In September, I was in a small town in Arizona visiting with Dave, a buddy of mine from when I was in the army.  He was in the hospital after a pretty nasty car crash and was terribly bored while healing up.  I was living in Escondido, but I was unemployed and wanted something to do, so I came out to visit for a couple of weeks.  I stayed in his apartment while visiting.  Since he was staying in the hospital I had his place all to myself.  For the first several days, I spent the day with him at the hospital, playing cards and shooting the shit and whatever.  Then, in the evening, I just went back to his place, ate something cheap (usually some microwave burritos or some bullshit like that), watched TV, and went to sleep.  But the fourth day I was there, about four o'clock, one of his buddies from work, Jose, came by to see him, too.  Jose seemed like a real nice guy.  He explained about how he would've been by more but his work schedule had been crazy.

He and Dave obviously were good friends, and when it was time to go, Jose said that he was getting together with some other friends for supper and drinking, and he invited me to come along.  So, of course, being pretty bored otherwise, I said yes.  There was no reason not to.  It didn't sound amazing, but at least it sounded more fun than eating another microwave burrito.  I followed Jose to a chain steakhouse, I forget if it was Texas or Longhorn or one of the others, but it was one of those.  Once we got there, we met up with a couple of his friends and he introduced me to them.  One of them had been in the army, too, and it was just a good group of guys.  I felt like I fit right in.  They were all hispanic and I'm white, but they were all spoke good English and it wasn't a big deal.  We all had a couple of beers with the meal and then moved over to the bar in the restaurant.  It was a small town, so believe it or not, the bar at the chain steakhouse was the hot spot in town for singles, which isn't saying a lot.  We had a few more beers over the next couple of hours except for Jose who said he'd drive people home.  We tried hitting on girls a bunch, but without much luck.  Finally, around 11, there were a couple of girls who got interested in Jose and the other guy who wasn't in the army.  I don't remember his name.  I guess I'll call him Pablo.  And, to give everyone names, the other ex-army guy I'll call Roberto because that's easier than calling him "the ex-army guy".

So anyway, eventually these two girls joined us at our table and were definitely flirting with Jose and Pablo.  They were from out of town, and after a while, like around midnight, Jose suggested that we all go back to his place and drink some more so that he could drink some and because alcohol is way too expensive at bars.  So the guys piled into Jose's car and the girls followed behind in theirs and we all went back to Jose's house.  Jose's house was a modest ranch out in the empty desert area at the edge of town.  Just a couple of bedrooms, a living room and a kitchen.  Once there, we proceeded to all get pretty fucking drunk.  It was a good time.  Just the six of us drinking and being stupid.  I was clearly not getting a girl, but that was okay.  You can't have everything.

But at about 2, the partying ran out of steam.  Jose and the girl who had been flirting with him disappeared into his bedroom.  Pablo and the other girl started making out hot-and-heavy on the sofa.  So, Roberto and I retreated to the kitchen.  I drank a little extra water to try to avoid having a hangover in the morning, and I talked to him a little.  After a couple of minutes, he said he was gonna go sleep in the tub.  He wasn't that tall, so he'd probably fit okay.  I said, I guessed I was gonna sleep on the floor.

Roberto told me that that was a really bad idea.  Out there in the desert, they get scorpions and they'll find their way right into the house and across the floor and it's easy to get stung.  So nobody sleeps on the floor.  He told me that I should sleep in the other bedroom in the big bed with Jose's cousin.

I asked if Jose's cousin would be okay with that.  Roberto said, and this I remember word for word, "Oh yeah, she's totally cool with it."  It was the "she" part which threw me.  But he explained that it was the master bedroom and had a king-sized bed and it was easy for two people to sleep without touching and that when they'd been making arrangements, that it was part of the deal where she got the big bedroom that sometimes guests would crash there.  That sounded weird to me, but he promised me that she liked to party, too, and her friends sometimes crashed here as well, so she understood.  It was the normal deal.  And he also told me that Jose knew that she could take care of herself and that she wasn't a slut, so it was no deal for him, either.

I asked him if she was in the room already, and he explained that she worked as a cocktail waitress at the strip club in town and that she would be coming home some time very soon.  And then he warned me that I shouldn't even think of trying anything with her because she would kick my balls in.  He said that one of Jose's friends had copped a feel without permission and had walked funny for a week afterwards.  Another one tried the same thing a year later and got the same result.  This was intriguing to me because I'd had a ball-busting fetish for a long time, but hadn't gotten my nuts busted in a long time.  The last time was when I had broken up with this one girl in high school who did not take so kindly to the break-up.  I had considered paying a prostitute, especially when I took a trip to Nevada, where prostitution is legal, but the legal whores cost a lot more scratch than I could spare.  I asked Roberto if she had ever nutted him.  He told me that he'd never slept in the room because he didn't trust his hands not to wander.

But still, I was worried that Roberto was yanking my chain or something.  He headed to go sleep in the tub, and I head to the other bathroom, needing to take a pee.  I had just finished up doing that when Jose appeared, clearly heading to pee, too.  So I asked him about what Roberto had said about his cousin, and he confirmed all of it.  "Yeah, go sleep there," he said to me.  "It's a good bed and she's fine with it.  Really.  Just keep your hands to yourself if you want to have kids, that's all.  Oh, and if you go to bed before she gets back from work, leave your shoes in front of the door so she'll know there's someone there."

So, I headed to the bedroom.  It was pretty sparsely decorated, but you could tell it was a girl's room from the pictures and the fact that there was a vanity.  I gave things a quick look around, but didn't do any snooping.  I never sleep with much clothes on, so I took off my shoes and socks and stripped down to my boxers.  I could see where she usually slept in bed from what was on the night stand, so I left the shoes in front of the door, turned the lights out, went to the other side of the bed and climbed under the covers.  I had been there like thirty seconds when I heard a car pull up outside and a couple of minutes later she came in the room.

Nothing the guys had said had prepared me for how hot she was.  The first thing which jumped out at me was that she was stacked.  I mean, she was showing off all her cleavage because she was still wearing her work outfit which was a black cleavage-showing shits, black pants, and high heeled shoes.  Now, I know that the girls have some tricks to make small cleavage look bigger, and she was clearly dressed to show it off, but tricks were not what was making her tits look so impressive.  I could see the swell of them under her top and they were clearly massive.  At least like G or H cups (yes, I confess, I'm into big boobs).  Aside from being ridiculously stacked, she wasn't real big in the torso.  She had nice wide hips, but her waist was narrow and even her shoulders weren't that wide.  Basically, she was a small sort of pear-shaped, but with big tits.  And she had very long black hair.  It had to be a couple of feet long.  She was clearly made-up for her job, but the result was that her face looked stunning.  Honestly, just from taking in her overall look, I was at about half mast.

"Hi," I said, never being one for impressive opening lines.

"Hey," she said.  "I'm Melinda."  She pronounced it the more Spanish way, Me-leen-da.  "You a friend of my cousin's?"  As she asked, she headed over to the vanity and took her shoes off.

"I'm more a friend of a friend.  I'm James.  I don't know if you know Jose's friend Dave?"

"From work?"

"Yeah.  He's a buddy of mine.  He's in the hospital and I've been visiting him."

"Did Jose give you the warning about staying in here with me?"

"Don't worry.  I know not to touch."

"Too bad, I was in the mood to hurt some balls."

My cock jumped in my boxers when I heard her say that.  "Really?"

"Yeah, it was hell at work today.  Lots of grabby customers and management won't let me kick them in the huevos any more."  She took her pants off, giving me a quick peek of her pink panties and her round butt, and then sat down at the vanity and started wiping off her make-up.

"Huevos?  Is that Spanish for nuts?"

"Eggs, actually.  Same difference.  Nuts makes them sound sort of hard to crack.  They've never seemed that hard to crack to me."

By this point in the conversation, I was aware of just how desperately hard I'd gotten.  I shifted so that I was lying on my side in bed so it wouldn't be so obvious.

"Have you actually burst guys' balls?"

"No, not for real, I don't think.  But I've definitely left some guys walking funny."   She was turned away from me, and she pulled her work shirt over her head.

"A lot of guys?"

"A pretty good number.  Mostly customers who couldn't keep their hands off the goods.  None in the last month, though.  I hate these new restrictions.  I miss smashing guys in the crotch.  There's just something exciting about bringing a big tough guy to his knees."  Still facing away, she removed her bra.  I wanted so much for her to turn around.  But very shortly, she grabbed a thin spaghetti-strap tank top which was draped over a mirror and put it on.

"Sounds like you really like it."

She rose and walked towards the bed.  I admired what nice long, lean legs she had.  And she still looked very pretty without all her make-up.  On top of that, the jiggle of her big tits in her unsupportive top as she walked made me marvel at her figure.  "Oh, definitely.  Why all the questions about it?"

I panicked a little.  I didn't want to admit my fetish, although, really, I probably should've just gone for it.  "I've never been kicked in the balls," I lied, "and I have to admit that I'm wondering what it would be like for you to kick me."

"Well," she said, as she lay down on the bed.  "There's one sure way to find out."  She arched her back, sticking her tits out, and she gave me a sly smile.

I knew that this sort of opportunity would not soon come again.  So, hesitantly, I reached out for her right breast using my left hand.  Seeing me reach, she got an evil looking grin.  Undeterred, my fingers made contact.  I slid my fingers across the surface of her big, covered tit and then, I gave a gentle squeeze.

The moment I gave the squeeze, she suddenly rolled over onto me, forcing me onto my back and pushing me down on the bed with her hands.  My hand stayed where it was now feeling a breast which was pushing solidly against it, trapped under her weight.  I hadn't even really taken it all in when she delivered her first knee to my balls.  She was positioned perfectly and I felt her hard knee smash into my balls like a hammer, trapping them against my pubic bone.  I heard myself yelp when it happened and was so surprised by the pain that I did not even react.

As painful as that knee was, it wasn't nearly as bad as the one which followed a couple of seconds later.  Her knee smashed just as hard the second time, but this time trapped just my right ball.  That one nut absorbed the whole force of the hit, effectively getting it twice as hard as the previous blow.  My right nut felt like it was gonna explode and the pain was so much that I bucked her off me, rolling onto my stomach, holding my balls in my hands.  Soon, I started kicking the bed in pain.

"Wow.  Got you pretty good, that time, huh?"

I didn't really answer, being in too much pain.  After a minute or so, I still hadn't moved.  She asked again, "So, how was it?  Was it what you'd imagined?"  When I still didn't answer, she grabbed my by the shoulder.  "I'd better check for damage," she said, and she rolled me over.  When she did, she stifled a giggle.  "Oh, I see how things were."

I looked down and realized what had caused her reaction.  Despite the pain, I was still rock hard and now my cock had slipped out of the fly of my boxer shorts.

"So," she said, "you're one of those guys, huh?  That's good with me.  We get a guy who gets off on it in the strip club sometimes, too.  There's one of the strippers who usually kicks his balls during a lap dance, but I've wanted to take a run at him some time, too.  You're cuter than he is, though.  How much can you take?  I've watched them before and he can take a pretty hard busting.  How about you?"

"Not too much," I replied, quietly.

"Oh, I bet you can take more than you think," she said, smiling.  Then she grasped my left hand and moved it to her right breast.  I didn't try to resist.  Next she took my right hand and pressed it on her left breast and again, she leaned forward, pushing her torso against mine, resulting in her big, pliant breasts squeezing against my hands.  My cock twitched in excitement.  Suddenly she said, "Feeling me up again, you naughty boy!"

You would think I would've foreseen what was coming next, but in the excitement of the moment, I didn't.  She slammed her knee hard into my balls again.  This time, my left gonad got the brunt of the abuse, being smashed so hard that I felt nauseated and light-headed from the pain.  The pain also made me jerk, but she remained firmly on top of me and my hands were trapped there beneath her magnificent tits.

Once more she smashed her knee into my balls.  This blow hit both of them evenly, which was not quite as terrible, but still painful enough that I tried to call out.  The words died in my throat.

The third knee again struck both of my poor aching balls, the pain of each hit compounding the previous ones made this one perhaps the worst so far.  I jerked and spasmed afterwards, trying to throw her off and roll over, as I had done before, but my strength was being sapped by the knees to my balls, and she held me down firmly in place.

With gusto, she delivered a fourth knee which made me feel like my stomach was curled up in a knot.  I tried to squeak out a quick request for mercy.  A quiet "please" was all I could manage.  I tried to squeeze my knees together to protect my balls, but her knee was already between my thighs and I was having no luck stopping her.

"More knees please?" she asked.  She paused for just a moment, but before I could answer, she kneed me in the crotch once more, smashing my balls again forcefully against my pubic bone.  I grunted, my guts clenching and my balls aching worse than I had ever imagined.  I struggled to breath.

And then she kneed me one more time, even harder than before.  I jerked in pain and then went limp.  My hands fell to the side, no longer cupping her breasts and my legs went limp.  Sensing something was wrong, she rolled off me.

I found myself able to breath again, taking shallow breathes, trying to regain my focus.

"Aw, he's gone all limp now," she observed, disappointed.  "Well, I'll give you a little break.  Oh, or better yet, a little treat."  Saying that, she sat up in bed, grabbed the bottom of her tank top and slowly pealed it upwards.  As it reached her breasts, they rose up a little with it and then suddenly bounced down, coming free.  As I watched that, I suddenly wasn't thinking about the pain in my balls any more, and before I knew it, my cock was hard again.

"There we go," she said.  "Come here, I'll make it all better."  She lay down on her side, her breasts sticking out in front of her, lying one on top of the other, and she used her left hand to pulled my head over until my face was pressing into her breasts.  I felt extremely lucky to have my face there in her boobs until I felt her other hand curl around my balls.

"Oh, no," I said.

"Oh, yes," she said, and began to squeeze.  My balls were so tender already and her grip was so strong, that the pain was immediate.  I started to thrash in pain, and she responded by pushing my head more forcefully against her boobs.  My rational side was telling me that this was all very painful and a bad idea, but my hard cock was running the show, and between the big soft boobs in my face and the firm grip on my nuts, it was rock hard.  Even as she then began to start pulsing harder squeezes, my member did not flag in the slightest.  It made me squirm more, but she just pressed me for firmly into her naked cleavage.

I have no idea how long that squeezing went on.  The combination of pleasure and sexy pain was so overwhelming that it shut down my sense of time.  There was nothing in my universe but huge, squishy breasts and agonized balls.  All I know is that somewhere in there she started kneading them and squeezing one ball at a time and that when she did finally let me go, my balls were still sore afterwards.

 I rolled back over onto my back and looked at the ceiling and just tried to breath normally and reorient myself to a universe which included more than pain and boobs.

"So, pretty good, yes?" she asked.

"That was amazing, but my balls hurt so much," I said.

"I thought that was the point?" she questioned.

"Well, yeah, but I have my limits."

"How will you find your limits if you don't exceed them, though?"  I wasn't sure how to answer.  As I thought about it, she reached over and with two fingers began to lightly stroke my cock, which twitched like mad in response to her lightest touch.  "How about this," she said, "I'm starting to wear out some.  If you can take ten kicks to the balls, I'll allow you to get off, and, well, I'll probably help."

"I'm not sure I can take that much."

"Well, you don't have to let me, but then, you don't get to come."  She let go of my cock and reached over and squirted some floral smelling lotion into her hand from a bottle on her nightstand.  She wrapped her hand around my cock and with a good squeeze, began to stroke it up and down, this time really feeling like she was milking me.

I wasn't sure what she was playing at, but the hand-job felt absolutely great.  Her breasts jiggled gently as her hand moved up and down and between the strong ache still lingering in my balls and gazing at her amazing figure, in about a minute I was ready to come.

Just as I could feel myself approaching the point of no return, she stopped cold.  I gasped in frustration.  "So," she said, giving me a grin, "ten kicks or is it bedtime?"

I don't know if I can blame the lingering effects of the alcohol or just how damned hard and twitching my cock was or maybe the feeling that this was an opportunity that wouldn't come again, but I found myself, before I had even thought it through, blurting out "Sure.  I can take ten kicks."  As soon as I said it, I regretted it.  I hadn't really been able to take two knees and now I had just agreed to ten kicks.  Was I crazy?

Before I could think too much about it, though, she was pulling me to my feet.  She had me stand near the end of the bed and spread my legs.  I put my hands at my sides and before I even knew what was happening, her foot slammed into my groin like a rocket, the top of her foot smacking my balls hard back against me and then, as it slowed just a little forced them against my pubic bone.  The pain was intense, and I staggered from the hit and then collapsed slowly to the floor, holding my balls.  This hit hadn't been as bad as the worst of the knees, but my balls were still so tender from before and this was pretty bad.

She came over to me and helped pull me to my feet.  I was a little shaky, but able to stand.  "One," she said.  I spread my legs again.  She stepped back.  Then she slowly moved her right foot forward towards my balls, lining up her shot.  She pulled her foot back quickly, and I instinctively covered my crotch.  "Put you hands on your head," she ordered.  Reluctantly, I put them there, locking my finger together on top of my head.  She lined up again and swung her foot back.  I tensed my hands up, but managed to keep them where they were.  Her foot swung forward with her toes pointed and the top of her foot caught both balls square on, knocking them hard, even though, fortunately, not squishing them against anything.  I gasped from the impact, but the pain wasn't as debilitating as the previous shot.  I managed to stay on my feet, though my knees bent a little.  And I even managed to keep my hands on my head.  "Two," she said, smiling.

For her third kick, she swung back really far and delivered not just a swing of her leg into my balls, but a real front-snap kick where she got her whole leg into it.  When her foot hit my balls, it smashed them right against the pubic bone harder than even her knees had.  I was immediately wracked with pain.  I collapsed onto the floor and curled into the fetal position, clutching vainly at my balls.  I twitched and rolled there, trying not to cry.

She stood over me, hands on her hips, large breasts jutting out proudly and said, "Three."  Then, while, I was lying there, she reached down and took hold of my cock again and gave it a couple of quick strokes.

My penis was still hard despite the kick, and her touch felt amazing.  She gave me a half dozen gentle strokes and then urged me to get back to my feet.  Urged on by her attention to my cock, I tried to stand up, but it was no use.  My cock was willing, but my legs were not.  Instead, I stayed seated and she helped me to spread my legs apart.  My balls were hanging low, just off the floor.  She took my hands in hers and lifted them up so that I could not block and then she went and stood very close to my crotch.  She swung back her right foot and smashed it quickly into my balls.  Her big toe impacted my left nut smashing it back against me.  It was smashed against the bottom of my buttock which is fortunately not nearly as hard as my pubic bone, so I jerked from the pain but stayed in the same position.

"Four," she said.  Then she reared back her foot again and this time when her foot rocketed forward, I felt her big toe contact my right testicle smashing it back against my butt.  Again I jerked from the impact and a grunt escaped me.  This kick was harder than the last, but still bearable.

"Five," she said, smiling.  I stayed once more in the same position.  This time, she bent her toes and swung her leg in a different arc.  As her foot swung forward, I could see that it wasn't going to be a single toe, instead, as I felt the impact, I realized that the top of several toes had smashed across both balls, sending them flying.  The impact was harder this time, and I yelled from the agony.  I felt myself pitching forward against her legs and brought my own legs together tighty.  I just wanted to curl up in a ball, but where she was standing made that impossible.

She used her lovely legs to push me back up to a sitting position.  "Six," she said.  She pushed at my legs with her feet, trying to spread them apart so that she could take her next hit, but to no avail.  My legs were shut pretty tight and a little prodding wasn't going to move them.  Since the simple method had failed, instead she knelt down and pried at my legs with her hands.  My eyes were drawn to her ample breasts swinging beneath her as she did, but my legs still had a mind of their own.  She reached over and gave my cock a few tugs while she was down there and that did the trick.  After a couple of tugs, I was aching to cum again and her next attempt to spread my legs was successful.

She stood back up, and I expected her to deliver another kick like the previous one.  Instead, I was confused when she raised her foot up in the air.  She had small feet and had painted her toenails red.  She brought her bare foot down hard on my balls pushing them down to the floor as it came down and smashing them flat against the floor and pressing them there.  The pain was unbearable.  I thrashed in pain, my stomach in knots.  I was sure my balls were going to rupture.  She held it for a moment, her weight pressing down on my balls, and then finally let up.  The moment my balls were free, I somehow found the strength to scamper away on all fours as fast as I could like a wounded animal.  I wound up on the other side of the room, curled up on the floor, rocking back and forth with my balls in my hand.

She laughed as I scampered away.  And as I sat there rocking, she said "Seven," with a big smile on her face.  I would have guessed that the pain would have made me insensible, but somehow the opposite had happened.  The sheer pain of it, instead of inducing trauma had shot me full of adrenaline.  My body was gearing up for a fight-or-flight response, and I was feeling hyper-aware.  Not only was I very aware of how beaten up my poor balls were, but also of what else was happening in the room.  Things almost seemed like they were moving in slow motion.

And what was happening was that she was turning to face me and then her right hand was sneaking down into her panties.  I could see her starting to rub herself in her panties as her other hand cupped her breast and then started to pinch her nipples.  Clearly, my intense suffering was really getting her going.  At first, I just watched, with a mix of curiosity, wonder, and something that felt like fear.  But as I saw her keep rubbing herself until her breath started to get shallow and her legs started to quake, I could feel my fear fading and arousal taking its place.  Soon my cock was twitching again even as my balls ached far worse than they ever had before.

I could hear her starting to make quiet sounds to herself as she neared orgasm.  As she got there, she let out a big squeak and shuddered and almost fell over.  I could tell she didn't usually masturbate standing up.  I loved seeing her legs quiver and watching her orgasm.  And I loved seeing her play with her big tits and watching them shake as she came.  Watching that, my fear was gone, replaced completely by arousal.  At this point, my mind was turning over the possibility of letting her finish off the last few kicks.  The sexiness of what happened afterwards had pretty well made up for the pain of the stomp, at least as far as my dick was concerned.  Which is, of course, just more evidence that I'm an idiot.

And when she then, after recovering from her orgasm, came over to me, knelt down beside me and purred, "please?  Just three more," I obviously should have given a very negative response.

Instead, I found myself saying, "Okay, but no more stomps like that."

"Sure," she replied, a sparkle still in her eye.

I was still kind of weak in the legs myself, but she helped me crawl over to the bed and then to crawl up halfway onto it so that my head and shoulders were resting on it while my hindquarters was still off it.  She spread my legs about as far as they would go.  My butt was up in the air, and I could feel my balls dangling underneath.  Once she stopped positioning me and I heard her step back, I knew that the kick would come soon, and I tensed up.  My feet were spread so wide out, though, that they didn't really have much purchase, and I couldn't really move, as a result.  Since she was behind me, I didn't see the kick coming at all, but I sure felt it as the top of her toes punted my balls hard upward, sending them bouncing in the air.  I yelped from the pain, but in truth, it almost seemed mild in comparison to what I had been through.  My balls pulled some at the end of their cords before jerking back to the bottom of the sack.  I gritted my teeth as this happened, but even still, I felt like I could stand it.

I heard her say "Eight."  Then, as I was preparing for another kick, I head the click of heels behind me,  My first thought was that someone else was there, but then I realized that it just meant that she'd put her shoes she'd been wearing when she got home back on.  My memory was that they were black leather high heeled pumps with a strong point to the toe.

"With your shoes!?" I asked, or maybe I was pleading against, I'm not sure.

"Sure.  Just like I would at work," she answered sounding amused.

As I considered how I should respond, I suddenly felt the tip of her shoe slamming into my right ball.  This time, she stepped up a little more than the previous one and her foot carried through my ball, the point of the shoe spearing it against my pelvis.  I shrieked with pain and my body collapsed, my legs still spread, but now my feet were sticking way behind me and my butt was not in the air.  The pain was just as bad as the stomp, but localized to just my one testicle.

I expected to hear her say "Nine," but instead, I suddenly felt the sharp, forceful stab of the point of her shoe slam into my left nut.  It smashed my nut up against my pelvis just as the right had done, although this one glanced off of my cock on its way to being speared.  I could feel it distend so far from the impact that I thought it might burst, but it held together and I shrieked in pain once more.  I spasmed so hard from the pain that I would up sliding off the end of the bed and landing on the floor with a thump,  She giggled when that happened.

"Nine and ten.  I got you pretty good, it seems."

I could tell from the tone of her voice and the accuracy with which she had delivered those last two kicks that she knew exactly how hard she had gotten me.  I felt amazed that I was still intact.  I had made it through all ten kicks and earned my release, but I spent a good ten minutes just lying there.  While I was lying there, she went over to the bed, and I heard again the sounds of her playing with herself, but I couldn't see anything.  After I heard her cum, she came back over to me.

As I lay there, she went ahead and started putting on a little show for me.  She danced a little, swinging her tits in my direction and then showing off what a nice ass she had by turning it towards me, giving it a little spank, and then doing some bending over.  Eventually, when I did finally muster up the strength, I rose from the floor and she and I went and laid down on the bed.  She played with her tits while I began to jerk on my cock.  My balls were so, so sore, but that made me very, very horny.  And her figure and skin and pretty face were lovely.  I had only been stroking for about a minute, when I felt myself quickly approaching orgasm.  I arched my back and that's when she suddenly reached over and punched me in the balls.  I jerked forward in pain, but at the same time, my cock ejaculated a big geyser of hot cum all up to my chest.  I spurted again and again, making a big mess all over my stomach.

She giggled a little at how hard I'd come.  "Wow.  You really liked that."  She got up and found a hand-towel I could use to clean off all my jizz.  "That was a lot of fun," she said.  Then, both pretty spent, we pull the sheet up over us and went to sleep.

By the time I woke up, around noon, the house was almost empty.  The guys had all gone off to work, and the girls who had come home with them seemed to have left as well.  Only Melinda and I were still there.  I could hear her in the kitchen when I awoke.  My balls were still terribly sore when I woke up.  I gave them a quick glance, and they seemed intact, but bruised.  I decided to take a shower and do a more thorough examination.  I found a spare towel in the linen closet and headed into the bathroom.  I started the water running and then took a moment or two to really examine my nut sack.  It was not looking good at all.  I mean, it was all in one piece, but my balls were swollen up, probably about half again as big as normal and my scrotum was covered in bruises.  The worst was where the points of shoes had impacted, but the whole thing looked pretty roughed up, like it had been through a bar-fight or car accident or something.  Of course, I knew the truth, and just thinking about it made me start to get hard again.

I was surprised to hear the bathroom door open while I was in the shower.  She came in and explained that she needed me to make it quick because she had a lunch date with a friend.  While she was in there, she stopped to look at my balls to see how they were doing.  "Wow!" she remarked, "Did I do all of that?"

"Definitely," I replied, "they weren't bruised or nearly this big when I came here last night."

"That's really hot," she said.  "I didn't mean to get quite that rough, though."

"It's okay," I assured her.  "It was too much in the moment," I said, "but that was definitely a sexy night I'll always remember."

I was shocked when she reached in and gave them one quick firm squeeze.  I yelped in surprise.  She smiled.  "All in one piece still, I see," she said.  "Hurry up, though.  I've got to go soon.  Oh, and do you need me to drop you off somewhere?"

"My car's at the steakhouse."

"Okay, no problem, but we definitely should leave soon.  Were you planning to jerk off in the shower?"

"Uh," I wasn't really prepared for the question and just sort of stammered.

The fact that I hadn't said "no" was all the information she needed.  "Okay, well then I'd better help speed you along.  Think of it as an extra reward for the beating from last night.  I didn't mean to leave you that badly bruised."  She was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and she pulled the t-shirt over her head.  Next, she unhooked her big bra, letting her tits free.  "Go on, start stroking."  I didn't need to be told twice, and I started stroking my stiffening cock there in the stream of water from the shower.  She reached in and grabbed my balls again, both squeezing them and pulling them down and away from my body.  She squeezed them with just enough force to make them ache worse.  So, even with how sore they were, this was sexier than it was painful.  I was stroking like a madman, and when she started using her other hand to shake and jiggle her tits, I started spurting all inside the shower.

After the orgasm and the aftershocks were over, she told me to clean myself up but to hurry up.  Then she put her bra and t-shirt back on and left the bathroom.  I finished my shower and put my same clothes back on.  When I got out, she was waiting for me with her keys in her hand.  As I was putting my shoes on, she told me that she would love to kick me again sometime.  So as she drove me back to the steak house, she gave me her number and I put it in my phone.  I sent her a text message so that she'd have my number, too.

She dropped me off at my car, and I drove back to Dave's place to change clothes.  My balls were aching in the car, but basically feeling okay until the jostling of walking up the stairs to his apartment intensified the pain once more.

For the next several days, my balls continued to ache and I'd sometimes get sharp pains when they were jostled.  Any time I went to the bathroom, I'd check on my balls to make sure that they were still okay.  I spent my time much as before, except that I jerked off to my memory of her busting my balls every evening when I was alone.

On the second day after, I got a text message from Melinda asking me how they were doing.  I told her how tender they still were.  She asked me if I wanted her to make it worse.  I told her that I wanted to heal up more first, but in truth, I also felt pretty scared.  The idea of letting her abuse them more was a big turn-on, but well, I did not want to risk losing them.

On the fourth day after, she sent me another text message asking me to come over that evening.  The idea of seeing her again was very exciting, but I wussed out and told her that I had other plans already.

The next day, it was time for me to drive back home to Escondido because I had a job interview the day after that.  I found that despite having wussed out the night before, I didn't want to leave town without seeing her at least once to say goodbye.  So, at about noon, when I had the car all packed, I went over to the hospital and said goodbye to Dave.  Then I texted her to see if she was free.  She turned out to already be at work, but she said that in the afternoon, things would be slow and she was sure she could get at least a short break.  So, after using my phone to figure out where the town strip club was, I headed over there.  When I got there I texted her again, and she told me to wait in the parking lot: that she would be out in about ten minutes or so when she got her break.  So I played games on my phone and waited.

When I saw her heading towards the car, I immediately felt excited to see her.  She was wearing the same cleavage-showing top, but this time with a pencil skirt, dark stockings, and the same high heeled shoes from before.  She saw me in the car and headed my way.  I could see her cleavage bouncing in her top as she walked, and it looked amazing.

She came and sat down in the passenger seat in the car.  "Are they still bruised?" she asked, skipping the normal greetings.

"Yeah," I said.

"Can I see?" she asked.  I unzipped my pants and pulled down the waistband of my underwear, flopping my balls out on top.  The bruising was yellowing at this point, instead of being all black and blue, but they were obviously still bruised.  The swelling was mostly gone.  "Wow," she said.  "Definitely still bruised.  How tender are they?"

"Still kind of tender."

Without warning, she reached over and grabbed them.  "Let me see how tender," she said, smiling.  She began to squeeze first kind of gently, but then harder.  As she started to clamp down pretty well, the pain was too much and I started to squirm and I grabbed her wrist.  "Ah," she said, smiling even wider, "that tender."

Without letting go of my balls, she leaned over, and to my surprise, kissed me.  I returned the kiss, enjoying the soft feel of her lips against mine.  But to my further surprise, she used her other hand to make a fist and punched me really hard right in my trapped nuts.  The hard unexpected punch to my tender nuts made me start to curl up from the sudden pain, but she used her lips to hold me back in my seat.

She punched my nuts a second time.  This time one of her knuckles got me exactly on the right testicle, smashing to against the fingers of the hand which was holding it and I howled in pain, pulling away from her kiss.  I squeezed my legs together, but her hand held tight around the base of my balls.

"It's okay," she said.  "Just a couple of punches to remember me by."  But still she didn't release my balls from her hold.  I had told her in the text message that I was leaving town today and why.  "Good luck with the job interview.  If you don't get the job, will you be coming back here for a while?"

"Yeah," I answered, "should be.  Dave's gonna need a little help when he gets out of the hospital and if I'm not busy, I thought I might come back up and help out."

"If you do, let me know.  I'd love to bruise your balls again some time."

"I'd like that too," I replied, smiling, despite the grip she had on my sack.

She gave my balls a sudden tug and I pitched forward in pain, and then she let go.  "I'll see you around," she said and climbed out of the car.  I watched her hips sway as she walked back to the club.  My cock was rock hard, and my balls were tender again.  I spent the whole nine hour drive home thinking about what she might do to my poor aching balls next time and all the things I wanted to do to her, like suck her nipples or actually fuck her.  After the kiss, I felt like everything was on the table, although I wondered at what cost things might come.

But then, once I got home, the interview went great and they wanted me to start immediately so I didn't wind up going back to help Dave.  So far I haven't gotten back up there to see her again, it is a good long drive, but maybe I can use some vacation time in a couple of months.  We'll see.

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Replies to This Discussion

You're the Hemingway of ballbusting stories.

I second that.

That was really good ;) I'm impressed.

That would have been quite a night!! Lucky you!

Nice story, bad end



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