This is sort of a question for everyone. I'm sure many of you have talked about this countless times in other discussions and interviews, but I haven't seen one big discussion amongst everyone here. So, my friends, this is the place to describe it all. Feel free to go into details such as:

Playful/intimate (busting for fun) or self defense/vengeful busts?

Busting with S.O./friends or busting with strangers?

How far are you willing to go?(being busted or busting)

Busting/getting busted by bare hands and feet or busting/getting busted with certain shoes or objects?


Feel free to share personal experiences as well!

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PLayful/intimate, for sure.

Significant other/friends.

Further than I have so far. 

I like bare hands/feet, wouldn't mind certain shoes either. 

Would like to get a bit more kicking and kneeing. So far my wife mostly likes squeezing, which is awesome too. Punching, and slapping, would be nice too. 

Would never do this in public, that would totally kill the enjoyment for me. 

I can't really imagine doing this with someone I do'nt know. There's a certain trust needed. 

I am not really wanting any permanent damage, so that's the limit I guess. 

I like more sensual, sexual busting. She needs to be turned on by it. This is why I do'nt make my wife kick me, etc, I do'nt want her just doing it because I am telling her to. She's taken to squeezing, and kneeing occasionally quite well. Still working on it with her. She's having fun with it, and that's what is important to me, well, in addition to the busting, of course. 

Playful/intimate: Yes!!

vengeful busts? ABSOLUTELY!! When my man mess up!!

Busting with: my man or friends, yes. with a stranger---eeeh it would have to depend.

How far are you willing to go? far as I think he needs it!! If its my man and he messed up in our relationship, he gonna get a lot!! - but do not want to ruin his huevos permanently- I love him haha.

Busting/getting busted by bare hands and feet or busting/getting busted with certain shoes or objects? I would definitely squeeze a guys huevos with my hands yes, that's easy. Kicking/kneeing- yes, that's easy. Stopmping, yes if he was on the ground and I had the chance yup- with heels- if I had them!! lol yup.

playfull bust is cool but not as violent and emotiv than vengefull one ^^

i prefer with friend :)

i like shoe and knee , heel kick my fav


  • Playful/intimate (busting for fun) or self defense/vengeful busts?

Normally playful/intimate, because I think they can escalate to include a lot more enjoyable busting (I've never been busted for defense - except one time which I'll qualify - but vengeful busts are generally a one-and-done thing). There are exceptions (my first busting - by a soccer player - was 'vengeful' and by far the most painful of my life, and I loved it. My first overtly sexual experience with my sister emerged from a vengeful ballbusting - she was mad at me for something I said and ended up sticking her hands in my shorts/underwear and squeezing my naked balls; that was awesome, but, although good things came of it, it was definitely vengeful at the time. She wasn't 'pulling back' or playing at the time - she definitely wanted to hurt me, which was part of why it was so great). But, generally, playful can just be so much more intimate and long lasting.

As per defense, the only time that's happened is when a girl I know (I'm at university now, she's a graduate) drunkenly dared me to wrestle her, I got the upper hand, and she ended up grabbing me and squeezing (so I obviously lost, lol).

  • Busting with S.O./friends or busting with strangers?

Sister is my main busting buddy, and my favorite. My previous SO's haven't been into it, but some of my female friends have (in ways that weren't explicitly sexual, though). Strangers is great too, though.

  • How far are you willing to go?(being busted or busting)

I like to test my limits, but I think I know some of them. I don't want to lose my balls, so things like being crushed (I mean, having things slammed on them is fine, but actually being crushed - like, between two bricks - is out of the question). I'm hesitant about letting my sister stand on them (she's stood on them on my groin, but not on a solid surface, like a plank of wood. Also no cutting or hard biting.

  • Busting/getting busted by bare hands and feet or busting/getting busted with certain shoes or objects?

Depends. I think shoes can be "sexier" (c'mon, everyone recognizes that getting kicked in the balls with high heels is hot, even if it's just one kick), but sessions tend to be more enjoyable (and, honestly, around equally painful) with bare hands/feet, for reasons of logistics and intimacy. I will say, though, that getting kicked with boots definitely is more painful than bare feet/heels.

Trying to think of objects I've been busted with before... the most painful was definitely slamming a toilet lid on them. It's an alright way of self-busting, but an incredibly painful way of being busted by someone else (self-busting you sort of just drop the lid, then... well, you drop, and that's the end of it. My sister's done this a few times: she'll slam the lid down, then grind it, which hurts an insane amount).



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