A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
"You take care alright? Make sure not to strain yourself", she laughed, as she sent him off. These words rang in his head, as he struggled to walk. His scrotum felt much heavier than usual, and his nuts still ached tremendously from her kick. It felt as if a glass bottle had exploded inside his stomach, and each breath he took drew sharp pains from his groin.
His hands trembling, he reached down and felt his gonads. It hurt to the touch, and he continued walking forward slowly and carefully. He barely made it to the clinic, as he passed out at the reception.
Two hours later..
"Wake up", she snapped her fingers. He opened his eyes slowly, to the silhouette of a woman, illuminated by the bright light.
The doctor was a busty lady in her mid twenties, her hair dyed with streaks of green. "So, what did you do to her to get this?", she questioned him, an eyebrow raised.
"Huh?", he mumbled, still drowsy from the shot she had given him to reduce the pain. He slowly sat up, only to be kept down by a agonizing feeling in his abdomen. "Your testicles, numbnuts", she said, as she lowered her glasses to take a good look at his slim yet muscled body.
"I've been having many cases of young men like yourself coming in with similar.. "accidents", to their private area ever since that women's self defense gym opened across the street. So which was it that struck you in your testicles, a foot or a knee?", she questioned. He shifted uncomfortably.
"It wasn't like that..", he answered unwillingly.
"Well, it sure does look a lot like you were the recipient of a hard kick in the balls!", she retorted.
He sighed. "I've seen plenty of cases like this, and had a good look around your stuff while you were out. This was most definitely the work of a girl with a strong kicking leg and good sexual awareness! So, which was it?"
"A kick..", he unwillingly answered.
"Well then, now that we are past your masculine ego, I should tell you that you nearly lost your family jewels there! If you had come in ten minutes later, you would not be a man anymore now!", she exclaimed.
"I.. I.. what?", he said, as he reached down to feel himself. His testicles were swollen but intact, thankfully. "You've got a pretty big set, swollen or not. Can't be that hard for a girl with serious intent to find them with her foot. You know they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall", she told him as she fiddled with a pack of supportive underwear.
"She did some pretty serious damage to your avocados, but you'll be alright. You'll just be shooting blanks for a few weeks to come, but you'll still be able to start a family someday", she told him with a wink.
"So what, did you like try to rape her or something? Because if you did, I'll finish the job for her right now", she said, as she stood up and raised her knee into a imaginary target's testicles. He held his breath. "Nothing like that, I challenged her to a fight", he whispered, trying not to strain himself. "Well you should have expected it and guarded that area! If you challenged me to a fight, I'd probably end it with my foot in your scrotum as well! It is a woman's instinct, and knowledge of the sensitivity of the male anatomy!"
"Well, she challenged my masculinity, and it would have been cowardly to back down", he explained. "If you say so, big guy, but in proving your masculinity, you almost got yourself kicked into sterility, so if I were you, I would work on some better defense. Especially in your lower body. Any girl could have put you here, with your lack of awareness in keeping your legs shut."
"You're doing nothing to heal my pride..", he told her. "Well, at least I did something to save your nuts!", she giggled.
After resting a while longer, she made him wear a extremely tight pair of briefs.
"You'll kill yourself walking around in those boxers, with those swollen danglers of yours banging around", she had told him. "This will keep them together in one place".
And so he decided to pay Rachel a visit. She did tell him he was perfectly healthy, and he wanted to confront her about it, perhaps get her to foot his medical bill.
Standing in the doorway was Jenny, chewing on some gum, and a bunch of younger girls. Jenny. He remembered Jenny. She was a lithe, perky girl, with a pair of adorable A cups. She used to have a huge crush on him, and he'd talked her on more than one occasion into performing oral sex on him.
"Ah ah ah", she said, as he reached for the door. "Rachel's having a class at the moment, no one is to enter", she warned him.
He continued reaching for the doorknob. "If you touch that door, I will kick your nuts into your throat!", she threatened. He gulped. A throbbing pain in his trousers reminded him of what would come, and he moved his hand back. "I need to talk to Rachel", he said, as he limped over towards her. Jenny eyed the bulge between his legs, and his strained movements.
"About? A bruised ego?", she taunted, as she blew and popped a bubble at him. "Or a bruised something else?". Some of the girls laughed. "Hey c'mon, you used to beg me to let you handle them", he shot back. Some of the girls behind gasped, as he went on. "You used to swallow the stuff I made with them, surely you would pity their current state?". Jenny's face turned red with embarrassment.
"I'm a very different person now! The things that Rachel has taught me will ensure guys like you can never hurt me again, emotionally, or physically! Now I'm really going to kick them into your throat!", she warned. "No you're not", he laughed, confident she still had feelings for him. But she was much more confident about herself now, and would not let him push her around. "You're right, I won't."
"You see girls? You shouldn't look up to her that much. She's all talk", he smirked, putting a hand on her shoulder and pushing her aside firmly. "She's just anoth-"
"I'm going to kick them into hell!", she yelled, as she grabbed his hand and twisted it. He winced, as the movement of his body caused him some discomfort in between his legs. He would show her a man's strength now, he thought, as he forcefully yanked his arm back and readied himself to shove her, spreading his thighs slightly apart for leverage, and to ease the constant throbbing.
And that was when she ducked below his shove, swinging her right forearm into his already swollen reproductive organs. Hard.
"UH!", he wailed, as he hunched over, dry heaving. Just a day ago he had not known the feeling of a solid blow to his most sensitive organs, and within that time he had found them victim to two different women. "Show's not over yet, girls!", she announced, still supporting a hunched over Lance by his shoulders, as she pulled him up to slam her left knee right into the centre of his supportive undergarment, catching both testicles with it, with no room for them to escape. She imagined him naked waist down, as she directed her knee directly under his member and into his scrotum.
When her knee had connected with his most intimate area that she had used to pleasure him with so often in the past, a powerful satisfaction ran through her body, and a terrible crunching sound erupted.
He moaned in misery. When Rachel had first kicked him, it sounded like a wet tissue being slapped against the ground, while this time, it sounded like a head of lettuce being cut into two. Even the painkillers he was on could not mask this pain, as he began to gasp in shock and pain.
The girls gathered around him to watch him roll around, as Jenny stood over him, her hands on her waist and her chest pushed out proud.
"You always said I had small breasts, Lance! Well at least I've still got some time to grow! Look at yourself! I don't think you'll be growing those back!", she said.
"She really nutted him good on that one!"
"Can he still... still.."
"That knee really fucked up his balls! I hope he did not plan on having kids someday.."
"He looks like he's having difficulty breathing."
"He will have difficulty breeding, that's for sure!"
"He might have a hard time explaining that to his future wife.."
"Well, that might be the only "hard" time he's got left!"
He arched his back, his face pressed on the ground, hands grabbing his testicles, as he screeched, his hands pressed on his stomach in a fetal position. He tried to speak, but all he could do was whimper.
"I remember the time you called me a "cum bucket"! Well, guess what? Now the tables have turned, and you won't even be able to cum again!"
His voice was several octaves higher, to his surprise. Cold sweat painted his clothes, as he begin to feel tremble. He started thinking of the times he had spent with Jenny, how she had kissed his scrotum, as she pleasured his parts with her hands and mouth eagerly, and her being the cause of the agony and potential damage in that same area now. She had since grown from being a eager virgin, into a trained fighter, specialized in damaging the male reproductive organs.
He almost wished he had never made her mad at him.
"Well that's in return for breaking my heart! I bet you'll be wishing you never made me swallow in the past, but instead saved it, since it seems you won't be able to make any more!"
Eventually, Rachel found him passed out cold on the ground outside, in shock, his body unable to tolerate the testicular pain coursing through his body. She chastised Jenny for the unprovoked attack, as brought him to the clinic across the road to save his splattered reproductive organs.
Her teasing about him not being able to make any more sperm ever again is the best part! Love it! <3
These stories just get better and better. Clever dialogue, overall damn well written!
Another amazing story to compliment the first! Bravo!
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