So any women here feel apprehensive about ballbusting? And the same question for the guys here also.

So you ever worry about the risk of causing damage to the testicles?

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Ok i thought this was interesting so i thought i would comment. First off yes there are times i am apprehensive about busting his balls, even though i relish it still can get kind of scary, it sometimes can make me anxious, tense, it can make me worry. It is the same way on his end. Wait what "did i just here the ballbreaker say busting balls can make her worried?" Of course it does. Im not inhuman just crazy. Do i worry about causing damage to the testicles? I always have worried, but in my eyes busting balls means...well busting balls. Just becaues i worry about it doesnt mean that i haven't. Honeslty one of the best things about busting balls, is the torrent of emotions that are exploding in your head at once. Fear, anxitey, power, lust, anger, concern. These are the range of emotions that go through my head instantly. They flux and i ride them. I can be scared to hurt him but angry, which makes me go hard but but hold a litte back. Add lust to that, and i become more aggressive, more dominate. Concern makes me go lighter, anxiety will make me bust harder, the higher my anxiety the harder i hit. Top it off with the power trip i get, and it will meld with whatever emotions going on at the time. These emotions rage quickly and change rapidly, its intoxicating. I get a high off it, makes my head buzz, its like a drug. The more i do it the more i want it, the more i do it,  the more intense i become with it and the deeper and darker that rabbit whole becomes. I do have to take breaks from BB, that is why i disappear from the site from time to time honeslty. If i dont....well lets just say nuts would be broken. 

hell yeah. i took a full squeeze and made me reconsider. Its not i quit the fetish but i dont have sons so its quite a worry bb can kill the babies. But the harder the more you remember so, good bb mostly for special ocasions

I can't speak for the guys, because I don't have testicles. So I really can't understand what some guys really feel about getting busted.
I do it because he wants me to and it has now became a major turn on for me. The big ones because it has to do with the power I have and feel not to mention trust I'm given by a guy to literally expose his testicles to me to get kicked, kneed and squeezed.
So yes I'm at times very apprehensive about busting any guys testicles other than self defense.
It goes against everything we've been told by our moms (if a boy ever bothers or hits you - You kick him really hard Right where it hurts or counts!)
The only experience I've had was literly trying to save myself by attempting to destroy a guys testicles. I've had my occasional accidents while busting some boyfriends. That ended with him on the ground throwing up and severely swollen testicle or testicles. Honestly left me very worried that I could be responsible for ending his chance of ever fathering a child or loosing one or both his balls. :-)

NO: Give me the green light and let me at 'em ;)

I never feel worried about damaging a guys balls I mean it’s callled ballbusting it’s meant to hurt lol I’ve given out some brrotal busts in my time and caused no real damage that I know of but as I’ve gotten older I sometimes think I’ve gone to far when busting someone but I don’t feel bad about it 

I'm not really apprehensive about ballbusting because I don't really think about causing permanent damage to my balls. I guess I've always had a jaded, invincible feeling that my balls won't get seriously injured. Maybe that means I've never been kicked hard enough to think these thoughts ;)

That's the spirit, Miss Mallory.



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