I've been reading through some of the interview posts, and they looked like fun so i decided to make my own. So go ahead and ask me anything! :)

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Sexy story! That's crazy you brought it up and he has already fantasized about it. Glad you have your bf to bust!

It is mainly a fetish and something I do for my amusement. I don't use it as punishment because, although it is very painful for him, he still gets enjoyment and pleasure out of it. I find other ways to punish him. Most often I will whip his penis with a riding crop, or add time to his orgasm denial. But really, if I'm genuinely angry with him, he doesn't get a "punishment", we just have to talk it out like normal people ha. Once we get over it though, he does have to make it up to me in some way hehe.

I do however "pretend punish" him with ballbusting. I will kick his balls for little things like leaving the toilet seat up or if I catch him looking at other women, things that im not actually mad about, but its fun to "punish" him with a good kick in the balls anyway. More often though, I use his balls to take out my frustration or stress, which is great because it puts us both in a good mood :)

I've never done any public busting really. I've given him some sneaky shots when we have had people over but thats about it. Its more fun for me to do in private so I can go all out and he can react fully. His reaction is one of my favorite things about it.

Yes, ballbusting has led to me being extremely dominant in our relationship, but in no way would I say I am too dominant. And I would have to disagree with the idea that most women want a man to lead a relationship. At least none of the women I know feel this way. That doesn't mean that they are dominant either, just that they prefer a relationship where both sides are equal.

And yes, I bust his balls (literally and figuratively), he doesn't argue with me, he does all the housework, and I don't let him cum, but I haven't lost any respect for him over the years because of this. If anything I respect and love him even more. Being submissive does not mean a man is weak. And while I love to tease him about how I've crushed his masculinity in the context of our fetish, I actually find it very "manly" for a man to submit to a woman, since much of society does view it as weak. To me it shows that he is very secure and confident in his desires, his sexuality, and his masculinity.

 You never let him cum? Ever?

Not never,  but rarely. He is not allowed to cum without my permission. Currently its been almost 3 months for him, which is by far the longest ive ever made him wait. Normally I let him cum once every week or two.

How do you know that he is not masturbating and cuming anyway?

Because I told him not too, and he does what I say. I allow him to play with it as much as he wants but he can't finish. Understandably, he has had accidents, but he always tells me when he does. Basically, I'm the Boss, and I trust him to obey me even when I'm not around.

Hi Eliza
Do you usually wear high waisted clothing, jeans, shorts?
Have you ever bust your husband wearing them?

Do you usually knee? Can you tell how do you knee, the strengh that you use, basically can you describe your process of kneeing? Thank you

Hello! I don't really have anything high waisted, I'm not really a fan of that style on me. Mostly just jeans or leggings, and shorts and skirts now that its getting hotter out. I've busted my bf wearing a variety of things, but we are both usually naked when we are home so yeah.

I love knees! They are my favorite. I usually knee him pretty hard, I don't like to hold back in general when Im hurting his balls. There are a few different ways I like to knee him.

The first is pretty basic, I grab his shoulders and knee his balls up into his pelvis. I love how I can feel them smash when I get them perfect.

Another way is pretty similar, but I try to aim so my knee push his balls upwards and in front of his body. He says the pain of his balls being pulled like that is different than them being smashed.

I also like to knee him when we are in bed. We lay facing each other and I usually hold his face tightly against my chest and just knee him over and over. He likes it because he gets a face full of boobs, and I like it because he can't really defend himself.

Yes, sometimes I will make him beg me to kick him as hard as I can. But more often he is begging me to stop :)

Stomps are fun, but I don't do them often. When I do, I have him lay down and I lift his ankles up and spread his legs apart. This works pretty well but sometimes his balls will "run way" when I stomp them, and kinda just slip out from under my foot.

I also do something more often that is kinda similar to stomping. I have him stand by the bed while im laying down and I smash his balls with my foot. I don't kick him, I just grind my foot into his balls. On a related note, I would looove to try one of those stomping boards! 

Thank you very much for your answer

Would you pull his pants high waisted to knee him better?

The way you knee him in the bed its a pretty nice way
Like that or in general do you knee him until what? He can take no more? Or you set a limit? Nber of times? How do you do it?

Do you always knee him pretty hard?

And for slapping. Do you usually do it like non stop ball slap with your hand? Can you please describe it?

Thank you very much for you.re previous answer

I always knee him hard, and I do it for however long I want to. I never set a time limit or anything like that. 

My favorite way to slap his balls is to have him get on all fours on the edge of the bed. I pull his balls behind him and hold them in one hand and slap them with the other. I usually punch them too when ive got him in this position.

And thank you for the questions :)

How hard you usually kick?

I know kind of a dumb question, but i imagine after you kick with so much accuracy it really doesn´t take that much to floor him. Am i right?



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