Hey guys!  I started playing WoW again and hope you can help me find some inspiring character names. The character in question is a female human Paladin if that helps... I'm thinking something like Nutcracker or Nutscracker (those are both taken) It sparked a few conversations before.

Any ideas from you more creative folks? :D

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Nuti Smash

One Nut Wonder. Don't ask.

KrakenNuts, NutPunter, CrotchPunter (if the word Crotch is allowed), NutHunter, TamakeriTammy (or TammyKeri or TammyKerry if you want to be more subtle, or obvious same names with Tammi)

KrakenNuts (or some derivation, perhaps?) is genious, honestly.  Thanks for bringing it up!  Also, Tammykerry is full of win, that'll be a definite fallback.  Thank you!


I actually love this, and if I decide that none of the BB related ones really strike my fancy, I might see if I can snag something Tab related now :D

Cass Straighty


haha, guess you gotta trademark that name!

Handle it Kass ;)

Seems great minds think alike - it's a excellent name for a ballbuster.

But if you feel any harm by using name similar to yours, well - I think only way to give you satisfaction is to offer my balls for harm to you.



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