The law of high school says there’s always that one boy you hate with all sorts of passion.


For Jennifer, that boy was Casey. The two attended Greenville High, where they had started off as fast friends, and eventually developed a sort of puppy love that had lasted them until the tenth grade. Somewhere within that year of high school, things had changed. Jennifer wasn’t entirely ignorant of course – her snow-white complexion, wide blue eyes and radiant blonde hair endeared herself to many a teenaged boy. But as time moved on, she had developed quite a set of assets, she was a curvaceous girl, whose love of tank-tops made her the fantasy of many a young adult. Even now, standing in the mirror, she could see why she had caused that effect on so many boys; her plump breasts hugged against the fabric of her green tank-top and threatened to burst through. Her cleavage too, was amazing – a tantalizing tease at what was concealed.


So she supposed she couldn’t ENTIRELY blame Casey for what he had tried that one day. He was a shy, timid boy, more cute than handsome. Not exactly a stud, but one of those guys Jennifer imagined she could bring home to her mother’s eternal approval. The boy was cute, of half-Asian descent, lean figure, with a slightly chubbier face that only lent to his boyish appeal. And, like any other boy his age, he was always pushing his luck, trying to cop a feel, hoping to one day reach that ultimate goal: losing his virginity.


But like any self-respecting girl, Jennifer simply could not let it be so easy. She needed time, and she needed a commitment beyond base carnal desires. That was why, of course, she simply could not abide by the time Casey had placed one of his soft hands upon her breast, his hand resting over the green fabric of her tanktop. Her reaction was simple, and totally justified.


Casey had placed a hand on her boob.


Jennifer had rammed a fist into his testicles.


In hindsight, that had been remarkably funny. Casey was normally a cute kid, after all, but Jennifer – looking back without the lenses of offended rage – imagined that he had been quite adorable tending to his very unfortunate injuries. His face had turned pale, and his mouth widened to a horrific extent, as if he had suddenly morphed into a banshee. And in place of the banshee’s shrill legendary yell was a high-pitched squealing, a combination of agony and undeniable fear – Casey’s balls had only dropped a year ago, his voice had deepened considerably and now here he was, with that paranoid feeling that Jennifer’s fist had sent his family jewels back up into his abdomen.


He had rolled off the couch, his hands covering his testes for fear of further attack, and tears had actually begun to roll down his eyes as he cried and wailed for his balls. That had gone on for at least thirty minutes, and Jennifer’s mother had actually walked in, confused by the incredibly high-pitched moaning that was going on. Red from embarrassment, Casey had finally managed to pick his way back up, and walk out of Jennifer’s house, limping gingerly.


He walked with a limp for the next week.


Naturally, their bit of young love was over, and quite a grudge developed. Casey loathed Jennifer for what she had done to his manhood, while Jennifer despised Casey for trying to take advantage of her.


Casey would begin mocking and heckling her as Jennifer walked down the hallways of Greenville High.


Jennifer, however, took a more fitting approach; further assaults on his manhood.


Take exhibit A: Jennifer ramming a metal meter stick in between Casey’s legs to the amusement of the entire giggling math class.


Exhibit B: Casey had been lounging in his seat during music class, legs spread wide-open, as he flirted with numerous of his female classmates. He had been quite a charmer really, Jennifer noted – the girls had been blushing quite furiously. He looked like much less of a charmer when Jennifer rammed a guitar case into his exposed crotch, leaving him a writhing, sobbing mess on the ground.

Or Exhibit C: when Casey had been stepping forward to deliver a speech for English class, he had stepped over a chair to get to the front of the class. Naturally, Jennifer had grabbed the chair and launched it upwards into his – very soon to be incredibly bruised – scrotum.


Exhibit D: well-aimed baseball pitch. Exhibit E: random kick, just because. Exhibit F: tennis ball. Exhibit G: hockey puck!


Eventually, these testicular assaults had acquired quite a bit of notoriety, and Casey was talk of the school, as boys jeered, and girls giggled and gossiped to one another.


“Oh my gosh, I wonder if Casey will ever be able to have kids now?”

“I sure hope so; he’s such a cute kid…”

“But did you hear the sound it made when Jennifer rammed his ‘boys’ with that guitar case?”

“I know! I was for sure one of them popped!”

“Poor guy, I was going to go out with him too…”

“I hope he still works down there, otherwise he’s going to be a virgin for life…”


The ultimate blow though, would happen at Greenville High’s graduation party.




Casey had been super-excited, looking at himself in the mirror as he put on his black dress pants and his blue formal shirt. He had managed to get himself a date for prom and the graduation after-party. After Jennifer, getting a girlfriend had been… well, it never really happened for him. He had a hard time understanding why, at first; he was arguably one of the cutest males in school. But then it dawned on him, when that cute Korean girl Amy had heard his request for his date, moved her eyes to his crotch, emit a tiny giggle, before politely turning him down. That was when he realized; at first the infamy of his ‘groin trauma’ had only brought him embarrassment, but then he realized it was, well…


Making him seem less like a man.


On this day, however, he had a date – Melissa. She was a statuesque girl – no, woman would be more accurate. She was one of the tallest people at the school, with absolutely gorgeous legs, and a thick body. Thick in the way Casey appreciated – enticingingly wide hips and a large chest Casey would sacrifice a nut to bury his face inside. Hopefully, tonight would be the night where he’d finally be able to lose his virginity.


Melissa had looked so good in that black dress of hers. Admittedly, the dress was probably somewhat poorly fitted, but that only added to the appeal in Casey’s juvenile eyes – her large breasts were pretty much already popping out, and her hips and thighs threatened to stretch the dress at the sides. All in all, she looked… ‘yummy’. Casey had sat through the entire Prom with a throbbing erection.


“Aren’t you going to get up? Let’s head to the after-party!” Melissa had asked.


“I, uh… could you give me a moment?”


Melissa gave a glance at the tent in Casey’s crotch and immediately understood. Giving a seductive wink, she nodded and turned away, “I’ll wait for you outside then!”


Relieved, Casey gave a deep sigh, before patting his erect member. “Little Casey and Friends” would finally be getting some release tonight.


A familiar voice rang out.


“Whoa, you can still get a boner? I must not have hit you hard enough all these years.”




Panicking, Casey immediately moved both his hands over his crotch, desperately trying to protect himself from whatever attack Jennifer had planned. Tonight was his big night, and if Jennifer had found some way to, well, make him less than physically capable of enjoying himself with Melissa then – well, honestly? Casey might have just broken down into tears.


“Oh, don’t worry stud, I’m not going to hurt your balls… yet.”


“I, why are you talking to me…”


Jennifer looked lovely too; her green dress was the same color as the tanktop she had worn all those years ago on that fateful day when she had first devastated his precious jewels. The memory only served to intensify the feeling in his loins. If Casey was willing to give up one nut to bury his face within Melissa’s chest, he thought to himself that he’d also probably be willing to give up his remaining nut to fondle Jennifer’s breasts as well. They were his first pair of boobs he had got to ravenously feast on with his eyes, after all.


“It’s so sad, Melissa thinks she’s in for a night of pleasure but well… I mean, I have different plans.”


“Wha- what do you mean?”


“You know, I felt so disrespected that night when you put your hand on my tit without permission. You remember what happened then, right?” She took the grimace on Casey’s face – as if reliving the pain – as affirmation. “Well, let’s just say that ever since that day I’ve had an agenda…”




“Let me put it this way – tonight’s not the night you’re losing your virginity. Tonight’s the night you’re losing your balls.”


Casey’s eyes widened in horror. Jennifer was some weird fucked up mastermind of crotch attacks, and the afterparty was her grand reckoning. Doubtlessly she had some super assault planned for his crown jewels. For a moment he debated not going to the after-party, foregoing his night with Melissa for the preservation of his virility and fertility. But no, Melissa had looked so good. He had waited so long. He wasn’t going to wait any longer.


“Fuck you. I have a girl to be with.”


Jennifer’s smug smile widened.


“Whatever you say, stud. Watch your balls!”




Melissa led him through the party with one hand. This left Casey with his left hand free. And, naturally, of course, his left hand was held firmly over his crotch, serving as a desperate precaution against any genital-attack Jennifer had planned for him. He had the girl of his dreams, leading him to a bedroom, and he wasn’t going to lose his testicles now. Fuck that, and fuck Jennifer.


He breathed a sigh of relief as they finally made it into the bedroom. Melissa noticed, and curiously addressed him. “Why the sigh? You seem relieved or something.”


“Oh, nothing… I’m just… relieved I’m finally in here with you. I’ve been thinking about it a long time, you know.” Casey’s eyes turned devilish as they honed in straight on Melissa’s cleavage. He was a boob-man, no doubt about it.


Melissa leaned over slightly upon noticing this, exposing more of herself to the ever grateful Casey, “Aww, that’s sweet. I almost forgot – you’re a virgin, right?”


Casey’s right arm went to the back of his head as he mumbled sheepishly, “Yeah… I’ve, um, well, I’ve had some trouble with girls over the years…”


“Kind of hard looking like a suave chick magnet when you’re always on the floor holding your nuts, I guess.”


The boy blushed intensely when Melissa had said that. Melissa had never brought up the various assaults to Casey’s balls before. Obviously she had known about them – everyone who ever went to Greenville High knew all about the legends of Casey’s orbs and the traumatic experiences that had befallen them thanks to Jennifer. But she had been extremely nice about it, never bringing it up.


“Aww, don’t worry about it, Casey, it was just a joke. I gotta say though, I was kind of relieved when I saw that hard-on of yours earlier… there were a lot of rumors going around about how you’d never be able to, you know… get it up again. Would have totally ruined my night.”


And with that, Melissa leaned forward and gave Casey a kiss, before stepping back and taking her dress off.


“You’re… you’re so fucking beautiful.”


That she was – her tits looked wonderful beneath a dress, but they looked absolutely majestic out in the open, bountiful, round, and bouncy. She was thick, but her stomach was relatively lean, and she had a fair bit of muscle mass about her. As she turned to show her body off, Casey’s jaw dropped as he saw her wonderfully toned ass; just the right mixture of toned musculature and plump curves.


“Now, it’s your turn! Show me what you’re working with, babe!”


He was only too eager to comply. Strangely, he opted to take off his pants first, slipping off his jeans, and then his Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Melissa giggled a bit, although suppressed it as best as she could – Casey was not a particularly large man, it had to be said. Caught up in his lust, Casey had ignored the hints of gigglings, and lifted his shirt over his head-


That’s when a sudden burst of pain exploded from within his vulnerable jewels.


He heard a voice, and expected it to be Jennifer’s. It wasn’t. It was Melissa’s.


“Sorry about your balls, Casey.”


Casey threw his shirt aside, aided by pain-filled adrenaline, only to see Melissa’s thick leg firmly buried in the sanctuary between his right and left leg. Normally – at least when Jennifer went for a kick – the leg would be immediately retracted. Not in this case, Casey noted as he fought back the incoming waves of vomit he wanted to desperately expel; Melissa’s leg was squeezing his balls up into him. Wretching, Casey felt a sneaking suspicion that Melissa’s leg had just forcibly shrunk his testicles, and he bent over double like a folding chair, his face pressing up against her shin.


Finally, she relented, removing her leg from the v of Casey’s lower body, allowing the poor boy stumble away aimlessly, his face still frozen in that shocked, wide-mouthed expression. Melissa giggled; Casey was walking around like a crab, his legs spread, revealing his dangling balls. Casey’s thought process was that if he closed his legs too fast and made contact with his sore balls, he would be in an even bigger world of pain.


That was Jennifer crawled out from beneath the bed, in that beautiful dress of hers, grinning all the while. Suddenly, Casey realized what had happened – she had been in cahoots with Melissa, hatching some nefarious plot to ruin his balls on Prom Night. That was when he realized, to his horror, the stance he was in at the moment; crab-like, legs spread, balls perfectly exposed. Oh fuck, oh fuck, Casey thought to himself, I need to close my legs bef-


Too late.


Jennifer’s heels rammed into Casey’s balls with even more force than Melissa’s leg.


Casey gave a wordless scream; it felt as if left and right nut had shattered into a thousand pieces.


Absolutely ruined, Casey placed his hands over what remained of his manhood, before collapsing to the ground before Melissa and Jennifer. Facing upwards, he saw the two woman who had absolutely demolished all hopes of him developing a sex life looking down on him, giggling with mirth. He eyed Melissa’s naked body, and to his horror realized he could no longer feel any sort of sexual desire – his balls were far too damaged for that now. The two girls bent over him.


“Hey, Jenny, let’s see what’s left…”

“Oh boy… it’s purple, oh my gosh.”

“That’s a shame, I actually kind of wanted to for real have sex with him.”

“… man, he’ll never have children now…”

Views: 1880

Replies to This Discussion

I really like your stories Erica :) Can we chat sometime? ;)

Great, I love storys that start with 2 balls, and end with 0 balls :D

Poor Casey! A follow up to the aftermath of what she did to him would be interesting. 

He sacrificed both nuts, and did not even get to touch her! 

I wish this could happen to me!

Is there a part two to this? :)

I really like this, fun story.

Very cool and sexy story. You have a real writing talent. Looking forward to see more. :)



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