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i grew up in the 1970's, i guess we started later. 

Me too.  I think back then there was still a very strong taboo about girls kicking balls.  The social message was "good girls don't do that" and "he'll never be able to have kids" and they made you think he might even die right there on the spot, LOL.  It was a bit overly dramatic.  :)

Nowadays I think even young people understand that a kick in the balls is quite painful for a boy but it's not so deadly serious and it's often viewed as a positive "girl power" kind of thing in the right circumstances, so now girls will go for the balls a lot more often in play, flirting, exploration, fighting, everything.

I was born too early!  :)

I'm not too sure about that these days, i think girls might be getting in more trouble now for doing it (if caught). There definitely was a taboo about it back then for sure, i remember that feeling about it.

I got punched in the balls when I was in 3rd grade by a girl. She's the same one who used to like to wrestle with me, and would win by grabbing a good hold of my balls when no one else could tell. She also used to take me out behind the school, and would twist my arm behind me, and make me kiss here, LOL.. I wonder what ever happened to her? LOL. She kept this up with me from 1st grade all the way through 5th, when I moved away. She didn't start in on the balls til 3rd, but she used to wrestle and kiss me before then.. 

she's probably the dreams (fetish guys) and nightmares (the rest of the world) of many men these days LOL

I am sure she made a lasting impression on the boys. But did she not get in trouble for putting the poor boy to hospital?

Good question for Johnny BB Goode. I had one friend in Middle school that kicked 3 or 4 boys in the balls, but never to that extent. She never got in trouble.

Same when I was at school, never saw a girl get into trouble for kicking a boy in the balls, teachers always assumed that the boy started it, to be fair that was often the case

Is it really the boys who have always started the fight?

Or is is that teachers don't know and always believe the girls?

Or is it that teachers know or assume that the boys are innocent but are nevertheless on the girl' s side?

That's true, it did seem girls could get away with a little more than the boys could during that time.

The teachers always used to take the girls side, and the would not often see it happen but would come to find a boy on the ground in agony moaning and crying, but would still side with the girl

The few busts i saw in Middle school happened when no adults were around to see or do anything.



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