A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Dear KITG,
The day has finally come... after six long years, I'm leaving the site.
Donation time has always been excruciatingly frustrating, but this
year has been exceptionally bad: I can never get answers from
Dvhour because he is never around. I've been carrying the site for
four years now, doing 95% of the work and all I ask of Dvhour is for
him to handle the whole donation headache, but every year, I can
never reach him to get answers on how we're doing. We were supposed
to talk this weekend to figure out what to do with the site from here,
but as usual, he was not around and it is IMPOSSIBLE to get an answer
out of him. I have reached the end of my patience.
Even worse, only 56 people donated this year, with only 5 days left
before the deadline. 56 out of 8000 members!! Every year, we get
at least 100 loyal members to keep this site going, and even that is
pathetic, considering we have 8000 members. But, this...this is an
all-time low. I can't tell you how disheartening this feels to me. With
all the time and energy I put into this place, it is beyond insulting.
If only 56 people think this site, and my work, is not even worth a few
dollars, why the fuck are we here?? This tells me that it is time to go.
Whether or not you make the deadline, I am done here. I want to thank
all who donated the past five years and kept us online. I want to thank
all who shared their wonderful videos and pictures and stories because
we couldn't exist without your contributions. I want to thank the core
of the community, the dedicated who made this site a family...it was
you that I stayed for to make this site a HOME. And as utterly frustrated
as I am right now with him, I want to thank Dvhour for trusting me to
run the site...I had some wonderful experiences because of it, and there
may be a couple more in the works ;) But most of all, I want to thank all
of you who shared your experiences and stories and lives...your hearts
and souls, with me...I stayed this long because of you.
(see: http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/forum/topics/looks-like-goodbye)
(see: http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/forum/topics/ask-mallory)
I will leave this open for a week, until I leave. Please feel free to leave
any hellos or goodbyes, any final thoughts, good or bad...or say hi on
chat. I don't want this to be a somber last week...I want to celebrate
it, so I will be answering any last questions and sharing my thoughts on
blogs, discussions, stories, etc. Let's make it a happy final week :)
Well, it's not though. If he collects $800 and the site goes down, why should he get to keep the money and skip town?
Bryce what mallory has done unintentionally is state that she is leaving the site ... but unfortunately in the wording it appears that I'm skipping town with the money which is not true... it is written in such a way that implies this... I love mallory shes upset and really this is between me and her it didn't need to be public ... but please understand the site will continue but sadly without her ....
I never said DV was gonna shut it down and skip town, wtf... If y'all don't make the
deadline, he won't keep your money, goofs. This post is about me leaving KITG, so
quit hijacking my fucking thread and let me feel the love before I go, gottdammitt :)
The deadline is Sept. 20th, so please ask Dvhour after that date because he's handling the
donations. I'm only posting this msg because I'm leaving the site either way. Thanks JFox :)
Jordyn the site will still be around I'm making sure of it. BUT the major diference will be Mallory's lack of presence. It will no longer be pretty it will no longer have the conversations she gave. But if you wish to take your donation back I willl grant that but it is helping to fund the site so hopefully that helps you with that decision.
Thanks Slim...friendly, respectful and welcoming was always the goal :)
Mal, you did an amazing, fantastic job every single day you were here. Nobody would disagree that you were the heart of this community. Well, everyone was the heart, but you are the queen? Something like that. I haven't been around lately, but every friend I made here has meant the world to me. You did a great job of making a safe, accepting, respectful place for all of us to gather. Well done! You should feel proud and accomplished. Hope to see you and everyone else from this great community around the internet.
Knave, my dear captain...you are among the ones here that I shall miss most of all ♥
You and your fantastical bb art were the seed of inspiration for this whole place!!
You always lit up the chatroom and this Admin's heart..you are nothing short of *magical*
Mal, I am sure most if not all of the members of KITG appreciate your hard work and dedication to the site. I did notice that donations were down this year, personally I have donated every year since i have been a member. I know the site will suffer greatly when you leave, I do however want to pose the same question this year as I asked last year around this time, If DV is so unavailable and not able to help run the site then why did you guys not find and utilize volunteer admins to assist with the site? Surely a cooperation with 8000 clients would not have just 2 employees with one of them always being unavailable, therefore why was the pressure put on you alone to run a site (community) with 8000 members? Like I said last year that makes NO sense. I am sure the idea has come to mind to you and DV to let volunteer admins assist you guys and I am not sure who was against it but from a pure member perspective it appears someone does not want to delegate any authority to others and that ultimately put the whole site on your shoulders which is wrong on multiple levels. No disrespect to anyone but this is how I personally have seen things the past few years. So I pose the question to you Mal and once again to DV why not use carefully screened volunteer admins to ease the pressure in running the site?
To be honest, J-O-H-N, I could handle running this site on my own just fine...did it for the past
four years. DV used to tell me to not overdo it so I wouldn't get burned out...but I liked being
here and soon had this ship running smoothly on my own. There's a lot to do behind the scenes,
but I think I did a pretty good job and I really did enjoy the ride. Thank you for donating yearly :)
As of November 28, 2024 these folks have donated.
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