Guys --
From a girl's perspective, it's hard to understand why you are willing to take such pain in the jewels. Of course it's a turn on, but why?
Do you enjoy submitting to female power?
Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? (They are in fact!)
Let's talk.

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Ball pain is unique. You can't describe it other than in terms of sharp pain followed by aches similar to severe stomach cramps. However, on the brighter side, there are certainly some fun hormones released! However, many of us get involuntary erections when we get busted as well. This can be very useful if (for example) we are under stres or maybe have been drinking or have some other issue affecting this function.

But to be honest the main reason we enjoy it is seeing the female's reaction. I defy any woman (however depressed she may be feeling) not to be cheered up by seeing some guy rolling around clutching his bits. The sheer delight you girls exhibit is a massive turn on.

Strange you mention later depression. I have known a woman experience this but it has never affected me like that. It is really a pity that so many women feel guilty for enjoying what I consider is a perfectly normal reaction to busting a guys nuts. If it's consensual, not connected with abuse and causes no real harm then why not just acknowledge the fact she is getting aroused and having some fun.

It's a combination of physical and psychological sides, I guess.

Physically, pain in balls is just immensely sexually stimulating. Take a kick for example - for an instant, you just have a rush of overwhelming and extreme pain (it's so painful you can't even completely understand what you're experiencing... almost a euphoric type of pain). Like, testicles erupt on fire, world-ending pain. Then, after a couple moments of that, everything decelerates, you have a moment of relief, and then the ache sets in. Like, your balls (and stomach) is being tugged down to hell. In some ways, it's an even worse sort of pain (because it doesn't overwhelm the senses - you're still conscious of it), but it's this dull ache. I don't know how to describe it in a way that doesn't sound absolutely terrible... it's sort of like the type of ache you get after having done a lot of physical labor, where there's an oddly satisfying component to it.

Psychologically, though, it's about the power play. There's something immensely hot about being completely vulnerable and within a women's control (especially if it's a weak woman who otherwise could not overpower you). I love that women find it funny to kick me in the balls or humiliate me, because the sub in the relationship provides sexual gratification for his dom, which is, in itself, extremely sexy. The sense of vulnerability is a type of sexual position that men (stereotypically dominant) don't often get to occupy, so being reduced to it forcefully is extremely satisfying.

"Do you enjoy submitting to female power?"

Of course! That's the point - even if I wanted to resist female power, she'll force me to submit through the leverage of my balls. I suppose it's the subordinating, not the subordination itself, that I enjoy. I like that she can prove her dominance.

"Do you accept the idea that females are superior to males? (They are in fact!)"

Lol, yep. A woman has basically all the sexual currency in this relationship. She's the sexy object of my desires (she has the amazing body, she's the "goddess", etc.) - she could have sex with basically anyone whenever she wants. I'm limited in my choices, so the logic of the system makes her sexuality extremely costly for me to access, and ballbusting is a humiliating way for her to force me to pay that price (and a way that I love).

Hi Susan, I think it is different for every guy and for every relationship.
For me personally, it is the idea of submitting to a woman. How much more can you show respect and elevate her than enduring some of the worst pain humanly possible for her giggles? It is an extreme act of submission and respect.
There is also the element of the feet being involved during kicking, which for me personally is big because I have a big foot fetish. This helps to make it more sexual, but it adds to the humiliation and power exchange. The foot is the 'lowest' part of the body in people's esteem and in reality. When a guy lets a woman kick him in the balls, he is letting the lowest part of her anatomy dominate the most important part of his. It is extremely an extremely symbolic and powerful ritual that really elevates women.
Do I believe that females are superior to males?
I think that some are and some aren't. On a whole, yes, but you have bad women like you have bad men.

hi Ms. Susan, for me and not so much as female dominance, it is about 20% sexual pleasure, 50% pain, 100% the feeling of the pain rushing through my body my legs my stomach my arms my entire body, also the feeling of being helpless and vulnerable, I love being tied up - down totally vulnerable helpless, no mercy from my lady....,,,,when I say my lady I mean any lady that will I'm just play for fun and their satisfaction.

the girls reactions turn me on too,the pain stunt me.(i,m not into permanent damage) just discusion.

females has more pain tolerance.same attack  might cause more damage on us.

Its definatley a psychological rush. I love submitting to female power

i love the rush the feeling of evetythimg inside me glowing in pain when a women thank god i have women that knows now lol but when i look at her face when my balls are in her hands or slightly more scary mouth and she took grip or bite. ive givin her total control she can take them from me when she biting she has that power i love her for going alittle to far and showing me she could ruin me and i couldnt do anything when the bite to much you cant really even move just wait and wait for her to prove she can destroy u but dont

Greetings Susan,  I am not as hard core as some others.  I merely enjoy the flirting busts and sexual undertone that comes with it.  That is why I prefer to be naked and she dress or undress as she feels comfortable.  I don't allow her to wear any footwear of any kind that is too risky.  I also don't like the whole dom and sub terminology.  Why can't bb just be in the category of fun?  I think those terms, especially sub or even slave, can be demeaning.  After all, I am only ok with having my balls getting hit, why should my psychie take a hit?   I am willing to be in some pain, while she is having some fun.  While she is having fun, I am having fun.  That means that I don't go for any angry busting either.  One of the ways I try to bring creativity is how to combing busting with other things.  Always looking for other ways to increase the fun.

For me it is a preference for masochism, which is very much tied to the psychology of fun on differences in physiology of men and women, and domination weak women over due to my vulnerability, which she may perceive as my weakness in comparison with women power.

Yes, it is very painful, but it brings a sudden influx of feelings and adrenaline. So the pros outweigh the cons.

The dominance of women is the diversity in  my routine life.It helps to relieve negative psychological burden.

I sometimes like to agree with the idea of the superiority of women over men, it gives more pleasure and fun.Dominance with help by very simple movements of the feet or hands to the side of the groin is a very fun and attractive.

just sexy nothing sexier than a woman ending a fight with one good blow to the nutsack

The pain is sensual and it's the ultimate rejection if a lady attacks the very organs you'd like to use on her. I like to be busted by a lady whose dressed, so I'm denied the chance to see her charms, and for her to laugh after busting me. One girl I used to know would knee or punch, then squeal with delight, "right in the nuts!"

The main thing is that I like to give a woman pleasure.  And I like it when a woman’s bare foot hit my testicles. 



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