Hey y'all Mel here. I wanted to make s place were I can post short Stories and BB ideas, thoughts, dirty little tid bits :) just another forum I can rant on.

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cool, what are your playfighting tactics?

I love wrestle with him, it really opens up doors for an erotic BB session, especially when you bearly have any clothes on :)

Oh?  Mind providing either detail, or techniques I can pass on?  ;)

Like what, lol i tease the hell out of him. I like to call it erotic wrestling. He has to try and pin me down while i try to rip his balls off lol. He is allowed to do whatever he wants to me as long as he can handle the ball abuse. He usually takes advantage to grab and grop whatever he wants before i get him where i want him ;)

I mean, he's probably still going to try to grab and grope- I think it's more that he does so until you break him ;)

...I had a girl take me to begging with three fingers crushing a ball from  behind.  I know how this story ends >./p>

Does it worry my man that i delight in the thought of one of his balls exploding sometimes when i am kicking or crushing them? Of course it does! What makes it worth it ? I can do very naughty things with my mouth, things he fantasies about. My point is, if he lets me try and break them, he gets payment in full ;) or if he wants something specifically naughty from me, hes got to put his balls up for offer. Decisions, Decisions right.
Hey Melinda :). I love all your interviews and answers on here! I had remembered reading on one of your posts that you would punish your husband for looking at other women or flirting with them. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to share some of these stories with us :)
Well Anthony, if they have a rack and a nice ass then his balls are getting busted. Like i said, he gets sacked nust for looking at another woman. I remember one time we were going for a walk and this really attractive woman in those really tight bicycle pants stoped and bent over on thr side of the road. Now even i know that this girl was how do i put it? blessed i guess lol. I noticed her before my husband did and when he saw her his eyes almost popped of his head. I waited untill we got a little out of site of most people and then i turned him toward me and gave him a sexy hug, putting his hands on my ass as i started to kiss him. I am sure he was confused for a minute as i ran my hands down his body and put my hand into his pocket, grabbing the first nut i could get my hands on. Before he realized what i was doing, I started to squeeze it as hard as i could, i had a pretty good grip on it so it didnt slip out of my hand. He started to jump around, which made it worse. When he tried to back away, i pulled down on his ball untill he couldn't stand anymore. I kept kissing him as i did this, until he begged me to stop. I told him i should pop it and gave it all i got. He hugged me real tight, while he started to shake. I looked him dead in the eye and told maybe next time i will. When i released him, i got up and started to walk away, and asked him if he wqs coming. Lol. It was yummy.
Ohh naughty question. Yes i do as a matter of fact, where is the the fun if you cant give your own man a lap dance every one and a awhile. Butt bombs, knee drops, you name it. I use whatever i can honey. Nothing like tying him to a chair with his legs spread so i can use his balls to dance on. One thing i love doing is straddling his leg and rest my knee on top of his nuts, and then shift all my weight onto them. Then i can rub my chest in his face while he tries not to scream. If i bounce up and down then he really gets to squirming lol.

Something about flattened balls turns us men into mewling agonized lumps...

True, especially when they look like they are about to burst under your boot. I like his balls flat, swollen and on the the verge of exploding. Delicious. I can be so mean sometimes.

*whimper*  although let's be honest here, you hardly need to use boots... and don't you like the sensation barefoot?  ;)



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