A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
The time had come at last, for Andrew to tell her. He had been married with her for two years and now they were trying for children. She had gone to the doctor many times, coming back each time with the results revealing that she was very, very fertile. This was puzzling, because they did not use condoms, and he always ejaculated into her. She noted that when she felt him around down there, his testicles were always overly sensitive, and felt out of shape. When she gave him handjobs, she realized his cum, while plentiful, was always watery, and almost transparent.
She was shocked at first, when she learned he could not produce sperm. "Why?", she asked.
"You remember Amanda? You've met a couple of times at our parties."
"Yes I do remember Amanda, but what does she have to do with any of this?"
"Well, we I got hit really hard down there when we were in college, I was..."
She prepared to hear the worst. She knew, from her experience as a nurse, what usually happened to men who get hit in the nuts. Without thinking, she slowly moved her hands between his legs to cup his package. He paused to gasp. She knew how sensitive he was down there, and it hurt her a lot to hear about him getting hit in the place that directly affected his ability to get her pregnant.
Permanent damage. Or castration.
"I got in a fight with her, and she kneed me in the testicles. It hurt me lot, and I had to go to the hospital. My reproductive organs were irreparably damaged, and even though the doctors managed to save my testicles, I am unable to produce sperm", he explained. "I am quite lucky to still be able to have sex, in fact". She wanted to know more, and so he begin his story..
He had been best friends with Amanda since they were children, being neighbors, and she had a crush on him for a long time that he had been unaware of. He was feeling slightly intimidated by her now, after she had kicked a boy in the balls for making sexual remarks to her, sending him to the ground. She was taking a course in women's self defense during that time, and through all the classes she was in, that had been her favorite move.
It was quite the commotion, as she yelled at him in the hallway. Everyone watched, as she confidently walked up to him, and just like she had been taught at her classes, grabbed him by the shoulders, and jammed her knee in between his legs.
Everyone thought it was funny at first, as he wheezed and writhed around on the ground, his hands tightly clutching his groin as he struggled to fight the incredible pain he was in. Eventually, he gave up and curled up in the fetal position to throw up. Lots of the girls cheered for her, because he had bullied most of them through high school. He laid there shivering in pain for a long time, as many of the girls took photos, with some even taunting him directly.
The boy she kicked wound up having to see the school nurse, and did not show up for a week. Some people even said that he lost a ball from it.
It happened one night, when they were hanging out at her place while her parents went for a holiday, where they stole a bottle of vodka and drank it in her room.
"It was mean what you did to that guy!" He said to her.
"Any guy who talks to me like that deserves that, Andrew" She defended herself.
"But still, you shouldn't have kicked him like that. It really hurts for a guy, that's a really sensitive area".
"You would know", she joked, faking a smack at his crotch. While she had a boyfriend once, she was a virgin, and only heard of how sensitive testicles were from her girlfriends.
His whole body tenses up, and his hips pull back when I put my palm under his testicles!
Andrew jumped in his seat, his hands moving to cover himself. She had helped talk him out of trouble with this girl in their class, who told everyone she was going to kick Andrew int the nuts for standing her up.
"Well, you only got him cos he wasn't expecting it. I knew it was going to happen, so I would be ready for it. No way that would work on me", Andrew laughed.
"Are you sure?" She said with a sly grin. "You seemed pretty scared she was really going to do it, and I'm pretty sure if she did, you would have curled up on the ground like Tommy did. Have you seen her legs?"
Tommy gulped. He had seen her legs, and he was honestly quite terrified that it was going to happen.
"And don't you remember the time in my backyard? And the other time at the park?"
Andrew blushed. The first time she got him there was when they were play-fighting. It hurt, but not as much as the next one, and his testicles were more tender than ever. He had snatched her dairy, and was holding it above his head when WHAM, her foot went up between his legs and he spent the rest of the day walking with a limp. He could have sworn then it hurt so badly that he felt that he would never function again as a man, but after the swelling went down, his cockiness returned.
"I do faintly recall som-"
She interrupted him. "The second time, I kicked you in the balls so hard that your face got so red and you threw up!"
"So what? Like I said, I wasn't expecting it. There is no way you could beat me in a fight!"
"Let's find out shall we?" She quipped back playfully. "If I win, you have to admit I can kick your ass, or rather, nuts, in a fight."
"What about if I win?" He said.
"Well.. I could show you my boobs, I guess?" She jokingly said, although she was secretly hoping she could seduce him. She was not an unattractive girl or anything, on the contrary she had a pretty face and a smoking body, but it was just that he had seen her for so many years he felt no attraction to her.
"Are you sure, Andrew? I really don't want to have to clean up after I kick you and you throw up"
"Because that won't happen, and you know it!"
He agreed, and they went downstairs to her hall to do it.
He started out with a traditional boxing stance, throwing jabs at her. They had agreed to not hit each other in the face, and he was aiming for her stomach.
She eyed his stance, and after the second jab, she saw an opening to move in. She pushed both her hands forwards, knocking his arms out of range. She nearly rammed her knee into his eggs as she yanked him forward, but she didn't want to hurt him too much so she swung her knee at the last moment. His eyes widened in fear, and almost relief, despite the immense pain he felt from her bony knee slamming into his right thigh.
It wasn't very effective, and he panicked to break free, trying to punch her in the stomach. She tried to dodge, but his fist hit her in the right breast instead. "That's it", she thought, "Somebody's gonna be sleeping with an ice pack between his legs tonight". Shrugging off the pain in her tit, she slid her foot forward and between his legs, and raised it up straightly, connecting with both of his testicles.
She held back, however, but it was enough to send him bending over in pain. He gagged, and hunched over for a few seconds. He got up slowly, and was starting to feel sick.
"Alright, I win. Let's call it quits okay?" She said with a smile, imagining what he must have felt when her instep connected with his soft, warm sac.
"No.. I can go on." He replied, his face still red.
"That was only a fifty percent kick, you boys sure are weak down there!"
He took a moment to hunch over again, before immediately rushed her, trying to pin her against the wall. The moment he spread his legs however, she plunged her foot into his nuts. This time, she didn't hold back. He weakened and bent over holding himself, and slowly knelt over, his right hand secretly sneaking into his pants to feel around and check if everything was still there.
She covered her mouth and let out a laugh, as she realised that he had not been wearing anything underneath his trousers. In this kick, she realised that they were hanging very freely, and she wondered if the heating had anything to do with it.
He grimaced, when he noticed that his right testicle was now swollen, and aching terribly, before spreading his arms and charging her.
"Let me guess, the next time you have ice cream, crushed nuts won't be your topping of choice", she taunted, as she ducked under his arms when he tried to grab her. He lumbered into the wall, putting one hand against it to support himself, as he bent over bow legged, trying to comprehend the shooting pain coming from his testicles, while taking a deep breath to steady his wobbly legs.
"My oh my, Andrew, you're really leaving yourself open now", she said as she reached down and pushed her open palm against his pants as if to grab him, before giving him a hard flick with her wrist instead. "Do you think you could handle it if I kicked you in the nuts again?"
She should have stopped at this moment, but she was a little drunk and finding it rather funny. Andrew gasped when she touched his testicles, before letting out a girlish squeal once she flicked him. He took a moment to steady himself, as she watched him put both hands into his pants, adjusting himself gingerly, with much amusement.
"You're going down", he said smiling, and threw a punch at her. But the previous two kicks had slowed his reflexes down a bit, and he wound up hitting her in the left breast this time.
"Alright, I've had enough." She said out. "Now I'm really gonna kick you crossed eyed!".
And with that, she grabbed him by the shoulders and shot her knee into his testicles with all her strength. This one should do the trick. This was the same technique I used on the Tommy. She felt her knee connect with her two soft targets, and squish them against his pelvic bone. There was a squelching sound, and his eyes widened. He immediately let out a high pitched gasp, followed by a pained moan, as tears begin flowing from his eyes. Knee still raised, Amanda pretended to look surprised, as she slowly lowered her knee, with Andrew stumbling and grabbing at a table to support himself, legs crossed.
"Looks like somebody is going to join the choir as a soprano!" She teased, in a singing voice, dancing around him.
He said in a high pitched voice, "Fuck.. I think you broke something... I.. I."
The pain ripped through his abdomen, and he nearly puked. He knew right there and then at that very moment that her knee had did a lot more than simply bruising his testicles, the pain transcending that caused by her first two kicks. All of a sudden, it was not so fun for him anymore, as he imagined what his reproductive organs looked like now.
Suddenly, she remembered hearing about the hospital trip the guy she kicked had, and rumors of the extent of his testicular trauma. What if he really did lose a ball?
"Shit, I shouldn't have hit you so hard, are you okay?" She then realized how hard she had hit him, and tried to steady him. He tried his best to remain on his feet, but the testicular suffering he was in was just too great and he fell on the floor and curled up into a ball. She knew she should have held her last one back, but it was too late for regrets. She had cracked his nuts, and in that moment, she realized he would never be the same.
He began to sweat cold sweat and his body convulsed, as he struggled for air. His breathing was labored and in short gasps. In his head, he knew what had happened, but he just could not accept it. The pain he was feeling in his special place at this moment had went beyond what a kick in the nuts should have felt like, as he slowly accepted the idea that Amanda had possibly just rendered him sterile. "You're not going to walk this one off..", he thought.
"Andrew, are you okay?" She asked again, her eyes welling up with tears. Amanda was panicking by now. As much as she had wanted to prove herself and humble him, she did not want him to be unable to have a proper sex life, or lose his balls. Unsure of the possible irreparable damage she had done to his testicles, she did not know what to do.
He whimpered softly, "My balls.. My testicles.. You crushed my testicles.. How could you do this to me..", as he sobbed.
"Let me get you some ice, ok? You're going to be fine." She tried to ice him, but his legs were glued shut and she could not get it onto his balls, so she just sat beside him and wiped the sweat off him. He continued whimpering in a light voice, "I'm still a virgin.. My nuts.. ", and slowly staggered to his feet, but sharp pain travelled from his crotch to his belly again, and the pain was more intense than before. It was too much for him to bear, and his vision blurred and he passed out.
She called the ambulance eventually, and she explained to them in tears how her knee got him accidentally while they were sparring, before they brought him away.
To be continued(?)
awww i wonder what it'd feel like, him using those messed up balls with his wife
Very nice story!
Also a lovely cruel reply Erica, nice one :-)
Part 3 is out! Do leave comments and suggestions on how you would like part four to be like. Enjoy! :-)
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