This story I wrote a minute ago and it is not finished yet but i guess its' retarded anyway . Well.. I hope it's not all that boring. maybe i write the 2nd chapter yet.
It's been 8 minutes now. My life will never be the same anymore. You wonder who I am? He's lying beside me, like a dead boy with a pain distorted smile.
Do you wonder who he is? What happened? Take a look at my boots. You find them nice? I tell you, little you do know. It all started this morning, when I was buying shoes with my best
friend Jennie. My name is Rachel, and this story is weird.
"I should get some of these too," Jennie said, pointing at the shoe that i wore. The left one was still on the shelf and they costed 39$.
"No way Jen," was my response, "it would suck ass if we would wear the same type at teh same time. But if only I wear them, it'll kick ass."
"Well lets get kicking then", my friend nodded jokingly, "Gota be home soon". We went to pay the pair that I had chosen. It was a black leather ankle boot, with a fine crafted heel. The shoe
itself was pretty well-made as well, and splendid to look at.
I received them in a bag and we went outside of the shop. I felt like I wanted to put them on immediately and wear them.
At a little fountain in the mall, Jennie held my stuff and i changed into those fancy new boots, putting my old ones in the shopping bag.
I felt like the entire crowd in the mall was suddenly focusing on me, admiring my glamorous look.
We returned to the place we had parked the car and i brought Jen back to her home, then rode the car back to my own.
My bf opened the door yet before i could plug the key in the hole.
I let out an "Ah..." and he was like "Yes, madam, what a service, isnt it?"
"A well deserved service," i pointed downward, "look at my new shoes. Arent they majestic?"
He liked them indeed, and I'd let him worship them later.
Then it all became weird. I was in my room upstairs. I knew Brad, my bf, was sitting in the livingroom downstairs, and watched TV.
I was folding laundry, putting it in the wardrobe. every now and then i threw a look into the mirror at the boots of mine to my feet,
from the corner of my eye. i was thinking about the day, the shopping, and of course about that Brad liked my boots, when i felt a kind
of presence in the room. I turned around but there was nobody, and I could hear the Tv from downstairs.
Folding the next piece, a blouse, and discarding this irritation, a kind of daydream happened to me.
The room was hazy and blur. When i took a deep breath, my eyes saw clear again.
Was I gettin dizzy or something? I couldn't say, but all over sudden my mind was on Brad, and a kind of whispering in my ear told me to
go downstairs.
I seriously wondered by then what was going on with me. Breathing in and out, I realized that I could not remember what i was doing in
this room yet 5 seconds ago. I didnt understand anymore, despite the fact i still held the blouse in my hand. I let it fall down onto
the bed and turned around. in the mirror, the buckles of the boots gleemed like red eyes, but i didnt really think about that at all,
though I saw it. I was lead to the stairs... in a robotic way of motion, I took the wooden planks that descended downwards.
Step by step I made it, holding myself to the rail.
As i reached the end of the stairs, my blur eyes re-opened chrystal clear, and a wicked smile was on my lips.
Somebody called for my bf... was it ... me?
There he was, babbling crap what would be up.
I held to the end knob of the rail, standing at the feet of the stairs.
"what is it, rach, would you answer me finally?"
"Shut it, fool." I said. And i could not believe but it were really my lips moving, these words came out of my mouth.
He stood there, in a T-Shirt and a beige pant. "What do you mean, Rach?"
Suddenly, my foot rushed through the air and hit his vulnerable spot in between the legs.
An thousand thoughts of cluelessness, alongside of a massive impact on his sensitive nerve endings, bursted inside of his head as he
moaned and gasped for air, sinking down onto his knees. Yet before he could decide wether he was perplex or angry, and just mumbled
"Why....", I grasped him at his shirt and pulled him back onto his feet.
"Stand!" I yelled, and he was still beyond a glimpse of knowing what was going on.
In an distorted voice, my bf tried to focus on my eyes, forming a question once again. And once again, he didnt bring out more than "Why",
because my knee felt an irresistable urge to dart right into the bullseye again.
Like a thousand shards of glass, the impulse had initiated an explosion inside of his scrotum. Within the blink of an eye, an invisible
aura of all those contracted muscles in his body was surrounding him like a martyr in all of his shine.
Most likely that wouldve been the point where he would wanted to have become really pissed with me, but instead, he just stood there and
held his hands over the pants because there was nothing, absolutely nothing in his mind but pain.
I felt a deep satisfaction and upon my lips one couldve seen an almost victorious smile.
Something was calling me inside of my head. This was adressing me by name but what was it...
I could not think about the whispering voice... An itch was in my knee.
My bf recovered and beared a trace of anger in his eye, however yet before he could look up and curse at me, his upcoming anger turned
into deepest respect, or should i call it fear, because he saw my knee moving again.
There was an invisible hand that guided me to the proper position.
"Dont!" he gasped, still having a hard time, and that was when i slammed my knee into his groin again and he collapsed.
Tumbling down, he cringed and started to cry, as i kicked his nuts again and once more, and i yelled "Appreciate it, you philistine!"
Suddenly, the tears ended, and my bf would creep onto his knees and worship my boots.
I realized the buckles still gleemed red.
"It is..."
My mind was rebelling. Taht was myself thinking there...
"It is something with the shoes..."
But the voice came back into my mind.
"Enjoy as he adores your feet..." it whispered. And I agreed subconsciously, and let it happen.