Natalia peeped through the gap she had intentionally left in her door, to see Rob entering his apartment, taking his arms off around the waist of his date to get his keys for the door. Sarah elbowed past her without a word, to get a better look.

"So what did he say her name was again?", whispered Nat. "Eva, or Emma, or something.."

"Shh! Be quiet! I didn't spend the whole night here so Rob could lose another date again!", Sarah said.

Rob was not a unattractive guy, nor was he repulsive in character. He just had extraordinarily bad luck with women, peaking with his high school girlfriend kicking him in the groin so hard that he didn't have to use condoms anymore, as Sarah found out, after digging through his cupboard and reading his medical reports while he was out on his date with Eva. 

There, she learnt the real fragility of the testes, of how it didn't take a rupture like she one her brother had when she kneed him to rob him of his fertility, but just a right, or perhaps wrong angle and a little bad luck for a girl's foot or knee to crush a few tubes, effectively garnering the same result.

She started imagining it once again, of Rob squirming on the ground in agony after receiving his crowning kick, and highly specific diagrams of his damaged manhood. She imagined how red his face was, as a group of nurses attended to him being carted into the emergency room, prodding around his scrotum, none of them knowing that he had just been robbed of his fertility, asking him how he got injured that badly, and-

The door slammed wide open, as they both watched Eva dash out, and towards the elevator. Sarah, just awoken from her daydream, panicked, pushing Nat out of the door, with the both of them stumbling out and catching Eva's attention.

"W-what's going on?", Nat quickly piped.

"He, he", vocalised Eva. "He took it out in front of me, and, and I panicked, and just like my young women's self defence classes taught me, I and hit him, in his.. his..", she trailed.

Sarah took a good look at her, and figured out quickly that she was Rob's type. Short, innocent, beautiful. She also had a body that as Rob would say, "one could really grab on to". 

"Hit him in his?", prompted Natalia, as Eva continued.

Eva ignored her, as she entered the elevator to leave. Sarah had already gone over to their apartment, opening it to find Rob curled up in the fetal position beside the sofa, whimpering softly, his hands between his legs, and his jeans pulled down to his feet. She sat beside him, putting her hand on his back, and rubbing his back gently. 

"Shh shh shh, you'll be alright. I probably kicked you way harder than her, that one time you were being a dick", she reminded him, to which he gave a muffled reply which she ignored. He rolled over ever so slowly and precariously, his hands still attempting to clutch onto his saggy scrotum, his now swollen testicles rolling around his fingers, causing him even more pain.

"Let me guess, you were making out with her, and you thought it would be acceptable to just whip it out halfway through?", guessed Nat, as she walked in slowly, squatting beside them.

Rob nodded silently, his legs spread eagle and quivering. 

"And in response, she put her hands on your shoulders like that", she acted out, putting her hands on a imaginary target in front of her, before jabbing her knee up at where the target's testes would have been. "Before doing THIS!"

He wasn't looking, but he nodded anyway. 

"Huh. Guess she wasn't as innocent as she looks, was she? She knew exactly how sensitive you were down there, although maybe she did not know how dangerous it could be. You must be hurting extra from her knee, especially since I bet you'd still be bruised from that sharp kick I gave you", said Nat as she began to reach for his scrotum.

He resisted at first. "Like, she could have damaged them so badly that you would stop producing testosterone, and never be able to have sexual intercourse again", she finished. He immediately stopped resisting, as she put his avocadoes in her palm, rolling his testicles around her hands, as he squirmed in embarrassment and agony, his hips thrusting back and forth as she felt around his most intimate and sensitive body parts intently.

"Yup, no ruptures, but you'll be walking with a limp for a week to come. With some luck, you'll still be able to at least produce testosterone, if not sperm"

His eyes widened, at knowing that they knew of his little secret, as Sarah left him to get him an ice pack.

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I concur! =D

Thank you! It is the appreciation of all of you that keeps me going! I recently spoke to one of my high school boyfriends which gave me many cool new perspectives to use to write. You'll love the next chapter of this series!

No problem, Erica. Showing our appreciation is the least we can do. =)
I look forward to the next chapter. =D

Oh my God, your stories are always fantastic!



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