I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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Gow do you feel about kicking a guy in the balls full force?

if he deserves it, I'm all for it.

Suzy, what would you say defines a guy deserving a full-force kick in the balls?  What would he have to do or say?  I ask because different women seem to have widely varying opinions on this.  Some say a hard kick to the balls is reserved only for serious self-defense, while others think it's appropriate as a response to, say, an inappropriate or very sexist remark.  Others are inbetween.  I'm wondering what you think.

Have you ever full-force kicked a guy in the balls?  Or close to full-force?  If yes, what happened?

Obviously putting me in danger at some level, scaring the wits out me to the point i kicked him that hard. Words would not get him a full force kick i don't think, it's his actions that would force me to kick him that hard. I've never really been put in a situation where someone used a very sexist remark, so it's hard to say how hard I'd end up busting him for that.

Yes, i have hit two guys pretty close to full. One is on my profile, the one during track and field practice. And the 2nd was a situation where the guy seemed out of control with anger and rage and was blaming my sister and I for something i couldn't understand so i kicked him as he approached me like an angry bear and then i ran away.

Lil suzy? How do you find guys who like to be kicked in the balls? I know I can't find girls who are willing to kick me unless I go to a Dom ...

I don't do session busting, i haven't found a guy yet that really likes it. My busting is usually on the lighter side and usually in fun and funny situations. The guys i bust are my husband and two very close friends that ive known for a very long time. One for over 20 years and the other since HS. These are the three guys i mostly hit.

i have suspicions one might like it, because he does bring it up a lot after i hit him in the balls, but he's not said anything else or come out and said he likes it.

that might actually ruin the fun. I think I'll just keep it like i have it and not ask anything. If he's willing to come forward then that's cool.

i'm not taking the chance if he doesn't like it and ruining everything, i'm still having fun this way. My favorite movie is the Breakfast Club.

Hi Suzy!

Question:  On your profile pic, you are wearing some very seductive or more or less, "intimidating" boots that appear to be "right for the job" of kicking balls yet you prefer backhands and more recently you've come to enjoy kneeing.  Any reason for the profile pic in boots other than the suggestive "threat" they pose?

By the way, that is a very nice photo.  ;)

Johnny BB Goode

I'm not going to show a picture of my hands just because i do more ball taps and besides, those feet and knees in the picture have done their share of fun (wink, wink). I look at the picture, i see a pose with a cocked knee, i think it works for this site. What do you suggest i should have if not that picture?

Hi Suzy!

I wasn't suggesting you change the photo, I was just asking if there was any significant reason why you chose that photo over any other.  Personally, I think it's a very "attractive" photo, with a CAPITAL "It sure gets MY attention!!", so to speak. :)

....and YES, I agree, it DOES work well for this site!



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