Please feel free to ask my anything, and yes I do mean anything. I am an open book and have nothing to hide. However if your questions is ridiculous or just plain stupidity and ignorance then I will not dignify it with a response.

  • First thing is first, I am both a Lifestyle and Pro Domme (I session for money), my personal toys have worked hard to earn their place at my feet and I do not advertise outside for personal subs/slaves. All personal acquisitions are made through those who have seen me in a professional capacity as this weeds out the time wasters and fantasists. I am real person I hope you are too, online is great but I prefer real time.

  • I will not and do not to online/ cyber busting, I am not interested in seeing you self bust I would rather be doing it myself for real ;-)

  • Yes my breasts are real!

  • Most Importantly... And the most frequent question I have to answer. Yes I have done long lasting and permanent damage to a guy at his request. It is not big or clever and I will never do it again. Keep it as a fantasy guys, he regrets it as much as I do. How did I do it? He was restrained unable to move, and over the course of an hour I kicked and kneed him repeatedly. He ended up with a torsion and permanent damage in his testes. So before you sign a waiver regarding safe words and not wanting to stop until your balls have popped or you have been castrated. Think about your future and what you really want, because once they are damaged, broken and removed, that's it.

That about covers the most common questions I get on here. So if you have something different and interesting to ask, now is your chance to do so. You will find me friendly, open and honest.

I look forward to sharing myself with you.

DD laid bare ;-) xXx

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Thanks for being so open. I'd like to hear more about the mixed rugby match incident you mention in your profile. And if you ever come to Barcelona, I'll gladly show you around. :)

Nice picture, by the way.

Dear Beaten13,

You are most welcome.

So the rugby match, I was 14, it was a mixed (supposedly tag only) Rugby, but once the girls and the boys got into the scrum the tension was all there and the competitive feisty side was coming out in all of those involved. Now when in scrum depending on what position you play it is custom to have hold of the shorts of your fellow players to give a bit more stability to the pack and stop it from folding. The guy opposite me in the scrum was really giving it the big I am, and trying to goad me into folding and losing my position. As it happens when we were released the scrum folded any way and I ended up face first on top of him my elbows and forearms in his groin. I'm not sure what came over me but as I went to get up I deliberately put my weight onto my elbow down into his groin. He wailed and rolled over, but semi smiled at me.

After the match when we were stood chatting, getting a drink and congratulating each other, he approached me and asked me to wait until everyone had changed and left and then meet him in the boys changing rooms. I thought this was odd but agreed. When I went in he was stood topless in his shorts, with his back to the lockers. He smiled and said thank you, and then explained that he had asked me to stay behind because he wanted me to "do it again".... Confused I asked him to explain, "Do what again?"

"I want you to hit and kick me in the balls repeatedly until I can't take any more and I say stop. Will you do it?" I was really confused by this, and asked him why he would want that, doesn't it hurt. He said it did but after I had done it during the match even though it hurt he had gotten hard and couldn't stop thinking about it, and me hurting him more. I was unsure and nervous but I hesitantly agreed. I started with gentle taps with my feet (still in sweaty trainers apparently he liked this). As my confidence grew I increased the force in which I kicked him, when I was most confident I put both hands on his shoulders and really kneed him. I thought at this point he would crumble, but in actual fact he got really hard and asked for more. I continued for about 30 minutes, the last blow came at around 40-45 minutes after I entered the changing rooms and it was one very swift hard kick, definitely not my my full strength but it was strong. I have always had very powerful thighs. Anyhoo he completely crumbled onto the floor on hi side clutching his groin, whilst there were tears in his eyes he did not cry, he actually burst into fits of laughter, which in turn started me of! It wasn't until a few months later when he asked me to do it again that he told me he had cum after I left the changing rooms, almost spontaneously because he was so hard.

So there you go xXx

Nice! Thanks.

Mistress DD, that's an amazing story.  And I am speechless over how lucky that 14 year old boy was to have this experience with a 14 year old you.  I fantasized about this kind of thing at that age all the time.  


question : how often you posted / online here?

nice story, not all guy responds like this..

he really into BB..

that level of kick / knee, i might be floored...

P.S. I love Barcelona, I haven't been since 2006 but before that I have been 3 times x

Have you ever busted a guy because he was being a pervert? (Non consensual) also what are some other times you busted non consensually?

I have only ever busted once non consensually. It was in a club and I was at the bar being jostled by some hideous man who just kept pushing and pushing. I asked him nicely to back up a bit and stop pushing, I had nowhere to go and couldn't move any more, being up against the drinks bar already, but that seemed to wash over him. I shot him a look and that didn't seem to get him to back off either. I have a beautiful pair of black suede boots with a big thick chunky heel on them covered in studs and spikes. My favourite for ball busting and they look super hot! ( I will post a picture when I have a consenting man to lend me his body and balls for photography).

He pushed me again and again I could feel him pressing up against me, so with one swift and determined flick I put my spiked heel into his groin. He was in total shock, he face almost drained of colour. I told him that I had asked him nicely, and used body language to display my displeasure, he winced and handed me the money for my drinks (with change to spare for another round) and slowly waddled his way to the other end of the bar, I didn't see him again for the rest of the night. 

Note to all guys, when a lady says please stop.... It's a good idea to stop ;-)

Good for you!  I think that was an entirely appropriate response.

I have noticed that the strongest women are often the most polite and thoughtful and reserved about using their strength until someone leaves them no other option.   

Ah but isn't life so cruel.  The pushy guys are the ones who get the pleasure of being ball-busted by a lovely stranger, though of course they are too dim to see it that way.  :)

Hello Mistress DD.

Can you tell us more about the parties you host? What are they like? What do you do? Do you have any favorite memory from those parties?

Dear Jonah,

Of course I can. The parties are held in London, usually Islington and Camberwell, usually twice a month one on a Friday/ Saturday evening 8pm-12am and the other on a week day day time 1pm-5pm. I have between 3-6 Ladies both lifestyle and Pro Dommes (who may offer private one to ones if that is something that interests you for another day). I also try to offer at least one Master, for the guys that enjoy being busted by men or cuckold busting (by order of the Ladies). The parties are very informal whilst there is a clear power divide the emphasis in on safe, sane and consensual fun. All personal limits will be honoured and respected, pushed a little but none the less respected. You do not have to do anything you do not want to do, and you will nopt be restrained or prevented from protecting and defending yourself should you so wish. 

We play kinky party games to amuse the ladies. In fact my favourite memory was from the last party in Islington. We had the guys line up on their knees hands clasped above their heads. Each of them was assigned an animal and the respective noise of each animal. We then got them to sing Old Mac'Donald Had a Farm, and then each lady with her respective sub had to hit, kick, slap each subs genitals to make the correct sounds at the correct time to complete the song. This then got faster and harder until one by one the guys dropped out and we declared a winner who was the sheep. We then progressed to an old Rugby drinking game which involves the words Ooo Arrrhhh and combine harvester. Each of these respond to a pass to the left or the right so the Ladies had to keep up as much as the guy did, this is done in a circle so can go around and around or back and fourth or if a guy is feeling particularly cruel back to the same guy over and over!

Here is a review by one of the devoted and returning gents PleasureSwitch. *I have full permission to publish this account from PleasureSwitch*


Rarely do i go to an event, that totally blows me away. Kinky Kicks is such a rare and wonderful event.

My expectations were quite simply exploded by lots and lots of top quality BB and CBT. Performed expertly by Governess Painless, Miss Kitty Bliss, Mistress Sparkly and our most welcoming host Mistress Deadly Desire. i had quality play from all, not only did they all know one end of a sound :-), violet wand, candle or cane but they all had a damm good aim, knew just where to stand !

It wasn't just that is was a high quality gathering of Mistress but that they were all also enjoying the evening. The atmosphere in the dungeon was great, a really friendly upbeat vibe, i just couldn't stop laughing at one point, this was for the love of bein kicked in the balls, it really was that good.

Incidentally The Blue Door Dungeon, is a wonderful play space, a good size and shape that has just enough of everything but there is still room to kick a ball about, a good central venue, I'd recommend this place !

Tonite has been above and beyond just about anything I thought possible, an amazing wonderfull kink filled experience in the company of brilliant Mistresses. If this happen again, then go. I know I will be.

Thanks to all that made this sooo special !

(a) pleasure :-)"

Dear Mistress DD, I noticed in your story about your early BB experience after a rugby match that you kneed and kicked that happy, lucky boy pretty hard yet "definitely not [your] full strength".  

And that made me curious.  Since that time, especially given your line of work, have you ever kicked or kneed a guy's balls using your full strength, not holding back at all?  Thanks for all your thoughtful answers.



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