A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
NOTE: I hope you all like this! A lot of credit to Erica Noelle Wang for a lot of my inspiration!
Joey was feeling remarkably content lying beneath the sun, clad in nothing but a set of dark silken boxers. Perhaps a bit more modesty was appropriate, but it was his family’s own backyard, and the fencing gave him an adequate degree of privacy. Besides, he was a remarkably handsome man – the prototypical blond-haired blue eyed stud, body toned, lean yet powerful. His back and bare lower legs caressed the grass beneath him, lending him a small microcosm of paradise for his pleasure. In that particular moment, he had pretty much everything he needed: beautiful weather, a place to rest his head and-
“There you are! Was wonderin’ were you were hiding out at.”
Ah, yes, and a remarkably beautiful girlfriend. Jasmine, a slender latino girl in the year below him. If perfection could be manifested in a physical aspect, her perfect browning complexion would be an ideal symbolic candidate. She was clad in a yellow sundress, which flattered her impressive curves. As Jasmine began to position herself over Joey, the boy could make out the beginnings of her cleavage, and could feel himself beginning to harden immediately. He was only eighteen after all, and had only recently lost his virginity – his parts were very sensitive and prone to reaction.
“I sure hope your parents don’t see us.” Jasmine’s voice was utter sex appeal distilled through sound-waves, there was a slight timber to it, lending her a tom-boy aspect.
Jasmine’s delicate hands reached beneath Joey’s boxers. The first time she had done this, Joey had ejaculated immediately – her hands, slight, nimble and soft, had a magic to them. Already Jasmine could feel traces of pre-cum staining her fingers as she stroked her boyfriend’s above-average shaft. A ‘microcosm of paradise’ indeed.
“So Joey, what are you up to later?” Normally, a hand-job was not accompanied by abundant conversation, but Jasmine was a talkative girl. Joey, for his credit, was capable of speaking coherently despite his moaning.
“Soccer scrimmage.” Joey was the captain and goalkeeper of the soccer team, to his pride. “We’re playing against the girl’s team, actually.”
“The girl’s team, huh?” Jasmine questioned, fondling Joey’s penis and testicles all the while. “Wait, Natalie’s the captain, right?”
“Oh… yeah, haha.”
“That stupid bitch.”
Jasmine’s disdain for Natalie was rooted in a rivalry they held all through grade school, where they competed in virtually everything – studies, sports, and boys. Their need to be the best relative to their peers was toxic for what had once been a childhood friendship, and they often talked shit about each other. Natalie’s most recent transgression, however, was unforgivable.
“I honestly can’t believe that stupid skank kicked you in the balls like that. Doesn’t she know what that can fucking do to a guy?” Her stroking sped up, as fury clouded her mind.
It had been a day after Jasmine and Joey’s first time, and Joey had felt incredibly confident that day, having officially lost his virginity and becoming – in his own eyes – a man. He had been at his girlfriend’s locker, end of the school day, bending over to help pick up Jasmine’s books from the floor when he felt an explosion of pain in his nuts. His legs had been unfortunately spread, and Natalie – an athletically built girl with powerful legs – had taken the opportunity to ram her shin into his family jewels as she walked by.
And so Joey had bent double, hands frantically reaching for his presumably critically damaged manhood, writhing at his girlfriend’s feet. Jasmine’s hands had flew up to her mouth, aghast at the vehement assault upon her and her man’s sex life.
Natalie’s voice had been an evil, bitchy cackle, “Don’t worry, I tried holding back so he probably still has at least one good nut!
“Yeah… that was really painful.” Joey’s eyes met Jasmine’s. God, she was beautiful. “It’s sort of funny though, I…”
A look of surprise. “You thought almost getting your nuts broken was funny?”
“No, no, not that I… I actually kind of made a bet with Natalie about our game today.”
Jasmine didn’t particularly like the sound of that, as the concern written all over her face attested. In fact, she had even stopped stroking. “What kind of bet?”
“Well, basically, if the boys win, Natalie has to come up to you and apologize for being such a bitch.”
“What if the girls win?”
“She gets free reign over my balls for like twenty minutes.”
“SHE WHAT?” Jasmine’s hands completely left Joey’s boxers (to his great disappointment), as she reacted frantically.
It was Joey’s turn to look surprised, “What’s wrong, baby? Natalie’s always been so rude and mean to you, I wanted there to be a way for you to get one over here. I bet she’d be super embarrassed having to apologize to you.”
“That’s sweet but… why the hell would you put your balls on the line like that? Don’t you remember what happened last time? Don’t you like actually being able to keep your nuts?”
“I do! And I especially did when you were still stroking me like that…” Joey looked hopeful.
“No. Not in the mood anymore. Maybe later tonight, you can come over and we can do it or something. If you win.”
Joey pouted. “What, you won’t do it with me if I lose?”
Jasmine sighed and walked off for home, thinking to herself: ‘We probably won’t ever get to do it ever again if you lose’.
The two captains met at the center of the pitch.
“Hey Joey, I see you brought you brought Jasmine along.”
Joey had not, in fact, brought Jasmine along. His girlfriend was standing at the sidelines nonetheless, however. Joey theorized that she was incredibly concerned about the fate of his testicular regions. Joey would have to win this one for her – after all, her pride and honor was the entire reason he had done this. He had enough of Natalie constantly being a bitch to her. Jasmine would be so pleased when this was all over! Joey prided himself on always trying his hardest to be the best boyfriend he could possibly be.
“You’re a good boyfriend, you know. Taking such a lopsided bet for the sake of your girlfriend and all.” Natalie grinned – in spite of himself, Joey had to admit that she was quite attractive, in a mischievous, bitchy sort of way. Her complexion was nicely tanned, her features model-esque. Her breasts too, were incredibly shaped and sized – it was a wonder that she was such a skilled soccer player; surely a rack like that made it quite difficult to participate in athletics. “Although, honestly, she probably won’t think you’re such a great boyfriend after this is over. I’ll make sure both of your jewels are worthless after this!”
The captains turned away, and while Joey would never admit it, he felt himself growing nervous. What if he did lose? Natalie was cruel and cold-hearted, and doubtless would not go easy on him. It was perhaps only now that he realized his fertility, virility and masculinity were at risk. Would Jasmine still want to be with him if Natalie did too much damage? She was a girl after all – she probably wanted children eventually.
“Hey, you look nervous dude!” That was Shane, Joey’s friend.
“Nope, of course not. Only my balls on the line.”
“Welp, look on the bright side, if we lose: I’ll fuck Stephanie twice as hard, to make up for the fucking you won’t be doing!”
“Wow. Thanks, Shane.”
And as Joey made it between his goal posts, the game for the fate of his reproductive organs began.
At first, the game looked solid – his team was pressing the offense, and had quite clearly gained the advantage. As time wore on, however, the team began to look sloppy. Matthew, the star midfielder in particular, had seemingly begun to lose his edge, and lost control of the soccer ball more and more. Unbeknownst to Joey, Matthew had always been made aware of Joey and Natalie’s bet, and had his own stake in it; Matthew had lusted after Jasmine since the beginning of high school.
Naturally, he was quite jealous of Joey, and in particular his manhood, which Matthew was sure the object of his affections had fondled quite a bit in recent times. As such, it was in his own envious interests to throw the game.
Minutes went by, and still the game was in the balance. The scrimmage was almost over, in fact. Joey felt a bit of relief – perhaps a tie was a good outcome; Jasmine wouldn’t get her apology from Natalie, but Joey’s balls would at least live another day. Relief coursed through him, although perhaps at a particularly bad time. His guard was let down, and the girl team had just gained possession, their star striker racing towards Joey with the ball at her feet.
A few paces away from the star striker, Natalie had also made her way up the pitch, doing something Joey couldn’t possibly fathom. She tore off his jersey, revealing her naked and bountiful breasts, bouncing with freedom. Joey’s dick instantly hardened, an erection that was apparent through his soccer shorts.
The striker took her shot.
Joey realized he wasn’t ready to dive for it.
The ball rattled against the net.
Joey was in shock – perhaps the prospect of losing any chances of becoming a father had hit him like a load of bricks. Shane came over, patting his shoulder in sympathy before heading for the showers. Matthew walked by also, with a smirk and clever one-liner (“sorry about your balls, man.”) Natalie and her girlfriends waved at Joey mockingly, pretending to lift up their shirts and expose their breasts.
“Hey Joey,” Natalie called out, “Me and my girls are going to hit the showers first, and then we’re coming back so you can hold up your end of the bet! If you’re a man you won’t run away. Though, I mean, I guess you won’t be a man for long.”
Oh no, Joey thought. She wants to ruin me.
Joey remained frozen in shock. Until a finger touched his shoulder.
Joey turned to face that familiar, beautiful, sexy voice. Jasmine. “Hey babe. I guess… we won’t be doing it tonight, will we?”
Jasmine gave a sad smile, “Goddamnit Joey, you’re so, so, so, so, so silly. Why would you make a bet like that?”
“I just thought… you’d be happy…” Joey tried to lighten the mood, “And who knows, she might go a little easy on me. Maybe we’ll still be able to get it on tonight.”
“I doubt it. Knowing Natalie, she’s probably thinking of all the different ways she can do the most damage to your balls. But I was just thinking I…” Jasmine grinned, “Follow me.”
And so Jasmine led Joey next to a large tree that was positioned closely to the soccer field. Immediately, she took off her sundress, revealing her full nakedness – for some reason, she had opted not to wear a bra and panties.
“Jasmine?” Joey could feel the blood engorging his penis and testicles as he gawked at Jasmine’s naked form. Jasmine indulged him, twirling around so that Joey could get a full look at his lover’s nubile body, her supple breasts, her perfectly shaped ass. What was most sexy, Joey found, was the twinkle in her eye and biting at her lip as Jasmine stood before him, presenting all of her to him.
“I was just thinking that,” Jasmine pulled down Joey’s shorts, and moved onto his jock strap, leering at him seductively before she took that off as well, also throwing his cup aside. Her hand then began to fondle his scrotum, her fingers beginning to intimately acquaint themselves with each of Joey’s well-formed, sensitive testicles. She desperately hoped this would not be the last time. “before I left your house, I didn’t finish off that hand-job. And I know that Natalie’s going to hurt your poor little - no, sorry, I meant big, massive, beautiful nuts really badly, so I wanted to make sure to make you comfortable before that. Not with a hand-job though; let’s have sex.”
And so Jasmine put herself against the tree as she invited Joey towards her. He was so hard.
“Excited for me, aren’t you, big boy?” Jasmine giggled, and allowed Joey to enter her. Her gentle hands grabbed at Joey’s asscheeks, while Joey’s hands fondled her jiggling breasts, and his mouth and tongue worked their magic against her neck.
Joey decided that if fate decided he was going to lose his manhood on this day, that was probably the best send-off his balls could have. He was in complete ecstasy. There was no pleasure in Joey’s life greater than being together, intimately, with Jasmine. Granted, banging out in the open against the tree wasn’t optimal. Still, Joey remembered the times where Joey had climbed under the sheets with her.
“I love your dick, Joey.”
“I love your tits, Jasmine.”
“I love your balls, and your dick, they’re so perfect.”
“I love everything about you, baby.”
Joey could feel himself about to erupt in the best orgasm in his li-
“Well, well, well, isn’t this sweet? Having sex one last time?”
Joey and Jasmine frantically pulled themselves apart from each-other, turning to face the voice. It was Natalie, who had just showered, but was still in her soccer gear – most importantly, her soccer cleats. Two of her friends were accompanying her, attractive and shapely brunettes in their own right, tittering at the interrupted couple.
“I sure hope we didn’t interrupt anything.”
Joey swore to himself. I didn’t get to cum. Damnit. I really wanted to…
Natalie glanced down at Joey’s naked genitals, and did a double-take. “Damn, Jasmine, you’re a lucky girl. Well, not for long, I guess.”
Jasmine moved aside, frantically covering herself up, having bent over to pick up her sundress. Joey, likewise, made for his shorts.
“Nuh uh uh! I think you should keep those off, I think it’ll hurt more. Don’t you think, girls; kicking a pair of naked balls?” Her friends nodded, giggling all the while. “What do you think, Jasmine?”
“Fuck you!”
“Awww, don’t be mad at me, it was Joey’s idea for the bet, after all. And besides, you’re partially to blame for what’s about to happen to him.” Natalie’s smile was cruel, evil – she was relishing the opportunity to take Joey’s virility and masculine capability away from both Joey and Jasmine.
Jasmine was confused, “What do you mean?”
Natalie walked over to where Joey’s cup was, lifting it up like some form of trophy, “I actually didn’t think about this! Wouldn’t have asked to check for a cup or anything, even though he’s a soccer player. I probably would have ended up kicking him a bunch of times, but it wouldn’t have been half as bad because he’d be wearing this stupid cup. But because you just had to have your well-endowed boyfriend plow you one last time, he’s not wearing the cup anymore; and I’ll be able to do so much more damage to him.”
“Love you too, Jasmine. Now, Joey, get over here, and spread ‘em.”
Jasmine looked on in horror as Joey complied, walking to the execution of his nutsack. Her horror was amplified as Natalie’s friends brought over a soccer ball. “No, Natalie… please don’t.” Jasmine pleaded with her worst enemy, having fallen to desperation.
“Aw, Jasmine, this is just soccer practice!”
Natalie’s friend set the ball in between Joey and his spread legs, and Natalie. It was obvious what this was. Natalie was the soccer player, Joey’s legs were the goal posts, and his vulnerable manhood? It was the target. It was just practice. Natalie took a powerful running start, and kicked the soccer ball with Herculean might. The ball shot forward like a lightening bolt, impacting against Joey’s testicles. Joey’s left nut was positioned lower than the right, and took the full brunt of the hit – as the ball spun, he could feel each rotation ramming into his sensitive sex organ.
He screamed in agony, voice notably higher. “MY BALLS! OH MY GOD MY FUCKING BALLS!” His hands frantically reached downwards, trying to cradle and massage them.
Natalie pretended to empathize, putting her hands in between her legs and bending over as if to imitate herself being hit in an imaginary pair of balls. “Oooooooooh damn, I think I got him good. I definitely killed a whole bunch of sperm there.”
Joey writhed, rolling back and forth as he clung to his gonads. To have been feeling such pleasure with Jasmine – on the verge of ejaculation – to feeling such excruciating pain. His balls had been so sensitive as Jasmine had worked her magical fingers on them, which made the cannon of a soccer ball that much more devastating to his manhood.
Natalie’s friends picked Joey up against his will, and forcibly took his hands away from his package. One of them feigned motherly concern, “Joey, Joey, it’s okay. It’s going to be okay. If you still have balls after this, Jasmine will be able to rub them for you after it’s all over, ok?”
“My balls… my balls…”
“I know they’re hurting Joey, but you brought this upon yourself… at least you got to finish inside of Jasmine one last time, right?”
“I didn’t…”
“Oh my god, you didn’t finish? I am so sorry about your luck…”
Natalie guffawed, “Okay, now, time to see how much damage these soccer shoes of mine can do.”
Jasmine – who had been paralyzed with shock at watching her lover suffer in agonizing pain – turned pale. “No, please don’t kick him as hard as you can. Please don’t.” Jasmine was desperate – and so she begged Natalie, her worst enemy, in order to preserve what was left of Joey’s balls.
“My coach always said that if you’re not going to give 110%, why give anything at all?” And so she began her running start once more, and forced her powerful foot into Joey’s precious orbs. She cackled as she felt her foot sinking into Joey’s testicles, as if about to ram them back into his abdomen. Jasmine had covered her eyes before impact. Joey, on the other hand, gave a scream in falsetto that would have done many castrato singers shame.
He felt as if somebody’s foot has forcibly shrunk his testicles, and that he would never be the same again. He thought he might die. In fact, that was the only reason he desperately clung to consciousness – hanging on by picturing Jasmine’s loving and warm body. He was afraid that if he passed out he might literally die from the pain that had been dealt to him.
“Welp, Jasmine, that oughta do a number on your sex life.”
She walked over to where Joey was, prying his hands aside (because, naturally, they had found themselves nursing his testicles again) to inspect the damage. “Swollen, reddening. But hmm, looks like he still has both of them. Hey, Jasmine, there’s a rule against handballs in soccer.”
On cue, her right hand wrapped itself around Joey’s nuts.
Jasmine panicked once more, “No, don’t. Let go of his balls, please. I’m begging you.” When Natalie started squeezing, and Joey started moaning in agony, Jasmine could begin to feel tears welling in her eyes.
“Joey,” Natalie commanded, “You were distracted by my breasts, weren’t you? That’s why you let that goal go in?”
Joey had no answer, only a high-pitched wailing.
“Admit this, and I’ll stop; my tits are so much nicer than Jasmine’s.”
Joey struggled, refusing to say it, even as he felt his balls weakening and weakening. He desperately prayed that they would not rupture, that he’d still be a whole man, that he’d still be able to be as one with Jasmine when this was all over.
But it was too much.
“Your… your tits are better than Jasmine’s!”
Natalie let go, allowing Joey to roll over on the grass, cradling his crown jewels as he exposed his ass to the sky. “See, Jasmine, I always knew I had better boobs than you.”
“You… you fucking slut.”
Natalie smirked. “Well, one last punishment for Joey, and then maybe – if he’s lucky – he can walk away here still maybe half a man. Ladies, turn him over and spread him.”
Natalie’s friends, knowing what Natalie had in store for her finale, flushed in excitement and complied, turning the agonized man over, removing his hands away from his testicles. One friend pulled his left leg aside, while the other pulled his right leg. Natalie inspected the bottom of her soccer cleats before backing away for a running start.
“You know, Joey, I really am sorry I interrupted you before you go to blow your load. Sorry to Jasmine too; I know she would have desperately wanted to take in your seed inside of her, one last time. Something to remember your balls by, I’m sure.”
Joey thought back to the first time he had came inside Jasmine – how glorious it had felt, a volcano of dopamines erupting as he released his plentiful sperm. It was the most pleasure he had ever experienced. He held on to that memory – he had a feeling he would need it.
Natalie began her running start, smiling all the while, “This is goodbye to your balls, buddy.” And then she entered into a slide tackle, as the bottom of her cleats became like a missile aimed for Joey’s exposed scrotum. The collision happened at full speed, as her cleats slid into Joey’s avocados. Although now they were possibly more like guacamole.
As that happened, and Joey entered a whole new world of pain, a stream of white gushed out from his cock. It was the semen that Joey had meant for Jasmine, but here it was, wasted upon his own stomach, and the grass surrounding him. It was surreal, battered so hard that his sperm had left him. Entire body wracked with pain, he could not even move his hands to cradle what was left of his kiwis.
“Isn’t it funny, Jasmine, how the last person to ever make him cum… is me?” And so Natalie walked away, friends in tow, heads held high, filling the air with their mirthful laughter.
Jasmine crawled over to Joey, still clad in her birthday suit. Joey could feel his vision fading as he took in the site of Jasmine’s concerned, loving face, and her beautiful breasts, supple areolas, and the way her ass poked out behind her. He took it all in, wondering if it was the last time for him. Jasmine cradled Joey, her fingers reaching for Joey’s cock, desperately stroking to see if her loved still functioned.
She took his testicles into her hands, and was taken aback when Joey moaned loudly in pain. That was when she knew that Joey’s life was changed forever now, and the young man's sex life was likely over for good.
“Joey, baby, I’m so sorry. I’m sorry…”
They cradled eachother as Joey continued to moan in agony.
Wow 10/10! This is what I describe as story! Great writing and creativity in fiction. Thanks and please keep up this great work Erica!
creative story,
Love that I was able to inspire you in any part of the creation of this great story!
Very well written!
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