Meanwhile, at the hospital..

"So it appears your boyfriend is suffering from a rather serious testicular trauma. Now would you kindly tell me the nature of your injury?", inquired a young looking female doctor.

"I told you.. I fell while trying to climb a fence..", let out Petir, in his boxers, gingerly lying down on the bed with an ice pack resting on his bruised nuts. 

"It sure does look like you got a very hard kick to the gonads, Petir. You don't have to lie to me, I have treated countless men before who got on the wrong side of a woman", she said with a wink, and she turned to give Petir's girlfriend, Erica, who was also in the room, a smirk.

Petir closed his eyes in embarrassment, as the doctor explained to his girlfriend the extent of the damage dealt to his sex organs.

An hour earlier, Erica had arrived at his house, shortly after his cruel step sister Sarah had kicked him extremely hard in his fun bits. Normally, his testicles would ache for a few hours, but this time she had stuck her toes up as her foot connected with his gonads, and it left him in so much pain he had began to worry he might not be able to perform.

As things would go, they made out for a while, before Erica removed her top, pulling his hands onto her breasts, as she slid her hand down his trousers. He grunted in pain as she cupped his balls with her hands, and they had to stop after she realized the pain he was in. He could not take it any longer and tears flowed freely from his eyes, as she called the ER. 

" it is a very sensitive area, kicks can do a lot of harm to his sexual capabilities. Especially those from women, who do not know what a kick to the nuts feels like and usually not hold back when they do, at times completely crushing the man's testicles and leaving him infertile with a single kick", finished the doctor.

"My step sister kicked me in the balls", Petir softly confessed.

"She what?! I thought you told me you were climbing a fence, and-"

"I know what I told you, I just found it too embarrassing to let you know. She always does that when she's mad at me. "

"Awwww, your poor nuts", said Erica, looking at his swollen eggs and pouting.

"Well, it looks like women have caused you enough pain in your private parts. I think it's time someone showed them some TLC", the doctor turned to her again and smiled, "and you might want to start wearing a cup whenever your step sister is home. You are already suffering from several although not fatal, permanent injuries to your testicular regions. It would not be too good for you to get kicked there again. After all, you two lovebirds might want to have children in the future." 

Petir gulped, as Erica sat beside him and rubbed his his abdomen in concern. 

Meanwhile, Sarah is at a women's self defense class (To be continued in part 3)

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Replies to This Discussion

Nice. Looking forward to part 3.

Nina, part three is out already! Sarah quite literally breaks his balls for good in it

nice read



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