He hadn't been expecting anyone that night, so the knock on John's apartment door startled him.  He was even more startled to find Alexis at his door.

"Hey, John, can I come in?"

"Uh, sure.  I mean, please." He ushered her in and closed the door behind her as she entered.  "So, uh, what brings you here?"  John was really quite surprised to see her there.  She was his ex-girlfriend's friend, far more than she'd ever been his.  Not that he would've minded her friendship.  She was nice and, well, really attractive.  It's always a little bit of a let-down when you meet your hot girlfriend's friends and discover that one of them is distinctly hotter.  Erica had been pretty cute: blond, thin, perky, pretty face and had fairly nice breasts.  But Alexis was both prettier and bustier.  She had the smoothest pale skin and dark brown hair which framed her absolutely lovely face.  She was tall, probably five foot ten or eleven, with long, nicely formed legs.  And she had great tits.  They were big and round and perky, and John just wanted to stick his face in them every time she was wearing something low-cut.  Tonight, though, she was wearing her business clothes: a silk blouse with a blazer over it, a loose knee-length skirt, hose, and low heels.  She had her hair up, and she looked really pretty in it, but she looked like she'd just come from the office despite the fact that it was 8pm.

"Well, John, there's something that I'd like to talk with you about.  I, um, well.  ... Oh, nevermind, I shouldn't have come."  She started to turn back towards the door.  He worried that if she left, he'd never see her again.  It'd been months since Erica dumped him, and until now he hadn't seen Alexis even once.

"It's okay.  Whatever it is, you can tell me.  I promise."

She turned back towards him, her pale blue eyes meeting his gaze.  "Well, I, uh, ..."

"You look like you came straight from the office.  Have you eaten?"

"No, I, well, I guess I haven't," she said.

"I finished supper, but I've got some left.  Would you like some spaghetti and salad?"

"Sure," she said, seeming a little more relaxed.

"Okay, it'll be a few minutes.  I need to boil more noodles," he said, heading to the kitchen area to put the pot back on the stove.  "Here, come have a seat at the table.  Would you like some wine?"

"A little might be good."

He got the leftover sauce and salad out of the refrigerator and poured her a glass of red wine.  He took some salad and the glass of wine over to her.  "So, how have you been?  I don't think I've seen you since Erica dumped me."

"I've been okay.  Work is being kind of frustrating, but otherwise things are good.  How about you?  How was the break-up?  I know that Erica can be kind of heartless sometimes."

"Well, it did catch me a little by surprise, but I got over it.  I hadn't always been happy in the relationship, either.  She wasn't bad to be with, but she was sometimes kind of inflexible.  It tended to be her way or the highway.  And, well, more than that, she expected me to know what her way was even if she didn't tell me.  And if I didn't do things her way, she'd get pissy.  The break-up was a big shock because I'd thought that I was getting the hang of it and things seemed to be settling down.  So I was surprised, but really it was also kind of a relief.  Some couples just aren't really meant to be together."

"I know what you mean.  None of my relationships have ever really worked out.  I don't think that any of the guys I dated were bad people, really, but clearly none of them were really right for me.  I often feel like the guys I dated never really respected me for who I am."

"Yeah, that sort of thing happens a lot.  You're really pretty, and I think that guys often focus on that right off.  Guys often don't really respect pretty women because they're too busy thinking about trying to get into their pants."

"I know.  I'm sick of it.  Guys see my big boobs and assume that I'm an airhead.  I don't get it.  I think that's been the problem at work too.  It's been a man's world there.  The other salesmen treat me like I'm dumb just because I'm a girl.  I get more sales than any of them, and if any of them ever acknowledge that, they suggest that it's just because of my tits.  It's not fair.  I mean, yeah, there are sometimes sleazy guys who want to sleep with me, but they don't ever give me sales.  They always offer me a sale, if I put out: as if I'm some sort of literal corporate whore.  Most of my sales are from women.  I get sales because I know my products and I know my clients.  I do the research while most of the other salesmen just half-ass it and try to skate by on charm.  And then they think I'm the bimbo.  It just sucks."

"It looks like the noodles are ready.  I'll be right back."  John headed back into the kitchen to strain the noodles and microwave the sauce.  In a couple minutes, he returned, carrying a steaming plate of spaghetti.  "Here, you go.  I'm sure you'll feel better once you get some food in you."

"Thanks," she said, digging into the pasta.

"So, I'm always glad to have your company, but I can't help but wonder why you came by tonight."

"Well, I don't know.  I'm having second thoughts.  Maybe I should just eat my supper and go."

"Look, at this point, you've got to tell me.  I'm certainly going to die of curiosity otherwise.  If you were going to turn back, you should've done it before you knocked on my door.  At this point you're committed to at least telling me what you're thinking about."

"Well, okay.  Well, uh, it's sort of related to the guys at work.  You ever want to get even with someone?  You ever have revenge fantasies?"

"Not a lot, but every now and again, sure."

"Well, there are these two guys at work who keep popping up in my head in my revenge fantasy.  I keep imagining myself kicking them in the balls over and over until they beg me to stop and take back everything they said."

John swallowed hard, trying to conceal his interest.  He'd been into ball busting for a long time and her fantasy sounded very sexy.  He could just imagine her doing it to some guy and the thought was turning him on.  "They must be treating you pretty badly.  But what's that got to do with me?"

"Well, girlfriends sometimes tell each other things about the guys they're dating.  And well, Erica, she told me about the time you asked her to kick you in the balls.  She seemed to think it was really weird, but I've known guys with far stranger fetishes.  And this revenge fantasy of mine has really gotten stuck in my head.  So I was thinking that if I could live it out, maybe I would get over it.  So, I came here tonight to ask you if you'd help me live out my fantasy."

By this point, John's cock was throbbing in his pants.  "Sure.  I mean, yeah, yeah, I'd love to.  I guess we can hash out the details as you finish eating."

"Sure.  Great.  I've never done anything like this before, so if it's okay I'd like to ask you some questions."

"No problem.  Ask away."

"Have you had a girlfriend kick you in the balls before?"

"Only one previous girlfriend.  When I was in high school, it took me a little bit to figure out what my fetish was.  I knew that I found certain girls extra attractive, and Sheila was one of them.  It wasn't until we'd been dating a bit that I started to think that maybe it was because I'd seen her kick a guy in the balls.  The more I thought about it, the more I realized that I found that sort of thing really hot.  So eventually I asked her to kick me in the balls.  She did and I think that she basically enjoyed it, but it wasn't really a turn-on for her so although we did it a few more times, it was mostly just something she did to please me."

"Does it hurt?"

"Oh yeah, it hurts quite a bit.  In some ways that's a big part of the point."

"So if it hurts why do you want to be kicked there?"

"Well, it's a big turn-on for me.  I don't know why it gets me going, but I do know that it does.  Something can be really painful and really sexy at the same time, and that's how I feel about getting my balls busted by an attractive woman."

"So, will it turn you on if I kick you in the balls?"


She was finishing up the last of her pasta.  "All right, then let's do this."

"If it's okay with you, I'm going to use 'safeword' as my safeword."

"Um, okay, what's a safeword?"

"It's something that I'll call out if things have gone too far for me, if I can't take it any more.  We have a safeword so that in case we're roleplaying and we want to be able to say 'no' or 'stop' in character without the other participant actually stopping."

"That sounds good.  In my fantasy the male salesman is on his knees begging me to stop by the end."  John could feel his cock twitching in his pants once she said that.

"So, what else happens in this fantasy of yours?"

"Well, not too much, really.  Essentially, I'm working when he says something really sexist to me and then I respond by kicking him in the nuts.  Then maybe he gets upset and calls me a name and I kick him in the nuts again.  And then he starts begging for me to stop, but I don't."

"Okay, I can handle that.  I'm ready if you are," he said getting up from the table and motioning her to follow him into the living room part of the apartment.

She suddenly felt very nervous, realizing that they were really going through with it.  She strongly considered changing her mind and backing out, but he was so cute and willing and she really did want to try living out her revenge fantasy.  So, she got up from the table and followed him.

"Okay," he said, sneaking a last look at how nicely built she was.  She really looked hot in her business attire.  She had on a matching jacket and moderate length grey skirt and underneath she had a white button-up blouse.  She was wearing some form of stockings and black leather pumps with a pointy toe and an open top, and he knew that soon they'd be hitting him in the groin which filled him with anticipation.  "Ready?"

"Yeah," she said, smiling.

He spread his legs just a little farther apart than normal to make sure she had an easy target.  And then she could see his face become less relaxed as he put on a little bit of a sneer.  And then he spoke, "Hey, toots!  How many sales did your tits make this week?"

Her response was a swift, stiff-legged kick aimed right at his crotch.  She swung her right leg hard and relatively fast directly into his balls, pointing her toes as she swung so that the top of her foot struck his balls.  She could feel, very precisely, the moment when his balls bounced off the top of her foot, and was amazed to feel a little jolt of electricity in her crotch when it happened.  His response was a sharp intake of air followed by staggering back a step or so and bending over at the waist.  It had clearly affected him, but he didn't fall.

After taking a moment to get his breath back, he spoke again.  "What did you do that for, you dumb bitch?"

She took that, rightly, as her cue to kick him again, and, just as he was straightening up, she stepped in with an even harder snap kick.  This time, he didn't make any noise but went down hard, the kick immediately overwhelming him.  Again she felt excitement when her foot impacted, but this time also even a little more excitement when she saw him crumple to the floor as a result.

"Had enough?" she asked.

After a few seconds, he managed to raise himself up onto his knees and assume a begging posture.  "Please," he said, "Don't kick my balls any more.  I'll do whatever you want."

"Oh, did I overdo it?" she asked, breaking character.

"No, no, it's fine.  I'm just doing the begging part," he said.

"Oh, right," she said, feeling a little sheepish.  Getting back in character, she reached down with her foot and rubbed his balls a little.  "So," she said, "you don't want me to kick these anymore.  Well, then, say you're sorry."

"I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"I'm sorry for being so mean."

"Promise me you'll never do it again."

"I'll be nice, I promise."

"I don't believe you," she said and drew her foot back for another big kick.  This time, his balls were still aching badly and his instinct was to close his legs and avoid it, but he managed to fight that instinct just long enough to let her get her shot in.  Her foot came forward at a tremendous speed and this time, the pointed tip of her shoe struck him directly in his right nut.  Waves of pain filled him as his testicle distended from the impact.  He collapsed to the ground senseless, his mind and spirit completely broken from the pain.  She saw him collapse, and felt that perhaps she'd over done it.  She felt bad, but she also could not help but notice that she felt more aroused than she had since she was a teenager.

But when a couple of minutes passed without him getting up or moving around, she began to get concerned.  "Are you okay?" she asked.

He sort of grunted in return, but didn't really say anything intelligible.

She thought for a moment or two and then decided on a course of action.  "I'm going to check to make sure you're all right," she said.  She wanted to get a look at his balls and make sure that they were still intact.  His hands were cupped in the general area of his crotch, but his arm muscles were so limp, that she had no trouble undoing his belt, the top button of his pants, and his zipper.  Then she pulled his pants down just enough to be able to get to his briefs.  He was wearing a tight pair of briefs and she could see the outline of where his cock was and where his balls were.  She was a little surprised to see that his cock, although not fully erect, still seemed to be somewhat inflated.  But to examine his balls, she needed to pull his briefs down, which she did.  The skin of his scrotum was a bright pink as a result of the kicking she'd given him, but his balls seemed to be intact.  She felt both of them, checking around them, and both were definitely still whole.

She noticed, as she finished her handling of his balls, that his cock was now fully hard, and when she looked up to his face, she saw that he was looking back at her and smiling.

"That was quite a kick," he said.

"But you're all better now?" she asked.

"Well, they're still pretty sore, but I'm okay."

"I was worried that I'd damaged you."

"Well, that's not impossible, but testicles are tougher than most people expect.  You just overwhelmed me for a bit with the pain.  It's okay."  Noticing her glancing back down at his hard cock, he added "I hope that my erection doesn't bother you, but that was really sexy."

She responded by smiling at him, and then leaning over and giving him a really forceful kiss.  He returned her kiss, and she responded by getting even more aggressive, rolling him onto his back and kissing him harder.  She pressed her chest onto his, squishing her big breasts against him.  She grasped his hard cock with one hand, squeezing it to feel just how thick and firm it was.  She kicked her shoes off.  Then she unzipped her skirt.

She pulled back from the kissing for just a bit to start unbuttoning his shirt.  She ran her hands across his chest, and then kissed him some more.

She paused again for a moment.  "Let's head to your bedroom," she said, as she leaned back to kneeling and then got to her feet.  As he got to his feet, his pants and underwear fell to the floor around his ankles.  Before he got a chance to step out of them, Alexis grabbed him by the balls and started pulling him to the bedroom.  "Come on," she said, smiling, as she headed towards the bedroom, pulling him along behind.  He shuffled as quickly as he could and was just able to keep up.

When the got to the bed, she gave him a last tug towards it and released her grip.  He wound up sitting down on the bed, and took the moment to get off his shoes and socks and then shed the rest of his clothes, leaving him naked.  He lay back on the bed and watched her as she took off her jacket and then removed her skirt.  He could see that she was wearing red panties and that she was wearing stockings and garters rather than pantyhose.

He reached down and started to stroke his hard cock.  He watched as, she started to unbutton her shirt from the top.  He admired her long, slender legs as he stroked, but when she got down to about the fourth button, he instead found himself staring at her generous chest.  Once her bra came into view, he could see that it was red, matching her panties, and holding up some quite sizable breasts.  Despite its big cups, her bra showed off quite a bit of cleavage.

Once she got her shirt off, she climbed into bed with him.  The began kissing again, her pressing her underwear-clad body against his naked body.  Their lips mashed against each other passionately, and soon their hips began to push against each other as well.  His hard cock rubbed on the outside of her panties as his hips started to grind against her.

"How are your balls doing?"

"They're okay."

"Can they take some more?"

"You want to role play some more?"

"No, but I do want to hurt your balls some more.  That was," she paused for a moment trying to decide what to say, "fun."

"Well, the more turned on I am, the more I can take."

"If I take my bra off, can I knee you in the balls?"


She had to sit up in bed in order to undo the clasp.  He watched eagerly as she slowly lowered the cups off of her ample bosoms.  Seeing her pink, puffy nipples for the first time made his cock twitch in excitement.  She cast the bra away and leaned in, flattening her naked breasts against his firm chest.  Her lips wound up beside his ear and she whispered, "Get ready."

She balanced on her right knee and then slammed her left knee into his naked balls.  He grunted.  She reared it back and did it again, this time even a little harder.  His nuts flattened against his pubic bone and he let out a pained moan but managed to just barely hold it together and keep from closing his legs.  She pulled her knee back again, holding it in the air for a couple of seconds.  Then she brought it down hard again, nailing him right in the balls.  He bucked against her some from the pain.  Then, in quick succession, she kneed him three more times, hard and fast.  The cumulative effect was overwhelming and he let out a little whimper and then curled up into the fetal position, rolling out from under her onto his side.

She sat up and watched him lying there in pain.  Without even thinking about it, she found her right hand sliding under her panties to idly stroke her clit.  Busting his balls had been so exciting that without meaning to, she soon found herself approaching orgasm.  Soon she was rubbing her clit vigorously with her right hand as she squeezed her left nipple with her left hand.  She closed her eyes as an intense, thrashing orgasm came over her.  Between the initial one and the aftershock which followed, her eyes were shut for a couple of minutes.  And when she opened them, she found that he had rolled back over on his back and was watching her with his hard cock in his hand.

"You seem to have recovered," she remarked.

"Oh, they're still pretty sore," he said.  "You got me pretty good.  But, not so sore that seeing that wouldn't turn me on."

She smiled.

"So," he continued, "there are condoms in the nightstand if you want to …"  He let the suggestion trail off.

"It's pretty tempting," she said, "but I have a rule that I don't sleep with a guy on the first date.  You can stroke if you want to, though.  Will your sore balls make you get off faster or slower?"

"Definitely faster.  Sore balls are definitely a turn on.  I mean, it might be hard for me to get off while you were busting me, but afterwards, I'm so horny."

"Oh, that sounds like fun."

"What does?"

"Busting you while you try to get off."

"I've never done that."

"You want to try?"

"Yeah, sure."

"It'll be like a contest.  I'll bust your balls while you jerk your dick.  You win if you get off.  I win if you give up before you come."

"What do I get if I win?"

"Whoever wins decides what ball-busting role-play we do next time."

"Next time?"

"I'm not doing anything tomorrow night.  How about you?"

"Uh, yeah, tomorrow would be great."  John smiled widely.  It sounded like he'd just gotten himself a gorgeous ball-busting girlfriend.

"Okay," she said, "spread your legs so I can go sit in between them."

He lay on his back and spread his legs apart.  She climbed over and sat between his knees, facing him.  "Time to start stroking," she said.

He began to slowly stroke his hard cock.  She cocked her fist back and got him with a glancing blow in the left nut.  The combination of watching her big breasts swing as she punched with the feeling of getting a punch in the nuts brought him steadily closer to orgasm.  He could feel himself tensing up in readiness.

Then he watched her rear her other fist back.  His right nut was still sore from before and he knew a hit on it was going to be painful.  His excitement increased in anticipation of the strike, but when her fist came down and got him forcefully right in his tender nuts, he had trouble keeping going.  His erection softened just a little.  So he picked up his pace, yanking his cock quickly up and down to try to get his erection back to completely hard.  Her next punch connected quickly afterwards.  This one hit his left nut, but it was much harder than the first one.  It interrupted his concentration and he could feel his erection slipping away.

Her next punch was forceful and right on his right nut.  He felt her knuckle dig right into his tender right testicle, making him wince in pain.  His cock was almost completely flaccid, but he kept stroking.  Next, other her fist came down and smashed his left nut.  He grunted and his cock dwindled.  When her next punch came to his increasingly tender right nut, he was engulfed in pain.  He didn't make a conscious decision to give up on the stroking, but his hand moved off of his cock and switched to sheltering his balls as he closed his legs and rolled away from her.

She chuckled just a bit when he became overwhelmed.  "Guess I got you pretty good."  He didn't reply.  She rubbed his shoulder.  "You'll be okay."  She lay down and snuggled up against him and waited.

After a few minutes, he said quietly, "Yeah, you got me pretty good."

"I guess that means that I get to choose the next one.  Hmm.  Maybe bored housewife and horny plumber who makes inappropriate advances."

"Sounds good.  I was really close there at first.  I almost got off towards the start.  But my right nut was so tender from before that the blows to it overwhelmed me."

"Well, we could try again with me just busting your left nut if you want."

"Give me a couple more minutes and I'm game."

"Since you've already lost, if you don't get off this time, no masturbating for you after I leave.  But, if you want, you can play with my boobs some before we start to get you ready."

He realized that in all the busting and excitement, he hadn't actually touched her bare breasts with his hands at all.  "Okay, deal."

He rolled over onto his back, expecting that he'd then roll further over to face her, but instead, she climbed up onto him and then leaned back.  Her crotch was even with his, but her big breasts jutted out in front of her.  She leaned forward just a little so that he could easily reach her tits.  He reached up with both hands, and took hold of her breasts.  He squeezed her big tits gently in his hands.  As he knead them, his cock soon grew erect again, pushing against her still covered crotch.  He gave each of her nipples a little squeeze and his cock was rock hard.

"Okay, let's go," she said, moving back so that her breasts were out of easy groping range.  Unable to reach her boobs, he put his right hand on his cock and started stroking.  She reached down and gently pried at his legs, indicating that he should spread them.  He obliged.  She used her left hand to take hold of his left ball, encircling it with her index finger and thumb.  She squeezed in enough to make sure that it wasn't going anywhere and then she made a fist with her right hand.  He could feel himself moving steadily towards orgasm when her fist hit his ball hard.  Trapped, with no where to go, the ball distended as her first impacted it.  The pain made him pause his stroking for a second to catch his breath.  But before he was able to, her fist quickly hit his ball again and then once more.  His left nut was in ever so much pain.  The combination of the tight hold on it and the hard punches were taking their toll on him quickly.  He went back to stroking for just a moment, trying to fight the withering of his erection, but as soon as he did, her fist hit his left nut again, this time even harder than the previous time.  He gasped in pain.  His hard-on had diminished to almost nothing at this point, and he could see where this was headed.  He held out for one more punch which left his left testicle pained and tender and he was sure he couldn't win.

"Uncle," he said.  "I give up."

"Okay," she said, "but one more quick one for good measure."  With that, she punched him one more time forcefully in his left testicle before letting it go.  He let out a squeak when the punch landed and she, inspite of herself, giggled a little.  "Well," she said, "I guess I'd better stop abusing your poor nuts and go home."

"You can stay and snuggle for a bit, if you want," he said.

"Sure," she replied.

So they snuggled in bed for a while, mostly just leaning against each other.  And then, after a little bit, they talked to each other.  They talked about ball-busting, but they also talked about their lives and their past love lives.  And by the time she put her clothes back on to head home, it was just after midnight.  They exchanged numbers and made their plans for the next night more specific.  And then they exchanged some very serious goodnight kissing.  And she went on her way with a new spring in her step and a new-found fascination with hurting testicles for sexual pleasure instead of just for revenge.  And he went to bed with two very sore balls and a still hard cock which kept leaking every time he thought about what had transpired this evening.

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Really nice story and very sexy 

Now that was an excellent story.

I'm happy you guys liked it.  Thanks for the nice comments.



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