Ongoing story! Suggestions for ballbusting dares are appreciated! 


Ballbusting Sleepovers



Emily and Tori were two of my best friends from high school. We hit it off while practicing with our crew team (a story for another day) and became instant best friends. We were so close that we would hang out every day after school. We called ourselves “The Trifecta.” Eventually, we thought it would be fun to have a sleepover.  Our parents knew how close we were, so they didn’t mind that I was a boy and that they were girls. Little did they know, that our friendship was much more sexual than meets the eye. I never hooked up with either of the girls, but almost all of our conversations revolved around some sort of sexual matter. Topics like “What makes boobs so sexy?” and “What does it feel like to have a boner?” Finally, when we had our sleepover, we were able to let loose a lot of our sexual energy.


We all huddled around in Tori’s basement in our sleeping bags. An obvious first choice of game was truth or dare. The first few dares were mild; “Eat some gross concoction,” “Lick the floor,” “ding dong ditch a house,” really simple stuff. Then things started getting a little more interesting. Tori pointed at Emily and said “Emily, I dare you to kick Nelson in the nuts!”


“Oh, hell yeah!” said Emily as she bounced out of her sleeping bag, tits and ass jiggling all the while. She took a wide stance, but I was not quite as keen.


“What?!” I shouted! “No way! That would hurt like hell!” I did my best to seem off put by the idea. In reality though, the idea of Emily kicking me in the balls kinda turned me on. “Plus, thats not even a dare for her! Shes not the one getting her nuts kicked! I’m the one risking my fertility here, girls!” I protested.


“Okay…” Said Tori, “Well then, Nelson, I dare you to let Emily kick you in the nuts.” She grinned at me, knowing she cornered me.


“Haha! Nice one Tor!” Shouted Emily, seeming extremely excited to get the chance to take a free shot at my nads.


Damn, they got me, I thought to myself. I sat around thinking over my options. “Hmm…” I pondered. “Okay, but under one condition… I get to punch both of you in the boob.” I looked at them feeling very proud of myself for figuring out a way to get out of this situation.


Both Emily and Tori had really nice big tits that I’ve always wanted to touch. So if I do have to take the kick, at least I can cop a small feel. But hopefully they will just back out of the dare completely and I can save my nuts.  


The girls looked at each other, paused for a moment, and then simultaneously burst into laughter. “Bahahaha!” laughed Tori “Sure, I mean, getting hit in the boob sucks, but I’ve racked my brother plenty of times and I can tell you, a kick in the babymakers is MUCH worse.” I gulped as the girls laughed at me. “And if you punch me in the boob then that means that I deserve to kick you too! Haha alright I’m down!” Tori said as she jumped out of her sleeping bag as well, tits and ass a-jiggling, and took a similar stance as Emily.


I sat in my sleeping bag and looked up at them. Both of them seemed set on destroying my balls, and I wasn’t about to back out of a dare. On top of that, my mind was torn. Yeah getting kicked in the nads SOUNDS kind of hot, but I had never been full out kicked in the balls before, and the prospect was pretty scary. I gulped again and stepped out of my sleeping bag. “Haha, sure why not. I have nuts of steel anyway.” I said trying to sound confident.


“Bahahaha!” Tori burst out into laughter again. “Yeah, we’ll see about that when you’re wringing your nuts out of your underwear.” She took her stance and started sizing up her tender targets hanging in my pants.


“Wait!” I shouted knowing my testicular trauma was nearing. “I should get to punch one of you first. In case I lose a lot of my strength after the kick.”


“Ugh… fine.” Said Tori, obvious very impatient. She stuck her tits out at me, spreading her cleavage and giving me a huge view of her ample chest. She seemed not nearly as afraid as I was. Trying to show her whose boss, I let fly a strong right hook, clipping her tit right in the nipple, sending waves of ripples across her breast.


“Ow!” Tori shouted whilst rubbing her aching melon. “You little shit, now you’re really gonna get it.” She said as she proceeded to cock her leg back and let loose an insanely powerful kick to my dangling plums. I tried to pull back my hips to evade the blow, but unfortunately my hip thrusting led my poor package right into the path of her foot. Making perfect testicle to toe contact.


Pain exploded in my nut sack, and my legs instinctively swept out from under me. I hit the ground and started rolling back and forth clutching my battered genitalia. “OOWW! MY BAWLLSS!! MY BAWLLSS!!” I shouted.


“Bahahaha!” Emily laughed, “Awww, did she get you nuts? Do your poor wittle bawlsies hurt?” She said, continuing to cackle at my pain.


“Oh my god!” Tori said through tears of laughter, “I never thought it would be that funny! Hahaha! I literally felt his two nuts squish on top of my foot!” She broke down laughing and slapped at her leg as I continued to roll around on the ground.


The girls gave me a little bit of time to recover, and as I started to roust, Emily came over to me and patted me on the back. “It’s okay champ, it can’t be that bad.” She said with some sympathy, “So… um… can it be my turn now?”


All I could muster was a grunt. My face was still buried in the carpet and my hands were still protectively cradling my aching balls. “Come on Nelson, please can I kick your nuts?” She said, pushing her tits out a little bit. “You can punch me in my tits.” I looked up at her and stared longingly at her huge boobs hanging out in front of my face. The pain radiating from my abdomen told me to never let anyone kick me in the balls ever again. On the other hand, there was a different feeling that was telling me to let Emily kick me; The massive raging hard on in my pants.


Yes, my balls hurt like hell, but there was something really sexy about letting these girls hurt me in my most sensitive area. I tucked my boner into my waistband and started struggling to get up. Like I had guessed, a lot of my energy had been drained from that kick, but that wasn’t going to stop me. “Ugh…” I said trying to sound annoyed. “Okay… But I get to punch you in the tit, remember?!”


“Really!?!” Shouted Emily “Oh yay! I cant wait!” She got up and took her stance. The only problem was that I could barely stand after that full force kick. “Come on Nelson lets go! I wanna kick those berries!” She said with a chuckle.


“Don’t worry, I got him.” Said Tori as she locked her arms under my shoulders and lifted me up. She held me aloft and positioned me in the perfect place for Emily to burst my bollocks.


“Thanks Tor!” said Emily as she began to cock her leg back.


“Wait! What about my punch!” I shouted, but before I could even finish the sentence Emily had already sent her leg burring into my groin, squishing my left ball in between her shin and my pelvis. This time, all the pain was focused on one nut, and it felt like my left ball was about to explode. I started shouting “MY BAWWLLLLLSSSSSS!!!!!! MY POOR BAWLLSSS!!!” Tori dropped me to the ground and I writhed around on the ground, clutching my testicles in absolute pain.  


“Oops, sorry Nel, I forgot about your punch. You can get me when you stand back up. If you ever stand back up at all.” She said as the girls shared a laugh at my expense.


“Okay well, we know it’ll probably take your balls a little while to recoup, so were going to go watch a movie upstairs, come get us when your little nutties feel better.” Said Tori with a chuckle as the two of them bounced up the stairs. With what little strength I had left, I looked up just in time to catch their jiggling asses leave the basement.


I sighed now that my torment was over. I laid on my back and tried to forget about the pain in my bollocks but there was nothing I could do. I whipped out my cock and balls to gingerly assess the damage. What surprised me is that, even through the intense ball pain, I was still able to manage a hard on. My cock obviously liked getting his two little buddies beaten up. Still, those kicks were powerful, so I needed to check to make sure they were okay. I cradled my aching left testicle and rolled it around between my thumb and finger. I lifted both balls and after some inspection, came to the conclusion that they were in fact, still in tact.


I laid in the basement and thought about the incident that had just transpired.  After a few minutes it became apparent that neither the sickening nut pain, nor my raging erection were going anywhere. I sat up, and carefully tucked my now swelling nuts back into my pants. They hurt but I couldn’t deny the primal desire to get my balls busted again.


“Wow, I can’t believe I’m saying this.” I thought to myself. “But I’m gonna try to get kicked in the nuts again. I just need to make sure it’s not obvious that it turns me on.” I zipped up my zipper and place my boner behind my waistband. Then I proceeded to hobble up the stairs towards Tori’s living room.


As I stepped out into the living room, I was immediately greeted with cat-calls from the girls. “Holy shit, hes already up?!” Said Tori “My bro never gets up that fast!”


“Haha, coming back for more eh?” Shouted Emily.


“Haha, yeah, maybe he likes it when we kick his nuts!” Laughed Tori.


I froze in place and could feel my face starting to turn red. Had they caught me already? Could they see my boner? How did they know? But before I could answer, Emily chimed in and saved me.


“Haha, yeah, as if anyone could enjoy THAT!” She said “That looked rough… How are they doin?” Emily asked as she pointed at my crotch.


 “Ughhhh” I groaned. “They’ve definitely been better.” I hobbled over to the couch and plopped down next to Emily. “I came for my punch…” I said trying to play off my real intentions.


“Oh yeah! Sure!” Said Emily, as she pushed out her tits much like Tori had before. I took in a long eyeful before I sent a lame and powerless punch towards her boob. My hand made contact, but had almost no force behind it. Eventually my wrist went limp and my hand slipped back down into my lap. “Wow, those kicks really did take a lot out of you.” She said.


“Ugh… yup.” I said in a dejected voice. “Can we just watch the movie?”


Tori and Emily met eyes and gave each other a menacing glance. “Suuure.” They both cooed in unison. Tori grabbed the remote and started the movie, which was strangely already almost an hour in.


“Wait! Why aren’t we starting from the beginning?” I asked.


“Nothing important happens in the beginning.” Tori said. “Don’t you worry you pretty little…”  She stifled a giggle. “NUTS! Bahahaha!” She couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Emily joined her in laughing at the expense of my testicles. I shuffled in my seat, partly because I felt nervous, partly because it was a huge turn on, and my boner was starting to show itself again.


Only about 5 minutes later, there was a fight scene between the heroine of the movie, and an unnamed bad guy. The fight seemed to be taking a turn for the worst, and the bad guy had the heroine pinned down on the ground. The camera then cut to the attackers crotch, and showed the heroines hand fumbling around near his balls. Her fingers then expertly unzipped his fly and reached into his pants. In seconds, her hand returned onto the screen, now holding a pair of shaved and juicy looking nuts in her grip. The camera was still focused on this sight when the heroine bore down on his nuts with all her might and sent the attacker spasming onto the ground next to her.  He writhed in pain as she turned the tables and hovered above him, squeezing all the while.


“Please! Please let go! Please stop squeezing my nuts” He shouted, but she didn’t relent. Instead she whispered in his ear.


“This is why you don’t mess with Jess.” (Incidentally “Don’t mess with Jess” was the name of the movie.) and with that, she squeezed one last time very hard and the bad guy passed out. She then stood up, brushed off her hands, and walked away, which was a very nice sight as she had a jumpsuit on and a very nice tight ass. The girls burst out into laughter.


“WOOO!” Shouted Tori. “Go Jess! She really showed him!”


Emily also seemed very excited by the scene, but she also seemed very shifty sitting next to me. “Bahh!” She shouted “I can’t hold it in anymore! Nel! Its was so fun blasting you in the nuts down stairs and I really want to do it again!!! Can we pleeease reenact the scene in the movie!?!?! I wanna be like Jess! And I wanna see if it actually works like that!!! Pleeeeeeease!!!”


            I was shocked by the question but also turned on. I looked over at Tori to get her reaction, and she gave me a look that said “You already know this is going to happen either way.” I slowly turned my head to face Emily and she was nodding in agreement.


            “Uh… I don’t know guys… They still hurt really bad from the kicks. I don’t know how much more they can take.” I looked at them nervously. “And if you want to reenact the scene then that means you want to squeeze my bare balls, right?”


            “Yeah!” Said Emily in a perky voice.


            “Well in that case…” My dick twitched when I got this idea. “Well in that case I’ll do it.” Emily and Tori sat on the edge of their seats in excitement. “I’ll do it… Only... if you get to squeeze my bare balls... then I get to squeeze your bare tits!” The words left my mouth and I was waiting in anticipation to see whether Emily would fall for it.


            “Really?!” Emily shouted. “That all I have to do? Let you squeeze my tits and I get to squeeze on your balls? Hell yeah I’ll take that deal!” With those words she yanked on the collar of her shirt and flopped out her massive melons for me to see. Her collar held her tits aloft and kept them in a perfect position. Something like this;




My mouth fell open and I felt pre-cum starting to come out of the head of my cock, which was now tenting my jeans to the max. They could obviously see my arousal but I didn’t care anymore. “Oo, somebody really likes you.” Cooed Tori, pointing at my apparent boner. I reached out my hands to take hold of her tits, but before I could make contact my hands were slapped away by Emily.


“Hey don’t just go grabbing at them.” Emily said “First you gotta show me your pair. Pull those big balls out big boy!”


At this point, nothing was going to get between my hands and those soft, doughy tits. I fumbled at my fly, yanked into my pants, and delicately worked on pulling out my balls. They were still sore, but I fought through the pain. Emily and Tori leaned in to get a better look. First one ball peaked through my fly, which was met with a gasp from the girls. Then the other. “Aww yeah.” Said Emily hungrily as she reached out to grab my pendulous pair.


“Hey!” I said, slapping her hand away. “Don’t just go grabbing at them.” I tried to act in control, but when Emily and I met eyes, I knew that they were going to bust my balls, whether I liked it or not.


“Alright, this is what I’m thinking.” Said Emily. “I’ll hold onto your balls, and the second you start feeling my tits, that’s when I start squeezing. Then, once you let go of my tits, I’ll let go of your balls. Sound good?” I pondered the idea. Sounded fair to me. What could go wrong. Right?


”Sure…” I said, still very unsure of the situation.


“Good.” said Emily with an evil grin. She walked over to me, reached out her hand, and wrapped her fingers around my ball sack, cradling my naked, aching balls in the palm of her hand. I breathed in deeply on the first touch. She lifted them up and tested their weight. “Wow their pretty heavy.” She said as she continued to lift them up and down.


“Yeah, they’ve been swelling a lot.” I replied. Her hand began rolling my bollocks around. Except for a little pain, it actually felt really good, almost like a ball massage. In hindsight, I wish I had let that moment drag on a little longer, but there was no stopping my hands from reaching up and grabbing those amazing titties. As my hand came closer, Emily’s smile grew, and the moment my hands made contact, she squeezed the ever-living shit out of my nuts.


Her squeeze created an explosion of pain in my balls and immediately made its way up to my abdomen. I wretched in pain, but it didn’t stop there.  Without skipping a beat Emily wrapped her free hand around the hand squeezing my balls and used it to up the pressure on my poor grapes. I sang soprano and the girls laughed at me. I was gripping her tits tightly, but the intense pain in my bollockss had distracted me. “I better get a good feel in while I can.” I thought to myself. I started shaking both her tits, which sent ripples across her breasts, like aftershocks. It felt amazing to shake those gelatinous globes. They were firm but still had a very nice jiggle.  I started really getting into squeezing her tits, and it almost seemed worth the simultaneous testicle squeezing. When Emily saw my look of pleasure though, she saw to it that it did not continue.


She doubled up her grip, and took a nut in each hand. She squeezed hard and drove the tips of her thumbs deep into the center of my nut-meat, sending me into spasms. At this point I couldn’t take it anymore and let go of her tits. I kept spasming, but Emily didn’t give up. My hands grabbed onto her wrists and I tried to pull her off but there was nothing I could do. I looked up at her and saw her giggling at me.


“Please! Please let go! Please stop squeezing my nuts!” I shouted.


“Hey wow!” Said Tori. “Just like in the movie! This is really accurate!”


I continued to scream in pain. “My Bawls! My Bawlllsss!”


“Do you think I should make it more accurate? Should I finish him off like Jess did in the movie?!” With that she squeezed harder and I gripped at her wrists.


“No more, Please!” I shouted “I need my balls! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!”


Emily began nodding her head side to side as if she was thinking it over. To emphasize this, she alternated squeezing my balls with each head nod; left, right, left, right. After a few more rotations of this she seemed satisfied and said. “hmmmm… Alright!” With that she released my tender testicles, and I fell off the couch onto the floor, clutching my manhood. I whimpered at the girl’s feet as they laughed at my pain.


“Haha, aww Nel! Sorry, did I take it too far?!” Emily said as she patted me on the back and tried to turn me over. I wouldn’t budge though. All my instincts told me to curl into a ball and avoid any touching or eye contact. I cradled my poor nuts but it did nothing to ease the pain that was still erupting in my testicles. “Awww… now I kinda feel bad. I should have stopped squeezing your bare balls when you let go of my bare titties. That was mean of me”


“Nah Emily!” shouted Tori. “Don’t feel bad. That was fun right?” Tori kicked me and looked at me for a response. The weird thing is, I couldn’t argue with her. Sure I was in the worst nut-pain of my life, but it was fun messing around with these girls. I got to play with some amazing tits, and for whatever reason, getting my balls crushed turned me on so much.


“Yup.” I replied. I removed my left hand from my balls and gave a thumbs up to show them that I approved of the situation.


“See!” exclaimed Tori. “He’s probably just happy to touch a boob for once.” The girls shared a giggle and plopped back down onto the couch.  They resumed the movie and after a little while, both of them had fallen asleep.


I was finding it hard to sleep because of the awful pain in my nuts. I looked over at the two of them and could see that they we’re definitely asleep. Just to be sure, I poked both of them and they didn’t budge. When I realized I was safe. I whipped out my cock and balls again to check for damage. Once again, I found that my balls were badly bruised and swollen, but there seemed to be no permanent damage. I gave a sigh of relief when I noticed this. My cock was still hard from the evenings events, and it seemed like my boner wasn’t going away. I massaged my naked dick and balls, and even through the pain, I eventually fell asleep.



_ _ _


I woke up to a sock clad foot rocketing my balls up to slap me in the stomach. I sat upright and screamed clutching my balls between my legs. As the air drained from my lungs I collapsed to my right and laid in a fetal position.


“Haha, that’s what you get for making me look at your morning wood.” Said Tori as she walked around me. I started to whimper from the pain. “Oh my god, are you crying?” Said Tori “Damn, I didn’t think I got you that bad.”


Tori obviously couldn’t quite comprehend the gut-wrenching pain that I was in from being awoken with a full-blooded kick to the plums after my balls were already severely busted from the night before.  But how could I blame her, she doesn’t have testicles.


“Tori! Now were never going to be able to get him to school!” Said Emily as she used her hand to block the sight of my naked nuts hanging between my legs.


“No… *cough… I’m okay…” I said as I started to pick myself up off the ground. In reality, I was anything from okay. I felt like I was about to throw up and my balls felt like two heavy rocks made of nothing but dull ache. But I wanted to seem as if I was fine. Last night while I slept, I had many dreams of the girls hurting my balls, and it turned me on like crazy. I even had one dream where Emily and Tori each squeezed one of my balls until they popped! For whatever reason this dream made me as hard as a rock (hence the morning wood.) Because of this, I didn’t want to make them think that I couldn’t take it, so I tried to play it cool. “I’ll be fine, what time is it?” I asked.


“Its 15 minutes before school starts, that’s what time it is!” Said Tori. “We gotta get you to class.” The girls helped me zip up my junk and get ready. Then Tori’s mom gave us a ride to school.


“What’s wrong dear?” Tori’s mom asked with an air of concern. “You look like you’re sick to your stomach.”


“No…” I groaned. “I’m fine. I just slept funny.” I said trying to mask my pain.


“He rolled over on his nuts last night, Mom.” Chimed Tori.


“HAHA!” Laughed Tori’s mom. “Oh your brother seems to do that all the time too. Funny, I’ve never seen it happen to your father though.” Tori sent me a sideways glance. She had obviously played that card before.


Eventually we pulled up to school and I limped out of the car. Emily, Tori and I stood in front of the school. I was slightly bent over trying to ease some of the lingering ball pain.


“Okay, I’ll see you guys at lunch?” asked Tori.


“Yup! Same as always!” Said Emily.


The girls both stared at me. “Yep.” I said, giving a thumb’s up with one hand and holding my crotch with the other. We then all walked into the school and came to the hallway where we parted ways.


“Okay bye guys!” shouted Emily. “Good luck with your nuts today Nelson!”


I groaned, slightly humiliated after Emily shouted that in the halls. Then I limped to my first class, wondering how the conversation will go at lunch. 

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Replies to This Discussion

Great story. I think the girls would wonder what it would feel like to stand on Nelsons swollen balls. Maybe he put them on a book or table and see if he could take it.

Excellent idea Mickeybb has. The story was great and I hope it continues.

I love this story so far, and hope you keep it going! Maybe they could play some kind of ballbusting game. Like the dice rolling game. (one dice has either kick, slap, knee, etc and the other dice has the number of hits he has to take) 



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