Hey guys,

So not sure if anyone has any experience with this but any advice would be grateful. So tonight after a couple beers I was walking about and came close to the college campus where I live. Perhaps a little unwisely, I started going up to girls and saying I was doing a YouTube thing about getting kicked in the balls, could they help me out/wouldn't mind etc. etc. A couple hit me, all was good.

As I'm talking to another pair of girls I see someone approach and to my horror one of my coworkers is walking toward me. I go to intercept him, give a couple excuses that I'm walking the campus and he kind of just in wonder smiles and says "Did you just ask those girls to hit you in the balls?" I give a nervous laugh and give some vague explanation of a YouTube thing and then ask him if he can keep it on the DL (not the smoothest but I was in a panic).

In any case, I'm going to see him basically at least for the next 9 ml this and while we're pretty good work friends, I also know he loves to gossip. Super worried about how this make impact my entire career honestly if he tells the wrong person. I'm thinking of taking him aside and coming up with a more elaborate lie (my friend has a YouTube channel he's trying to get off the ground). Or should I just act like it never happened. If anyone has any thoughts they'd be much appreciated.

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This is a great idea. I'm going to try and see if I can write it off as being drunk and full of self loathing/having issues. No video evidence to worry about thankfully

Just downplay it.  Don't get all stressed out and make it seem like a big thing.  If someone mentions it, just laugh at it, say "wow, that was a night" or something similar, and change the topic. 

Yeah I would def go with the whole "I was drunk lmao, I wanted to start a prank channel for some bizarre reason. Nothing I tried worked, I'm glad it didn't tho, I would've ended up on H3H3 getting shat on."

Turn it into a joke regardless of what you do. Everyone above is right, if you shrug it off calm/cool without looking nervous, there's no power in it. Someone might try bringing it up again, ask them how long they've been thinking about your balls, and they should try buying you a drink first.

Honestly come off as embarrassed, say it was a dare from a friend or something.  The self-loathing side of things I definitely wouldn't go for- you don't want to come off as self-harming or anything close.  If it's a dare from a friend, it explains why you were awkward as hell about it.  I'd say the other folks are right here- play it off on being drunk and/or a dare or joke, don't take it seriously.

My main thing is if someone other than him approach you on it .. you say "Man I don't know what you are talking about you talking crazy talk and I'm not interested in your foolishness." Basically deny deny and deny cause its none of anyones' damn business and you make them feel embarrassed for asking you. Get belligerent in a friendly or humorous yet respectful way, throw the question back at them and make them feel stupid for getting in your private space. You could alternatively go with it and claim that you also eat fire and rusty blades and deflect like you are into some other crazy shit that sounds more horrific than BB and just fuck with them and go with it... and if they try to clown on you .. go with whatever is easier for you if you can pull off humour and keeping it light then do it if you can pull of being serious and appalled that they are in your business then do that.... main thing is go with what works best with your personality... "don't fuck with me I don't have time for your ignorant childish shit grow the fuck up." :) 

fuck that guy hopefully he won't say anything but don't approach him to draw attention to it. My thing is he heard wrong or maybe you were drunk or maybe it was an alternate universe... or maybe its his own fantasies that are coming to light not your's... if he insists and attacks you for it probe him and make it clear that he's the one with the issue again whatever your comfort is go with it. 

He probably won't say it to the wrong person unless he means you harm, and if he does, he'd better make up something that would actually matter.

Just deny anyways in case someone wants to record you admitting it.



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