Maddy and Rex had just had a shower and were lying on Rex’s bed after spending the day at the beach. They still could smell the sun and the beach on each other’s skin as they cuddled lazily.
It had been a good day of frolicing in the waves and getting their allotment of Vitamin D. Beach days brought out the cat in Maddy. She loved how the sun made her feel all sleepy and content with the herself, her mate and the world. Rex was wearing his standard black track pants that hugged his firm ass and thighs and as usual he looked terribly sexy to Maddy. She was wearing a yellow floral, well worn and faded sundress. Rex was lying in front of her in spoon fashion. Maddy was absent mindedly running her hand through his curly mane of greying hair.
“Ouch babe!”, he muttered when her hand snagged and pulled just a little too forcefully. Being all feline like Maddy playfully tugged on his hair a little harder. Rex’s hand reached up to swat away her hand. “Babe, don’t start what you can’t finish.” he growled somewhat menacingly.
“Oh really? And how will you stop me?” she replied all kittenish.
His answer was to throw his arm back and slap her pussy hard. “Ow Rex... That’s not playing fair!” she squealed. Her brown hair fell over her eyes as she pouted and nibbled her bottom lip. “Awwww babe, I didn’t mean to make you sad.” he replied. Just as the final word left his mouth, she leapt over him, sat astride his chest and began her assault. She knew that a man’s strength was all upper body while a woman’s strength lay in her lower body. With her legs pinning his arms down by his sides and the weight of her body on his chest, he struggled and tried to buck her off by raising his pelvis and legs. Maddy quickly swatted at his crotch. “Ouff!” he exhaled. “Awwwwww poor Rexy.” Maddy purred, “Did little ol’ Maddy hurt you?” Her hand lashed out behind her again and this time landed a closed fist on his sensitive testicles.
Some of Rex’s fight left him after that blow as he tried to get his hellcat off of him. He flinched when he saw her raise her hand and reached behind her. But this time she rubbed his cock and fondled his balls. She sweetly smiled at her man as she noted his semi hard on and swollen balls. “See Rexy, that wasn’t so bad was it? You’re just a bit turned on aren’t you? I can feel how much you liked it. Your cock can’t lie to me.” Rex nodded his head silently. She flattened the palm of her hand and slowly ground it into his jewels. Rex let out a little whimper. She continued to alternate between fondling and mangling his testicles. Maddy loved the feeling of control she had over her mate. He was no longer fighting her as she built up the force she was using on him. With her free hand she ensnared his wrists and held them above his head. She slid her legs back so that her legs were straddling his right thigh. Her knee was now in prime position for some heavier play.
She felt him tense underneath her as he became aware of what was coming next. Maddy lifted her leg back and rammed it home at half force. He moaned and tried to cross his legs to prevent her from doing it again but her knee stayed firmly in place at his crotch. Again and again she swung her knee like a perpetual motion machine, each connection becoming more forceful and Rex’s reactions were also becoming stronger and stronger. His breathing was shallow and mixed with moans and whimpers. His eyes were lidded and were looking a million miles away. Though it must have felt like his crotch was on fire and his balls were the size of lemons, his cock was hard and throbbing for release.
Maddy leaned toward him, her brown hair falling across her face, and slowly kissed him. Moving her lips across his jawbone to his ear... she whispered, ”Now babe, I want one last thing from you. I want you to cum for me. One last knee Rexy and then you’ll cum for me. You understand me?” Rex slowly nodded yes and his eyelids flickered open. “Such a good boy Rexy.” she purred. “Oh, and I want you to look at me while you cum.” Again he nodded in agreement.
Maddy gave him one more kiss this much more demanding and passionate. Her knee went back and came forward with the speed of a sprinter before she finished the kiss. Rex let out a silent scream as her knee crushed him. His cock spewed for what seemed like an eternity before it finally stopped. “You’re such a good boy Rexy. Now remember who’s the boss of this game.” she cooed as she began to pull down his track pants to clean up what he started and she had finished.

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Replies to This Discussion

I like this beginning!

Oh my god.  My pants are feeling VERY tight in the front right now.  LOL

Great story!!

now that's a day id like to have as well including the beach and sun;)

Excellent story and great mix of pain and pleasure!

Liking the story Coraline - v.erotic and great build up.  

Wow! Coraline,


Got to get my ball busting budy to do this to me!

Great story.

Balls! That's some serious sexy. And really well-paced and written too!

kissing with bb is incredible



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