Curious as to what you think would make for a good busting scenario from all those Disney animated films.

I think perhaps Snow White. Each dwarf has various sized nuts that she gets to work over in several different ways. And perhaps its not an apple she take bite of.

How about Beauty and the Beast? Beauty could enjoy working over some huge bull sized balls hanging from between Beasts legs.

Cinderella? Perhaps she has that remaining slipper but she uses it to deadly fashion busting balls in the hunt for the missing other one?

And its not a giant pumpkin she rides in but a giant....heh nut.

Jasmine from Aladdin? Maybe she gets the lamp and makes a wish to have fun busting balls all over the world heh.

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Mulan. The price is so down her. Its like she rules him easily

how about a genderbent movie of wreck it ralph, where ralph gets his nut wrecked, along with other male charcters

Marry Pop,,his balls?

Daisy Duck would make a good ballbuster. In up-to-date versions of today she would control Donald by squeezing his balls and kicking villains in the nuts.

haha Donald doesn't wear pants so his own fault theyd be easy access lol

Considering how small Tinker Bell is, I can't see why she can't be the hero of Neverland instead of Peter. Whenever Hook and his pirates try to cause trouble, she can just use her speed and size to slip into Hook's pants and mercilessly work over his balls until she's reduced him to crawling and writhing around on the ground begging her to stop. And he wouldn't even be able to do anything because if he tries to attack her while she's down there, he risks hurting himself even more. Then once he's surrendered, she'll just come out again, and maybe add insult to injury by flying right in front of Hook's face and mock him by mimicking him.

Haha yeah Tink would have fun for sure. She could probably cast some spells as well to make the pain worse.

She has some pixie friends as well so they could all get a pirate each and like you say, even when they are waving the white flag to surrender, who's to say they will stop?

That chipmunk thing from ice age. The girl squirrel gets a good kick in in one of the movies already. It would be great if she deliberately gave him a boner and smashed that too.



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