Hi Im Jhoanna,  first time on this thing, so ask any questions you want, Im pretty open about everything, just be respectful and read profile first plz!

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so i can i ask? any question?

Anything you want to know just ask.

So have you ever busted a stranger?

Yes, i kicked a guy in a club when i was 20 or 21.

Nice. What did he do that led to the kick?

I don't remember exactly, but I was 20 and at a club with some of my homegirls, and there was this guy who was pretty drunk just hanging around us, most of the night, and no one knew him. Well I was sitting down in what was kind of like lounge area and he was kind of on the floor squatting next to the table where I was sitting. I had a short skirt on, and at some point I think he put his hand on my leg, or said something disrespectful about my legs idk, i had a tight skirt on, so just on instinct I looked down for a moment and saw that from how he was squatting and the outline of his package so i just kicked him. The point of my heel must have hit him right on the magic spot cause that boy just rolled on his back and curled up. I got up and got out of there. Weird thing was there was alot of people there but no one noticed or helped him. I think he was there on his own.

Yeah, he sounds like a creeper. That's hilarious that kicking him in the balls was your first instinct. Have you gotten any other strangers?

when did you became ballbuster?

(some simple question)

What kind of heels did you have on?

wow, so cool!

Hey Jhoanna

I liked your profile, and I liked the squeeze story. Is this your favourite method to do? And exactly how hard did you squeeze this guy's nut? Could you feel it start to "flatten" a little bit? lol.

Also, is huevos your favourite word for testicles? :P It's funny how it literally means eggs, so when you were squeezing your ex, it was almost like you were about to crack and egg, lol.

Thanks. :)

Yes I loooove to squeeze its soooo intimate, and you get right up in a guys space. He can try and fight it off or pull your hand away but he just making it worse by pulling his own nuts!!! Its also very emasculating to the guy cause on one hand physicslly hes superior, but sexually not so much, so to know a small female can bring him soooo much hurt so easily is hard for most men to really comprehend, plus whenbyou look in their eyes you can see his world stop, cause he knows his entire sex life, his whole world is in your hands- its a feeling for a woman that a kick dont give. If you wanna make a boy drop to his knees kick him, but if you want to really make him learn he wrong, SQUEEZE!!!

Yes his one nut felt a little soft so i stopped and rolled it around a bit any harder He would have been in hospital and it be bye bye little peanut cause of me- ooops lol. Yes i usually say huevos ( eggs) I also say bolas, balls, and nuts/peanuts.



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