this is a story i wrote and recorded on audio. it sells in text form on Kindle as "Miley's Painful Panty Drawer" and the audio version is available on I am donating the text story to this cool new site I found, hope you enjoy. hope you download the audio version sometime. You can hear free samples on them all.

Miley’s Painful Panty Drawer


Miley was a sophomore in college. And she loved two things in life more than anything… music and acting. She loved becoming another character with her whole essence and soul on the line.


She was the president of the drama club at school, but she only liked Shakespearian drama. She hated modern drama… especially from all of the horny college boys she had to deal with on a daily basis.


It’s no wonder though. She was the kind of girl every guy dreamed of being with.


Unfortunately for her, guys did more than dream of Miley…


She couldn’t even make it down a hallway without every head turning, several whistle calls, and at least one downright sexual remark.


But, worse than that, she would often find herself getting groped in crowded hallways.


As a result of the unwanted attention she was accustomed to attracting, Miley had developed very intense defense mechanisms. And her reputation as a ballbuster preceded her…


If she felt a hand on her ass, or something of the like, she would turn around and swiftly knee the offending male very firmly in his testicles. Or, if he was further away, she would give him a swift kick to the testicles.


The man would then lie on the floor, clutching his privates, and gasping for air, as a dignified Miley carried on to class.


Last semester, in a crowded hallway, a guy named Leo was standing behind her and whispered in her ear,


“You look so goddamn hot, Miley.”


And she just ignored him, as always, and continued looking straight ahead, as if he wasn’t there.


He repeated,


“I said you look so goddamn hot.”


And then he bent down and stuck his hand right up her skirt to feel her vagina up.


She quickly flipped around and swiftly drove her knee up full force between his legs. Leo fell right to his knees, gasping and clutching his balls. But, as he caught his breath, he grinned as he grumbled,


“Ohhhh, it was sohhhh worth it.”


He looked like he had found the fountain of youth and was ready to happily die now. And Miley was not at all happy about the grin on his face. She wanted to deter men, not encourage them.


So far this year, she had been getting groped on a weekly basis—not quite this extreme—usually just her leg or chest, or an unwelcomed slap to her ass.


But, clearly her reputation for kneeing the guy in the nuts after groping her, was not doing enough to stop the guys from continuing to grope her.


Not only was kneeing the guy’s nuts not working, it seemed to be encouraging the guys to grope her all the more.


She realized she needed to do something that was so painful and humiliating, the man would completely forget how horny he was, and actually learn his lesson for a change.


Miley was so attractive, the pleasure of her bare skin connecting with a man’s balls, seemed to outweigh the incredible pain the man felt. Getting kneed in the nuts by Miley was almost like getting a blowjob from an ordinary girl.


And when Leo admitted so openly, in front of a hallway of students, that groping Miley was worth having her drive her knee up so painfully between his legs, she felt she needed to set a much stronger tone this time, so that the next guy would seriously think twice before copping a feel of her.


As Leo hung in half at the waist with a boner, still trying to catch his breath, but still proud of molesting Miley’s pussy, she went around the back of him and pantsed him.


Then, she went even further, ripping his boxers down too – flopping his naked balls and hard dick out for everyone to poke fun at.


The girls all covered their mouths and stared through their grins, giggling under their hands at Leo’s retribution. And the guys all froze with their jaws dropped, not knowing what to exactly make of the butterflies they were feeling in their stomachs. They were kind of turned on by Miley’s aggression. But, kind of in shock from it too.


As Leo’s bare balls were swinging under his hard dick, Miley reached under Leo’s butt and grabbed a tight hold of those nude balls and squeezed them… very painfully.


Leo shrieked.


Then, Miley slid her hand up over his balls and grabbed a tight fistful of the empty portion of his scrotum that stretched between his cock and his low-hanging balls. And those low-hanging balls were no longer swinging free in their sac. Nope, not now that she was choke holding his loose scrotum in a rigid grip and squeezing his nude balls tightly out of the top of her fist.


The guys watching all sprung boners at the sight of the hottest girl they’d ever seen groping a man’s private parts so aggressively, and presenting his naked nuts for everyone to see.


Miley then pulled her fist—along with Leo’s balls—out from between his legs and yanked it up high behind him, stretching his ball sac up over the crack in his ass.


Leo cried out, having never seen his scrotum stretch so far before. But, Miley noticed his penis was still rock hard, and she knew she still had to go much further to teach him a lesson he would understand.


She decided to hang him by the balls and then go to work disciplining him. She continued pulling Leo’s ball sac up over his butt, higher and higher, which was forcing his face down lower and lower to the floor.


He was using his hands to brace himself…at first… but then she pulled him so far up by the balls, his hands slipped down by his sides and he was only able to use his right cheek to brace himself.


He was feeling pretty damn helpless and humiliated, as he held himself up by the cheek to prevent hanging by the balls, as Miley continued to stretch his naked nuts up as high as she could, causing Leo’s face to flatten against the floor.


Thankfully, he had his face there to hold him up or he’d literally be hanging by his nut sac. And, who knows, if his scrotum wasn’t strong enough to hold his whole weight, he may have fallen flat on the floor and left his nuts up in the air in Miley’s grip.


Miley held his nuts up towards the ceiling and began swatting them side to side, quite forcefully, and quite painfully.


First, she gave him a hard backhand across the exposed nuts.


Then, she bitch slapped his nuts with a front hand.


Then, another backhand across the nuts.


Then, another front slap to the bare nuts.


She picked up the speed, smacking his balls back to front, then back to front again. Over and over.


Leo bellowed and his hard dick shrunk tiny and started flopping around from the incredible force of Miley’s bare-handed smacks to his tormented balls.


Miley laughed at Leo’s limp little dick as she continued swatting his nude balls over and over. And a humiliated Leo began to cry out into the cold tile that pinched his cheek and mouth…


“Please, Miley! My balls!!”


Miley growled down at Leo,


“Still think it was worth it?”


“Still think it was worth sticking your hand between my legs?”


He shook his head as much as he could with his face planted on the floor.


“No! No! I’m sorry!”


Miley barked,


“I’m sorry too!”


And then she calmly stated,


“I’m sorry your mother didn’t spank you enough.”


And, with that comment, she stretched Leo’s balls out even further and placed them flat against his left ass cheek. She did this by ironing the webbing between her thumb and forefinger, flat against his empty scrotum, so that his balls would be propped up and pinned against his left ass cheek… but completely and utterly exposed. It looked like his ass cheek had a pair of balls built into it.


Miley continued,


“Looks like I’ll be picking up where your mother left off…”


Miley then proceeded to smack Leo’s balls against his ass… as if she was just spanking his ass… only, with his bare balls uncomfortably in the way :)


It was definitely a ball spanking, even though she tried so hard to make it look like a butt spanking.

She kept reeling her hand back and spanking it down quite firmly across his ass-pinned ball sac. Her palm would crash into his balls and her finger tips would slap the butt cheek area beyond them.


Despite what he did to her, it seemed so much worse what she was doing to him… like a million times worse. Just the humiliation of being put in this position was worse, even if you forget the fact that she was torturing his balls… which is a hard fact to forget… especially with Leo crying out about how much they hurt each time she smacked them.


And she gave him at least twenty hard smacks too, so he was doing a lot of crying out about the pain in his balls.


Eventually, he started to break down and cry, whimpering his tears into the floor. But, much to everyone’s surprise, Miley wasn’t done with him yet. She just kept on spanking his sore balls and ass, harder and harder each time, until Leo finally bursted into tears… bawling his eyes out like a little boy after his first corporal punishment.


Then, Miley punched him full force in the pinned balls and released her pin on them.


Upon releasing his scrotum, the only thing left holding Leo up was his cheek, and Leo dropped like a rock on the ground, face first, and curled up into the fetal position. He quickly grabbed a hold of his sore, swollen nuts and clutched them for dear life.


Miley stood over him with her hands on her hips and said,


“Be thankful you have something left to clutch. Cause if you ever touch a girl inappropriately again, even by accident, you won’t.”


Then, Miley just blew on her nails and walked to class as if nothing happened.


Word of Miley’s vengeance quickly made its way around campus and girls were feeling much more empowered than usual.


Meanwhile, Leo served as a poster child of what might happen to the balls of any would-be gropers.


He would limp all over campus for the next three months. And, to make matters worse for him, he had developed a case of… Post-Traumatic Groping Stress.


Whenever a girl breezed by him, fearing his hand may have touched her inappropriately in the process—even if by accident—he would shriek and quickly clutch his balls in fear of Miley’s threat. The girls would giggle every time too. Some girls would fake him out just to watch him rush to cup his balls :)


But, he earned a great deal of respect from the girls, too, for taking it like such a man, and, becoming so polite to women in the process.


Hearing girls tell the story of Miley and Leo with such excitement would send men rushing to the bathroom to relieve the tension between their legs.


It was so sexy to hear pretty girls talking about this hot female super heroine archetype, Miley, correcting a man’s foul behavior in front of the whole school, by stripping him bare-balls nude, manhandling him so thoroughly, and punishing his nuts so mercilessly.


It drove men wild to hear girls recount what they saw Miley do. It got them so hot ’n bothered. It seemed so wrong but it also seemed so right too.


Some guys would pretend to not know the story just to get a pair of girls to happily explain all the sordid details.


As much as it was erotic for the boys to hear the girls tell the story, and fantasize about what hot Miley looked like in action, the last thing they wanted was to experience it in real life.


It’s one thing to fantasize about a confident, gorgeous girl taking control of a man’s balls, but none of them wanted to end up in the hospital having their balls examined by a pretty nurse.


And Miley finally got what she wanted… to be left alone for a change. She went a whole three months without even getting whistled at once. She was tickled pink. And free to roam the halls without any man daring to grope her.


Towards the end of the year, before the big final college play, the drama club threw a party and Miley hosted it at her apartment off campus.


They had a great time, playing charades and other theatrical games, while discussing the upcoming Romeo & Juliet performance they were putting on in a few weeks. And, of course, Miley was playing Juliet.


They’d all gotten themselves pretty tipsy and Scott didn’t look like he was good to drive. And Miley was not the type of friend to let you drive drunk. So, she took Scott’s keys and made him spend the night downstairs on her couch.


He didn’t complain either. In fact, it would become clear later to Miley that he faked being drunk, just for a chance at sleeping on her couch.


But these days, Miley’s guard was down. She hadn’t been harassed in so long. And, after what she did to Leo’s balls, she thought she’d be good for life…


After everyone left, Miley went up to her room to pass out a little drunk, leaving Scott all alone on her couch…


Sometime in the middle of the night, Scott tip-toed up to her room and turned her knob, very quietly.


He tiptoed into her room and shut the door behind him.


Scott observed Miley asleep under the covers, then tiptoed to her dresser, which was right at the foot of her bed. He opened the top drawer, and to his delight, saw a drawer filled with Miley’s hot panties.


Miley had popped an eye open as the drawer squeaked, and she watched in disgust as an excited Scott began shuffling through her panties, and even sniffed a wad of them.


Her mouth hung in horror as Scott unzipped his fly and dropped his naked junk inside her top drawer, dragging it back and forth across her soft frilly panties while oohing and ahhing.


As Scott turned toward Miley, she quickly shut her eyes and pretended to be fast asleep, so she could take a moment to think through her next move.


She was still in shock and her heart was racing.


A delighted Scott noticed Miley’s panties and bra lying in a ball at the bottom of her bed—the same ones she wore earlier. He picked them up and sniffed them deeply into his lungs. He moaned at Miley’s sweet girly scent.


Then it hit him… if Miley’s bra and panties are on the floor by her bed… then Miley must be sleeping in the nude!


He couldn’t control himself. And he tiptoed to the other side of her bed and slowly crawled under the covers next to her.


He lifted the covers to look at Miley’s gorgeous nude body and he had to bite his hand to keep from moaning. It was like nothing he’d ever seen before, and he’d seen plenty of naked girls. He started to feel her body up and down, sliding his hands up and down her legs, tits, and pussy.


Miley opened her eyes to see and then closed them again, quietly grinding her teeth and waiting for the right moment…


But Scott made it too easy for her. He unzipped his fly, pulled out his junk, then grabbed Miley’s limp hand, and cupped it around his bare cock and balls.


Scott instantly became rock hard and his dick was pulsing. Miley took the opportunity and began to squeeze Scott’s balls that he had conveniently placed in her hand. He thought it was just a nocturnal reaction of hers, and didn’t think much of it as he stroked his hard, pulsing cock with delight.


But, when Miley’s grip began to tighten quite painfully, he realized something wasn’t right. He gasped and looked back at Miley’s face, and to his shock, her eyes were wide open and staring him down.


He gulped and was like,


“Umm… Oh man, how did your hand get in my pants?”


Miley purred,


“I dunno… but let’s not waste any time…”


Scott grinned and thought to himself,


“Could it be...?”


“Did Miley really want to get down?”


But, that grin quickly turned to a look of terrible pain, as Miley did indeed want to “get down”. Or, rather, more like “clamp down”. She clamped down so hard on Scott’s balls, he held his breath and started turning blue in the face.


He grabbed her wrist with both hands and squeaked,


“Um, that’s kinda hard, Miley…”


…thinking she didn’t know what she was doing.


But then Miley was like,


“Ummmmmm… Yeah, I know…”


…and clamped down even harder on Scott’s aching nuts as he strained desperately to pry her hand off.


Miley cooed,


“Aww, what’s wrong? You don’t like being groped without your permission?”


…as she tightened her grip even harder on his naked balls.


Scott was beginning to hyperventilate as Miley squeezed his suffering nuts harder and harder. His blue face turned red, then drained to white, but Miley just kept staring him in the eyes with no compromise, while squeezing his balls harder… and harder… and harder… and harder…




Eventually, Scott squeaked in a high pitch voice and then passed out from the shock and pain of it.


Miley let go of his lifeless balls and stood up at the foot of her bed. From the look in her eyes, you could tell she was determined to exact a very serious revenge on Scott.


She took off his shoes and socks and pulled his pants all the way off. Then, she took off his shirt too, leaving him totally nude… like she was.


She then lifted Scott up under his arms and dragged him off the foot of her bed, onto his feet, and over to her dresser. There, she hung Scott in half over her short dresser, so his chest and head were lying flat across it.


She left her room and came back momentarily with a huge roll of duct tape. She stuck a strip to the back left of her dresser, then stretched it down the left side and over the back of Scott’s butt… over the front of her dresser, then down the right and back around.


She quickly made three more loops around Scott and the dresser, immobilizing his ass against it.


Then, she laid his hands flat over the back, and duct taped his hands and wrists down several times, until they were more than immobilized.


If he could’ve moved right now, he would only be able to lift his head up and down and stomp his feet. And that was about it.


Excitedly, Miley skipped downstairs in the nude to her kitchen and made herself a bowl of ice cream. She covered it in strawberry syrup and placed a cherry on top. She then skipped back to her room, crawled back in her bed under the covers, and began to enjoy her ice cream… while also enjoying the sight of Scott lying unconscious and bound to her dresser.


15 minutes later, Scott began to rustle awake…


It took him a minute to notice his surroundings. And then, he slowly came to… wondering what happened to himself…


He recalled tiptoeing into Miley’s room and putting himself in this same position earlier. But, then he recalled crawling into her bed and groping her. And he tried to recall how he got back to her dresser again, but he just couldn’t.


Then, suddenly, he remembered Miley squeezing his balls harder and harder and assumed he probably passed out from the pain.


“But still…”


He wondered.


“How did I get back at the dresser..?”


He tried to lift himself up but he couldn’t move. He felt the restrictions of the duct tape, but couldn’t see what it was that was securing him in place just yet.


And then, Miley turned her night table light on, and Scott turned white as a ghost, as he corked his head around to see the duct tape constricting his wrists and head to the top of the dresser, and wrapped several times around his butt to keep him locked in place.


He was beginning to realize what was going on…


He looked over at Miley on her bed, finishing her ice cream, and she pretended to be shocked,


“Omigod?? Are you going through my panty drawer again??”


Scott was pretty embarrassed. He didn’t realize she was awake earlier, and so must have also seen him stick his nude privates in her drawer and drag them all over her panties.


At that moment, it was clear to Scott that Miley was exacting some kind of revenge on him. But, he didn’t know what it was.


And, he definitely didn’t want to find out.


Scott wiggled and squirmed, but all he could do was shake his butt and wrists. He could not break free.


Then, he noticed something even more disturbing…


Not only was he naked, but his nude cock and balls were hanging back in Miley’s panty drawer. This time, without his consent or control.


He whipped his head at Miley and stammered,


“I’m naked! And — ”


Miley cut him off,


“— your naked cock and balls are back in my panty drawer. I know. Deja Vu, huh?”


She giggled.


“Let me go, Miley!”


Scott demanded.


“Untie me right now!”


Miley purred,


“I don’t think you’re in a position to make demands, Scott.”


Thoughts were racing through Scott’s head. He knew Miley’s reputation for punishing boys for perving on her, and he didn’t want to know what might happen if he didn’t break free.


He wiggled and squirmed with all of his strength,  but he couldn’t come close to breaking free of the duct tape.


Miley just grinned at her work at restraining Scott. Then, she slowly pulled her bed spread up, letting her bare feet pop out exposed off the edge of the bed.


She put her ice cream bowl down on her night table, sucked the cherry down her tongue, then scooted down the bed so her legs would hang off the foot of it. Then, she leaned back on her arms and lifted her right leg in the air and angled it at the top drawer…


Before Scott could realize what she was doing, she shot her foot at the drawer, slamming it shut on Scott’s naked dick and balls.


Scott cried out in pain, gasping and slamming his butt back in hopes of opening the drawer back up to relieve his crushed organs, but Miley’s foot wasn’t budging. She held his balls tightly pinned between the two wooden flaps of her dresser…  ironically, with the balls of her feet. It was like balls on balls :)


Miley spoke as Scott struggled and bellowed,


“Looks like someone’s getting a taste of their own medicine, huh?


She giggled.


“You should look in the dresser mirror and see yourself.”


Scott just kept bellowing while trying to free his cock and balls from the dresser drawer, but he got nowhere with Miley’s foot holding the drawer shut.


She ordered him to quiet his mouth so he didn’t wake the neighbors, but he just kept on blubbering.


So, she ripped her covers off, revealing to Scott that she was still completely nude. And, this provided him a moment’s distraction from the searing pain in his cock and balls. That, and the fact that the drawer opened up a tad as she removed her foot from it to stand up.


Scott’s dick hardened up, pointing straight down at the bottom of her panty drawer. Miley stood up and approached Scott at the dresser. She opened the drawer back up, and Scott gasped with relief, as his sore cock and balls were completely freed from the pressure of the drawer crushing down on them.


Miley then grabbed a huge handful of panties out of her top drawer, and stuffed them into Scott’s mouth, gagging him. Then she remarked,


“I said, beeeeee quiet! The neighbors are sleeping.”


And with that polite admonishment, she slammed the drawer on Scott’s hard cock and soft balls again.


Scott cried out, quite loud, but entirely muffled into a mouthful of Miley’s panties.




She continued, calmly,


“Well, Scott, you did wanna get fucked… right..?”


She opened the drawer and went on,


“How’s this for getting fucked…?”


And she slammed the drawer back on his hard cock and sore balls again.


Scott screamed into his panty gag, completely helpless to stop the pain… his mind now completely off of Miley’s gorgeous nude body.


She continued taunting him,


“So, Scott…”


She opened the drawer, letting his cock and balls dangle free again.


“Does it feel good getting fucked by a hot girl…?”


And she slammed the drawer shut on his dick and balls again, trapping them between the wooden flaps that sealed the drawer, and causing him to cry out in terrible pain.


Miley then lied back down on her bed. Scott wiggled the drawer open a bit to provide himself a tiny bit of relief from the pressure—not much, but it was the best he could do. Then, he looked at Miley on her bed as she spread her legs nice and wide at him. The dresser nudged open another quarter inch as his dick started to harden watching Miley tease him…


Miley ran her fingers up her thighs… right up the slit of her pussy… and up over her tummy to her breasts. She cupped her breasts and then reached her foot forward and gripped the drawer knob in her scrunched toes. She slowly pulled the draw all the way open again with her toes, and Scott gulped as his flattened dick and balls recoiled again. He was so hoping she was done slamming them flat, because he thought he’d die if he had to take one more. Little did he know, he had so many more to go…


Miley then planted each of her feet flat over each of the drawer knobs and held them there.


She purred,


“Hope your cock and balls are still enjoying themselves in my panty drawer.”


And with that sarcastic remark, she slammed both of her feet against the drawer, flattening Scott’s nude cock and balls inside her panty drawer again.


Scott screamed into his panty gag. Then Miley slowly pulled the drawer open again with her toes. But, before Scott could even catch his breath and notice her next move, she slammed it even harder down on his busted manhood again.


This time, after the drawer was slammed, she continued to press it even tighter shut, further crushing his poor, sore cock and balls against the oak wood of her dresser drawer.


“Feels good in my panty drawer. Doesn’t it, Scott?”


Scott violently shook his head and was screaming and bumping and squirming so hard against the drawer, desperate to pry open the drawer a little bit and protect his nude organs from being flattened.




All of his efforts were pointless.


Miley just smiled, pleased at the retribution she was exacting on Scott’s lewd manhood. She opened the drawer with her toes again, making Scott fear for the worst, but then she stood up behind Scott. He gasped, feeling so relieved that she didn’t slam it shut on his busted cock and balls again.


He felt even better as Miley pressed her crotch against his ass and rubbed her pussy up and down it. She purred,


“Hope this is as good for you as it is for me…”


Miley continued taunting Scott while dragging her hairy bush up and down his ass, so softly and sweetly,


“…cause it feels sohhhhhh good for me.”


And then, she slammed her pussy against Scott’s ass, forcing his ass to jut forward and slam the dresser drawer on his own helpless cock and balls.


Scott cried out,




She cooed,


“Well, Scott. I don’t think I’m going to be able to fully honor that request. But… I will agree to a compromise.”


Scott’s eyes lit up as she continued. He liked the idea of a compromise right about now.


“How about this. I’ll stop crushing your cock, okay?”


Scott nodded with a glow. He liked the sound of that a lot… at first… but then he hard swallowed as he thought of the implications.


Miley continued cooing in his ear…


“Only because it’s getting in the way. And I just don’t think your nuts are getting enough attention.”


Scott swallowed even harder again as Miley carried on…


“So let’s get your cock out of the drawer and just crush your nuts. Okay? How does that sound...?”


Scott shook his head and cried out “NOHHHHHHH!!” into his panty gag as Miley giggled and pulled his flattened cock out of the drawer. She laid it over the dresser, leaving only his nude, unprotected nuts to dangle in the drawer below.


Miley then quickly slammed the drawer shut on Scott’s devastated nuts and he cried out incoherently into his mouthful of panties,




Miley smirked,


“Come on, big boy, I know you got another one in you.”


She opened the drawer and then slammed it on his sore balls again. He cried out another similar garbled frequency… something about his balls.


Then, as soon as she released the drawer this time, Scott got wise in his desperation. And he lifted his balls up flat against his body… so they wouldn’t hang in the drawer.


Miley shook her head,


“Do you really think that’s gonna stop me, Scott..? Now, stop playing games and drop those sore, horny balls in my panty drawer, so they can take the punishment we both know they deserve.”


He shook his head, crying, and she warned him,


Drop those balls in that drawer right now.”


Scott continued to resist as Miley was losing her patience.


“I’m not going to ask you again, Scott. Get... those... balls... in… that… dresser… drawer… NOW.”


Scott continued to refuse. So, Miley pulled one of her leather boots up over her right foot and sat on the floor between Scott’s legs.


She shook her head,


“I warned you.”


And then she kicked him so hard up in his bare balls, he screamed and turned blood red. And, of course, his body went limp and his nuts dropped right down into Miley’s panty drawer again.


And, as soon as they did, Miley smiled wickedly and cracked her boot hard against the drawer, slamming it shut right on Scott’s tortured balls.


He screamed so loud two pairs of her pink panties flew out of his mouth. But, she quickly stuffed them back in and taped his mouth shut so that wouldn’t happen again.


She then opened the drawer and purred with such a sweet but taunting tone,


“You know what time it is, right Scott..? Yuuuup, it’s time for another one… right… in… the BALLS.”


She giggled as she cracked her boot against the drawer and sent it crashing shut on Scott’s balls again.


Then, she stood up and opened the drawer again.


Clearly not learning from his mistake just a moment ago, and not realizing the obvious fact that he was only making it worse for himself, Scott once again sucked his balls up flat against his body so they wouldn’t hang down in Miley’s deadly panty drawer.


Of course, it’s not like it wasn’t a natural, healthy, and instinctual response for a man to suck his nuts up to avoid getting them crushed, even if it wasn’t a winning strategy against Miley.


This time, Miley grabbed him under the arms and kneed him full force in his sucked-up nuts. And, of course, they dropped right back in her top drawer.


And, as soon as they did, she slammed the drawer on his poor naked balls again. Scott screamed into his taped panty gag as his veins popped out of the back of his neck.


Miley pressed her pussy against Scott’s butt again, rubbing it so sensually across his cheeks while pinning his balls between the dresser flaps.


She purred while pussy fondling his butt,


“So, Scott? Are you feeling satisfied yet? Or, do you still want a little more action...?”


Scott murmured,




Miley pretended to misunderstand him and was like,


“Okay, Scott, a little more action it is.”


Scott pitied himself and started to cry as Miley went on for ten minutes pussy slamming his balls shut in her panty drawer. She had such a good time doing it too.


She’d rub her pussy all over his butt for a few moments, making his dick rock hard, and then she’d suddenly slap her wet pussy hard against his butt, causing him to slam the drawer on his own balls. Then she’d ride his butt while gripping the dresser knobs, and shimmy backwards while opening the drawer back up. Then, she’d stop and slide her wet pussy up and down his butt again before pussy slamming those balls really good and hard in her dresser drawer. She made it seem like a lap dance, but it was anything but.


She went on and on until he passed out again…


Miley grinned. Just like the last time he passed out, she wanted him to wake up to another shocking surprise, so she took this opportunity to set the stage. She opened the drawer and stretched his balls down low to the bottom. Then, she slowly shut the drawer—not on his balls this time, but on his empty scrotum—forcing his testicles to hang limp and locked inside the completely-closed drawer.


Miley duct taped the drawer so that it would stay completely closed, and then lied back in her bed. She pulled out her playbook and began to rehearse her lines for the upcoming play. She was performing much more passionately than usual and she really impressed herself. She looked up every so often with a wide-eyed smile to see Scott passed out on her dresser, with his crushed nuts locked in the bottom of her panty drawer.


A half hour later, Scott awoke… a complete mess… and his sobbing picked right back up again. He cried out about the burning pain in his balls… which he wanted so desperately to clutch. But, after Leo, Miley was done letting men clutch their balls after she punished them.


Scott noticed something wasn’t right again. He felt different again. He wiggled and squirmed to get a sense of where his delicate organs were hiding…


He was certainly happy to know they weren’t being crushed between the dresser flaps, but he couldn’t quite figure out where they were. He couldn’t feel his balls hanging under his cock so he tried sucking them up again. But he still couldn’t feel them. He realized he had no power to lift his balls and he was very concerned. He looked at Miley grinning at him but quickly looked away, afraid to look in her eyes, and knowing she wasn’t going to be offering him any help.


Scott took a huge deep breath and sucked up really hard. This time, he felt his balls smack against the wood inside her dresser. And then he realized his balls were locked in Miley’s panty drawer. No, he didn’t feel too good about that, but he was ever-so grateful they weren’t being flattened.


Miley got Scott’s attention. Softly and calmly, she spoke while grinning…


“Locked up good and tight, huh Scott…?”


Scott gulped as she continued.


“Scott, I am going back home for the weekend, and I’m going to leave you like this to think about what you did.”


Miley got up and started going through the bottom drawers of her dresser between Scott’s legs while grabbing some clothes to put on.


“When I get back, if it seems you’ve learned your lesson, I’ll let you go. If not, I’ll leave you here to hang by your balls… until… they fall off.”


She completely undid all of Scott’s restricting duct tape, except for the tape sealing the drawer shut on his scrotum. She then duct taped his wrists together and taped them to the back of his butt. Then she got dressed and walked to the door.


She turned to Scott at the door, who was

semi-hanging from his balls while pleading,




She ignored Scott’s desperate pleas, and while delightfully watching him wiggle and balance on his feet to prevent completely hanging by his balls, she added one more comment on her way out…


“If something comes up and I don’t make it back for some reason, you can only live a few days without water. So, I wouldn’t recommend denying yourself a drink.”


“Of course, in order to get a drink of water from downstairs, you’ll have to…um…leave your balls behind in my panty drawer.”


She giggled,


“Hope you don’t mind? I’m sure they’re too crushed anyway to matter to anyone. So, don’t feel too bad about leaving them behind.”


“Well… goodnight.”


Miley turned off the light and shut the door behind her as Scott groaned helplessly into his panty gag, while sucking in his butt to offset the hanging of the balls.


Miley returned, two days later, to see Scott still wiggling and squirming, hopelessly struggling to free his balls from the drawer, and she giggled so girlishly at the sight of it.


“I guess you decided to die of thirst before losing your balls, huh..? Typical guy.”


She turned serious as she pulled Scott’s hair back to force him to hang completely by his trapped nuts. As he hung from his nuts, crying face up at the ceiling, Miley hung her head over his face and spoke down into his fearful eyes.


“You better tell every guy and girl in school what I did to you. And, if you don’t… or if you ever touch a girl inappropriately again… or even so much as disrespect a girl again… I will really crush your balls.”


“Do you understand me?”


Scott nodded passionately, with not an ounce of argument in him. And Miley continued,


“Good. Now get your balls out of my dresser…”


Miley untaped the dresser drawer and let Scott go. He fell back and, as he did, his weight forced his balls to crack open the drawer and swing out from inside it. And with no nuts to hang by, he collapsed onto his back on the floor.


Standing over him with her hands on her hips, Miley continued,


“…and out of my house…”


She dropped his keys on his chest and finished,




Scott grabbed his keys in one hand, scrambled to his feet and ran for the door while clutching his sore cock and balls in his other hand. He ran down her stairs and right out her front door before he realized he was naked. But he didn’t dare go back inside. He just ran to his car and sped off in the nude.

Views: 761

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Amazing story.  So well written.


Well written



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