A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Dylan slipped off his navy blazer and loosened his silk tie as he scanned the room. Chairs were set in a circle, and though a few were already taken, most of the group participants milled about the small table, filling small Styrofoam cups with coffee and chatting over paper plates holding a variety of pastries and cookies. He chided himself with an inward smirk as he draped his coat over the back of a folding chair. Honestly, he thought to himself, what were you expecting? His hand lingered a moment on the collar of his jacket as if letting go would lock him into this experience with no hope for escape. He caught the eye of a woman across the circle and she smiled at him warmly. Without thinking, he let go of the blazer and gave her a slight wave. When she picked up her purse and coffee and started toward him, he looked down, flexed his empty hand, realizing he was in it for the long haul.
“Is this seat taken?” the woman asked, already setting her stuff down.
Her face was so bright and her tone so playful that it put Dylan at ease immediately. “I’m sorry, but it is,” he shot back, watching her eyes go wide. She started to apologize but Dylan continued, “I believe it was a woman, about 5’ 6” – at least with the lavender heels she has on, wavy chestnut hair, a lovely cream sweater and a wonderful smile. Have you seen her?”
She narrowed her eyes pretending to scan the room while at the same time reaching into her purse. “No I don’t see her –,” she said, trailing off as she flipped open a small compact. Looking in its mirror she raised an eyebrow. “Oh, wait, now I see her!” She looked up and shot Dylan a wicked grin. “Very clever. I’m Calliope, but you can call me Callie,” she said offering him a well-manicured hand.
He took it gently but firmly. “I’m Dylan and I’m not so sure I should be here.” He hoped the small confession would make him seem vulnerable and open which went against his natural reserved demeanor.
“Well, Dylan,” replied Callie, taking the bait, “if you’re a single parent, then you’re in the right place.”
He laughed easily. “I am, but I’m also the only man as far as I can tell.”
She returned his laugh and motioned as the circle began to fill. “I don’t think it’s bothering us too much.” She paused, noting the anxiety creeping into his gaze. “Ah, you’re worried about you. Well, put on your big boy pants and man up. We’re only here to help.”
Looking chastened, Dylan sat down and folded his arms across his chest. “Okay then, what should I expect from all you supportive ladies?”
Callie ignored the sarcastic emphasis he placed on ‘supportive’. “We mostly just share stories of struggles, and successes, and give each other advice and encouragement. Try to go into it like we’re all on your side. You’ll get a lot more from it, and just maybe, you’ll have something to offer us.”
Dylan uncrossed his arms, surprised at the way her honest smile overcame his reluctance. There was a warmth and sincerity in her face he didn’t expect. From across the room, he could tell she was a looker, but up close she was stunning. Her high cheekbones, delicate nose and soft, full lips had the kind of beauty that usually came with a bit of a stuck-up attitude. But Callie seemed so down-to-earth, almost unaware of her comeliness. He was about to ask her about her kids but the meeting was called to attention.
A disheveled, but pleasant looking young woman greeted the group. “Hi everyone! As most of you know, I’m Stacey, a single mom of two. First of all, thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to join us this evening and for providing your own childcare this month. We’re hoping to get our regular sitter back next month. Second, thanks to Kathy for bringing in all the yummy treats. Now, it looks like we have some new faces so let’s go around the room and do the whole introductions thing.”
As they went around the room Dylan wished they were all wearing name tags. There were about 20 of them and he wasn’t going to remember everyone’s name. When Callie’s turn came, he was surprised to learn she had a 15 year-old daughter along with an 18 year-old son. His mouth was still agape staring at her when he felt everyone’s gaze on him. Quickly he composed himself. “Hi everyone, I’m one of the newbies tonight. My name is Dylan and I’m a recent single dad of a 16 year-old boy. Well, I guess it’s been over a year now but I’m still not used to it. My wife died from cancer and I’ve been floating without an anchor. I saw an ad for this group online and thought I’d check it out.” He was about to go on but it occurred to him he might be bordering on babbling. Instead, he smiled and shrugged his shoulders as if to say, “What can you do?” He saw many sympathetic eyes and a few knowing nods and it further eased any concerns he was still holding onto.
After the introductions were finished, Stacey started the meat of the session. She related a story about her toddler being in a phase where she constantly ate paper. A woman three seats down from Dylan commiserated and told Stacey how she’d handled it. Next there was a situation at school for one of the women which was handled nicely by another lady that happened to be a vice principal at an elementary school. Things got dicey when a woman, probably in her mid-fifties, whose name was Sheila, complained about her dead beat ex failing to meet his part-time parental duties. The woman next to her took her hand and tried to calm her down saying softly, “Men are such pi -.” She caught herself and looked sheepishly toward Dylan, the color rising up her fleshy neck.
Dylan put his arms up in mock surrender. “You can say it. Men can be a bit piggish. But it’s not all of them, I swear!” His easy-going response allowed the minor tension to dissipate. When he caught Callie looking over at him he widened his eyes and mouthed, “Sheesh.” She leaned over and whispered, “Those two are embittered man-haters. Take them with a grain of salt.”
A lengthy discussion of legal rights and options ensued which slowly dwindle until it was just a small cluster surrounding Sheila still on topic. Stacey used this as an opportunity to call for a quick potty break and coffee refresher.
Dylan took the opportunity to bring Callie a steaming cup while grabbing himself a couple mini doughnuts.
“So, are you going to share anything tonight?” She asked, carefully accepting the hot beverage.
He swallowed down the big bite he’d just taken. “I don’t know yet. In spite of the man-haters, I wouldn’t feel uncomfortable sharing, but I just don’t feel quite ready yet.” When Callie leaned into him, a brief second of panic ripped through his body as he was afraid she was going to kiss him. Instead, she licked a finger and wiped away some remnants of powdered sugar from the corner of his mouth. He sat back and stared at her dumbfounded.
“Sorry! Once a mother, always a mother, I guess. Force of habit,” she explained.
Dylan had to laugh at that. “In that case, thank you. Imagine if I’d finally worked up the nerve to say anything and there I am, face full of powdered sugar!”
“Yeah, you probably don’t want to get tagged with the nickname Sugar after your first meeting, do you Shug?” she said, her expression coy.
He wasn’t sure if she was flirting with him, but he was finally feeling loose. “I think you’re right, Hon,” he said with an exaggerated laugh.
When her eyes narrowed, he thought he might have gone too far, but her response alleviated that notion. “So you’re Sugar and I’m Honey. Pretty intimate for two people who didn’t know each other an hour ago. But I can live with it.”
“That. Was. Terrible,” Callie groaned through a smile, patting his leg. “I see you still have your A game when it comes to dad jokes.”
When she patted his leg, he noticed it was dangerously high up on his thigh. And he could’ve sworn her smile just went from innocent to sly. He could feel goose bumps all over at her touch and a slight stirring down below. But before it had a chance to blossom Stacey revved up the meeting again.
Toward the end of the second half, Dylan finally mustered up the courage to talk. He explained that he was having trouble figuring out what his son was into these days. Apparently this was a common problem among parents with teenagers and the volume of advice he received was more than he could process. Seeing Dylan’s overwhelmed expression, Stacey made a merciful attempt to wrap things up.
“Looks like we’re about out of time,” she said. “For those of you who are new, we usually try to end the meeting on a light note. Anyone have anything fun to share?”
Everyone grew silent for a few moments until a slight snickering broke out close to Stacey. “What’s so funny, Donna?” she asked.
“Well, it’s a little risque,” Donna started. When she paused, the woman next to her gave her a light punch in the arm like a shot of encouragement. “So lately my oldest daughter has become quite moody and aggressive, especially with her brother. She keeps beating on him. Even though he’s younger, he could probably hurt her if he ever got too fed up, so I had a little talk with him about not hitting girls. I told him if she ever hits you, just walk away and tell me and I’ll handle it. He’s only come to me once or twice but then last week they were out in the back yard and I happened to be standing in the kitchen which overlooks the yard. I wasn’t paying too much attention until I saw her throw something at him. He ducked it which must’ve made her mad so she walked over to him, yelling all the while, and then kicked him in the balls. I nearly dropped the cup I was washing. Poor guy came crawling into the backdoor, obviously trying hard not to cry. The look of betrayal he gave me broke my heart. I told him it was still not okay to hit her back even if she did that but that she would definitely get punished.”
At this, at least three quarters of the room roared in laughter, including Callie who was slapping her knee in glee. Dylan gave a sheepish laugh trying to fit in despite his complete shock at the reaction of the women. Secretly, he could feel his own genitals try to crawl up inside, but with the utter lack of sympathy shown, he simply tried to disappear into his chair. He was relieved to catch Stacey’s eye and see that she also looked uncomfortable wearing an embarrassed smile.
“Well, I guess that’s it for tonight,” she said barely above the din. “See you all next week.” Quickly she stood up and went over to the table and began cleaning up.
Callie looked at Dylan, wiping tears from her eyes. “You didn’t think that was funny?”
He looked at her, perplexed. “What’s so funny about assault?”
Callie’s expression went hard. “Oh c’mon! Lighten up Mr. Serious. I’m sure the boy is just fine. Jeez.” When Dylan’s face didn’t lighten up, Callie reached for her purse. “Well, I didn’t mean to offend you. Maybe you can give us a second chance and come back next month.” She turned to go.
Dylan grabbed her arm. “Hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to rush out of here. I was just caught off guard.”
She turned, looking into his eyes and saw his stoic gaze had dissolved into a look of apology. “Listen, “ she said, “I know we just had coffee, but be honest, it wasn’t very good coffee. You want to go down the block for a real cup?”
Glancing at his watch, Dylan agreed to go. “The sitter isn’t expecting me back quite yet. I could join you for a bit.” Evidently Callie assumed he’d say yes as she was already handing him his jacket.
They walked along the sidewalk in silence, Dylan enjoying the calming quiet instead of the usual breakneck pace of the street while Callie jutted her chin happily into the evening breeze. She led him to a corner coffee shop that was as quiet as the road outside and grabbed a small table in the back corner of the room. “I’ll get us a couple lattes,” she said as he nodded.
She came back with two mugs, each with a perfectly shaped leaf drawn into the foam.
“I almost don’t want to drink it and ruin the art,” Dylan mused.
“Trust me, you’ll want to drink it. This place is the best.”
He took a sip and concurred. He saw that she was eying him curiously. “Even though we’re Honey and Sugar, I don’t quite know your looks yet,” he joked.
Callie studied him a moment longer. “You’ve never been hit in the nuts.”
Dylan nearly spit out his second sip. “Was that a question or a statement?” he asked, adding, “and, wow, you’re blunt. Let’s breeze by the normal get-to-know questions and get right to personal.”
“Sorry,” she said, again, “I guess I was just shocked at how stiff you got on a subject most people find hilarious. Don’t you watch AFV? Nut shots are the number one clips.”
He considered this for a beat. “I played sports and I’ve taken some shots to the groin and I know how much it hurts. I suppose I could’ve offered a sympathetic laugh.”
“So you would have advised Donna’s boy to hit his sister?” she asked, an edge to her tone.
He shook his head. “Of course not. I don’t know what I’d do. Never thought about it.”
There was something in his eyes that told Callie this may not be truth, but she didn’t press it. Instead, she went back to her original thought. “Have you ever had a girl kick you in the balls? Be honest.” She sat back and folded her arms staring hard at Dylan like he was being cross-examined.
“Jee – sus. You are a brazen little lady,” he stalled.
Callie’s firm gaze deciphered that, despite his bluster, he was intrigued. Whether by the subject or by her, she wasn’t sure. She re-folded her arms, making sure to pull down the V cut of her sweater and expose a little cleavage. That usually helped retain attention. “You didn’t answer the question, Shug,” she chided.
He sighed. “No. I never have.”
At this, Callie smiled, “Huh.”
Dylan took it in, confused. “Again, Hon, I don’t know your looks. Are you glad about that? Because that smile sure looks kind of sad.”
Callie brightened. “You do know my looks. It was a rather sad smile. And pick up your jaw,” she added, noting his bewilderment.
Dylan composed himself. “Why on God’s green earth would you be sad about that?!?”
“Oh, Shug, if you have to ask that, I can’t explain it.” She shot him a baleful look.
“How about you try?” he offered.
“How about you answer this,” she said, rising from her chair. She leaned over, letting her full breasts rest on the table top and put her face close to his. “Do you think I’m attractive?” When he just stared into her eyes, she added, “I think you do.”
Dylan gulped but kept his eyes from wandering, though they desperately wanted to. “I wouldn’t be here otherwise,” he whispered hoarsely.
“Good, because I think you’re attractive, too.” She stood back and offered her hand. “Stand up.” He took her as she pulled him to her. She whispered into his ear, “Would it be a lie to say you want to feel my body against yours?”
“No,” he whispered as her hand ran up his thigh, stopping just short of his groin. He looked around to make sure no one was watching but the only other customers had gone and the barista counter was around a corner.
“Would you kiss me?” she purred as her lips brushed his cheek before stopping an inch from his.
Unable to stand her teasing any longer, he pulled her face to his and kissed her deeply, a kiss she returned in full. She grabbed his hands a placed them under her ass, which he cupped firmly, and shimmied into him. He could feel the hardness of her nipples against his chest. He couldn’t remember why they were doing this and he didn’t care.
“Are you aroused?” Callie asked after they broke off the kiss. Her eyes drifted down to the beginnings of a tent in his trousers. “I think you are.” She took his hands again and cupped them under her breasts, letting him feel their heaviness.
As he held them she looked deep into his eyes and flashed a sexy smile, a sultry, ravenous look in her eye. Suddenly, Callie was surrounded by stars shooting off in every direction, a grand finale of fireworks. The visual effect came courtesy of her knee smashing into his balls. Dylan buckled against her as the pain erupted, searing into his brain. She grabbed his shoulders to steady his wobbly legs, nearly falling herself as he clutched her arms for support. She kissed his mouth and his jaw unclenched. When she pulled back his eyes opened revealing his shell shock. Callie smiled when he stammered, “Wha – what was, what just - ”
Before he could finish, her knee blasted into his balls for a second time. He grunted, pitching forward into her. She pushed him back against the wall where he swayed woozily with his hands covering his groin. Callie could tell he was about to drop to his knees, though he was trying hard not to.
“It’s okay, Shug, don’t fall,” she cooed as she pulled his hands away and placed each on a table on either side which he gripped tightly for balance. This time, she pulled up her skirt to give her legs a wider range of motion, drew back her leg and buried the patent leather of her lavender heels between his. The top of her foot crushed his balls for a third time and this time he dropped to his knees in absolute agony.
Callie watched his short, sporadic breaths for a moment before doing a quick visual sweep. So far they had the place all to themselves. She sat down on a chair next to him and crossed her legs, letting one heeled foot dangle lightly next to his head. She longed for him to kiss and caress it but that was probably asking too much. Perhaps, she thought, she should just hope he can get up and walk back. She would have to settle for the sight of him bowed and on his knees.
Eventually, Dylan was able to get to one knee and look at her. His expression was beautiful. His hands were clenched in anger, his mouth was gritted in frustration, but his eyes were filled with a mixture of terror and lust.
“Guess you can say you’ve been kicked in the balls by a woman, now,” Callie said with a blend of empathy and amusement before Dylan had a chance to speak. “Can you stand yet?” She asked, holding out her hands. He eyed them warily. “Let me help you up. I promise not to kick you again. I’m sure your balls are hurting bad enough.”
Callie pulled him to his feet and chuckled as he grimaced. She let go of one hand so he could nurse his aching gonads and pulled him toward the door with the other. She went slow, knowing that every step caused him pain, but he toughed it out and limped back to the parking lot barely noticing Callie’s shapely ass swaying as she strutted just ahead of him. When they reached the lot, he leaned up against her car still holding himself but his breathing was normal and the redness in his face had faded.
“How do they feel now?” Callie asked intently.
“The knifing pain is gone, but they are throbbing. Why did you – “
She cut short his question by taking his mouth in hers. She smiled inside when he flinched as she ran her hand up his thigh. She rubbed it along his impressive length and he responded by caressing her along the sides of her breasts. After a few minutes, Callie pulled away and glanced down. It appeared as if Dylan had pitched a carnival tent in his pants. As he looked down at it, Callie could see he was proud of how big it was.
He looked at her with a silly little grin. “Wow! I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard.”
She looked at him with a smile as big as his dick. “I have to confess, Shug, you might split me in two with that thing.” Cocking her head, she added, “So now you know why.”
“Now I know why what?” he asked thickly, distracted by his massive bulge.
“I told you I couldn’t explain why my smile was sad. I had to show you.”
“By kicking me in the nuts?”
She laughed at his exasperation. “Exactly. You said it yourself. You’ve never been so…enlarged! And I don’t think it’s in spite of me kicking you.” She waggled a finger at him. “I think it’s because I kicked you. As bad as the initial pain is, the lingering ache is actually quite pleasurable, isn’t it? Admit it, you’re picturing my knee smashing your balls right now, aren’t you?”
They both looked down as Callie traced a finger along his shaft and watched as it grew ever so much longer.
“See, just me talking about it has you getting bigger.”
“No and no,” he said shaking his head. “Your touching it has me going and I am not picturing you doing…that.” Of course, this was entirely untrue. Whether it was due to embarrassment or shock, he didn’t want to let her know that he was indeed seeing her foot rushing up into his groin in his mind’s eye. He was also still reliving, in amazement, how intoxicating it was to see her gloating at him as he knelt at her feet.
Callie ran a finger under his chin. “Oh, Shug, don’t lie to me.” She lifted her finger from his jaw and held her hand in front of his face slowing curling her fingers into a fist. “I wouldn’t want to have to punch those already throbbing balls.”
Dylan’s eyes went wide when Callie flexed at the knees and drew her fist back. His heartbeat quickened in both fear and lust as he expected to feel the hard uppercut of her small fist in his groin. Instead, she brought it up slowly until her closed fist pressed lightly against the fabric of his pants. He nearly creamed himself when she uncurled her fingers and softly patted his boys. He jumped with an involuntary twitch that caused Callie to laugh.
“Relax,” she said with a twinkle in her eyes that mocked his panic. “You’re safe now. While I’d love to enjoy some more of this fun, I do have to run.” She dug in her purse for a moment and produced a card which she handed to him. “Just in case you can’t sleep tonight, you know, seeing as how your world just turned upside down, here’s my number. Or even if you just can’t stop thinking about me,” she added with a wink. She gave Dylan a quick kiss on the cheek and turned to get into her car.
Dylan squeezed her arm gently as they parted, helping her climb into her car. He shut the door and stood back. As she started away, he saw her window come down.
“I really, really hope you call,” she said with a blushing smile.
And then she was gone, leaving Dylan alone with the taste of her lingering on his lips and the sensation of her imprinted on his balls.
Great start for a story!!
It started off very slowly, but hot damn was it worth the wait! More, please! =D
Literally my favorite author. Glad to read more from you.
Yay! Always glad to see your writing. :-)
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