"You haven't seen anything yet, boy", taunted Rachel, as she looked into the baby blue eyes of Lance. Here he was, barely eighteen, a good seven years her junior, with his rail thin figure that was still sufficiently muscular standing facing her fully matured body.

He was here on account of him overhearing her talk to her students about her self defense techniques, and having shared the gym with the women's self defense course whilst his boxing training, he was doubtful of her abilities and wanted to spar with her. 

Lance looked up at her, panting. "Hey, that wasn't fair, you caught me by surprise!", as he recovered from a jab to the solar plexus. He put his hands up again, and slowly circled her. She eyed his position; his feet moved quite a lot, and he seemed to alternate between facing her, and his body facing the side. 

He moved in quickly, and caught her on the side of the head. His gloves were padded, but it still dazed her for a bit, as she waited for him to throw the next one before grabbing and twisting his arm. He grunted, and her instinct kicked in as she prepared to position him for her to drive her foot up between his thighs. She hesitated, on account of it being a friendly session and not a real fight, and he took advantage of that split second to break free and toss several punches at her.

She strafed away, cursing, as he halted, laughing at her. His arrogance was really starting to get on her nerves, as she contemplated the number of times she could have ended the fight with one hard kick to his precious little nuts, but decided not to. She could tell he had been distracted the entire fight as well, his eyes tracing the outlines of her body.

He was not to be blamed as well, for she was a very attractive woman, with wide hips, an hourglass figure, long slender legs, and a pair of natural C cups. She wore nothing under her tank top that cut off at her mid riff, and her running shorts did nothing to diminish her slender legs. She could tell from his good looks, he probably had his experience with the girls at his school, but probably never seen the near nakedness of a fully grown woman.

"So, is that the full extent of what you teach? You really ought a start giving those girls refunds", he quipped mockingly. "When are you going to show me what you can really do?"

"As a matter of fact, not at all. I have withheld one of the most basic moves that I teach throughout the fight, you know", she told him coldly. "Do your worst", he challenged her with a sly smile.

"This poor boy has no idea what's coming for him", she thought to herself. He moved towards her again, as she eyed her two targets, prancing by him, intentionally for her ample breasts to jiggle provocatively. She watched as his penis twitched, before rising much to his embarrassment, freeing up the space for her to boot him in his gonads. They dangled freely within his shorts, and she took a moment to enjoy the view of his thin, muscled, hairless thighs. He had a good enough defense with his arms, but he, like so many of the men she had sent to the ground writhing and making faces before, neglected to protect his lower body, which unfortunately for him, contained the organs he needed to pass on his genes. He got within striking range, and briefly opened up himself to deliver a hook. It was all she needed, as she looked him in the eyes and whispered, "Time to humble you. Bet you won't be able to cum for a week after this..", and she saw a look of confusion and fear in his eyes, seemingly saying, "What?", as she prepped her body to deliver a powerful high kick into his developing gonads. 

She had expected him to be wearing his cup, and as such, only a hard kick would bring him down with some aching to remind him of his lesson the following day. She took a deep breath, and told him, "This!", as she kicked her foot out into his groin, at a near neutering speed. She felt her naked foot hit his two soft and warm oval organs, and it immediately knocked all the air out of him. She enjoyed those brief moments, as her toes jabbed him cruelly in his scrotum, his mouth opening and releasing a girlish moan. 

"And that's what it is! It isn't even anything complicated, just a part of a woman's instinct! I hope you played with yourself before you came here, there might be some pretty painful swelling!", she laughed, as her foot descended to the ground, his hands flying down to cover his damaged reproductive organs as her foot descended to the ground again.

This was probably his first time getting kicked by a girl, she thought, as she watched him squirm, and make a myriad of painful expressions, hunching before straightening himself, up and down for awhile. That, or maybe she just had a very powerful kicking leg.

"You should really protect your stuff better, boy. You'll be needing them when you get married!"

His eyes closed, as he struggled to remain standing, and began to make a soft whimpering sound.

"What? You never pissed off your girlfriend or something before?", she asked him, puzzled, as he slowly dropped to the ground and puked a little. She knew how to pleasure a man in ways he could not imagine, but it was far from the pain she could inflict upon him through these two same organs.

Then it hit her: That squishy, warm feeling that greeted her foot was not his cup, but rather, his completely unprotected, and completely vulnerable testicles. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry!", she immediately told him, as he remained there, now crying and writhing in pain. 

She gently rubbed his back, as she wiped the cold sweat off his brow. "Shhh, it's all going to be alright", she told him, as he moaned again. She then slowly slid her cold hand down his pants, pulling his possibly broken balls out of his jockstrap to check for any ruptures. He had a normal sized penis, and a big pair of nuts. "With balls like that, you should be wearing a cup wherever you go!", she joked, but he was not in a mood to laugh. There was a certain sticky wetness left on her hands, she knew that meant it had been a long time since he had a release, and she had kicked him so hard he immediately ejaculated. 

His face was all red now, whether it being due to the tremendous kick in the gonads he had just received, or due to how this much force had been inflicted on his two most precious and sensitive organs by a beautiful woman he had been ogling seconds earlier, she did not know, but it was clear to her he was in excruciating agony and concern for his reproductive future.

She helped him to a sofa, and got him an ice pack. He laid very still, still breathing heavily, as she stripped him, moved his penis out of the way, and placed a ice pack softly on his nuts. She left the room and turned off the lights, as she left to get him a drink. He would be feeling better by the time she got back, and she could foresee a great friendship coming ahead for them in the near future.

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Replies to This Discussion

Thanks for another great story Erica.  I love the descriptive words used to help us visualize the impact and reaction

Wow!  Such an impressive and descriptive part 1!  I am at a loss for words at how good that was!  :D

"and she had kicked him so hard he immediately ejaculated."

omg you are honestly such a hilarious writer : )

Heehee! Have yet to try that out! He will be very sore for a very long time

lol nice I once had a hard squeeze only on right ball was in her grip it was sore for like a year after that squeeze :(    I had to tell her to stop. happy I still have It



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