think that I would just get embarrassed and pissed off - ,” he stopped short as the waitress stopped by to see if they needed anything else. Callie leaned over and whispered something in her ear while Dylan watched the girl ogling the way Callie’s boobs nearly fell out of her shirt as she bent toward her.

“What was that about?” Dylan demanded.

“Oh, nothing. It’s a surprise…so you think you’d get angry if I tried to bust you in public? Would you try to stop me?”

“That’s just it. I think I would. But I so badly wish I wouldn’t.” He sat back and folded his arms and stared at Callie.

The waitress returned and set two glasses in front of them.

“What’s this?” Dylan asked, eying the liquid suspiciously.

“Just a little ol’ shot of Jack Daniels,” Callie replied not attempting to hide the mischief in her eyes. “Bottoms up!” She exclaimed and downed her drink as Dylan followed suit.

“Whoa, that was a bit more than a shot,” Dylan grunted.

“Good. It should get you ready for me,” Callie replied with a full-on devil grin. “Follow me,” she commanded, rising from the booth.

She led him over to the little alcove that housed the lone bathroom. He looked at her confused. She smiled and leaned up, giving him a long, deep kiss. She stroked his chest and then pressed hers up against him. When she stepped back, Dylan looked intoxicated.

“How do you feel now?” She asked.

“Like I want more,” he said with a silly grin.

“How about more and then some,” she said, slyly.

“Yes please.”

“How much do you want it?” She teased, cupping her breasts seductively.

“I’ll do anything.”

“Will you let me knee you in the balls?” She asked, rubbing her knee.

He widened his legs without hesitation, “Okay.”

“Oh no,” she said, wagging a finger, “not here. Out in front of the bar.”

He swallowed hard, checking his courage. “Do it fast before I lose my nerve.”

Again she took his hand and led him out. They stood behind the gaggle of girls at the bar and Callie kissed him long enough so that the girls took notice. She whispered into his ear, “Relax and spread your legs a little.”

Her hot breath in his ear sent shivers down his spine. He was putty in her hands. He lost awareness of his surroundings, enamored by his desire for Callie.

“I’m going to knee you in the balls now. I love that you want me to. Be strong,” she coaxed breathily.

Dylan looked her dead in the eyes, admiring the mix of glee and purpose. She drew back her long leg and kneed him hard between the legs. He bent over as his hand instinctively slid over his wounded groin and looked at her and then past her to the stunned female spectators, hoping like hell his face didn’t give away the terrific pain Callie just doled out.

Two of the girls at the bar stood mouths gaping while two more broke into laughter. Callie turned to them, smirking, and one exclaimed, her eyes betraying a naked envy, “You just nailed him in the nuts!”

Callie smiled at her. “You want to see me to kick him?”

The girl on the end cried out, “Oh no!” But the brunette eying Callie gave her an excited nod.

Dylan, though his mind was a reel in agony, understood what was coming and involuntarily held his hand out to stop Callie, but it was too late.

Callie’s lithe leg was already a blur of motion. She kicked his balls firmly as her ruby heel buried itself deep in his groin with a force that lifted him off the ground. Dylan’s outstretched hand immediately returned to his groin as he sank to his knees, his handsome face contorted and red. There was no more trying to play it cool in front of the other women as the pain ravaged him. “Oooooh,” he moaned pitifully, “my balls. Oh God, I think you broke them. Ooooh…Callie…they…aaargh…oooh…hurt… Calllie…my balls…so…bad,” he finally finished, his words coming in clipped bursts.

The group of girls sat in a thunderstruck silence listening raptly to Dylan’s miserable whimpering. Callie only smiled and folded her arms under her breasts, enjoying the rush of adrenaline that came from crushing his balls and sending him into a world of hurt.

“Bravo!” The brunette at the bar broke Callie’s revelry as she stood and offered mock applause. Callie looked over and winked to the girl. “Can we buy you a drink?” The girl asked.

“Of course,” Callie replied, laughing. “Just let me help him back to our table and then I’ll join you. It might be a little while before he’s ready to move.”

With that, she bent down and kissed Dylan lightly on the forehead. “C’mon big boy, let’s get you up.” She reached under his arms and hoisted him to his feet where he tottered a moment. She practically had to drag him back to their booth.

Once he was settled, she sauntered casually over the girls where they already had a shot waiting. Callie picked up the glass and looked at it. “What is it?”

The brunette smirked. “It’s Frangelico and coconut rum,” she paused for effect. “We call it the Nut Shot.” Callie thought the poor girl was going to fall off her stool from laughing so hard. When she’d composed herself, she took her own glass, raised it and said, “Honey, you’ve earned it. Cheers!”

After the five women drained their shots, Callie introduced herself. “I suppose you want to know what that was all about.” She queried. The brunette didn’t seem to care one way or the other, just as long as a man got his balls kicked, but the others nodded for her to spill the goods.

“Let me start by asking, have any of you ever kicked a man before?”

Two hands went up. One was the brunette – surprise – and the other was a surprise to Callie. It was the bookish looking girl of the group and the last one she would’ve guessed. Good for her, thought Callie. Of the two that didn’t, it was the platinum blonde that spoke up. “I haven’t, but I’ve really wanted to.”

Callie smiled at her. “Well, you should. Here’s a little secret.” The four younger women leaned in as Callie motioned them toward her like a football team in a huddle. “Guys, well maybe not all guys, want a girl to kick them in the nuts – even if they don’t realize it. Take Dylan there,” she gestured over to where the poor man sat hunched over their table, “he’d never taken a shot in the pills from a woman before he met me. First time I met him, I kneed him twice and followed those up with a hard kick.” Callie paused and chuckled. “I guess he got off easy tonight.” The girls laughed but their eyes were large with wonder at Callie’s viciousness. “Anyway, he was all bent out of shape – literally and figuratively – until I pointed out his raging hard on.” Callie leaned in closer, “And trust me ladies, it was huge. That man is hung.” The platinum blonde licked her lips at this little revelation, and somehow, Callie wasn’t surprised at all.

“My theory is,” Callie continued, stepping back, “that men are turned on when women bust them. Their ensuing erections give them away.”

“It’s true!” The bookish girl piped up as her friends all turned toward her, mouths agape. “I bust my boyfriend all the time and he loves it.”

The brunette shook her head. “You little minx! I can’t believe you never said anything.”

“I never had a reason to and I thought you might think I was weird. Especially because I like it.” A crimson streak spread up her pale neck.

“See,” exclaimed Callie, “she’s proof positive.” Giving a quick glance to Dylan she saw he was paying the tab. What a gentleman, she thought, I embarrass him, in public no less, and he still pays. Turning back to her new friends, she continued, “Well girls, it looks like I have to be going. It was a pleasure meeting you, however briefly. And thanks for the Nut Shot – oh god, I sound like a man!” This drew some tittering. “Anyway, think about what I said. I suspect if you take the chance, you’ll find the reward worth the risk, just ask her,” she said, patting the bookish girl on the shoulder who nodded a little more confidently

The girls watched Callie walk Dylan out of the restaurant, excited by his limp and impressed with Callie’s proud stride. The blonde ogled the bulge in Dylan’s pants and secretly made a new goal for the evening: find a man with a big dick and then kick him in the balls. She was eager to test Callie’s theory. Unbeknownst to her, she wasn’t the only one.






Views: 672

Replies to This Discussion

Amaaazing! :D


I want to kick Dylan too

Well alright. Looks like I need a part 3 then ;)

Joe, whenever I see you post a new story, I click like and then I read it.

LOL! Thanks for the show of confidence.

Excellent story!

I want to hear more about Callie and her lithe legs rocking guys' worlds.  I would also love to hear more about the "bookish girl" who busts her boyfriend's balls.  She sounds wonderful as well.  



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