So there I was, sitting in the high school gym with the rest of the freshmen class, gazing at our beautiful principal who was welcoming us to our first day of high school. She had on a tight black dress, nylons and sexy black leather boots. She had shiny shoulder length brown hair as well. She was the kind of woman you'd easily have a schoolboy crush on. As I listened to her speech I noticed that all the teachers were young beautiful women as well. I began to think to myself that this was going to be heaven. I couldn't have been anymore wrong. Once she got to the end of her speech, I knew things were going to be a lot more like Hell, well at least for the male students anyway.

"Students," she addressed, "For those who don't already know, you may be wondering how our school got the nickname of "Nutshot High", well let me be the first to warn you, if you have nuts they will be hit or kicked or you name it." The girls were giggling at this point, a lot of the guys were too, actually I think every guy was except for me. I had no clue what in the hell was going on. I just began to feel very tense between my legs as she continued to explain.

"We had so many problem with students getting hit right in the groin," she proclaimed excitingly, "That we just couldn't prevent it from happening anymore, so instead of punishing everyone, we decided to move forward and embrace it. After all who doesn't find it hilarious when you guys get nailed right in the balls?" The other teachers were laughing and agreeing with her.  I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I thought I was having a nightmare. The girls and guys beside me were joking about how many guys they were going to kick in the nuts as I could feel my face turning red from anger and frustration.

After she wrapped her speech, Principal Willard dismissed us to follow our homeroom teachers who would hand out our schedules and tell us everything we needed to know. My homeroom teacher, Mrs. Lowe, was beautiful as well. She had long curly brown hair and beautiful blue eyes and a sparkling smile no man could resist. She was wearing a tight red t-shirt, tight blue jeans, black flats and red socks to match the top. About ten other students, five girls and five guys, followed her down through the halls to our homeroom classroom.

On the way down to the classroom we saw some of the older students already partaking in what gave the school it's nickname. A blonde haired girl wearing short blue jean shorts and blue knee high socks walked up to a guy and kicked him as  hard as she could in the testicles. He turned red in the face and dropped to the ground while all the spectators burst out in laughter, including the teachers.

"That was nice!" Mrs. Lowe exclaimed as the girl walked by our group. She even gave her a high five.

"Yeah, I got him good didn't I?" The girl replied, "I'm gonna beat last year's record. I knew at this point, if I could make it through the day I was going to need to purchase some protection before such a thing could happen to me. It kept bothering me how this was so widely accepted as something fun to do and the fact I had no idea that the school was like this. I had only moved to this town about a year ago, but I thought I would have picked up on this somehow by now.

I managed to make it through my first 3 classes alright and didn't see anything else too traumatizing. But during lunch, many guys were getting hit or kicked right where it counts. The teachers, which of course all female, did nothing but sit back and enjoy the show. In the lunchroom and out in the courtyard, the students were having a field day causing some of the other male students pain. The girls were ganging up on guys and laughing their asses off at the humiliation of their victims. Even some of the guys were doing it to other guys for shits and giggles.

There were so many mean pranks going on, such as picking up a guy and spreading his legs and driving him crotch first into a pole. And of course the classic "What's the capital of Thailand and you know what's my favorite play pranks were being fantastically executed. I couldn't take anymore of this. I was lucky that nothing had yet happened to me. I decided to go to the principal's office and confront her my feelings about it.

"Principal Willard," I said as I slowly approached her open door.

"Come on in sweetheart," She replied, "Close the door for me would you? What seems to be the problem?" I got up the nerve to address this issue.

"I don't understand why everyone here is so into "nutshots"? It's mean, it's not funny, it could cause serious harm to all these guys. Why is this so widely accepted here?" She looked a little sad and confused at my response.

"You mean you don't find it funny?" she asked.

"No!" I replied.

"Come on, it's hilarious," she waved for me to come near her to watch something on the computer on her desk, "Kick off your shoes and have a seat beside me dear. I'm gonna show you some classic videos here." She was so hot I couldn't resist the offer to sit next to her. This was such a confusing emotion, I was angry at her, but I had a crush on her at the same time. I kicked off my shoes to reveal my blue socks and sat down beside her.

"I like your socks," she said, "You're very cute." I almost lost my mind.

"Check out this video that was done here at this school," she opened up a viral video of a really pretty girl walking up to a guy and saying "You know what I like on my sundaes?" As he replied "What?" to her she proceeded to kick him in the balls and shout, "Crushed Nuts!" Principal Willard burst out with laughter, and I have to admit I couldn't hold it in anymore, I busted out with laughter too. It was freaking hilarious, the guy's face as her foot made contact was so priceless. It was like his eyes bugged out and his mouth opened wider than it should. He dropped to the ground and started crying, everyone in the video was pointing and laughing at his pain.

"That was great!" I shouted, "Nut shots are hilarious!" Principal Willard smiled at me and asked, "You wanna watch some more videos?"

"Hell yeah!" I said, "I could do this all day!" and so she let me stay in her office for the rest of the day while we watched as many of these videos as we could find. She even excused my absence from my fourth block class. This was suddenly becoming heaven to me.

The final bell rang about an hour and a half later, and I had to leave school.

"Can I come back and watch more videos with you?" I asked her.

"Anytime," she replied and smiled at me. I headed for the door with butterflies in my stomach. I began to turn the handle when she stopped me and asked me to come back over for one more thing. I didn't refuse, but what a mistake. She tricked me and kicked me right in the nuts with her silky black nylon feet. She busted out in laughter at my pain. The feeling in my stomach was no longer butterflies. I think it was my nuts.

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Replies to This Discussion

I think it would work best maybe if they made it a Netflix original series, that way the show could go in whatever way it pleased.

This is by far my favorite story i have ever read on here! I hope to see a follow up

Haha thank you so much, I hope to soon get to a Nut Shot High 2 myself.

Great story man!! Hope to see more soon :)

Thanks, I hope to post more soon :)

"And of course the classic "What's the capital of Thailand and you know what's my favorite play pranks were being fantastically executed."

I don't think I've heard of the second prank, how does it work? =S
I haven't really heard it either, but I assume the play they're referring to is the nutcracker
Oh yeah, that would make sense. Thank you for clarifying. =)

You know what my favorite play is? The Nutcracker. Lol

Well sussed, CC! =)



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