I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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@ Lil Suzy,

Probably why public bb really appeals to me.

Me too (because of the increased humiliation/emasculation/putting the guy in his place).

This is also interesting because your first ballbust was the high school shot putter and that was a public event.  At the time the public nature of it made you feel a bit uncomfortable.  I think you said you had mixed feelings - good about how effective your knee to his nuts was, but also a little concerned about how much pain he was in (it was a lot) and him dramatically dropped to his knees with everyone watching both of you.

So maybe it's a confidence thing.  That was your first time, so you were still figuring out how the experience made you feel, but now you are more confident with busting and so giving a good public bust - especially to a guy who deserves being put in his place - really appeals to you now with no reservations.  Is that how you see it?

Yeah, something like that. I was definitely not a very confident person in HS, when i joined this site i was rather meek too. Here i am now answering an ongoing interview on a fetish site :) I also think the sexiness and erotic feeling help drive all that too along with the confidence. 

That is cool.

And interesting that you say you were not confident back in HS.  It seems like kneeing that shot putter in the balls and doing it so well was a nice beginning to gaining the confidence you have now, even if it wasn't fully apparent at the time. 

When he dropped helpless to the ground you learned how effective your knee to his balls was, and that women have a pretty dramatic physical power over men if they choose to use it.  And you did.

I know it wasn't a fetish back then, but did you feel more physically strong and capable after kneeing his balls?  Knowing you could do it for real and that it truly works? 

(It's just as eye-opening an experience for us guys too, when it happens to us!)

And as an adult you've included busting into your erotic life, which is awesome.  You've said it feels sexy and fun, and obviously your partners like doing it with you.  I would imagine this strengthens your confidence about yourself as an attractive, fun partner in addition to feeling strong.  Is that how it feels for you?

Well, while growing up, I've seen boys get hit in the balls by objects, other boys and girls. I already knew that area was super sensitive on guys. The knee i delivered just proved that it could also work for me and maybe that was the beginnings for my fetish thought i didn't know it at the time.

As an adult with a mature mind, definitely. I can appreciate the eroticism and sexiness of bb. My confidence has risen so much in the last 5 years, i think this site has a lot to do with that along with my sessions. 

That is great!  I love hearing that this site and your sessions have increased your confidence and your enjoyment of bb.  I feel like this would be true for lots of women if they felt it was more acceptable and they wouldn't be judged for it.

It's nice to be here and not be judged.  :)

When growing up, I felt like it's one thing to see other people get hit in the balls and "know" that it hurts, but it's quite different to experience it personally (either giving or receiving the bust).

I say that because I was never hit there hard until I was 18, and my GF playfully kneed my balls and then OH.  MY.  GOD.  

It was only about 50% strength but WOW did I feel it... it was awesome actually, I loved it, but the pain was strong, and she didn't even do it her hardest.  It was total girl power, and pretty amazing to experience.  Very much an eye-opener.  

Yup, we're not going to get judged here at least. Out there, it's a different story. 50%, that's about the limit for my sessions. True a 6/10 may slip out once in a while ;) LOL

Hehe, are the 6/10 kicks intentional?  :)

Do your buddies give you a more obvious reaction to those "accidental" (*grin*) kicks?  Can you tell they are in more pain?

No, usually accidental, but i can't say they all were LOL. They do bark louder : D I assume it does hurt more. Their faces are a bit more shocked/animated.

Do you enjoy their reactions with that little bit of extra pain and "bark" ?  :)

I know you have reasons not to, but just as a thought, is it fun to imagine how their faces would look after a 10/10 kick?

True a 6/10 may slip out once in a while ;) LOL

So short of a dangerous situation, under what circumstances would you kick stronger than 6/10? Or full force? Imagine there are no personal consequences for you...

In situations where i feel anger or fear.


Seeing as my follow-up question was a bit hi-jacked a few days ago... lol, my question is:

Do you ever get feedback from your bb buddies as to how many nuts you've hit?

As in, do they ever say "yep, you got the left one" or "right one" or "both"?

Might be fun to keep a tally of how many times you've hit each testicle, haha.

Though I can imagine you're aiming for a perfect score. ;)



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