Previous parts: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4

When I woke up, the two girls were in the living room and I could hear them having a much more civil conversation.  I gave my nuts one more check to make sure that they were still intact.  They were, but boy were they both bruised and swollen.  The sum total of all the work the night before had been really rough.  Other than being bigger and more colorful than normal, my boys seemed to be okay.  I put on my bathrobe and headed into the living room.

The girls both seemed glad to see me and they caught me up on where they were in things.  I learned that Danica had been talking to Sarah some about our ballbusting activities and Sarah had previously kept completely mum about her role in setting things up, so Danica felt very deceived.  But now, talking about it more, she was coming around.  She understood that we both just wanted her to be happy and have a good time, but she still felt somewhat upset.

So she had agreed to forgive us on two conditions.  The first is that she be present for any remaining blow-jobs so that she doesn't feel left out.  That was fine with me, of course.  The second I found a little more surprising.  She wanted Sarah to do a little more busting me.  She said that she'd feel less like this was just her own weird thing if Sarah did a little more busting me, and plus she had enjoyed watching that part.  And in a small bit of symmetry, Danica promised that she'd give me a blow-job if I let Sarah bust me.

I wasn't really thrilled with the idea of Sarah busting me any more.  Those two kicks had really hurt, and I suspected that I could probably get a blow-job from Danica at some point in the future anyway, since we seemed to be getting serious.  But for the sake of everyone getting along again, I agreed to go along with it.

With that settled, we all headed off to work (it was still a normal Thursday, after all, even if we all felt sort of exhausted from the night before and one of us was still nursing his tender balls).

That evening, everyone looked really tired, so no one even suggested any ballbusting or blow-jobs which was good with me, because frankly, with my balls still so swollen and tender, I wasn't sure I wanted either.  But Danica and I did make plans for our first real date the next evening (Friday)

When I got home that night, Danica had been home already and was already all dressed up for our date.  I was taking her to dinner and out dancing.  She already had her make-up done and Sarah was doing her hair up for her.  And Danica was wearing this wrap dress which just showed massive amounts of cleavage.  Looking at her, I felt really fortunate to have lucked into all this.  I showered and did my best to dress as nicely as possible since I could see how much effort she was putting into things.

I offered her my arm and off we went.  The restaurant was really nice but things started out a little awkward conversationally.  The whole act of going on a first date with someone you already know and have already been intimate with feels a little awkward.  We stumbled about a bit in the beginning trying to figure out what to talk about.  But then things settled down it started going really smoothly.  I learned a bunch about her I didn't know and shared some things about me.  And I managed to keep eye contact most of the time despite the lovely cleavage begging me to pay attention to it.

And then the dancing went really well.  She's a good dancer and we were just nicely in sync with each other.  And I could see some guys giving me jealous looks, which is always nice.  At the end of the night we, of course went back to the apartment.  I thought we might just end it with a nice goodnight kiss, but she lead me to her bedroom.  I went inside and she closed the door.

"I don't usually have sex on a first date, but I was thinking that I might go ahead and 'prepay' for that ballbusting Sarah's going to give you."

"Uh, sure, definitely," I said, eager for the possibility of getting a nice blowjob.

"First a little striptease," she said.  She sat me down on the bed and then slowly stripped off her dress.  Next she took off her bra, letting her big breasts spring free.  I was entranced.  She leaned forward and shook them right in my face.  Then she knelt down between my legs and said, "Why don't you take those pants off?"

I didn't need to be told twice.  I stood up some and then pulled down my pants and my underwear, kicking them onto her floor, and then I sat back down.  My hard cock waggled in front of me, very eager for whatever she had in store for it.  "The balls are still bruised, I see," she commented.  "They look less swollen, though, so I guess that they're getting better."

I thought that she was going to take my cock into her mouth next, but I was wrong.  Instead she straightened up and pushed her chest out until my throbbing cock was just inches from her inviting cleavage.  Then she leaned forward, engulfing my cock in the cleft between her breasts.  Next she took hold of her breasts and began to use them to stroke the sides of my erect penis, up and down.  I was so hard at this point that that stimulation alone was almost enough to set me off.  She worked my cock very steadily, rubbing it with her big soft boobs.

When she did finally stop the tit job and take my cock head into her mouth and begin to suck on it, I didn't last very long.  My balls were still sore from the previous day, but otherwise I was feeling absolutely great.  I thanked Danica profusely for the sexy blow-job and offered to return the favor.  She told me that she would take a raincheck if that was okay, and I said that it, of course, was fine.  And then we had a long good night kiss and I went back to my own room and fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I found the girls gone.  They had left a note on the table telling me that they'd gone clothes shopping but that I should expect some ballbusting coupons to be cashed in when they get back.

My balls were still pretty bruised, but they weren't very swollen and they weren't as tender to the touch as they had been.  I wouldn't say that they were in tip top condition, but they were definitely better than they had been a few days ago.

Sarah and Danica got home at about 2 in the afternoon and when they did, Danica immediately said, "Time to get naked!  Sarah's gonna bust your balls first and then I'm gonna have my turn.  Oh, and we both got sexy outfits."

I did as I was told, stripping naked while they went into their rooms to change.  When they came out, they did, indeed look stunning.  Danica was dressed in tight leather pants which really hugged her hips and thighs.  And her top was an extremely tight white top.  It was made of a thinner material and I could see enough flesh tone through it to see that she wasn't wearing a bra and to see the two slightly darker patches where her nipples were.  It was very tantalizing, not quite revealing her tits but showing off their size and shape very clearly.

Sarah, on the other hand, was wearing a long red gown.  It was strapless and sleeveless and had a sort of a bustier shape to the top which lifted up her breasts forming a very nice cleavage.  Although she was not as astonishingly endowed as Danica, she still had a chest which was certainly worth showing off.  Her gown also had long slits up the slides of her skirt, showing both of her legs off very nicely.  Her legs looked even stronger than I remembered and that made me nervous.  Both girls were barefoot, so at least I didn't have to worry about heavy or pointy shoes.

"So," Danica asked, "do we look sexy?"  

"You both look terrific," I said.  "Very sexy!"

I had usually been soft at this part of the process because the anticipation of getting my balls busted would make me nervous and that would make me soft.  But, the girls did both look really sexy and I was naked in front of both of them, so I found myself getting an erection.

"Okay," Danica said, taking charge, "I think that Sarah should do the same things I got coupons for.  How about two kicks, two knees, two stomps, two punches, and two squeezes?  Is that okay with you Sarah?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"What do you want to start with?"

"Punches, maybe?"  Sarah seemed to have lost some of her drive to actually do ballbusting.

"Sounds good!" Danica said.  She clearly had not lost any of her enthusiasm for it.  "Okay, come take a seat on the couch with me, and he can stand right here," she directed me to stand in front of the couch.  The net result was that my crotch was right at about shoulder level for the girls.  "Great!  This way you can really see your targets well."

"Okay, so should I just hit him now?" Sarah asked.

"Of course," Danica said, smiling.

Sarah pulled her first back and basically gave my balls a light smack with it.  "Like that?"

"No, not like that.  Hard, like you mean it.  You're supposed to be trying to cause him some pain."

"Yeah, okay."  She punched me just a little harder.  It made me inhale a little when it hit, but didn't really stagger me.

"No, come on, punch him for real.  Like this!" Danica said and then she reared her fist back and punched me really hard and fast, leaning to the blow.  My testicles flew backwards, yanking on their cords and smacking against me.  I yelp in pain, and staggered.

"That was a pretty good hit," Sarah observed. 

"Yeah, why aren't you hitting him like that?"

"Well, I'm just, I don't know, it feels mean."

"It's okay.  He's a strong guy.  He can take it," Danica said, smiling at me.  I was glad that she had such faith in me, but worried about what it would mean for my balls.  I mean, I could take it, but still, I can only take so much.  She continued, "Just imagine that he's that married guy who you were just dating.  It's a good way to deal with your feelings.  You can just take out your rage on some balls."

"Um, I'm not sure-" I began, but at that point Sarah hit me really hard right in the balls.  It was a hard enough hit that it took my breath away and I staggered backwards.  I caught myself and straightened up again when suddenly she punched me even harder right in the balls again.  This time I let out an "oof" and my legs got very wobbly.  Slowly, I collapsed to the floor in intense pain, holding my balls with both hands.

"Now that's how you do it!" Danica exclaimed.  "Now he's in a great position for stomping, if you want to try that."

"Sure," Sarah said, "will that hurt his balls, too?"

"Oh yes!"  Danica and Sarah stood up and Danica showed her how to take hold of my legs in order to hold them open for stomping.  I still had my hands on my balls, though, so they were clearly in the way.  "Don't worry," Danica said, "I'll take care of that."  She knelt down on the floor beside me.  Then she leaned over and grabbed onto my wrists.  I thought she was going to try to simply pull them away.  Instead she softly cooed, "Please use your strong hands to massage my boobs.  Please!"

In theory, given what my hands were protecting, that shouldn't have worked.  But in practice, it totally did.  I let her lift my hands up from my crotch and reposition my hands so that they were cupping her large, firm breasts.

And once that was in place, Sarah grinned down at me, evilly.  "Oh no," I said and formed an idea that I needed to move my hands back, but before that could happen, Sarah's bare foot slammed a devastating blow right into my testicles.  I howled in pain and tried to roll around.  Danica continued to hold my hands against her breasts which I really ought to have ripped from out of her grasp at that point, but somehow the thought did not occur to me.  Instead, I simply rolled fruitlessly back and forth trying to get free of Sarah's grip on my legs.

Once I tried of this unhelpful approach, I relaxed flat on my back for just a moment to collect myself and that's when Sarah struck again, smashing forcefully down on my balls with her foot once more.  I cried out in pain and tried to curl up into a ball.  Sarah released my legs and let me.

I don't really remember what happened next.  I was just sort of curled up there in a ball and I think that maybe the girls were talking, but I can't really say that I was listening.  The part that I do remember very clearly is that when I did finally feel less in pain and a little more with it, I decided to try to get up onto my feet.  The first thing I did was to roll over onto my front and get up on my hands and knees.  My legs were sort of spread somewhat apart in this position.  And as soon as I was on my hands and knees, someone kicked me from behind her foot smashing my balls and carrying through to kick my limp cock as well.  The top of her kick slammed both my balls hard and also her toes caught the head of my cock which really hurt quite a bit.

I heard giggling behind me as I collapsed again.  I don't really know what I was thinking, but I tried to get back up on my hands and knees again and as soon as I did, my balls got kicked from behind again.  This kick felt even harder, and I yelped in agony when it smashed my balls.  I collapsed to the ground again.  The only small mercy was that my cock didn't get smashed that time.

I heard Danica say "Good kicking!" and then what I think was the sound of a high-five, so I assume it was Sarah who had kicked me.  "Now you just need to do some squeezing and kneeing!"

"Should I wait until he gets up?"

"Well, you could, or you could just get down there and start with some squeezing now.  That's what I would do.  That way you get a good squeeze on him while they're still tender from the kick.  It's the best way to really get a big reaction from a squeeze."

"Okay, I'll give it a try," I heard her say.  I should probably have tried to cover my balls at that point, but I was face down on the ground and I didn't really feel like my balls were exposed, but really they were sort of against the floor behind me and I realized how exposed they were when I felt Sarah's fingers curl around them as she grabbed them both in one hand.  "Just squeeze them like this?" she asked.

"Just like that," Danica replied.  With that, Sarah began to squeeze, first just a little, but then when she didn't get a response, she really gripped them very firmly in her hand, squeezing them intently and solidly.  I responded to this by crying out repeatedly trying to lessen the pain.  I squirmed, but didn't know where to move.  In the position I was in, I couldn't see any way to get away from her firm grasp, but I tried anyway.  This just resulted in me yanking my balls against her grip, causing myself even more pain.

"Oh, god, please," I managed to stammer out, eventually.  Right after I said that, she let go.  Relieved, I once against collapsed back to the floor.  I thought that she had taken pity on me, but then I felt her grab my balls, this time one in each hand.  And then once she had them in hand, she began to crush them in her hands, one in each, using her finger tips to press them forcefully into her palms.  I could feel my balls moving and distending in her hands and it hurt so, so badly.  I tried to cry out, but I couldn't.  My body moved involuntarily, my legs tensing and squirming, my gut clenching so hard that I could feel it in my stomach.  My abdominal muscles started shaking.  I have no idea how long she was squeezing me for, other than way too long.

Eventually, though, she released me from that torture.  I rolled over, put my hands over my nuts to protect them and just stayed there.  I have to say, I felt pretty much done.  My poor testicles felt pretty thoroughly abused and I was ready to be totally done.

The girls let me be for about five minutes.  And then, I think tired of waiting, they started talking to me.

"Okay, time to get up now," I head Danica say.

"Yeah, you'll be okay," Sarah said.

"Sarah still needs to get her two knees in," Danica pointed out.

I replied with a noncommittal grunt.

"You know, if you get up, I'll bet I could see my way to removing my shirt," Danica offered.  That did sound awfully nice.  "And maybe I would even let you give each of my nipples a little kiss."  I began to try to get up so that I would be on my feet again.  Sarah offered her hand, and I took it.  She helped pull me to my feet.

Once I was up, Danica slowly pulled her shirt over her head, revealing her big, naked boobs as she pulled her shirt off and accidentally causing them to shake gently.  I greatly enjoyed the sight of that.  But as soon as she finished, Sarah stepped in towards me.  She placed her hands on my waist and moved in as if she was going to kiss or hug me, when suddenly she stepped forward hard and fast with an upwards knee which smashed right into my crotch, flattening my two tender testicles against the bone.

I made an "eep" sort of a sound and fell over.  I just lay there on my side on the ground, my poor balls causing me so very much pain.

Danica broke out the "carrot" again.  "Come on up and kiss my nipples."  I didn't stir.  "They really need your lips.  I love to see your lips give a gentle little kiss right onto the end of each of my hard nipples."  That painted quite a lovely picture and despite my misgivings, I couldn't help but imagine it, too.  Soon my cock was stirring.  My imagination had somehow managed to ignore the throbbing pain in my balls and instead focus on the promise of my lips on her brown, pointy nipples.  I struggled to my feet.

True to her word, Danica let me lean forward and give a nice long kiss to each of her nipples.  "Very nice," she said.  "I hope you liked it."

"I did," I assured her.

"I hope it was worth it," she said, and smiled cruelly.

That was when Sarah approached again, still looking stunning in her long red dress.  This time she put her hand on my shoulders.  "Look me in the eyes," she said.  I looked her in the eyes.  She smiled at me, and then up came her hard knee right into my soft balls, smashing them relentlessly against my own body, causing them to flatten and distend rather suddenly.  This caused an immense pain to surge through me.  My legs wobbled beneath me, and I collapsed once more to the floor.

"Boy, he goes down pretty quickly at this point," Sarah commented.

"Yeah, balls are sensitive," Danica said.  "But don't worry, they're actually pretty tough.  You can use them to cause a lot of pain without causing any real damage.  That's why they're so much fun to beat up on.  You can have a guy in so much pain that he thinks he's gonna die, but then the next morning, just a little swelling and bruising and no lasting damage.  That's part of what I like about busting balls."

"Yeah, I can see why," Sarah remarked.  There was a little pause while they looked down at me, curled in the ground in pain.  "Um, is it time for me to give him a blow-job now?"

"Almost, but not quite.  I think I need to do some kicking, too.  I still have three coupons left."  She looked me in the eye, "So, if you want that blow-job, you'd better at least get up on your knees with your legs spread.  And trust me, you really want the blow-job.  Sarah and I were planning our how we're doing it together.  I don't want to spoil anything, but it's gonna be very sexy."  I stirred a little.  She decided she need to sweeten the pot.  "Let's just say it will take advantage of the fact that we have two fabulous pairs of tits here and one of you to press them up against."

That definitely sounded amazing.  Just the idea of somehow getting to do something which involved both girls and their tits made me start to get hard as my mind began speculating about the possibilities.  I managed to pull myself up, slowly getting to my knees.

"Okay," Danica said, "put your hands above you head."  I did as I was told, now being there on the floor on my knees with them spread wide apart, my naked balls dangling beneath and my hands over my head.  "Sarah, would you mind grabbing his hands to help hold him up?"

"Sure."  She got behind me and held my hands in hers and helped pull them up above my head.  Danica then stepped into position in front of me.  She swung her right foot back and held it there.  I watched her foot carefully as she flexed her pretty, red-painted toes for a moment or two.  The anticipation of the coming pain was killing me.  Suddenly her foot swung forward, moving faster and faster as it approached.  I could see it clearly as it smashed right into my poor balls, squishing them forcefully against me.  I yelped in pain.  I felt weak, but in that position, my legs didn't go out, and Sarah's pulling me upward helped me not double over.

Not wasting any time, Danica swung her foot back again.  I was still wracked with pain, but once more I found myself starting at her foot.  And once more she swung it forcefully forward.  And when her foot met my balls, she somehow got them just hard enough and wrong enough that I shrieked in pain and pulled out of Sarah's grip, pitching myself forward onto the ground to try to protect my battered testicles.

I heard Danica make a sigh of a sort which I had only ever previously heard from a woman in the midst of foreplay.  Sort of a sharp inhale followed by a slower ragged release of her breath.  It spoke to how turned on she was and that idea managed to penetrate my pain-addled mind.  Still, though, I felt like I had neither desire nor ability to get back up and take that third kick.  The whole idea of getting up for one more kick sounded overwhelmingly like a bad idea.

"Come on," Sarah said, taking over Danica's role as temptress, "just one more kick and it'll be blow-job time.  I've been looking forward to the blow-job part.  Don't make me wait."

She did wait a minute or so, though, and when that still didn't work, she broke out the big guns, pretty much literally.  "Well, then, I guess you don't want to see me strip out of this dress.  I'll go ahead and do that part now, if you can get back up.  I won't even make you wait until after the kick, I'll strip this dress off right now.  And if you hadn't guessed, I'm not wearing any underwear at all.  You'll get to see everything."

That did sound pretty amazing and despite my better judgement, my cock had gotten itself hard again.  I swallowed hard and then, despite knowing that I was almost certainly going to regret it later, I straightened back up, once more kneeling with my knees apart.

"Good job," Danica said, I think to both of us.

Then Sarah did what she promised to do.  She first started playing with the dress a little, pulling it up a little.  She gave me a very brief and quick flash of pussy.  Then she played a little more and then she peeled her dress up her, moving it steadily, revealing first her pussy lips and well-trimmed bush framed by her nice round hips and then her slender waist and her belly button (she's an inny), and then her big, firm breasts.  She cast the dress away and stood before me completely naked.

Next she stepped around behind me.  Then she leaned forward and grabbed my hands.  The act of her leaning forward had, much to my delight caused her breasts to brush against my head.  But once she lifted my hands above my head, I knew I was in trouble.  I felt very exposed there with my legs apart and my balls dangling beneath them.  This time, I felt a little embarrassed because my hard cock was also sticking straight out in front of me.

"Uh," Danica said, "I'm worried I'm gonna kick his erection.  I've read that you're not supposed to do that.  Cocks are really fragile when they're hard.  Can you maybe hold it out of the way for me?"

"Uh, yeah, sure.  Let me figure out how to get it."  Sarah wound up letting go of my arms and instead kneeling behind me.  She wrapped one arm around my upper body to help hold me up and then used her other hand to hold the shaft of my cock.  Her naked body was pressed up against my naked back.  I was so hard and horny at that point.  The only thoughts going through my head were about how much I wanted to touch her naked body and have her suck my cock.

That was why I didn't see the kick coming at all and it caught me totally relaxed.  Her foot smashed the hell out of my unsuspecting balls.  It was definitely the hardest kick of the day.  And I couldn't help myself, I pitched forward and to one side, falling over, accidentally dragging Sarah with me as she was still holding my upper body and my cock.   I rolled back and forth on my back squeaking and moaning and doing anything I could to try to lessen my feelings of pain, but to no avail.  Sarah scrambled out from being against me to watch me do it.

"Well," Danica remarked, "I was planning to use my stomps up today, too, but I think maybe he's had enough."

"I agree," Sarah said.  She knelt down beside me.  My hands were around my balls, but she reached out and started to stroke my cock.  Amazingly, my erection had not your disappeared and once she began to stroke, it was soon very hard.  She did this slowly, teasing me, not trying to get me off yet, but it definitely helped with my recovery.  My balls still hurt, but the harder my cock was, the less my balls mattered to me.

Danica also knelt down next to me.  She used both hands to play with her big tits so that I could watch.  She kneaded them and squeezed them and played with her nipples.  Between Sarah's slowly stroking my cock and Danica's boob display, after about five minutes I felt about ready to cum.

Instead the girls helped me up and into my bedroom.  They helped me lay down on the bed on my back and then Danica stripped off her leather pants revealing a pair of silky black panties underneath.  I thought she might get all the way nude to match Sarah, but she didn't.

Next, the two of them lay down on either side of me on the bed, but in a position much farther up the mattress.  I realized that my face aligned very well with their breasts and, much to my delight, the two of them leaned in, one from either side, and each of them pressed their breasts against the side of my face.  I was completely enveloped by four large soft breasts.  Sarah's big firm hills were on my left and Danica's huge soft mountains were on my right, both of them pushing in, smushing against my face.  Soon, the girls moved their chests up and down and back and forth some, buffing my face with their big fleshy breasts.  I was in heaven, other than the lingering ache in my testes.

I felt like I could have stayed right in that moment forever.  I lost a lot of my sense of time, it instead being overwhelmed by my sense of arousal, but it must have been at least ten minutes they kept that up and possibly longer.  I just know that I would never have told them to stop.

But when they did, Sarah slipped down my body and began to suck on my cock.  Danica instead stayed where she was but pushing one of her nipples right against my lips, she ordered me to suck on it.  That was an order with which I eagerly complied.

Sucking on Danica's big soft tit was amazing.  And Sarah's blow-job skills were still great.  So it was, at most, a couple of minutes later when without having had a chance to warn the girls, I began to shoot big jets of cum into Sarah's mouth.  She sucked it down like she knew just what she was doing and didn't complain at all even though I did apologize afterwards.

I was clearly spent and the girls left me in my room to sleep it off.  It was only afternoon, but between the torture and the reward, I was all tuckered out.  I managed to sleep all the way from that afternoon through to the next morning.  When I did wake up the next morning, I did take a moment to check that everything was still intact, and fortunately it all was fine.  I had a lingering soreness, though, which would last for a couple of days.

So because of my discomfort, we avoided doing any other sexy things until Tuesday rolled around.  That was, of course, Sarah's pottery night, and Danica wanted to do her standard "BB videos and chill".

Like usual, she had me strip down naked and she did the same.  She started out with a nice long BB video with a guy getting his balls kicked over and over again by a girl who had some nice big breasts, but was unbelievably brutal.  I found myself being fascinated by the video, really paying attention for the first time.  I wouldn't say it was turning me on, but I couldn't look away.  Of course, as the video played, I had my hands on Danica's awesome breasts and she squeezed my testes with varying force, sometimes gentle, sometimes enough to cause me to grunt or gasp in pain.

The next video wasn't as interesting, and instead I wound up just watching Danica as she masturbated.  That was a pretty amazing sight, too.  At the beginning she was rubbing her clit very quickly.  But over time, she seemed to slow down and maybe pace herself a little more.  By the end of an hour (about how long we usually did this for), she had cum about four times, but she was still going (both still masturbating herself and also still squeezing my balls).

She kept on like this for another half hour, by the end of which my balls were really feeling seriously tender.  Initially, I had been doing pretty well, but by that point, every little squeeze was enough to trouble me and make me squirm.  Since it had been an hour and a half, I said to Danica, in between tighter squeezes, "Hadn't we better stop soon.  Sarah's going to be home in not too long."

"Oh, it'll be all right," Danica replied, and continued to squeeze.

We kept this up for about another half hour when, as I expected, Sarah got home.  She didn't seem surprised by our activity at all, at this point, but she did comment on it.  "Ah, so this is what you meant by 'BB videos and chill'.  Well, I'll come do my part in just a second.  I've got to go pee first."  She disappeared into the bathroom.

"Her part?" I asked.

"We've got another surprise for you."

"I'm not sure how many surprises I can take," I moaned.

"Don't worry.  You'll probably like this one.  It's just an addition to BB videos and chill."

When Sarah came out of the bathroom, she came and sat by me on the couch.  Danica paused the BB video, but continued to squeeze my balls.  "I think," Sarah said, "that maybe I am a little overdressed."

"Oh yes," Danica agreed, "I think that you're correct."  She got up from the sofa and slowly began to strip, first removing her shoes and socks and then pulling off her sweatshirt and then her t-shirt, revealing her nice big bra.  This was not a showy bra with a lot of cleavage, but just a big, plain white one which covered and supported everything.  Next she stripped out of her jeans and then she took off the big bra.  To my surprise, though, she stopped at that point, still wearing her white cotton panties.  And instead of taking them off, she sat back down next to me on the couch.

She leaned over and took hold of my arm and guided it over to one of her breasts, so that I had one hand feeling one of Danica's breasts and one hand on one of Sarah's.  By this point, my cock had gotten nicely hard, just twitching there as I enjoyed the situation.  Next Sarah leaned down and began to kiss my twitching penis.  As she did, Danica increased the pressure on my balls.  Next Sarah took the head of my cock into her mouth and began to suck on it and then swirl around the cock head with her tongue.  As she did this, though, Danica began to squeeze even tighter.

I could start to feel an orgasm building, but it was battling against the sharp pain of having my balls squeezed so hard.  I could tell that this was intentional.  One girl providing pleasure while the other provided quite serious ball pain.  Next Sarah really sucked on my cock, working her head up and down while Danica started squeezing in little bursts in time with the strokes.  At first, this squeezing my balls in time with the up and down motion of Sarah's mouth on my cock made it very hard for me to concentrate and enjoy.  But as it continued for a couple of minutes, I found myself, surprisingly, starting to get used to it.  It became part of the rhythm of the stimulation and soon, despite the huge, steady waves of pain coming from my testicles, I found myself moving slowly but steadily closer and closer to orgasm.

Finally, with a tell and a long low grunt, I managed to cum, shooting teaspoon after teaspoon of hot cum into Sarah's mouth.  She swallowed it down, and Danica released my balls from her grip.

"There you go, one more blow-job done," Danica remarked.

"Hey, the blow-jobs were supposed to be a reward for enduring ball torture.  That one was accompanied by a really firm squeeze, that's not a reward, that's a punishment."

The girls talked about it some and decided that I was right and that they wouldn't count that one.  I agreed not to charge Danica one of the squeeze coupons either.  Then Danica gave me a big kiss and headed to bed.  Sarah also went to her own bedroom, so I decided to retire for the night as well.

Friday night I took Danica out for another date.  This time we went to have dinner and go see a play.  Because it was a more formal setting, she didn't show off nearly as much cleavage as she had on the previous date.  She did, however, wear a nice silk blouse which clearly wasn't quite intended for someone of her generous endowments.  As a result, it gaped open just a little between buttons.  I managed to not stare, but I did glance a lot, even during the play itself.

By the time I took her back to our apartment, I was eager to get into things.  She lead me into her room.  Once there, we made out quite eagerly.  I think she was about as ready for me as I was for her.  Soon our clothes were off and we were making out intensely, rolling around on her bed in each other's arms, just kissing and grinding.  I pressed my crotch against hers, wanting her to feel how erect my cock was as I pressed it against her body.  She just smiled and rubbed herself against me.

Soon, I was feeling quite desperate to get inside her, so I asked her, "Can we have sex now?"

"As soon as we do one more thing," she said smiling.  And then she reached over to her nightstand and grabbed a coupon for a stomp.  She presented it to me with a big, evil grin on her face.  I groaned in anticipation of what was to come.

She rolled me over on my back and then stood on the bed.  She bend down a little unsteadily and lifted up my legs, one in each hand.  And then she positioned her foot over my balls and my hard cock.  She pressed down on my balls with her toes, pushing them up my body and forcing them against my erection.  My cock was still quite hard, so when she pressed my balls against it, they really got a good squeeze.  I looked up at her admiring her big tits and lusting after her pussy, and my cock managed to stay hard for a few moments.

Soon, though, my erection began to wilt, but her enthusiasm for pressing my balls with her feet didn't.  Once I no longer had a hard cock for her to squish my balls against, she began rolling them around some with her feet trying to find a hard spot to press them against.  The rolling around was a torture unto itself and soon I was gasping and twitching as she moved them into unpleasant positions.  Seeing that it was having the desired effect, she continued to move them around, pressing them the whole while.

Finally, she did find a spot where both of them were resting against bony spots and leaned in really hard.  I started to thrash about, trying to get free, but she had a good hold on my legs and I didn't find any space to escape to.  My gut started to clench up and I grabbed her foot with my hands, but as soon as my hands were around her ankle, she started bouncing up and down just a little, sending extra waves of pain through me, and I let go, my hands not being able to hold on as I writhed in agony.  After just a bit of that, she finally stepped off me and I curled up ni a ball.

She lay beside me and stroked my back and her own clit.  She gave me a few minutes to recover and then asked, "Ready for sex?"

"Ow, no, not yet," I replied.

"Well, then you'd better get licking."  She rolled me over onto my back and climbed on top of my face, her legs on either side, putting her pussy right against my mouth.  Initially, I didn't really react, but after a couple of seconds, she added "Please eat me out.  I'm so horny and I need you to get me off."  Even in my pained state, those words penetrated through and I began to lick, first tickling her lips with my tongue and then teasing her clit before beginning to suck on it.

I can't claim to be an expert at oral sex, but I am at least enthusiastic and this time, it went quite well.  After a couple of minutes, I could hear her nearing climax.  By this point I was hard again.  Still, I continued with my tongue and managed to get her to what sounded like a really satisfying orgasm.

"Okay," I said, "I'm ready to move on to sex if you are."

"No," she said in a throaty, primal-sounding voice, "I want more of that."  And then, quite to my surprise, she grabbed me by the balls and began to squeeze.  "Lick," she commanded.  So I set about licking.  As soon as I did, she relaxed her grip some.  I licked her clit steadily for the next few minutes.  Any time I slowed down at all, she would increase the pressure once again until I sped up.

After a while, the next command came, "Now suck".  So I sucked once more on the nub of her clitoris until I could feel her starting to shudder.  And then she began to orgasm, and in the intensity of the moment, her hands clenched hard on my balls and I yelped in pain, my pain cries muffled by her position atop my face.  When that orgasm was finished, she rolled off of me and released my balls.

All of that had apparently worn her out, and she rolled off of me and then snuggled up against me.  "That was good," she said.  "I liked it.  We'll do the regular sex thing in the morning.  Night-night."  And then she closed her eyes.

I was kind of flabbergasted and had no idea how to respond.  Although that last squeeze had been kind of deflating, I was still very horny and worked up about the idea of having sex with her.  But before I could figure out what to say, she had already closed her eyes.  "Um, Danica?" I said, but the only response I got was a gentle snore.

I lay there for a few minutes, trying to get to sleep and then I realized that if I were going to sleep, I should brush my teeth and have a pee and all of that.  And I realized that I was still in my own apartment, so I should just do that.  So I slipped out from underneath her and went and did all that.  I considered just sleeping in my own bed, but figured that I wanted to be there when she woke up, so I went and curled back up with her.

By this point, my naked body next to her naked body and the pain in my balls having receded into a dull ache, I was horny again.  But I lay there for a while trying not to think about sex and eventually I managed to fall asleep despite by horniness.

I had expected that I would wake up in the morning gently with a lovely naked Danica in my arms.  Instead, I woke up pretty abruptly in the middle of the night some time while it was still quite dark out with Danica's hands squeezing my balls.

"Oh, good," she said, "you're awake."

My only response was some grunts and moans as she squeezed my balls with varying intensity.

"I've changed my mind," she continued.  "I want you to fuck me right now after all."

"Okay," I managed to say, even though I wasn't really hard quite yet.

She smiled at me, and the pushed herself against me, pressing her big, soft, naked breasts against my chest and forcing her lips on mine in a very passionate kiss.  I was apparently still horny enough and these signals were clear enough that despite the very firm pressure on my poor testicles, my penis had no difficulty rising quickly to the occasion.  Using her free hand, she tossed me a condom off of the nightstand, which I put on as quickly as I could without sacrificing any safety.

Then she climbed atop me and positioned my hard cock right against her pussy lips.  I thought she was going to ride me, but instead, she pulled up on my balls, using them as a handle to pull my pelvis up towards hers.  I entered her and found her vagina slick and inviting.  I slid right into it but still felt an inward pressure on my penis which told me I wasn't going to last too long.

Next she pulled me back out by my balls and then in an out, repeating like that, and establishing a steady rhythm.  I had thought that I wasn't going to last long, but as we got going,  I found that she increased the strength of her grip and soon I was having no worries about cumming.  We kept up like that for six or eight minutes until she started to grunt and then had a shuddering orgasm.

She released my balls at that point and collapsed on top of me.  I was not yet done, however, so I kept going, moving my hard cock in and out of her.  And, especially now that she was pressed against me, in a couple of seconds, I came.

"That was lovely," she said.  "More sleepy time now."

I threw away the condom and cleaned myself up and then I joined her once again in bed.  And we curled up and went to sleep.  This time, I felt much more satisfied and I had no trouble slipping quickly off to slumberland.

In the morning, though, I still awoke with morning wood, and having her there snuggled up against me, still naked and sleeping did nothing but encourage me.  I wanted to wake her up and see if she was up for more, but that just didn't feel polite, so I let her sleep.  I just stayed there, admiring her lovely naked form.  My eyes took in her soft, smooth skin, her nice hourglass shape with such a little waist, and her big, lovely chest.  Without even thinking about it, I began to lightly stroke myself.

I stayed in that state for about fifteen minutes before she finally work up.  She opened her eyes slowly and squinted at me there in her bed with her.  As she woke up, she eventually said, "Well, you're pretty ready to go, it looks like."

"I definitely wouldn't turn down another go-round," I said honestly.

"Sounds good," she purred at me as she stretched herself out.  My eyes wandered her smooth skin as I admired her lovely figure.  But then she continued, "Right after this!" and she reached out and grabbed another ball stomp coupon.  I groaned.  She giggled.  "Don't worry, this is my last ball stomping coupon.  After this you'll get a break for a while.  But, I do want to try something I've never done before."

She had me climb off the bed and sit on the floor against the wall with my legs spread wide.  It was warm in her room and my balls rested on the floor.

"I don't understand," I said, "what are you planning to do?"

"Why, stand on them, of course!" she said as she placed her bare foot on top of my balls, sideways.

"Oh, please, no!" I said, alarmed.

She pressed down, trapping my balls under the arch of her foot.  "It's okay.  I'll be careful not to damage them."  As she said this, she shifted some of her weight onto the foot which was atop my balls.  I grunted loudly and began to breathe really quickly.  It was in pretty intense pain, but then she began to put more and more weight onto her foot, pressing my balls harder and harder against the wood floor.

Soon I was managing to call out "Please!  Please!" but it was to no avail.

"Just a little more," she said.  I yelled in pain as she pressed her entire weight onto that foot.  "And that's all of it!" she said, sounding very excited.  "I've never stood on someone's balls before!"  She held her position there for thirty seconds as I screamed and squirmed.  And then finally she stepped off.  Giving my balls a quick glance she said, "See!  All still in one piece!"

I just closed my eyes and slumped over against the wall.

"So," she said, "sex time now?"

"No," I said.  "Too much hurt.  No sex time."

She harumphed at that.  I heard her moving around very close to me, but I kept my eyes closed.  I wasn't really sure what she was up to until I felt a sudden bit of soft, heavy flesh smack me across the face.  I opened my eyes and just as I did, I got another hit on the other side of my face.  It took me just a moment to realize that she was swinging her breasts back and forth, slapping my face with them.  It only took a couple more hits before my cock was awake and preparing to get back into the action again.

"No sex time, huh?" she taunted me.  "You know you can't resist."  She pushed her breasts together with one arm and used the other one to push my face into her cleavage.

"Yes, you win."  I said, muffled by her breasts, as my cock grew steadily harder.

When she let me up, we climbed onto the bed, I put on a condom, she climbed on top of me, and she rode me like a cowgirl on a bucking bronco.  I could feel that my cock was rubbing right on the inside of her where her G-spot was.  In no time, she was cumming.  I managed to hold myself out through that one and until the start of the next one, but that one set me right over the edge into a really intense orgasm and I filled that condom with my spunk.

Then we cuddled some.  After that, we each showered (separately) and then got dressed and went out for brunch and saw a movie and did other normal couple stuff.  It was nice.  And I really felt, for the first time, like she was definitely my girlfriend and that I wasn't just her toy.

Sunday night Danica made arrangements with Sarah and she used her final coupon to get an extra night of "BB videos and chill".  She expressed a little regret to me that she was using her final coupon.  She seemed sort of sad about the end of the coupon book, but perked up when I reminded her that it wasn't the end of us.  Or even the end of doing BB together because I'd agreed to something weekly as long as it wasn't too much.

Still, she squeezed extra hard all through the session.  I squirmed and squeaked from the pain for about an hour as she brought herself to orgasm after orgasm.  I tried my best to play with her lovely tits throughout, but often the squeezing was so strong that I wound up pulling my hands back in as I tried to curl up.

At the end of the hour, I was ready to just shrink away entirely and maybe go curl up in bed.  But she had made arrangements with Sarah to do one of my pending blow-jobs.

Just like last time, Sarah really managed to stimulated my cock very effectively.  But this time, rather than Danica squeezing my balls to counter it, she pushed her huge boobs right in my face, jiggling and shaking them and even slapping me with them some more.  I tried to hold out and enjoy the blow-job and breast play as long as I could, but I didn't have much of a chance.  I had a powerful orgasm after just a few minutes.  It was pretty amazing.

So that was the end of the coupon book and the start of my serious relationship with Danica.  Every Tuesday night I would get the crap squeezed out of my balls, but as time went on, we actually started having even more sex, so most other nights, she and I would fuck like bunnies and I would get to worship her big lovely breasts.  I still had some coupons outstanding for some blow-jobs from Sarah.  Danica let me cash them all in, but she was involved in every one.  Truthfully, this made them even sexier.  And Danica and I are still together to this day.

So it was the best Christmas gift ever because it resulted in lots of sexy fun and I wound up with a very sexy, busty, fun girlfriend.  And it was the worst Christmas gift ever because getting my balls kicked, punched, kneed, squeezed, stomped on, and stood on hurt.  A lot.  No, really, a lot.

The End

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Replies to This Discussion

that. was. AMAZING!

i enjoy all of your stories, but this series specifically was fantastic

Fantastic ending to an amazingly wonderful story!  I stayed up almost all night reading this story and envisioning it in my mind!  Bravo!  A brilliant and exhilarating masterpiece!

I think this might seriously be my favorite story ever.  I've never commented on a story before but I had to this time.  Thanks so much!  :)

I read every part and I love it! ❤ Great job! :)



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