So I'm trying to tell my gf about my fetish. I told her that I liked being hit in the balls. She like it when I pull her hair, when we are having sex so I compared it to that. She seems to think it's a weird as it's not part of the sex itself, whereas the pulling the hair is. Anyway she hit me in the balls but very very lightly. She asked me what else I like and I said that I like it when the girl is dominating the guy. She asked me to show her porn that I watch.
Any good idea to what I can show her. I don't want to scare her away. So I wanna show her something where the girl is dominating the guy and with a little bit of bb in it. Any ideas?

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Anything from Club Domme. The women always seem to be genuinely in control in those videos. Also Milked and Busted.

I more looking for something with some mild bb. I'm a little afraid if I show her something like milked and busted that I will scare her away

Yeah, that's probably right. I only mention those because the girls don't seem to be being coached by the guy or someone off camera. They come off as being in control, but yeah, maybe too hardcore as an introduction.

Not to be vain or anything, but honestly check out mine and Eric's content. We are in the process of reuploading everything onto here rn but Ballbusting 101 is already on here and its a comedy filled tutorial on how to participate in BB as the buster. Shows all the aspects from kicking, and kneeing to grabbing and stomping and such. :)

I think Eric/Chaiyles or Joe/Violet would be a great introduction as others have recommended. The fact that those videos have a BB couple and lighthearted performance makes it so she can relate and empathize.
The eternal femenine. The ballbust show. Stores more «light» rather than ful dommne stuff. From here eric or if you can handle it joe or weez.

Browse pornhub until you find some amateur vids that check all the boxes.

I agree, if you're looking for videos to show her, Eric and Chaiyles content is a top notch idea.

Thanks for all the suggestions. Last night when we watched porn I couldn't get myself to search for ballbust on Pornhub because then all kinds of bb videos would come up. So instead we searched for 'girl dominate guy' and stuff like that. But there are really not any good videos where the girl is in control during sex. 



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