Being a girl, I will never know what it really feels like to get kicked in the nutts. I've often wondered what goes through your mind just before the moment of impact, at the moment of impact and immediately after. And besides the obvious pain, what other sensations are you feeling physically throughout your body? I'd like to hear the cb take on this also. So describe to me in detail...what it really feels like to get Kicked In The Groin ツ

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away from the pain feeling, it takes away all my senses I hear ringing in the ears I can't think I can't hear I can't see I can't do anything, just like hitting your funny bone you just can't have anything else go through your mind but the pain

Ive never actually been hit in the balls asking for it it's just happened for reasons, and Id never ask for it it takes away the domiance, its not the pain I like I hate the pain its the feeling after about being humiliated by a girl and the thought of it.

"Id never ask for it it takes away the dominance".... that's hott ;)

I think it varies depending on who's busting you. I always think the pain is "numbed" slightly if it's a girl doing the busting, if it's another guy it's just not fun for me. The main rerason I enjoy ballbusting is because it's arousing- mainly because of the initial build-up- but also at the point of impact. The pain comes afterwards, which means you can enjoy it for the first couple of seconds, but you also enjoy the girl who's just busted you reacting to you. I don't reeally get the stomach pain thing, but i have felt nausea when ive been kicked REALLY hard... then again, I've got a pretty high pain tolerance anyway :P

I feel like most guys don't give a description a female can really understand.

This is the best way I can help you almost feel the sensations.

Balls are about as sensitive as eyes.  Not as fragile, or we'd be in trouble - but the pain is almost the same.  You know how sensitive your eyes are.  And they're safe in your head, except for the very front of them.  Close your eye and push on it a little.  Now, imagine you had two eyeballs hanging between your legs, completely unprotected except for a thin layer of skin like an eyelid.  Now think how much you'd be afraid to bump them into anything.  How would you feel if someone came up and grabbed them?  What if they squeezed?  How terrible would that be?  Now imagine a slap...   a kick...  now you see why the immediate reaction is most guys can't even stand up but fall to the ground and hold them, anxiously pleading for the pain to fade... sometimes it lessens after 20 seconds or so...  but after a hard hit it can take several minutes before it starts fading at all, and then very slowly...


Why is this a turn on to guys?  For me, it's because you're doing the ultimate thing you're not supposed to do to my most private parts and if you giggle it's a huge rush.  But for a few minutes after the actual impact, if it's more than a light hit, I'm often really in pain and not aroused at all - just thinking, what was I thinking, this is horrible!


I've heard it compared to a girl getting hit in the clit or ovaries. That's how my stories / RPs have generally assumed anyways. Of the women I've talked to, I've had some that say it doesn't hurt them at all, and other that swear it's just too painful for them to even think about it (whereas almost all guys will agree ballbusting is exceedingly painful) -- so your mileage may vary ^^ Biologically, the clit has a high concentration of nerve endings as well, the genitals are essentially homologous organs.

Well Johnny, I am a woman who will never know how much a kick in the balls hurts--that's why

I'm asking!! :) And unlike some women, I do care... I WANT to hear all about the pain and all of

the accompanying sensations that a man feels when getting his nutts pummeled. I DELIGHT in

it, in fact...and it only makes me want to kick em all the more ;)

Like a lot of people have said, the pain of getting hit in the balls varies a lot depending on the type and strength of the blow.  But the common denominator is that its an ache.  It doesn't burn or sting or feel like a bruise it's just a very, very intense ache.  If a guy is hit hard enough, the ache is so intense it just overwhelms you. You barely have the strength to curl into a protective ball. 

As you know, the pain radiates up into the stomach where the balls used to be in utero before making the fateful decision to migrate to a sack. It can be hard to breathe and, in extreme cases, I've felt nauseous. 

I'll also echo what Don said about eyes.  If you girls want to get some idea of what a guy feels when he gets racked, try this:  close your eyes.  Then gently flick one or both with your finger.  That sudden feeling of painful pressure is at least in the ball park of nut pain.  Now imagine a girl smacking her foot into your eyes as they dangle between your legs.  Yep, it really does hurt.

Aside from the pain, for me there is a feeling a vulnerability.

So I know the CB community isn't as big here, but I'm hoping to entice some participation from the ladies.  The guys have definitely shared some good details.  Are there a few women out there who are willing to talk about what a  kick in crotch feels like?

I can appreciate the comparison to eyes, Don and Rooomer...umm not a pleasant thought.
But, you both are telling about how careful you have to be with these fragile little things
dangling between your legs and how terrrrible it would be to have your "eyes" flicked or
grabbed at--and yet you both love to have your nutts kicked anyway hahaha.... boys :P

Imagining for the moment that I was not a fan of having my balls busted, and just wanted to avoid hurt, I would much rather have my balls hit than my eyes.  The pain might be similar but I think eyes are more delicate and would suffer injury a lot more easily, and the injury could be really bad like blindness.  So while the eye<-->testicle comparison has some merit, I think it might give women a little too much of a scare about how they should handle our balls.  I know I wouldn't want a woman to knee me really hard in my eye!  OMG!!  That would be insane.

But in my balls?  Oh yes, that's much better.  :)   I know it will hurt but I'll be all right.  Balls may not be tough but they are tougher than eyes.

My suggestion for a woman trying to imagine the pain of being struck on the testicles is to compare it to being hit in your solar plexus, the area just above your stomach but just below the bony part of your chest.  Even a medium strength hit there is very painful and makes it difficult to breathe, makes you want to fall down.  The pain centers higher up (obviously) compared to testicles, but the result is broadly similar - strong pain and difficulty breathing.

I get different sensations depending on whether they are getting squeezed or getting hit (i.e. kicked, kneed, slapped).  I've had my balls squeezed a few times to varying degrees, and the strength of the squeeze can actually trigger different sensations as well.  One girl I knew loved to start out by squeezing them softly and gradually increasing the intensity to make me squirm. 

When it started getting painful, I would feel a rush of emotion and sometimes even well up like I was going to cry, but it wasn't the pain that made me feel like crying.  The closest thing I can compare it to is seeing a really touching part in a movie that overwhelms you with emotion.  Like in Titanic when Jack stays in the water so Rose can have the raft, and it first hits you that he's willing to freeze to death to save her life.  I'm not sure why this is, but maybe it correlates to the sacrifice I'm making (a pair of busted balls) in order to provide a girl with some amusement/enjoyment.

There is a point, however, when the squeezing gets too hard and too intense.  I've only had this happen a couple times, but it felt like being trapped under water and not knowing if you're going to get to the surface in time for air.  Total panic set in and I started moaning/screaming as I felt myself losing all control.  When she let go, she was smiling from ear to ear.  It was SO humiliating knowing she had complete control over me, and I would have agreed to anything she wanted once that sense of panic set in.

You are the second person, Stanbrecht, to mention being overcome with a rush
of emotion while having his balls squeezed very hard. Garat said it was almost
as if he needed to be hugged and you are saying that you feel like crying, but
not because of the pain...absolutely fascinating to me that this triggers such
an emotional response. Perhaps it is because it is THE most vulnerable state
you could possibly be in, to have a woman have complete control over you by
squeezing the life out of your nutts. I used to do this to my ex during foreplay,
but I also did it with a close friend, with whom I had no prior sexual experi-
ence with, and perhaps it is because of that that I found his reaction to be
even more intense. All I know for sure is that it is absolutely ADDICTING to
have a man's entire world... in the palm of my hand ;)



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