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Hi suzy, what is your best shoes for kicks balls ( picture ? )

thanks :)

@ tender boy, i didn't do any bb during that age either, but i did see other girls do and I'm pretty sure i gave out a few threats while in school. My first bust wasn't until my senior year in HS.

16-18 was definitely when I got busted the most.  I think a lot of young women discover it right around that time.

I would say it was more like around 11 to 13 years old in my day and area. I mean when girls started entertaining hitting boys in the balls, threatening balls.

That's when I noticed it too, same time as Suzy did, around the onset of puberty which I don't think is a coincidence.  Interest in the opposite sex and their bodies (and the boys' weak spot!) suddenly increases, and girls get curious about balls and maybe kicking them to see what happens and have fun with it.

And the very best of those girls grow up and never lose that interest! :)

I think that's why middle school was the start for a lot of us here, the puberty thing, interest in our bodies, just a bunch of things. 

Yep, and the hormones just starting to accelerate into hyperdrive.

Girls and boys get curious about each other, and some testicles get kicked.  Life is good!  :)

hahahaha, and you do have to add the little rivalry of boys are better than girls mumbo jumbo. Now that had to add to a few busts too. 

Oh yeah, from a boy's perspective I'd have to figure that the attitude that boys are "better" than girls led to more than a few pairs of testicles getting kicked.  :)

It's hard to imagine that girls wouldn't be thinking "hmmm, he's not so tough after all"" when they see a boy down on his knees, holding his aching balls that just got busted.  It's a natural thing to observe.

Is that ever a motivator for you when you bust?  Kind of taking guys' egos down a peg, letting them know (in a very intimate way) that women are strong too.

That boy vs girl rivalry made bb so much more enjoyable in those early days of bb. Not that I was so into bb at that time, more that boys actually had a little flaw. To an 11 year old girl, that was a wonderful revelation.

These days taking a guy down a notch is definitely a nice motivator if they deserve it and once in a while a guy will deserve it.

I started to first see girls kicking balls all the way back in 4th grade, age 9 and 10. I can recall a girl sending a boy to the hospital in my 5th grade class. I still remember her name! LOL. I'm sure most of the guys from class still remember her too!

Wow, that is early. for my school the bb and threats didn't start  until the 6th grade. I bet you'll never forget her.



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