Drawn By Knave

If you are a Ballbuster or Cuntbuster then state below where you are from, how long you been into this idea of hurting peoples crotch? Your orientation and your favorite ways to bust someone's crotch? And state anything else you think we should know...OR...Just make your presence known

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Hi Felicia, how are you? I'm really looking for a ballbusting partner like you, and would like to see about having a serious relationship too. Please contact me at my profile so we can talk.
Felicia Lambert said:
Hello I am 24 years old From the allentown PA area and I am a transgenderd woman I am a ballbuster....I busted my first guy in middle school and it was a very exciting experience for me. I love the Idea of it and its hard to find people who is into that in my area...I am looking for a guy who is ok with me being transgenderd to bust him aybe develope into something serious

do you still go to college in va? if so would you like to meet up?
Nancy the Band Nerd said:

I from Maryland, but I go to college in Virginia. My first bust was at 12 years old, it's been about 12 years now that I consider myself a ballbuster. Never kicked a girl in the cunt, not yet anyway. I'm totally straight and I prefer the knee.

Wish I lived near you... i you ever travel to Barcelona, let me know :)

Felicia Lambert said:

Hello I am 24 years old From the allentown PA area and I am a transgenderd woman I am a ballbuster....I busted my first guy in middle school and it was a very exciting experience for me. I love the Idea of it and its hard to find people who is into that in my area...I am looking for a guy who is ok with me being transgenderd to bust him aybe develope into something serious

i like kicks but dislike grabs n squeezes

I'm from Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador. My first time i hit anyone in the crotch was 20 years ago or close to it. My sexual orientation is definitely str8 (I like boys). I found my favorites are the kick, the knee and the hard punch. When confronted I will fight with the heart of Grizzly.

I've started to like it first now. For each day that passes, I think more and more of this. My favorite is to punch my boyfriend on the scrotum. He do not like it and it makes it a little more exciting ...


Lucky him :)

I'm a BALLBUSTER. I'm from all over the world. Both my parents are from France, I was born in the UK, I've lived in Turks and Caicos, New Caledonia, Singapore and now San Francisco. I do have a bit of a Bi gene, but men are my preference. I'm not sure what my favorite hit would be, but looking on my past, I'll say the knee.

Nice to meet you Colette.  In San Francisco myself.  I'm probably like most on here, early 30s, male.  The difference though that I bet I could take a harder knee than any of them ;)

Greetings Colette, fellow San Franciscan! Please consider joining the California Ballbusters group. :)  As for me, I'm man, 33y/o, downtown SF, and I adore ballbusting in the context of a relationship.  Self-defence & the like doesn't really do anything for me.

A ballbuster from Detroit, 20 years doing it, Into guys only. I think I'm liking the knee more.

28 male from Seattle. Novice cuntbuster and ballbustee. I am %100 straight as well so sorry guys but not interested. I enjoy self defense busts and spandex or athletic outfit busting themes.



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