First, before I begin the story, I must apologize for that weak-ass title.  I couldn't think of anything more clever.  Anyway, enjoy part 3!

I came to school the following morning, fully recovered from the two monster kicks Miss Bailey had punished me with, and I was eager to see her again.  Right before I went to my first class of the day, I saw Miss Bailey in the distance... and she was in a black miniskirt and her shiny black pumps.  I'm not sure if she could feel me staring but she motioned for me to join her.  There weren't many people in the hall and nobody paying attention to me, so I all but ran to her.

"Do you like my shoes?" Miss Bailey asked, although she already knew that I did; I guess she was asking to let me know she was wearing them, probably for me.  She glanced over her shoulder, looking both ways down the hall before lowering her voice and continuing "You want one of the knees now?  Get the day going in the right direction?"  She smiled really big; Holy hell, I think she is enjoying this, too, I thought to myself.  Somewhat hypnotized, I nodded slowly, so she backed me against the nearby lockers with her hands on my shoulders.  Once I spread my legs a little to give her room, she immediately and forcefully slammed her knee into my groin, and then stepped slightly forward and pistoned her thigh between my legs three more times.  I grunted with each assault, slowly falling into her so that she had to hold me standing.  She stroked the back of my neck to soothe me (I guess) and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Aww, I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?  Did it feel okay?" Miss Bailey asked, actually sounding concerned.

"Miss Bailey," I answered in a strained voice, "this is awesome."  She giggled sweetly at how matter-of-fact I sounded.

"Good, sweetheart," she said, and her use of a pet name sent a chill down my spine and a twitch in my pants.  "I'll only count the first one.  Have a good day!"  With that, she backed away from me, turned on her heel (well, heels), and marched off to her class, prompting me to gingerly do the same.  I was almost completely unable to focus the rest of the day, but I was in a great mood.  I was kind of in the clouds all day but, luckily, most of the teachers were anxious for the school year to be over and didn't seem to notice.

I eventually got to math class and Miss Bailey was at the front of the room.  I was about to call out to her when someone else called out to me.

"How did tutoring go yesterday?" Mrs. Thompson asked, smiling warmly.

"It was great," I answered nervously.  "I... uhh... learned a lot."  I glanced over at Miss Bailey, wordlessly asking for help.  Thank goodness, she saw me about to drown, so she came over to rescue me.

"I didn't really need to show him much, he's really sharp," Miss Bailey added.  "And the few questions I asked of him that he didn't know, he was... corrected."  She wasn't exactly subtle in her emphasis of that last word, and I dropped my eyes down to the floor so that I wouldn't give us away, if Miss Bailey hadn't already.  Mrs. Thompson just laughed softly.

"Well, a little correction never hurts, right?" Mrs. Thompson asked with a smile.  Miss Bailey and I offered awkward laughs, but mine was cut a little short.  I was staring at the floor still when I saw what Mrs. Thompson was wearing; she had on black pumps and, although they weren't shiny, they were really hot, too.  I couldn't see how high the heels were because Mrs. Thompson had long pants on, but I could see that they were really skinny heels, almost stilletoes.  Mrs. Thompson offered her office again so that Miss Bailey could tutor me, and we gladly accepted.  Miss Bailey sat behind the desk in the small room while Mrs. Thompson gave us light encouragement before she left, closing the door behind her.

"Before we get started with our work today," Miss Bailey purred, getting up from behind the desk, "you should stand up against that wall for me."  I did as she asked, pressing my back against the nearby wall and she moved right in front of me, gliding her hands up my chest to my shoulders, pinning me to the wall.  Without saying anything more, she drove her knee up to smash into my balls.  I grunted softly and Miss Bailey giggled, slamming her knee into me again.  I began to slide down the wall a little, so she stepped closer to me, her face an inch from mine... her soft lips right there... she smelled amazingly intoxicating... her knee hurt, but it was so sexy how she was battering me with it, and that she knew how much I enjoyed it but was doing it anyway... It was all too much for me.  I leaned forward a little, squeezing my eyes shut and pressing my lips against hers, causing her to gasp and take a slight step back.  I was legally an adult but I'd never kissed a girl before, so I thought I'd done it so poorly that I ruined the moment; it didn't really occur to me that I shouldn't have tried to kiss my teacher.

"I... I... I'm s-sorry.  I sh-" I stammered but was cut off... by Miss Bailey.  She now used her entire body to pin me to the wall and began kissing me with a passion I'd (obviously) never experienced before.  After a handful of seconds, Miss Bailey growled a little.

"Sit back down," she commanded in voice that was shaky.  I did as she ordered me and she sat on the edge of the desk; we were close but too far to touch each other so I was super confused.  "Scoot your chair forward," she continued and, once I did, she slipped one of her feet, in those incredibly sexy pumps, between my legs.  She immediately found my erection through my jeans, pressing it against my leg a little before she started stroking up and down with the sole of her shoe.

"This is really bad..." Miss Bailey said, her face flushed (from embarrassment or arousal, maybe both, I wasn't sure).

"The worst," I said breathlessly and jokingly, and Miss Bailey giggled again, despite what was currently happening.  After a minute maybe, Miss Bailey got into a great rhythm, and the party was going to end shortly... but we both heard the doorknob turning...

"Sorry, I forgot-" Mrs. Thompson said, cutting herself off when she saw what was going on in her office.  Her expression went from shock to fury in about 2 seconds, and she said through gritted teeth, "Outside, now."  Miss Bailey slipped off the desk and pulled her skirt down a little, her eyes welling with tears, and began to exit the office.  I started to get up to follow but Mrs. Thompson cut me off.

"You stay in here, I'll deal with you in a few minutes," Mrs. Thompson said sternly, before slamming her door shut.  I strained and tried as hard as I could, but I wasn't able to hear a single word they were saying.  Well, I thought to myself, Miss Bailey is SO fired.  What's going to happen to me, though?  Expulsion?  Arrest??  I felt like I was either going to cry, throw up, or pass out from how anxious this was making me.  Hmm... just like being kicked in the balls super hard, I mused silently and laughed, even in the face of my doom.

After about 10 or 15 minutes of me just sitting there, knowing my life was going to be over, the door swung open, and the two ladies came back in.  I first noticed how cramped it was in the office now, but I immediately noticed that Miss Bailey's face framed slightly swollen eyes, despite the dignity she was fighting so hard to maintain; she'd obviously been crying.  My heart broke for her in that moment.  This was it for her, her career and her life as she knew it were over, because she was entertaining a teenaged pervert with a fetish or two.  I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing.  Mrs. Thompson broke the awkward silence.

"Miss Bailey told me everything," she started, sitting on the edge of her desk, where the young student teacher had been perched only minutes before.  "She says she has been hitting you in an extremely sensitive area, causing you a great deal of pain, for her own entertainment.  She knows you have something of a crush on her, so she said she was using it against you so she could hurt you."  Mrs. Thompson paused and looked at me with what looked like pity on her face.  It instantly dawned on me what was going on; Miss Bailey lied to Mrs. Thompson to protect me.  I was so moved that my eyes welled up.

"That's not how it went down," I began, and Miss Bailey tried to hush me; it was my turn to lie now (mostly), and the words came spilling out of my mouth.  "Miss Bailey held me after class one day and, when she started yelling at me, I came at her.  She was only defending herself when she kneed me in the b-... groin.  I told her I liked it and wanted more, but, when she said no, I blackmailed her.  I told her I'd ruin her teaching career and tell everyone she assaulted me if she didn't do it now.  She only kicked and kneed me because I threatened her."  I paused swallowing hard.  I wasn't even sure if what I was saying even made any sense, but I kept going.  "I don't know if she knew about my high heels fetish before but, when I saw her wearing those high heels today, I asked her to... I dunno... rub me through my pants with them.  Miss Bailey told you whatever she told you so you wouldn't think I'm a monster."  It was such fantastic bullshit, I didn't know if Mrs. Thompson would believe me... or maybe she would and report Miss Bailey anyway.

"Do you think this is my first rodeo?" Mrs. Thompson asked quietly.  My head snapped up to look at Miss Bailey; she looked as horrified as I felt.  "Both of your stories were silly, at best."  Mrs. Thompson then shocked Miss Bailey and me both; she started laughing hysterically.  I looked from Miss Bailey to Mrs. Thompson and it looked like she could barely breathe, her mirth had overwhelmed her so badly.  I glanced at Miss Bailey again, and she offered me a confused look and a shrug; she didn't know what was happening, either.

"You probably asked to be kicked in your testicles," Mrs. Thompson said to me, when her daughter died down, and then continued while motioning in Miss Bailey's direction, "And you probably liked doing it.  As like as nobody finds out, who cares what two adults do?"  I gasped.  Nobody had ever called me an adult before, but I guess I was.  A second, more startling realization hit me.

"Wait," I blurted, "we're not in trouble?"

"If you two can keep your mouths shut," Mrs. Thompson began slowly, as if cautioning us, "it'll be our secret."  I sagged in the chair I was sitting in, beyond relieved.  I didn't look at Miss Bailey but I know she probably almost fainted with all that tension gone.  "So," Mrs. Thompson said, breaking another silence, "What were you really doing in here?  It didn't look like you were being hurt."

"I was giving him a little shoejob through his pants," Miss Bailey said quickly, blushing crimson at her admission.

"Through his pants?" Mrs. Thompson asked incredulously.  "For heaven's sake, if he would have ejaculated, he'd have a mess to clean up and launder... and probably have to explain.  That's how you get caught."  Mrs. Thompson swung her feet into my lap and then said "Take your pants down and I'll show you how it's done!"  I was shocked!  She not only wasn't going to rat us out, she also was giving us advice for how to avoid detection AND was getting in on this herself.  I was very hesitant, though; I had never taken my pants off in front of a teacher, let alone two.

"Like I said," Mrs. Thompson said, her warm smile back on her face when, I guess, she sensed my discomfort, "This isn't my first rodeo.  You think you're the first student to have his pants down in my office?"  I gasped again and Mrs Thompson chuckled, asking rhetorically "Why do you think I love my job so much?"  So much makes sense now, I thought to myself as my hands and hips, independent of my conscious thought, worked my pants and boxers down and bunched them around my knees.  As I sat in that chair, bare-fannied, I watched as she slipped the sole of her shoe on to my rapidly-growing erection and began gliding up and down.  Her shoe soles were really smooth, probably from years of walking around in them, and I knew that, if she kept up that pace (which was really impressive for someone in her mid-50s, my guess was), this was going to end quickly.  I let out a little moan of ecstasy and Mrs. Thompson suddenly stopped. 

"Marie," Mrs. Thompson said, and I saw the trance Miss Bailey appeared to be in shatter, "You should probably finish what you started here."  When Miss Bailey (Marie, I just found out) to a step to where I was sitting, Mrs. Thompson held up a hand and Miss Bailey stopped.  "No no, he'll come to you," Mrs. Thompson said, speaking for me and, of course, I complied.  After I penguin-walked to Miss Bailey, she was grinning at me, maybe trying not to laugh; I gave her what I thought was a confident wink, but I was still pretty nervous.  "Okay Marie, give him your knee," Mrs. Thompson said gently.  When Miss Bailey reared back to fire her knee into my balls, Mrs. Thompson stopped her, then instructed her to bring her leg up slowly and leave her thigh between my legs, allowing my bag to rest on her.  As Miss Bailey hold my shoulders for balance, Mrs. Thompson told me to, ahem, work on myself... and I did, with vigor.  Just thinking about Miss Bailey kneeing me in the morning, in this office, stroking me through my pants with her sexy high heels, then Mrs. Thompson doing the same on my naked member... it brought the end almost immediately.  For a second, I panicked, realizing I had nowhere practical to come.

"Finish right on her leg," Mrs. Thompson said sweetly, flashing her warm smile again; Miss Bailey, although her face was flushed, smiled at me, too.  I relaxed and began to shoot onto Miss Bailey's leg and miniskirt, grunting with exertion.

"Sorry for ruining your skirt, Miss Bailey," I said weakly.

"That's okay," Mrs. Thompson said before Miss Bailey could answer.  Her smile turned into something of an evil grin, and she continued "Remember how I said you have to be careful with what you'll have to explain?"  I recall that she didn't say exactly that, but I nodded anyway so she'd keep going.  "Well, you just left a lot of... evidence on her skirt."  She got really close and lowered her voice to a whisper, concluding "If you run that mouth of yours, we'll use this against you."  She set me up!  I looked at Miss Bailey, and she averted her eyes; she knew this was going to happen!  This was probably what they were talking about in the hall!  Just as I was feeling like a sap, albeit a very satisfied and somewhat exhausted one, Mrs. Thompson strode from her little office.

"Make sure you turn the lights off and lock the door when you leave," she called out as the sound of her heels receded.

"I'm sorry," Miss Bailey said quietly, "I have to make sure I won't get fired.  I... I understand if you never want to talk to me again."

"Never talk to you again?" I asked, smirking a little, "I want to do that again!"  When Miss Bailey giggled a little, I asked "Can we?  Once more?"

"If we don't get caught, we can do it every day," she smiled, and I knew she really would.  "I'd give you a good, hard knee so you know I mean it... but I have to preserve the crime scene."  When she gestured to her skirt, and the mess I had made, I laughed, not even mad at her.  As I began to leave, she said "I'll leave these shoes in my car so, any time either of us wants while we're here, we'll be ready.  You bring your balls, I'll bring the heels!"

That sounded perfect to me.

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Replies to This Discussion

Loved it, and I'd love to see more! I'd be really interested in some humiliating public ballbusting, e.g. Bailey or a student kicks the main character in front of other girls.

I really like this idea!

@Berkey thank you for reading and for your feedback!  I might work on a part 4, stay tuned!

Hey, just checking in. I'd love a part 4 to continue this! It would potentially be interesting to skip ahead - perhaps to graduation, or maybe the main character returning home after a year from college. That way you can have a bit of privacy and get creative with the ballbusts!

Parts 4 to 9? Lol

Really love this series...! As Berkey mentioned if would be great with some humiliating public ballbusting too, maybe including some girls from his class. And to spice erotic things up more maybe some forced foot worship...and stockings or pantyhose...

Any chance of a new chapter soon?

Oh wow.  I'm beyond humbled that people liked the story so much.  I wasn't sure where to go from here, but I think I may come up with an idea or two.  Like he visits from college or something.  Stay tuned!  If not here, than on my blog!

Amazing wiring! Please keep the story going!! 



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