Ryan grabbed the remote without taking his eyes from his iPhone and bumped up the television volume a few notches to combat the whine of the radiator. The commentators provided rhythmic background noise as he lounged on the sofa in his boxers scrolling through his Facebook news feed. Despite the frigid temperature outside, the apartment was a boiler room thanks to the incessant radiator heat, thus the boxers and t-shirt instead of his customary pajama pants. He made a mental note to email the landlord in the morning.

In the kitchen, Rebecca battled the stuffiness by stripping down to her boy cut panties and a wifebeater tank top. She was working on her laptop trying to put the final touches on a paper due the next day. She pushed a loose strand of her black hair behind her ears absently as she reread the opening paragraph. A loud chuckle from Ryan in the living room broke her concentration.

“What’s so funny?” She yelled over the drone of the game and the hiss of the heater.

“Oh nothing really,” he answered, still laughing.

“Must be something funny. Tell me. You already made me lose my place.”

“Oh sorry – it’s nothing. I was just on Facebook and I saw a girl I used to date pop up as a person I might know. It just jogged a funny memory.”

“And?” Rebecca pried as she got up from the table and stretched her back before making her way into the living room.

“It was just about how we broke up. She was really needy and liked to stir up controversy, picking stupid fights.” He paused to show Rebecca her profile as she beckoned him to hand over his phone.

“Whoa. She looks pretty tall. Either her shorts are really short or she has some long legs.”

“Yeah, she’s actually an inch taller than me.”

“So what was so funny about your break up?”

“Oh,” he stalled, refocusing on the story. “She was over at the place I lived at sophomore year and tried to pick a fight – I can’t remember what about – right in front of my roommates. I was having none of it. In fact, I was at the end of my rope with her. So I straight up told her to get out.”

Rebecca handed back his phone as Ryan stood up and walked across the room to the front door, which he then opened.

“I yanked open the door, like this, and pulled her into the hallway. She said fine I’ll go but we’ll talk about this later. I said ‘probably not’ and slammed the door in her face.” To emphasize his point he slammed the door. “Never talked to her again. My roommates just busted up laughing.”

A cross look spread over Rebecca’s face and she pursed her lips into a scowl. She turned to face Ryan, but he was looking back at his phone starting to chuckle again.

“’Probably not’ ended being the line of year. The guys – “ Rebecca didn’t give him a chance to finish.

With his attention diverted, she swung her leg back and then delivered a testicle crushing kick between his legs, knocking his balls right out of his boxers.

Immediately, Ryan dropped to his knees, letting his phone fall to floor, and grabbed himself. A strange image of two eggs cracking open, the yolk oozing out, suddenly popped into his mind.

“Oh fuck.” It came out through clenched teeth. As the pain gripped his abdomen, he couldn’t stop himself from pitching forward onto the carpet and curling into the fetal position.

Rebecca bent forward, hands on hips, and loomed over him, watching as he pounded the ground with one fist while rolling back and forth trying to relieve the agony that spread through his body.

“Oh my god,” he gurgled. “What the fuck?” He managed to spit out the question before succumbing to a fit of coughs and dry heaves.

“Maybe two years too late, but I just did what she didn’t get the chance to do. Kick your balls into your throat. I can’t believe you didn’t give her the chance to crush your nuts, slamming the door in her face like a pussy.” She leaned closer to his face, noticing the tears running down his cheeks hoping it was reflective of just how much pain he was suffering. “If you were a real man, you’d have at least owned up to the fact that she had a right to kick you in the balls for breaking up with her.”

Ryan’s only response was to roll over and continuing trembling with pain. Rebecca stood upright and folded her arms under her full breasts, tapping her foot impatiently. But after a few minutes of Ryan being unresponsive, she turned to walk away, but not before a parting shot.

“Just know that was nothing compared to how hard I’ll kick you if we ever break up. You just better hope I don’t break your balls. I can guarantee I’ll put you in the hospital. Hell, you might even be able to walk again after a week or so.” She laughed to herself at the thought.

Leaving Ryan to simmer in his tortured state, Rebecca settled back at her laptop. Eschewing her essay, she opened up a browser and pulled up Facebook. After a quick search, she found the profile for Ryan’s ex. She popped up the messenger app and decided to let the girl know what just transpired.

Hi – you don’t know me, but I’m currently dating Ryan Johnson. You happened to come up in a conversation and he related how you two broke up. Let’s just say I took exception to how things went down and decided to avenge your mistreatment. He’s currently rolling around on the floor in tears thanks to the fact that I kicked him hard in the balls. You’re welcome.

Straight and to the point, just like her kick. She hit send and went back to editing her paper. After 15 minutes or so, she realized she hadn’t heard anything from the living room. She got up to check out how Ryan was progressing. He was now curled up on the couch, both hands still cupping himself. His eyes were closed. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a plastic baggie, filled it with ice and took it into the living room and just set it at Ryan’s feet before returning to her computer.

When she sat down again she noticed she had a notification. A new message from Stacey, Ryan’s ex, was waiting. She opened it up.

OMG! If you’re for real, that’s awesome! I totally wanted to kick him in the balls after he slammed the door in my face, but he managed to avoid me the rest of the semester and I haven’t seen him since. I always hoped I’d randomly run across him one day and get the chance to follow through on that kick. Glad you could on my behalf.

Rebecca grinned at Stacey’s candor, glad for the confirmation that she did indeed want to bust his balls after the break up. The grin twisted into an evil little smirk as an idea came to her.

If you’d like to make good on that kick, a little bird says that Ryan will be leaving Williams Hall about 2:30 tomorrow. I’m sure with those long legs of yours you could really make his balls hurt :)

After sending her reply, Rebeccca checked her work schedule and saw that she wasn’t scheduled until the evening the next day, so she would be able to make the scene. And she really hoped there was one.

Another notification popped up.

Hmmm. I might just have to make a detour in my schedule. Thx lil birdie.

Rebecca felt herself get a little hotter, especially between the legs. She leaned back and let a hand slide up her thigh to her panties. Mmm, she thought. This was going to be good.

She reveled another moment and then buckled down to polish off her paper. A half hour later she closed her laptop and headed off to bed. Ryan was still on the couch, though he now had the ice pack resting between his legs. He did not look her way.  She wondered if he might just stay there all night, either too scared or too proud to join her in bed.

Rebecca fell asleep to visions of Stacey racking Ryan, and the two of them bonding over a pair of busted balls.

When she awoke the next morning, Ryan was already gone as he had class all day on Thursdays. She slept so good she never even heard him leave. Since she didn’t have class on Thursdays and her work shift wasn’t until later, Rebecca decided to whip up some breakfast. Yogurt, toast and – she looked in the fridge for something more. How about some protein, she thought. She grabbed a carton of eggs, pulled two out and cracked them into a pan. In hopefulness of the day’s events she decided to make them scrambled.

After breakfast, she went out to run some errands and hand in her paper at her professor’s office. She stopped by the cafeteria for lunch and then hit the library.

Eventually 2:00 pm rolled around and she packed up her bag and headed toward Williams Hall. Waiting around in the cold sucked, but she anticipated the payoff would be worth it. Leaning against a stone ledge outside and away from the building’s exit, Rebecca scanned the horizon for any sign of Stacey.

About 2:25, she began to feel discouraged as no one matching Stacey’s profile photo appeared. She was afraid Ryan would get away scot-free. But then she saw two girls approaching William’s Hall and one was really tall. It was Stacey. Rebecca saw she was wearing yoga pants and a puffy jacket. Smart, she thought. Stretchy fabric makes it easier to kick.

The girls paused at the bottom of the stairs leading out of William’s and continued talking, completely unaware that Rebecca was watching. They looked like two girls just waiting to head into class, but Rebecca knew better.

A little past 2:30, Ryan came through the door, moving a little slower than usual. Rebecca could tell from the slight limp that he was still hurting. He took the steps gingerly, one at a time. He didn’t notice Stacey, or even Rebecca for that matter.

He walked past the chatting girls and headed in the opposite direction.

“Hey Ryan,” Stacey called out in a sing-song voice.

He turned around and the look on his face revealed his surprise. “Stacey?”

“Uh-huh,” she nodded in assent.

“Wow, it’s been awhile,” he stalled, not sure what to say. “You look good.”

“Thanks. You too,” she played along.

“What’s it been? Two years?”

“Something like that.” She started walking toward him as her friend followed behind.

“Good to see you,” he continued as she got within a few feet of him.

“It’s really good to see you,” she smiled big. “So good, really.”

He smiled back at her, glad to see that they were actually getting on well.

From across the way, Rebecca waited anxiously for something to happen, besides a bunch of talking. She didn’t have to wait long.

As Ryan smiled at Stacey, hands in his coat pocket, he was completely unprepared for what happened next.

“I’ve been waiting a long time to do this,” Stacey said, her smile changing into a scowl and her eyes dropping to Ryan’s crotch.

Rebecca saw Ryan’s eyes go big and knew Stacey was about to deliver. She watched as Stacey’s long leg drew back and noted the heavy black boots. This is gonna really hurt, she thought.

Stacey’s leg swung forward in a graceful arc as she kicked him squarely in the balls. The agony in Ryan’s shrill yelp spoke to the tremendous pain caused by such a brutal kick. He collapsed in a heap.

Rebecca marveled at the precision of Stacey’s kick. While she definitely liked guys sexually, she had to admit there was something hot about how Stacey looked in that moment. Rebecca took in her tight, rounded butt propelling her lean long leg forward. Stacey’s leg bent just slightly at the knee as her booted foot crushed his testicles deep into the V of his legs. She wished she had a camera with her to capture the moment. To study the perfect feminine lines of Stacey’s leg, the impact of boot on balls, and to see Ryan’s face wear that expression of pure agony that only a man’s face can ever convey as his balls get kicked viciously by a woman.

She watched Ryan drop, his hands once again covering his screaming orbs, and saw Stacey say something as she turned to go.

“I hope that hurts you as bad as it makes me feel good.  Oh – and have a nice day.” Stacey turned to walk away as her friend busted out laughing. As they crossed the quad, Stacey just smiled at the passers-by gawking at her actions. No doubt they had to look when they heard Ryan’s agonized cry.

Rebecca waited until Stacey and her friend were out of sight before heading over to Ryan who remained on his knees, hunched over holding himself. Gently, she lifted his chin with her hand and met his tormented eyes. Hiding her glee, her eyes instead showed tender compassion.

“Was that your ex?” She asked.

“Mmm,” he tried to nod in assent.

“Wow, it looked like she really nailed you good.”

Again, he nodded.

“Think you can get up?”

“Probably,” he croaked, “if you help me up.” He held out his hands to her and she pulled him to his feet.

Ryan’s legs quivered and Rebecca thought he might collapse again, but he eventually steadied himself against her. Slowly, they began walking back to the apartment with Ryan leaning heavily on Rebecca’s slim frame. Rebecca smiled inside at his weakness, at having to rely on the strength of a girl all because of a swift kick in his balls.

Each step exacerbated his throbbing genitals and sent darts of pain radiating up into his abdomen, but Ryan pressed on just wanting to get home and crawl into bed. They walked in silence for a while, Rebecca letting him stew in the embarrassment of a public ball bust. Finally, she couldn’t help herself.

“Looks like Stacey finally got her chance to do what she should’ve done a long time ago.”

Ryan looked at her crossly.

“I’m just glad I was there to see her bust your balls,” she continued, giving him a sly wink.

He grunted, but didn’t think to ask why she happened to be there. The pain was still clouding his thinking.

“I hope you learned that you’re going to get kicked in the balls if you break up with a girl…” she paused. “And maybe that it’s better to just take the kick in the moment instead of waiting to get it after you’ve recently been busted by your new girlfriend. Because now your balls just hurt twice as much.”

Rebecca couldn’t stop the laugh as it escaped her and mocked his pain.


Views: 1409

Replies to This Discussion

Awesome story! thank you.

I love Rebecca so much <3

Looks like Ryan found a winner!  Haha

i would love to crack an ex's eggs. for good maybe




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