I'm a lot more confident i my fetish and I'm willing to answer anything you ask.

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There were a couple, two that i can think about especially well. The last one was a quick plan from last winter. My very close friend put his freezing cold hands on my back, it shocked me. I knew i had to get him back, so i was going to wait about 20 to 30 minutes and then get them. I waited the 20 minutes or so and he was just standing in the middle of my living room. As I walked past him like i had to head into the dinning room, I reached in and grabbed his balls and gave him a quick squeeze and kept on walking. He Yelped out and doubled over from the squeeze. I walked away and said "you had that coming". 

just a quick and simple question...Have you ever kicked anyone with those boot?

yes, I have, just once, my husband.

I posted the story on Green Eyed Susan's Valentines Day forum post.


On the 14th of Feb I posted...mine didn't go so well, i toe kicked my husband in the balls with boots. Not too severely hard, but now he's locked himself in the bedroom and isn't talking to me now. He's mad at me.

On the 4th of March, i posted...Just to finish up on the story, he remained in the bedroom all night and didn't cook dinner for me. I ordered my valentines day dinner from a local diner.

How did things eventually turn out?  Did he forgive you or did he stay mad?

Was he in a lot of pain from the kick, I mean more than usual?  I ask because it sounds like he's used to you kicking his balls kind of regularly and doesn't seem to mind too much, so this one was different.  Was his immediate reaction to the kick different from usual? 

A bunch of questions here...

How did things eventually turn out?  Eventually everything turned out OK, this wasn't the first time i hit my husband there, it was the most he's ever been angry at me. He just needed his night alone i guess.

Did he forgive you or did he stay mad? He seems to have forgotten it, I've even squeezed his balls since that kick.

Was he in a lot of pain from the kick, I mean more than usual? I've actually hit his balls harder in the past, that kick was just a medium kick so i didn't think it was going to hurt him that much. He probably didn't like the fact that i kicked him on valentines day is all i can assume.

Was his immediate reaction to the kick different from usual? No, his initial reaction was to grab his balls and then he went down for a brief moment. The only thing he did differently was to run into the bedroom and lock the door for the rest of the night. That is something he's never done before.

Thanks for the answers.  I hope it's OK if I ask some more questions.  :)

Did you and your husband discuss the Valentine's kick since it happened or did you just move on?  It does sound like he's over it which is good.

Do you two ever talk about ballbusting or is it just something you do in your relationship without the need to discuss it?

What was the most pain you've ever given to your husband in his balls?  How did he react then, both physically and emotionally?  If he was cool with that emotionally then you're probably right that his reaction to the Valentine's kick was about something else, not so much about the pain.

For us guys, the fact that you (the women) control the when and the how and the how-hard of the kick in the balls, and that you control how much pain we feel, is both what's excellent about it and also what might sometimes upset us.  We like that you have this control over us but there could be times when it's difficult to accept.  Maybe the Valentine's was one of those times.

it's very OK to ask questions, i have an interview so you can ask questions.

Did you and your husband discuss the Valentine's kick since it happened or did you just move on? We moved on, nothing was said about that night since, it's forgotten.

Do you two ever talk about ball busting or is it just something you do in your relationship without the need to discuss it? My husband doesn't even know ball busting is a fetish, we don't discuss it as a fetish at all in any way. It's totally one sided in our relationship.

What was the most pain you've ever given to your husband in his balls? The kick at the beach house i discussed earlier when we were slap fighting each other and i kicked him in the middle of the horsing around. He was on the floor a lot longer then the valentines day kick.

I'm sure my husband didn't expect that valentines day kick at all, I'm sure he doesn't share the same view about it as you or the other guys on this site do, but thats probably true for any bust he gets from me.

Also want to add, the valentines day kick is probably the second or third hardest hit i gave his boys, so not too many hits were as harder then that one for him.

Does how much the guy accepts the bust matter to how much you enjoy his reaction?  As in: some guys you bust may not be too bothered by it, where as that Valentines bust to your husband seems clear he was rather pissed about it.

Related: what sort of reactions do you find the most amusing and/or enjoyable?  Any that you'd like to cause but haven't yet?  :)

Does how much the guy accepts the bust matter to how much you enjoy his reaction? - I still have to find a guy that accepts the bust so I've enjoyed all of the reactions I have created. The guys not too bothered by the hit are the ones that just got it lightly : )

what sort of reactions do you find the most amusing and/or enjoyable? - his shocked look at first like he's confused and scared, it's just a funny look. Any initial noise is funny too that comes from the hit.

Any that you'd like to cause but haven't yet?Maybe some of the more violent reactions, but I'm not sure i was the create or cause some of those. I just want to have fun with it, and not so violent.

I tried this once and may have lost my comment.  Here's attempt two:

Do any of the guys you've busted just 'laugh it off' or do they all get somewhat pissed?  They ever comment about it after the fact?

Do you think your own reaction makes a difference?  Like if you do a hit and appear angry, I can see him being more pissed off, where as if you do one and play the 'innocent and playful' card, I can then see him being more likely to laugh it off.

Yes, actually some of the guys I've hit have laughed off the hit in a painful way, my husband is about the only one that doesn't see the humor in it LOL : D

They never really make comments to me, they may make a comment about the hit or the pain.

Absolutely, i'm sure my reaction after has a lot to do with how the guy might feel unless i do it hard. I doubt any man sees the humor after a good crunch.



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