[Writer's Note: Thanks for all the wonderful feedback, especially on The Vlog. I will attempt to do a sequel in the near future, but time has been short these past few months (new baby!) Please be patient.]

“Hey Bec! You forgot your coffee,” Ryan shouted as the last strands of his girlfriend’s silky raven hair disappeared out the door. He waffled for a moment after the door clicked shut wondering if he should chase her down or if she’d be fine without it. It was only a three hour class, he knew, but still. Quickly, he pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt and ran out the door. He raced down the stairwell and managed to catch her just as she was exiting the elevator.

“Aw, babe, that was so sweet of you,” Rebecca cooed as he handed her the oversized travel mug. “I must really need it if I left without it.” She slapped the heel of her hand against her forehead.

“Yeah, I wasn’t going to let you suffer through class without your trusty caffeine fix,” he offered, leading out the front doors of the building.

Rebecca smiled at him, her green eyes barely visible under sleepy lids. “What would I do without you?” She cooed, leaning in to give him a kiss.

Just then, the doors opened behind them as their neighbor, Roxana, came through, her platinum hair glinting in the morning sun. Suddenly, the girl stopped, dug through her purse, turned and went back inside, the silvery blonde locks whipping behind her. Ryan and Rebecca looked at each other and just shook their heads. Then Ryan saw a light bulb go on in her mind.

“Isn’t that the girl that kept you company the other day?” Rebecca asked.

“I think so,” he answered.

“You think so?” Rebecca repeated, narrowing her eyes. “Buddy boy, you know so. You don’t forget a pretty face like hers, or that ridiculous bleached hair.”

“Well, yes, it was her,” he admitted.

“I was too angry the other day to ask about that, but remind me I want to know what you two were up to while I was trying to cool down. I don’t have time now.”

Ryan made a check mark in the air. “Duly noted,” he said, dryly.

“Don’t be a smart ass. It always ends with you curled in the fetal position.” As she spoke, she drew up to him quickly and he flinched, turning his knees inward to protect himself. Rebecca laughed. “I was just going in for that kiss. I wasn’t going to bust your precious balls.” Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard.

“See you in a few,” she said, waving good-bye.

Ryan watched her walk off, enjoying the way her cute butt shimmied in her denim shorts and then he headed back inside.

“Oh, hey, you’re still down here,” Ryan said, surprised.

“Forgot to check my mail this morning,” Roxana answered with a slight smile. “I’m waiting on a check, but unfortunately it didn’t come.”

“Sorry to hear that,” he said, pausing for a long moment unsure of what to say next. “So, uh, it was nice seeing you. So, I uh, I have to get back upstairs.”

“I need to go back up, too, actually,” Roxana said.

They waited for the elevator in silence. Ryan looked at the ground while Roxana watched the lights above the entry indicating the current floor. It seemed like forever, but the elevator car finally arrived and they got in. Ryan stood back against the wall and Roxana stood in front of him. He couldn’t help but notice how long her legs looked in such a short skirt – plus its super white color really made the deep caramel tan of those gams pop. Her ass looked pretty damn fine, too, he thought. He was staring pretty hard when Roxana turned around and caught him.

“Watcha looking at, Ryan?” She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

His face flushed immediately. “Nothing. I was just lost in thought,” he stammered.

“Oh really? Were you thinking what I was thinking?” She said with a wry smirk.

“I don’t know. What were you thinking?”

“This!” She exclaimed as she pushed his shoulders, pinning him against the wall of the elevator.

Ryan’s mouthed gaped in surprise as Roxana leaned up toward his face. He could smell the sweet scent of her lip gloss and had to fight the urge to kiss her mouth. Her perfume intoxicating and enveloping him making him feel like he was in a dream. He closed his eyes and felt her lips brush his cheek.

“Can I?” Roxana cooed breathily into his ear.

Imagining the taste of her lips, he was unable to catch himself.  “Yes,” he whispered.

He felt her hands grip his shoulders tighter. The electricity in the air made his hair stand up. He opened his mouth slightly in anticipation. Roxana half murmured and half giggled. Then she drove her knee into his balls as hard as she could.

She stood back and watched as Ryan’s face went beet red while he gasped for air. She took in the way his strong hands tenderly cupped his smashed testicles. She could see him struggle to stay upright on jelly legs and it made her heart flutter when he finally sank slowly to his knees. When he started to rock gently, emitting bursts of anguished groans, she couldn’t stop the radiant smile from spreading ear to ear. She could tell his balls hurt terribly and it was if his pain leapt through the air between them and transformed itself utter delight – her delight. Only seconds ago, he had stood a head taller than her, making her feel so small, her hands, tiny, gripping his broad shoulders. Now, he lay crumpled at her feet, helpless to do anything besides suffer the pain she so casually inflicted. Really, she thought, it was nothing for me to crush his nuts with my kneecap. I just rammed it up there between his legs and then, wham, his entire world crumbled.

The ding of the elevator snapped her out of her reverie and she peeked around the doors. Fortunately, no one was in the hall. Roxana debated leaving him in the elevator but then decided against it.

“Hey Ry, think you can get up?” She asked gently.

Without looking up, he groaned, “F-u-u-u-ck, Roxana, you really got them good.”

If he could talk, she thought, he could make it out. With one foot keeping the doors open, she reached down and grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his groin. Then she heaved with all her might and yanked him into the hallway where he collapsed into a ball. She left him lying there and went to unlock her apartment door.

When she returned, Ryan had managed to get to his hands and knees, but he was still panting. When he looked up at her, she saw his eyes were red but there was a strange brightness in them. She reached out and he took her hands as she helped him to his feet. His weight was full on her and she struggled to help him into her apartment. Once inside, she pushed him onto the couch and sat down beside him.

Roxana observed the way Ryan sat all hunched over, like he could protect himself from further harm. His breathing was back to normal at least. It was killing her to know how bad he felt.

“So,” she blurted, “how do those balls of yours feel?”

He looked at her sidelong, and then seeing that radiant smile, he looked at her full on. “Let’s just say Rebecca hasn’t caught ‘em that square for a while now.” He half shook his head in amazement.

“Not even the other day at the restaurant? Or when she kneed you in the hall?” Roxana asked surprised – and pleased.

“Not even – “He stopped short, confused. “You saw that?”

“Hell yeah! I kinda thought that might happen. It looked like she got you pretty good.” She slapped her palms on her thighs.

“Not like you just did. Goddamn. It feels like they were kicked around for an entire soccer match.” He couldn’t help himself from smiling as her grin somehow grew even wider.

“And those balls get kicked a lot!” She said, laughing hard.

“So you spied on us?” Ryan asked, still shocked by Roxana’s revelation. “How long did you watch me stay in the hall?”

“Oh, I turned away after your girlfriend slammed the door. I saw what I wanted to see,” she said with a giggle.

“Nice, Roxana,” he deadpanned. “You really wanted to see her do that?”

“Duh!” She exclaimed, bouncing in her seat, smiling at his disapproving look. “It’s what inspired me to trap you in the elevator today. I was feeling a little like the Grinch this morning with waiting for that check, and seeing you two in the foyer reminded me of the other day. I remember feeling so elated watching her drop you so easily – it was like my heart grew three sizes that day.”

Ryan groaned at the bad pun, but added in spite of himself, “Well, there was no Christmas in Whoville for me.” He leaned back and rubbed his crotch lightly. “Just a big ol’ box of pain.”

Roxana giggled and it caught Ryan off guard when she suddenly grew serious.

“Did you think I was trying to come onto earlier?” She asked, her tone earnest.

“I think that was obvious. It really did seem like you about to kiss me,” he admitted.

“So when I asked ‘can I’, you assumed I was asking permission to kiss you?” Her smile betrayed the disgust in her tone. Ryan nodded, holding her gaze. Roxana narrowed her eyes. “What kind of girl do you think I am? A homewrecker?” She held up a finger when Ryan started to protest. “And what kind of boyfriend are you that you would let me?”

“How could I not?! You were right in my face, wearing that intoxicating scent. I was helpless,” he said, pleading his case.

“No,” she corrected. “You were helpless after I kneed you in the balls! Which is exactly what your girlfriend should do when she gets back. Don’t you think?” Roxana added coyly, but her ensuing laughter let him off the hook.

Ryan sighed. “Fine, you’re right. I should’ve had some self control. But I really hope you don’t say anything about this, or she might just decide to break them. Plus, I think you hurt them bad enough, don’t you?”

Roxana smiled at him and lifted her hands, palms upward, and juggled them like she was weighing something on an old scale. “No, I don’t think I did. You seem pretty good right now.”

“I put on a good front,” he said sarcastically. He checked the clock across room and jumped to his feet, grimacing slightly as he did.

“Ha!” Roxana shouted. “You are still hurting!”

Ryan shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry to bolt, but I need to get back and work on some stuff before Becca gets home. We should do this again sometime,” he said, and then added, “the talking, but maybe not the preceding events.”

Roxana laughed and beamed that shimmery smile. “Tell you what. We can talk any time and I won’t even say anything to your girlfriend if you do one thing.”

“What’s that?” He asked cautiously, taking a step back from her involuntarily as he opened the apartment door.

“Before you go, could I try a kick?” She bounced up and down with her hands clasped. “I’ve always wanted to do this thing…”

How could I say no to those big, innocent eyes, Ryan thought. He sighed, “Seeing as how I would like you to keep this between us, and because I suppose you wouldn’t take no for an answer anyway.”

“Oh good!” She exclaimed, pushing him into the hall. Ryan shot her a quizzical look and raised his hands like WTF, but Roxana just smiled that big smile of hers.

Then she took a big step back and kicked him dead in the balls. As he dropped to the floor, she slammed the door wondering if he could hear her gleefully wicked laugh. She peered through the peephole and watched his manic writhing, secretly hoping his balls grew three sizes this day.

Views: 551

Replies to This Discussion

Love it!  I have no idea how Roxana is single :P

Oh boy, so wonderful.  It's wonderful to have them back.  I do wonder what Rebecca will do when she finds out someone else has been busting his balls . . . 

Very hot stuff! Keep it up! =D



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