I have a question for you girls and boys. How can you find out that a girl likes bb or just is willing to kick balls? Have you recognized some special characters of those girls? Can you infer it from the appearance? Is it about the occasion? Would you give some exmples, how did you find such a girl without chatting on some social network - just in real life? And do you girls have some advices? 

Is there somthing like a stereotype of a girl loving bb? That would be interesting to find out. Please reply

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You ask them. I might not be much help, but i learned That if a woman wants to bust your balls, she is going to find a way. I haven't really notice any particular personality trait that would imply that woman is into ballbusting. I have known my wife for almost 10 years and she never implied she ever wanted to do it. She belived that a women should never hit a man there, becaus tha how she was raised. She found out about the ballbusting when she saw it my computer one day, and brought it up. My wife had told me that she only kicked me in the balls initially because she thought it would hurt to much and I wouldn't want her to do it again. She wa shocked when I enjoyed even though It hurt. I have never seen my wife blush until she told me she enjoyed kicking me in the nuts. My wife is in no way a dominant person, well untill recently. I think the only thing you need is an open minded woman. One thing I notice about most woman who enjoy ballbusting got introduced to it in some shape or form.

It's as if you read my mind with this post Nicholas .S. Thanks for making this discussion. If anyone has some good ideas about how to persuade a girl to bust your balls PLEASE SHARE! Lol. There's this girl i've known for about 3 years from university, she's just a good friend of mine. Over the last couple of months we've been texting each other a lot and it really just occured to me that she would be such a cute ballbuster, she has GreaT legs. I really don't know how i'm just going to come out with it and ask her, she seems so friendly and i certainly don't want her thinking i'm a weirdo. Lol! As we haven't seen each other in person for a while i tell her as a joke that she can beat me up when we meet up again, she always seems so giddy and bubbly when i say this and one one time i told her a story about a guy who got his balls kicked by a jealous girlfriend just to see her reaction, seems like she actually found it funny. I feel as if i'm half way there with finding out whether she'll want to bust my balls but does anyone here think our frienship could fail from this?? She's such a nice person too. 

I don't think your friendship will suffer. if she doesn't want to it's probably a result of her feelings of friendship towards you rather than her lack of it. just remain sensitive and try not to be too pushy. I talked about it with a friend of mine, and though she wouldn't want to do it to me(she would have to overcome some mental barriers to really try to hurt me) our friendship became stronger due to the fact that I opened up to her. 

I really see where you're coming from. I guess that it mainly has to do with me convincing her not to worry about hurting me as it's something i want. But yes i definitely won't be pushy but like you said i'll just be honest with her. Thank you for that.

Just don't force it down her throat and never cross her comfort zone. If she likes it she will ease into it. You be surprised how some woman respond to it.

Thank you for sharing that. You have some good ideas. Think i might have to use the dance floor remarks one time. You lucky dude Lol. Hope it works for me. 

Thank you all for your replies. Anyway I think we need some more. What do you do when you want a strange woman-girl to kick you? I myself would be very aroused if a girl who I dont know would like to kick me in the balls. 

And if you ask a girl - known or unknown - do they think you are weird? I guess they would think I am a strange sociopat. How do you deal with that? 

Pls mention some other occassions that are good to find such girl. Which occassion is the best one? Party? What else?

I am looking forward to your replies

Fetish / BDSM parties and meetings... it's the most garanteed place to ask a stranger to kick you in the balls.
Other than that, very liberal girls (such as prostitutes)... or stick to friends / gf you are confortable sharing such details with



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