...On how to bust someone's nuts and make it look like an accident? I have a friend that I'd like to smash up, but think he'd be so mad and might even try to take a swing, lol, so a purposeful squeeze wouldn't be the way to go, hehehe. My first idea was to wait for him to not be looking or even in the process of bending over, and i'd swing my foot up for a boot in the butt, only to miss the ass all together and let my toes kiss his unsuspecting sack. mwahahaha, evil me, but does anyone else have a better way?


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Pro-tip: do not assault your unwilling friend.

good idea

Kick to butt is good idea and if it is not real hard no harm to play a little.

yeah, i'm not looking to disable the boy, lol, and every guy deserves a hit in the nads now and then, just because he has them. :) 

This is true.. 

My girlfriend told me twice she kneed her friend in the nuts both on accedent. She was running up and jump hug but kneed him in the nads lol.

Just playful wrestling usually provides a lot of opportunities for "accidental" busts.  if we're rolling around sooner or later she ends up on top when her knee grinding my boys "unintentionally".

bah, just go for it. either pretend it is an accident or do it in a playful way. stop worrying about it and just do it. :-)

hey there! thanks for the support and ideas on here!

just wanted to give you a little follow-up on my sneaky adventures in bb my sensitive, sweet natured boyfriend.

i did manage to give him a taste of my kink one night, and i was really shocked with his reaction. 

we had just finished being intimate. and he had just barely caught his breath. i had been holding and lightly rubbing his balls, when i just decided i'd clamp down onto his right nut. i squeezed slowly, and it seemed a while before he realized what was going on. 

he said "ok, cg, you can stop now. stop. please stop! CG!" 

he begged and whined for me to stop, but i only squeezed harder, and he didn't to anything. like he was paralyzed or something. i was expecting a fight because he's stressed to me before about how much he's not into ballbusting, but he didn't even move his legs. can the pain of a squeeze really make him unable to fight me at all?

i'll be testing again sometime, but for now that's what i've got.

lol, a little less accidental, haha. :)



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