I'd just like to say I'm open to any questions you may have for me.

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I love it...

Have you ever punched a dude in the balls

Yes i did, while messing around with some guys, i ended up punching someone there. 

I was outside a local mall with some friends, we met some boys for the first time, they were cute. One of them started to tickle me and wrestle around. He was much stronger so he was able to do whatever. I was getting tickled badly; i looked down and saw his legs wide open. I punched him really hard and he let go. He rolled around the ground saying "My balls, my balls". We all just laughed at him because he looked silly. I was 12 years old at the time if thats important to know.

Have you eve busted a guy for perving? And have you ever made a guy cry?

not totally perving like grabbing all over me, but borderline perving. Example would be the guy i kicked at that HS house party on my profile.

tender boy asked, 

You're curious to explore how kicks in the balls affect guys?  Or curious about busting older guys?

Or both?  :)

my response would be, I'm curious about both 1) to see the different reactions i can cause and 2) and I'm actually anxious to bust older guys  


That's cool.  As you go through life kicking balls (LOL) I think you'll find that different guys react in different ways.  It varies a lot.  I think it would be really interesting from your perspective to see what you can do, what you are capable of, how much you can make him feel it and kind of surrender to you in a way.  It must feel empowering.

May I ask what makes you interested to bust older guys?  I am an older guy (not old but older than you) so this is meaningful to me.  I love being busted by women of all ages but it would definitely be fun to try it with someone younger to see what it's like.  I think you'd have a real spirit for it and that would be cool.

This is a total guess on my part, but maybe you like busting older guys because there is more of a power trip?  An older guy is often a more established and mature man.  He's often a bit bigger and stronger than a younger guy.  So when you kick his balls and you take his power, sending him to his knees, it's kind of an even bigger deal than busting a younger guy.  It's kind of more of a challenge for you, but also more rewarding when you win, and see him down on his knees in pain from what you did.  Is that anywhere close to correct?  I am not trying to put words in your mouth.

why do i like busting older guys? maybe because it's last taboo thing i have going with this fetish, kicking guys older then me. All i've really had the opportunity to bust are boys my age. I do get lucky once in a while and i get to bust a guy 3 or 4 years older then me. 

Thanks for the answer, Leeanne.

You mentioned that kicking older guys is the last taboo you have left with ball busting.  What are some other things you felt to be taboo about it, that you have already accomplished?

I know that in general many people consider kicking men's balls to be taboo altogether, but it sounds like you're thinking of something more specific.

That might be a good subject for a blog post, asking people what they have experienced from society trying to make ball busting taboo, how they've been discouraged from thinking about it or doing it.  Especially the women here because it seems that many are taught as young girls "never hurt a boy there".  Maybe I will post that soon.

I think you should do that Tender Boy - post blog ... it would be very interesting  subject for me too. I live in a small country so there is less tolerance here for any fetish in general, or at least it is not that widespread. I guess only very few people here have heard about bb as fetish, or something sexual, or so ... I am curious what experience you - boys and girls - have with the society. What do people think about bb? Is it for them weird, disgusting, insane, normal, neutral etc... when a boy likes to get busted by a girl, or when a girl likes to bust a boy ?? It would be interesting to compare different countries or other categories.

I think Nicholas is right, i think this would make a great forum post if it's not already.

I posted a discussion about it here.  Please contribute if you like.  Thanks. 



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