A Cozy & Cheerful Ballbusting & Cbusting Social Network
Finally my first story attempt here, and I'm writing this fictional story imagining myself being the speaker, and my girl being "Mariah." Although most aspects are completely fictional and different than my actual experiences, so take it as it is. Maybe one day I'll bring something like this to life :) It ended up being a long story, but I hope you enjoy :)
Awake! I'm suddenly awakened into a semi-aware state of intense pleasure. Before opening my eyes I come to realize that Mariah is using her mouth on me and I'm immediately brought from a state of unconciousness to one of bliss. As I first start to move a bit and I moan, she pauses, gives a slight breathy giggle and says, "Good morning babe!" I moan a semi-aware reply which gets another little giggle as she goes back to work. Opening my weary eyes I look down to see her with her mouth around me, gentle and deep as she knows I like it best. I moan again before saying, "Good morning inDEED!" with a big smile.
She continues for a bit as I gain full consciousness before saying, in a sexy bedroom voice, "I've got a special day planned today." I look down with a crazy mix of anticipation and joy to see her looking up at me with a seductive smile to which I can't quite place the proper mixture of sadism and submission.
"Oh yeah?" I ask, hardly believing my luck. "Yes!" she says as my groggy mind starts to race. "It'll be better than anything we've done before." My default mindset goes mad thinking of what possible pleasures I can't even currently think of await me. There are so many things I've wanted to try and we haven't yet. From the looks of things, we'd finally be exploring new territory that I previously thought she'd never go for. Things continue for a couple minutes and I'm quickly starting to build and say, "Oh god babe, that feels so good!"
Apparently sensing I was getting near orgasm, and also amused, she gets a big smile around my shaft and giggles (which feels great!) just before pulling off and saying, "I've looked through your history and seen some sites you seem to like quite a bit." I'm a bit shocked because we've lightly discussed my fantasies, but never in much detail. Thus I'm left in an odd state of great anticipation and wondering if my thoughts are in line with what I "think" I'm hearing. She gives my head a couple light kisses and smiles, saying more sexily than I could have imagined, "It's ok babe, I know what you want."
At that point she had moved her hands to my balls, and gently took one in each hand, between thumb and forefinger. I see her raise an eyebrow and a pop a half-smirk as she says, "You won't quickly forget today, love." And with that she starts a firm but gentle squeeze on both of my balls. I experience a very strange mix of pain, arousal, and disbelief as she maintains the pressure, gives a slight chuckle, and takes me into her mouth once again.
For the next several minutes she stimulates me with her lips and expert tongue, while varying the pressure on my testicles in waves, thus building the tension but keeping realease at bay. Quite soon I start to feel orgasm approaching, and wanting to help it along I feel her very large breasts. After only seconds of doing so I ask, "Can I get a better look at these please?" She stops for a second with a really big smirk, looking into my eyes and saying in a perfect "B movie" sex voice, "Sure sugar, but it'll cost you." Not thinking at the time of how silly the voice is, (because it was also at the time EXTREMELY hot) I say, "Whatever you want babe! Just let me know."
Short pause as she stares at me, and then suddenly sitting up into a girlish posture of excitement, "Five punches to see 'em!" Her smile, as she lightly chewed her bottom lip, was one of the scariest and hottest things I've ever seen. At first I'm beside myself and say, "What?!? For Real?" She cocks an eyebrow and says, "I know you want it... don't act so surprised." She's a spoiled child on Christmas morning who knows what her presents are. I simply can't say no to that face and so I agree. She gets this totally wicked smile that I'd never seen before now, paired with a perfect matching wicked laugh. Feeling a mixture of surprise, fear and intense arousal, I try to decide how to properly describe this aura about her now... like a person who's just mastered chess and you're the first victim of their ruse.
At this point I'm a bit freightened, but the anticipation has me with all my chips in. She, with a constant deviant smile, slowly grips my sack in one hand. At the time I don't notice, but she allows enough slack so that the testicles will recieve the main force and not the "skin balloon" around them. I'm too focused on the fact that this girl is ACTUALLY going to punch my balls while I actually lie back and let her.
Holding her grip, she makes a couple slow mock punches to line up the shot and stops for a second drawn back. Back to the bedroom voice (but with a tad too much excitement) she asks, "You ready baby?" She then proceeds to send five HARSH punches into my balls. Never losing her sadistic smile. No delay, just fierce bam bam bam bam bam! And Oh my god it was ... well there's not adequate words. It's one of those states that you've either been in, or you haven't. It was a nice place to be, but almost not. As I was recovering curled up a little, I had an amusing thought. I felt as if I had one foot in heaven and one foot in hell... which might explain why I felt like the earth just hit me in the groin! LOL. She brings me a little back towards consciousness of the outside world with her little noises of happiness and contentment. I open my eyes to see the most beautiful expression of joy on her face. She's happy, excited and very interested to watch my reactions. When she sees I'm coming around and looking at her she gets that really cute fake sympathy face and says, "Aww, poor baby! It's ok here you go. You earned your prize!" Then she unleashes just ONE breast from it's bra-cage and I think, "what the hell." After it's clear she's done I actually say,
"What the HELL? You just showed one boob!"
She says, "Well yeah!" in that 'duh' voice. "Five punches for each boob." So with an increased arousal (she really did have awesome huge boobs) I make one more step in this direction and say that I want to continue. Lol, apparently we had different opinions about what that meant. So she lets me suck a tiny bit on that one exposed nipple for just a few seconds. Then asking if I want to see the other... I mean, of course I said I want to lol. She gets smiley again and asks, "Are you SURE you really want it?" So I told her, "yes, but I'm scared."
She looks me in the eye with pity and... something else I couldn't quite identify... and said, "well it's not a big deal babe. It's just the price you gotta pay if you want the product." With what I suppose is like a "matter of fact" smirk. It doesn't take me long to deliberate though. I know what I want and there is one way to get it. Mariah gets this weird look of calm and satisfaction and tells me to lay back. I do so with a terrible mix of feelings. Once again with that lip-biting smile of anticipation, she takes my sack in one hand and draws back with her other hand, drawing out the tension . She takes several "mock" swings, laughing at every time I flinch and wince. Then finally BAM! Then another fake hit and then BAM! After a few more fake tries in which my breath is not under my control... there is finally a BAM BAM!... and then nothing.
She draws out this moment. It's so great I can't describe. There's a fake, and another, for so long that I can't remember how many. And finally there's the last BAM! Much worse than any of the others.
At this moment she takes the bra off completely, revealing her wonderful large breasts and I'm in a mixture of torment and bliss. She lets me suck her nipples a bit as she lightly massages my cock. Tracing her fingers lightly up and down the shaft. At this point I'm ROCK hard as she takes me softly back into her mouth. She says, "see I KNEW you'd like it!" and gets a terrifying sexy smile on her face.
Very shorly after I start moaning and she knows I'm close to climax. She suddenly stops and stands up, giggling. She puts on her light sun dress (and only that) and starts cooking some breakfast. Not sure what to think I ask, "What's up babe? Are we gonna finish?" She just gives a slight giggle and says, "Of course silly, but I'm really hungry right now." Insert tease pose here lol. She says this with that pose where she winks over her turned shoulder and one foot stuck out behind as she grabs the door of the fridge.
She takes a couple eggs out and holds them a moment. Eggs are one of her favorites so I don't think much at first. I'm so on the verge at this point that I can't truly account for my mental state... but I swear she takes two eggs in her hand and starts rolling them around moaning slightly. As the pan heats up I swear she totally puts the eggs near her face and says something like, "ooh, I can't WAIT to crack those eggs!" and gave me a wicked smirk. Most of the cooking is uneventful but she occaisionally comes back to give me a very light "kick" in my own "eggs."
It's nothing heavy, yet this moment is great, as she hasn't put on her panties and I get a great view up her dress. I'm still laying on the ground and while the food is cooking she keeps building the tension with a quick light kick in here and there. Mostly all teasing, but expertly so. Often striking pin-up girl poses (you know the comically sexy ones where all the nice squishy bits are stuck way out) while working in the kitchen, her giggling, the mocking tease faces she makes (as if to say, "am I gonna do it now or not?") and her general air of happiness and morning energy I'm left in a state of constant arousal and mild frustration.
While we eat in silence I calm a bit, but stay quite aroused. It's mostly a fun flirty breakfast situation like I had in early college days. The ones where you both just eat and look at each other, smiling. Loving the company and not needing to speak or have tv or music on. There's a little bit of teasing footsie while we eat, running her feet up my thigh and occaisionally stoking lightly on my package, just to keep my blood pumping I'm sure lol. Finally we finish and she tells me to lay back down and so I do, at which point she gives a few fake kicks to my groin making a "PSHEW" noise. I figure she's wanting to try a real kick for once, but she's always been too timid to get that far before. However the thought occurs that maybe today's the day, so I am instantly brought again to the height of arousal. To increase my chances a bit I throw in my own slight tease and say, "Yeah yeah, go right ahead. I know you won't really do it." with a sort of blase and jaded kinda tint to my voice.
At this point she looks at me with a pouty face for probably a solid minute, it seems to take forever. Then she rears back and holds it... I'm still thinking she won't. Then BAM! right in my eggs, and BAM! BAM!... I curl up a bit as she looks on with amusement and stops. I'm so ready to explode I'm practically begging for release, but my pride stops me.
She puts a movie on Netflix as we cuddle, and I love it, but I'm ACHING for release. I mention it a few times and she says, "Soon babe." with a wicked look. As we're watching she keeps up on toying with my rod, fingering it slightly and getting me near the edge, and then stopping with a slight laugh. Or often giving me a decent, but not killer, long squeeze. Enough to keep the tenderness and horniness rising, but still allowing me to pay attention to most of the movie... well sort of lol ;)
After the movie the room was silent, and spooning her I got more and more turned on, trying for complete release. She bends over making great sexy noises and I get so madly aroused I can't... I can't even say :P It's like I'm on the verge of madness, so I tell her, "Take this off!" quite harshly while I tug at her dress. She says, "But you haven't paid your toll yet." I say, "What?" and she calmly says, "Five punches to see a boob sweetie!" with a crazy sexy face and I can't help it.
At this point I'm crazy with desire and agree to it. So she does the same as before, but with a little more delay, savoring the moment I assume. BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM!... and I'm rolling in a mix of agony and ecstasy. She let's one breast free again and I caress and kiss it like it's my life force. I soon beg for the other to be in my face and she hesitates. "Hmm, well I guess we can let you have that one too, but you have to pay your toll."
At this point I'm mad with arousal and agree. However she says, "Oh babe I've gotten so turned on myself. Lick me off while you pay your toll?" There's actually a hint of a question in her tone as she heavily breathes out the command. Not as though it needs to be a command, we both know damn well I'll do it lol. So she turns around to straddle me in a 69 position, dress still on, but one boob out. I eagerly seek out and find the clitoris and go to work. She grabs a good hold on my sack and squeezes a while as she begins to moan and rock her hips a bit. The squeezing is constant, but coming in waves so that at times I'm almost not able to concentrate at what I'm doing. After the first couple gasps from her, she looks back over her shoulder and asks me, "Are you ready for this one babe?" I nod yes from beneath her. "Good," she says, "because THIS is gonna fucking HURT!" And there's a new smile for the day, I guess anticipating a climax on the punishment being dealt out combined with the climax of pleasure quickly building in her. BAM BAM BAM!... and then I groan deep into her. Apparently this was a good thing because she's usually very quiet, yet this allowed a nice erotic gasp to escape. Thus begins the part of the night where she appeals heavily to the deity of coitus lol! "Oh my FUCKING GOD!" she says over and over in various forms.
"That felt so good!" she smiles as best she can while gasping so much. "Let's do it again!" I'm half lost, balls grabbed tight and in a fair amount of constant pain, face deeply buried inside her. I don't even give a response. Then BAM BAM BAM! real quick. I groan quite loudly into her and she moans in "near peak" ecstasy. Also I've lost my ability to keep count and don't notice we're over the toll already. With a couple of those sexy sexy shuddering style breaths and pelvic thrusts she continues. With a little more pause in between, but also much harder: BAM! I groan a bit and she moans. BAM! louder groans from me and moans from her. She's obviously quite close but I'm losing my focus on my job due to my whole consciousness shifting into my aching testicles. She actually starts to yelp out loud, which is very rare for her, as she delivers several more strong punches. BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! At this point I'm almost screaming into her. As she pushes herself hard against my face she grabs on for the most ridiculously hard squeeze I've ever had as she yells out and convulses over and over. I'm near to crying into her as she has what appears to be the best orgasm she's ever had. It seems forever as she slowly relaxes, grinding on my face and gasping for breath. Slowing down gradually and slowly decreasing the pressure on my balls. I'm in a stage of relief and feeling the beginning of blue balls rising. Finally she collapses off to my side with a big sigh.
I regain enough capacity to start gently tugging her dress off. Omg her wicked smile just about killed me as she nodded "yes" with her eyes still closed. I eased her out of the dress and despite my raging urge to come I took time to trace my fingers lightly along her whole body as she lay there in ecstasy. Goose bumps forming in little waves up and down her arms, legs, back and so on. So I caressed her and kissed her until finally she seemed to be building once again. After sucking her nipples a short while I try to move my cock up to her face, but she says, "You can't come until I do. At least twice more." I was immediately motivated to satisfy her more than any woman had ever been satisfied in the history of mankind.
She turns over and I revel at the chance to finish doggy style. I smack her ass a few times as I know she likes it a lot, and then slowly start to enter her from behind. As I start she says, "Wait, get as deep in me as you can." So I slowly do so. I go back an forth until I'm as deep as my body allows, as she moans a bit. Then when I'm at the deepest she reaches back and takes one testicle in each hand. She says, "Now! Fuck me as hard as you can! But as long as you're inside me, I'm gonna crush these nuts as hard as I can!"
Oh my ever-living god I can't describe. I couldn't pull back without increasing the pressure, but I couldn't stop fucking her either. She was on the edge of complete bliss for what seemed ages, but every time I got close she increased her grip and I couldn't finish myself. Eventually her whole body tightened, and she convulsed in the familiar throes of orgasm, while still gripping my eggs in her hands. I got so close, but she kept the pain up and didn't allow me to finish.
She then flips over missionary style and demands I finish her a third time. After another earth shaking orgasm for her I get close myself and she says, "Stop!" so I do. She stands and has me kneel in front of her. I'm not usually much of a sub, but I'm so committed at this point that I'll do nearly anything. I look up at her and she has those weird bedroom eyes. Like she's close again but delaying the moment. She says, "You still haven't paid fully."
I'm beside myself as I had been in a totally different mode for some time. "What?!?" I say. "You earned seeing both boobs, but you did NOTHING to see my pussy." She kneels in front of me, takes my balls firmly in one hand and looks me in the eyes. "You ready baby?" she sexily asks. Then BAM! and I nearly fall over but for her grip on me. Coughing and in a world of agony I manage to beg for a finish. She says, "But that was just one. We still have a few more to go!" with the most wicked smile and my heart sinks a bit. "You still need to pay for having my pussy." I don't know what to do and just say, "Please babe, no. Just finish me please."
She says, "Sure honey," with the sweetest of pouty faces, "just as soon as you earn it." With that she moves away and after a moment I have to ask, "What do you want?" She looks comically thoughtful for a second and replies smartly, "One kick for every minute you were inside me." Big girly smile on this point. I'm beside myself once again. "Well how many minutes was that?" I ask. She says, "Hmm... (odd thoughtful glance) you know I'm not sure either! We'll just keep going, I'm sure I'll know when we get there."
I knew I was fucked, and I could see she knew it too. There was no way I could deny this without ruining everything. I agree, my stomach going into knots. She says, "Now we can't have you flinching and ruining it all, so I'm gonna have to secure you."
At this point I'm doubting I'm not dreaming, with the sudden and drastic increase in my fetish... but she quickly kneels me down in front of the coffee table and secures my wrists to the legs on the far end behind me and after that I can't stop her from tying my knees open against the other legs of the table. So now I'm helplessly on my knees in front of her, slightly leaned back with my arms behind me. She tries putting a gag in my mouth and I start to object. That's just too much. However she gets it in pretty quickly with me so secured and lectures me like, "Now you KNOW these walls are paper thin, and we don't want the mean ole police barging in on us like this right?"
Hard to argue even if I was ungagged. So it continues. I am mad nervous, but still really turned on, and also don't fear too much, although this had quickly progressed much more than I had ever expected, so I am very very unsure. Nevertheless I am incapable of objection in my state. Suddenly I start to regret this whole thing as I'm so so frustrated and in a fair amount of pain. Also, just the look in her eyes... gives me chills.
She moves in close and gives me a few kisses, akward since I'm gagged, but hoTT with two capital T's. She stops and gives me that crazed bedroom look again, while moving smoothly and feeling all over her body... my god I'm getting so hot at this point. She looks me right in the eyes with that sexy and terrifying look, and says, "You ready baby? I want you to see me naked at this point, with my vagina close to your face, so you have a constant visual reminder that I can never understand exactly how this feels for you." My god I almost came right there. She slips a few fingers in her crotch and arches her back moaning in the worst way, then suddenly kicks her foot out directly into my groin. Her aim is off and too far backward so it misses her target. She looks a tad surprised and looks at me, seeing that I'm a bit relieved, she pokes her bottom lip out in a childish pout. "Oh, I missed!" she pouts while adopting that certain pose that makes you instantly want to fuck anything with a vagina. So she stands back, working to get the right aim, making a few mock attempts to make sure she's lined up... and get's this evil evil look. Then finally, "Ok haha! On three!... One, Two..." WHAM! she kicks before three and I'm surprised as, well... surprised as fuck. As I lean over as much as I can in the restraints and moan as much as I can with the gag she laughs hysterically and even bounces and claps a slight bit. The look on her face is well, you have to see it to know it.
Two more kicks in very much the same way and then she pauses a bit, I'm in a partially delerious state but not that severe, and she decides it's a good point to tease me more. She kneels down and starts to squeeze my balls as she gets close to my penis with her face. Breathing on it and feigning as if she's about to suck it. I beg her through the gag. She seems to understand, probably mostly because it's obvious what I'm asking at this point. After a few comments asking things like, "What's that? You want me to suck it? I can't hear you, maybe I should just leave you alone." All the while giving me sexy flirty eyes (DAMN). She finally starts to suck my balls. Looking at me dead in the eyes she once in a while uses her tongue to get my balls on each side of her mouth and start to bite down a tiny bit. Thank god it was only a tiny bit, but the look in her eyes... I want to come just now thinking of it. On her knees now she goes back to my cock, just how we started the day so many hours ago. She brings me just to the edge and as I moan she stands up and kicks me HARD four quick times as I finally finish.
It takes me a couple minutes to recover from this as she adopts the most creepy and sexy satisfied face I've ever seen. I'm still recovering as she takes my gag off... and I barely mumble, "That was great baby."
She gently strokes me all over, giving me goosebumps and I get ready to fall asleep as she says, "Just you wait sugar, it'll be better once we're done." At this point I feel spent and don't know what she means and say, "Uh, what?" She winks and says, "Well you've paid most of your debts, but you came on credit. Best you pay it quick because my interest rates are atrocious!" And with her loud evil laugh my heart sinks to new lows.
Very sexy woman in this story!
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