UPDATED: January 4, 2012
Q. How old are you, and where do you live?
A. I am 19, and currently living in GA.

Q. How tall are you?
A. 5'11 - 6ft.

Q. What size are your feet?
A. 11 in ladies. 9.5 in guys.

Q. How long have you been into ball busting?
A. 4 and 1/2 years

Q. Were you into ball busting before you met your ex boyfriend?
A. No, he introduced it to me.

Q. How did he approach you?
A. When we first met, he wrote me a note saying that he was unsure if I
wanted to get into a relationship with him, because he was a masochist
and enjoyed his balls being kicked. I didn’t know what to think, but I
wrote him back – walked up to him and kneed him. I had no idea what I
was doing/thinking but I know I liked it. :)

Q. Weren’t you afraid of hurting him?
A. Haha, no way. I am a sadist at heart.

Q. Is he the only one you have ever busted?
A. No, I have busted 2 other guys since meeting him.

Q. How often do you bust him?
A. Every once and a blue moon, because we're no longer friends.

Q. What is your favorite way to bust?
A.  I don’t have a favorite way - honestly. Anything that I can do to him that will make his balls hurt – makes me happy.

Q. Have you ever kicked anyone when they were down?
A.  Oh for sure. Stomped him, kicked him. You name it. ;)

Q. How hard do you usually bust?
A.  Well I guess it depends on the mood that I am in. My boyfriend lets me
bust him very hard, which is fun. Mmm, I like soft busting as well. But I
  prefer to see a man in pain.

Q. What kind of shoes do you wear when you bust?
A.  I don’t. My ex has a foot fetish, so my feet are always bare.
Sometimes I have on socks, but that only happens once in a blue moon.
 I like the personal feeling of barefoot stuff though. The way the balls feel under my feet, is quite sexy.

Q. What does your ex usually wear when you bust him?
A. He is naked of course! Nothing like a naked ball sack to bust! ;)

Q. What do you like to wear when busting others?
A.  Wouldn’t you like to know? Lets us use our imagination on this one. ;P

Q. How hard would you bust someone random?
A. Just as hard as I bust my ex, unless they were interested in being busted harder.

Q. Would you ever want someone to pay you - to bust them?
A. Yes.

Q. How do you feel about popping someone's ball/castration?
A. To be completely honest, it disgusts me. I'm not interested in removing your testicles. I am quite sure I can bust you hard enough to feel like I've removed them. ;P

Q. Have you ever used BB in self defense?
A. Surprising enough, never. I've never been "attacked" by a guy before. And I have 3 older brothers, so using BB as a defense never played a part - because they taught me how to fight. ;)

ATTENTION ALL MEMBERS: if you have any further questions to ask this individual please leave a reply comment below. No this does not replace the Chat Room or the Inbox, it just helps this individual streamline their time better on the site.

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thank you for helping get some things straight by reading your interview. now i now what a masochrist and a sadist are. ive had these feeling all my life and never new...
Nadiyah - this is a great interview. Thank you for being so honest! My question is - any chance you'll post more videos? The one you put up is awesome, and it would be wonderful to see more of you... Thanks!
Yes I will have more videos for you guys - in time. :) I'm just a busy bee lately ~ Glad to hear that you liked the first one though. :D

Timmy Tamakeri said:
Nadiyah - this is a great interview. Thank you for being so honest! My question is - any chance you'll post more videos? The one you put up is awesome, and it would be wonderful to see more of you... Thanks!
You said you'd like to bust other guys, but you like to bust when your boyfriend's balls are exposed. So what if you found someone else that your boyfriend approved? Would you also bust him with his balls exposed?

Rigoletto Mobile said:
You said you'd like to bust other guys, but you like to bust when your boyfriend's balls are exposed. So what if you found someone else that your boyfriend approved? Would you also bust him with his balls exposed?

Nadiyah said: You have to be one of if not the sexiest buster on here not only that but you genuinely love crushing nuts it doesnt seem to be like a fucj ken thing.  Just like a dude I love racking you. -Celticfury911

Rigoletto Mobile said:
You said you'd like to bust other guys, but you like to bust when your boyfriend's balls are exposed. So what if you found someone else that your boyfriend approved? Would you also bust him with his balls exposed?



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