Training Paige first chapter:

Yeah……. We did it and as locals, - exclaim Michael the guy who occupies the center position in the basket team.

It was  a very hard work and training but finally we are in the finals, I just see myself with that beautiful cup in my hands.- I almost can’t believe, starting from the underdog position, a black horse in who nobody believes to be the real hot team of the championship.

I get you man, I still preferred to have  other kind of cups, like D or dooublee D cups, but been the champions you know, we deserved- that was Karl being funny

But honestly I think the same, and it’s just like one cup attracts others, a few months ago I finally take the balls to ask Paige to go out, freaking nervous but I think my reputation  precedes me, she take the shot and very soon I add my two cups to my collection.

We just need now to ask the university to occupy the coliseum, you already done it right captain?

-Tells Michael again very enthusiastic.

Fuck me, I still don’t, sorry guys I have to hurry to the director’s office, the last thing I want, is that we ended with no place to play.

And that was I screwing it again, the next was me running as fast as I can to get to the office, luckily for me, the principal was there.

Hi John, glad to have you here what can I help you? - The director ask. He was a very kind man, so my hopes are still very high.

Hi sr. in a week we and the guys have the finals, at 4:40 pm, so I want to rent the coliseum.

Bad luck John, precisely for that date and time the karate reserved it for a competition- he said looking a little sad.

Come on sir, there are the finals, it’s not only a big event for us, and it’s for the university, even for the nation. I mean perhaps they get a little I apologize for that but...

Nothing you can do, they reserved the coliseum months ago, so talk to them maybe you both get an agreement, other case you will have to play visit.

I was cutting myself a nut and the guys almost cut my other one, but they reserved even before the championship even started, screw them, I will make them give us the coliseum.

So, with I gather the guys and we together march to the karate dojo, they have their training in the afternoon so, we get them just before they finish they training, naturally we wait (I want to play nice at least at the beginning), until the sensei ( a woman I cannot believed it) agreed to talk us.

What can I do for you? - She said with a neutral but with a very commanding tone of voice.

That was the moment when subconsciously I start to show open disrespect to traditional martial arts. The sensei was obviously a black belt, in her late 30 (I suppose I didn’t ask her age) , 5.5 feet of height, golden blonde hair, and in her body was just like our cheerleaders but with more muscle, a marked body, it was not bad but I’m sure I can beat her.

Well, I would hate to waste your time, we have next week the finals against the west, it will be a national event and we need the coliseum, we can facilitate you our training field.

We cannot, our tournament it’s also national, and we will use the coliseum at its full extension.

Come on, no people it will pay to see your tournament, and our match it will be even in television- it said Mike, who was completely incapable of restrain its mouth.

In fact nobody cares about you and your tournament in first place- he continued.

Ok Mike shut up, and sorry for that it’s not our purpose to be disrespectful- I said trying to calm the waters.

But what he is saying it’s not fully incorrect Ms., you’ll see, the prestige of the university it’s in the line, we already have the compromise and if we cheat our word the entire university will be ashamed, and that shame will be televised.

It’s our right, Sir, we take the coliseum, and no trouble if nobody assist, but it will be one of the very rare occasions of watching a potential Olympic future champion at such a cheap prize. - She said with a little tone of anger.

I look around, see the bodies of everyone in the dojo, the guys didn’t look so strong and the girls it were just cute, I was sure they cannot beat anyone even to save their lives.

I will not beg you miss, but you are obviously lying, you guys are barely able to beat in a fight at our cheerleaders at any guy in a good shape can sweep the floor with all your class.

You look in good shape… but I doubt you can beat me…- I hear a voice in the back of the class

It was surprisingly a girl, a black belt, a real cuteness 5 feet tall, black hair, gray eyes, little muscle (even less than our cheerleader), and was clear that she recently made herself manicure and pedicure, I obviously cannot take her seriously.

Marie, don’t let yourself be provoked, by a desperate attempt…- spoke the sensei.

They look too arrogant sensei, I don’t how different its basket from martial arts, but I don’t believe in your winning chances, you like you will embarrass our university when the all nation’s eyes are watching…. - it said Marie.

You are clearly, the arrogant cutie, have you ever fight in real life? Let me guess all men are really “gentleman” with you, they let you win? - Mike this time with a very useful observation.

All men become gentleman when I put my feet after beaten them…-said Marie.

At least that famous “Olympic” guy beat you….. I said

I’m the Olympic potential of this dojo… said Marie

I and all the team start to laugh loudly.

You guys are or the easiest type to beat, so easy caught you off guard, a pretty girl walk close and you became mindless boxing bags… Marie said with a bit of anger.

My plan was simple, make the little girl angry, so she bet the coliseum, and she was right into it, not just week, also stupid.

I can beat you easily, that means you have no chance in the tournament… - I said hoping to make her angrier.

I can make you the service of put you in your place, and if I win you will be my practice assistance (punching bag)…- now Marie looks clearly angry.

If I win we will occupy the coliseum, and I have other condition. -I said

Which one…..

No attacking to eyes, throat or groin.

I got her, I mean it’s logical that the only chance she has to beat me is by nailing my balls, without that she is helpless.

Have you fear? That a little girl kick your balls in front of all your friends. Of making the funny faces? (She places her hands in her groin imitating it)…. - Marie said like talking a little child.

Do you want to play basket? I’m giving you advantage, or perhaps you need that for winning?

Ok, only if attacks on pussy, boobs and nose are forbidden for you.





Views: 888

Replies to This Discussion

when the second part?

i will write it soon

thanks you are a great writter :)

meanwhile, i have other story here, confession, you can check on that, maybe you will enjoy it.

which one?

Eagerly waiting for part 2...



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