Hola everyone. Im Yaniliz Im 38. Single mom. First time on site. Introduced here by Jhoana jaja!! Exploring site and have questions too- Don't mind talking about my past as long as respectful and understand i still learning my English sorry if I mess up;)

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Seems like you've had a lot of experience in more of a self defense way, but what is your opinion of playful busting for fun? Such as with a busting buddy lol

Truth i never had that experience with someone. I'm single i think i would scare a man off if i just ask him can i kick his testicles jajajaja!

haha, although I'm pretty sure Jhoana doesn't even ask, she just goes for it. seems like she can teach you some more lol

Yes im older than her lol but she know more about how to deal with a man than me. I can learn more!

hopefully you can find a man you can bust, and we'll get to hear all kinds of good stories here haha

Lol my next boyfriend must be careful jajaja!!

LOL you wouldn't scare me off. Do you like watching ballbusting videos?

Hi, Jhoana believes a little bit of busting is good for a healthy relationship, are you in the same line?

Would you bust or threat your bf with ballbusting?

in what context?

i know she does, her husband listen very good for her is truth jajaja she smart! For me I dont know. Because a long time ago i say no because i never do that with my ex. It too mean and not my personality. But maybe i think different now because i will not let a man walk over me like trash like my ex did. I never said nothing and let him do what he wanted because he is a man and i felt he was superior to me in that way. But if i had bf or esposo now maybe if he ever acts rudely or disrepectful i give him a threat like if he continues or do notnsay sorry i might squeeze his pelotas when he sleeping or just lift my knee up so he know what might happen jajaja i dont know Jhoana would have to explain to me what to do lol.

what a good teacher you have xd

if you date a new guy would you try to bring him to busting?

what would you do if you feel he is into bb?

I think no. If it came up naturally them maybe yes but if he want me to maybe yes

Hi, do you know something about the situation in Honduras concerning females kicking males in the groin? Is is common there or very rare? Has there something changed in the last years? 



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