This is a pretty sweet website I'm loving the videos so far. So guys whats the longest that you have stayed down from a kick?

The longest I've ever stayed down from a bust was about 15 minutes. My older sister wanted to watch soaps I wanted to watch cartoons, we fought over the remote and I bit her. I started laughing and held the remote and while I was laughing. Anyway when you laugh so hard you loose control of your defenses anyway she ran after me pushed me in a corner punching at me and i was dodging, but then she started trying to knee at me and kept missing but then she put her forearm in my neck. I moved my hands to her arm then the first knee sobered me, the second knee stole my breath and scared the life out of me and the third knee made me fall on the floor and cry. She snatched the controller up shouted some stuff at me and left me crying on the floor for about 15 minutes.

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Mine happened last year. I met up with this gal pal of mine who used to be a dom. I was out of the country for a year and when I got back she quit... anyway to make a long story short.. she missed ballbusting she and I met up and we had some fun near a water front. Her last two kicks were devastating but its the right nut that got pinned between the toe of her foot and my pelvis. I was down on the ground hyperventilating for about 10 minutes
About a minute for a knee by my gf (she said she wanted to try a devastating knee)!
Usually I've put guys down anywhere from 1 to 10 minutes, but Jockboy was definitely longer then that, he was helped up so I don't really know how long he would have been down for.
I have stayed down 0ver 20 min in agony after my balls was kicked so hard for a female cop when I was 17, after, I was arrested for her
Lucky man!
fittizzioh said:
About a minute for a knee by my gf (she said she wanted to try a devastating knee)!
thanks, but it was a long time ago
For me it was probably when my gf from a few years ago kicked me with trainers that had a kinda rounded pointy toe on them, i hit the dirt for about 10 minutes, mostly writhing at the start then just lying there in pain, the idea of getting up just seemed unbearable, she sat and watched tv, it was pretty hot =p
the longest i was down was when i found out that my friend like to kick guys in the balls so i finally got the guts to ask her to bust me. ok so ill shorten the story, so she had like 4inch heels on with a pointed toe. and she kicked me two times and then i dropped and then she went behined me and keep kicking me over and over while i was on the floor bent over. i was on the floor for about 20 or 30 minutes. it hurt so good. shes the best buster ever

I was only down for a few seconds sadly. I never got a good thump

Mine was pretty recent. I was being busted by a friend of mine who happens to be like 4 inches taller than me. Anyways, she delivered a devastating kick that caught just my left nut with her toes that pretty much instantly made my nut swell up and slightly bruise. I was probably on the ground for about 15 minutes. I almost passed out from the pain and I could hardly breathe or speak. It was kind of scary but it was also pretty hot too lol.



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