unfortunately there are few but what are the funniest or coolest busts you're seen in a video game

i like the kicks in saints row of course just because you can do them to anyone and by pressing only one button

also in the first fable as a child you can tell on a man who cheats on his wife and she runs to him screaming YOU FILTHY SWINE I OUGHT TO CHOP THEM RIGHT OFF!

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Hello, just noticed we posted a similar topic at the same time! Well, my favorite busts I've seen in a game are probably in Soul Calibur 3 (the fighting game). There's tons of busts in the game, been a while since I played it but one of my favorites is from one of the female characters who says something in a mocking tone while launching a backwards heel kick that drops your opponent if you do it right :)
i forgot that in Fable 2 you can shoot people in the groin if your dextrous styles skill is high enough
Another ballbust... Tenchu 4. A few successive kicks till the guy drops and writhes on the floor... Might have to find the PSP port and see if this move is in it!

IMO, It's probably "Urban Chaos" - 2000. You play as a woman-cop, Darcy Stern and you have to fight against criminals. The game itself can be considered as a GTA-3 Prototype, but the town is very small. However, the bust is great. It's not perfectly animated, but it's worth seeing, besides, you can switch cameras... Triangle+forward is the move, if you'd like to try. What's more interesting - whtn you play as a MAN, you are not able to use this move!!! Some kind of tolerance from man to men, so the developers are somehow into BB... One more thing is that groinkick is not included into combat training inside the game. That means that you have to try it on your own... (like secret moves in fighting game)
The next one - Tekken 3. It's actually the same kick performed by Anna Williams... Incredibly hot! She's dressed in heel-shoes, jeans and some shirt... So' she's like a girl-of-dreams to me. Besides, the kick is well-animated, as all other moves in game. In official Guide it is called Bad Habit - original name, sounds like BB ))) If you never played Tekken 3 - that's your chance, the game is worth it and not only for BB.
Another Williams bust-move is in Death by Degrees. I never played it' so can't say anything...
Xena - Warrior Princess. I don't remember if it was ported on PC, actually. You'll lose nothing if you'll not try it. Some bad-animated kick-move, that's all.. ((( Unfortunately, I don't remember any other Xena-games...
There's also a knee in Soul Blade performed by Sophia.
Best one I can think of is Soul Calibur's Sophitia. She knees the man right in the groin and as he falls, she says "I'm sorry." but in a sarcastic, mocking way, which makes it even better. I hear there're also a bunch of excruciating ball-attacks in "Heavenly Sword", involving a super hot heroine using a massive blade weapon, who likes aiming between the legs every now and then (ouch).
Another game is True Crime - Streets of LA (PC) - there are two busts in cutscenes, the reaction is great.

I recall that move being named 'The Widowmaker'

someone told me theres a kick at the end of bloodrayne 2 where she kicks her dad in the balls
My favorites from what I can remember were from Tekken and Soul Caliber - just like Dante and Justaboy.. But then again I'm not a gamer and I dont' really know all the games out there. But I have this thing for Anna Williams its definitely her outfits they are way sexy... BTW Whos the girl who used to kick the guy in the nuts and hug herself and moan orgasmically? Sophita? I can't remember :)
the kick and then moan move was a stomp from a game called Kensei: Sacred Fist for the original playstation. The character's name was Cindy. One of my favorite bust moves of all time! One of our members posted this bust, you can find it at 1:02 on video number 5 here: http://kickedinthegroin.ning.com/forum/topics/my-video-game-bb-and-...
in mass effect 2 when shooting humans i think a shot between the legs gets a reaction but i cant completely tell if its the nuts or just holding their stomach looks like holding nuts
The one character that I always think about is Johnny Cage in Mortal Kombat.



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