UPDATED: September 14, 2010.

Q. Do you and your husband ever make videos?
A. No, My husband would never agree to something like that and i think it would have adverse consequences on my personal and professional life.

Q. Do you also like to use stomping?
A. No, I've never used the stomp method on anyone, i'm fairly tall and I think i like taking advantage of that height by using the knee.


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Q. I was reading in your profile that you used to bust your partner for simple insubstantial things, do you punish him only with ballbusting when you are mad or do you punish him in other ways too?

Q. Since you got married to your husband are you as aggressive and hardcore with him as before when you were dating.

Sorry it took me 15 months to answer these questions, I didn't even know I overlooked them.

Q1) I do punish him with other methods like ignoring him or withholding sex, but his balls are my primary target when I want to punish him. Nothing says a girl is angry at her husband better then a swift kick or crush knee to the balls.

Q2) No, I'll say my ballbusting has tempered quite a bit since our earlier years together, but I still hit him and I always will. The intensity isn't like it once was either.

dvhour (Site Owner) said:

Q. I was reading in your profile that you used to bust your partner for simple insubstantial things, do you punish him only with ballbusting when you are mad or do you punish him in other ways too?

Q. Since you got married to your husband are you as aggressive and hardcore with him as before when you were dating.

Yes I have, I've busted a brother in law and I've busted my husband's best friend, our best man at our wedding.

Don said:

Have you busted anybody else besides your husband sence you got married?

It's two men, my brother in law and the best man at our wedding. The hits i delivered are the typical busting methods such as punching, slapping, kicking and kneeing.

Don said:

That sounds awsome. The men in your life are lucky. I won`t mind takeing a kick in the nuts from you. About the three other men besides your husband how did you bust them?
Amanda said:

Yes I have, I've busted a brother in law and I've busted my husband's best friend, our best man at our wedding.

Don said:

Have you busted anybody else besides your husband sence you got married?

How did it come about that you busted them at your wedding? It's not the usual tradition. How did you talk them into it?

You read it all wrong, no one got busted at my wedding. When i say the best man, that means that's what his relationship to me is. He was the best man at out wedding, he's also my husbands best friend.

bluma_katz said:

How did it come about that you busted them at your wedding? It's not the usual tradition. How did you talk them into it?

Do you prefer to kick or to knee the balls and why so?

I use both methods quite interchangeably, but i like doing the knee for some reason. I just like it a little more.



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